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  1. Hi Sorry if this post is misplaced or echoes another previously posted also I wont mention any names or any personal details in this as I am purely after guidance and dont intend to cause anybody any trouble. I was offered and accepted a job in a small catering business at 40 hours per week. The buisness only employed three full time staff. After nine days of work I was informed by the buisness owner i would be let go due to slow business. Effective immediately I was made redundant and have in writing it was due to no fault of my own. Nether other members of staff knew about this and neither have had there hours reduced or lost there positions. I have asked and received in writing that I have been let go due to no fault in my performance but due to slow trade. I do feel slightly hard done by as there was no consultation and I seem to have been the sacrificial lamb in all this mess. I had no official written contract but a verbal one and a mixture of email and text exchanges and had also completed in my own time a food hygiene accreditation at the request of business owner, Just wondering if anyone can help advice me if I have any rights on this or if I lust need to accept I have been unfortunate Thanks for reading and if you want any more detail i will be happy to respond Cheers!
  2. As one of many caught up in sigma's latest antics with a part claim I'm about to submit a CPR Request to them. What's a reasonable time to allow for a response guys? Seven days like a CPR31.14 [my preference- I mean they should have all this info at their fingertips] or fourteen, as I've seen mentioned in a couple of places?
  3. As per title we called Sky the other day to give the 31 days notice to terminate all 3 services, thats the TV, BB & phone line\servies. It was made very clear that we wish to terminate all services including the tv. We asked for confirmation that we have yet to receive in the post but we have however had an email confirmation and the actual termination date. And yes, we are outside of the 12 month contract so no issues there. However, the email only confirms the termination of the broadband, phoneline and phone package. No where in the email does it mention any notice to terminate the tv service as well. Now we dont intend to give another seperate notice to terminate the tv service again as it's already been given, if not confirmed in the email but confirmed on the phone at the time we called to cancel everything for which the call to terminate has been confirmed and proveable via the email. So what are our rights or the next step we should take if Sky have indeed not took notice to terminate the tv service (funny how thats the part they make most there money on) and may well try to carry on taking payments for it after the end of next month?. We dont feel we should have to give a seperate or second notice to terminate the tv service if it was not properly processed there end and pay untill a later date than the notice we gave and was confirmed as we gave the notice to terminate everything over the phone due to income reasons. And seeing as we have confirmation of a termination of services (excluding or not mentioning the tv service) via email then there is proof that a call was made to Sky to terminate services. Assumingly they keep the calls, can we ask them to check the details of the call to confirm we gave notice to terminate all services?.
  4. I had a fault on my BT phone line which resulted in me having no phone and no broadband. I reported the fault on Thursday 14th June and fault was fixed on Monday 18th June, during which time all incoming calls were diverted to my mobile The problem was due to a "worn wire" at the exchange. This morning I phoned BT to ask for a refund for the days that I was without my phone and broadband but was informed that as they had repaired my line within 3 working days, there is no refund due, (they do not count weekends even though they seem to count them when they make their monthly charges) The member of BT customer services had to keep going of the line to ask another member of staff each time I asked a question. I found this on the BT site:- Failure to repair your service on time Day fault was reported Call Allowance or Daily Rate Rental Credit begins: Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Thursday Saturday Friday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Sunday Tuesday I know its not a lot of money but why should I pay for a service that I did not have for 5 days? Any advice please
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