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  1. My son got pulled over by the police for exceeding the speed limit and it turned out he had missed renewing his photo driving licence. The police have therefore impounded his car. He has to apply for a renewal which could take 3 weeks to arrive. My question is there any way his car can be taken out of the impound. My insurance company will not provide insurance for this specific requirement. In the meantime my son could rack up huge storage fees. Any advice gratefully welcomed
  2. I was convicted of having no insurance recently after a mix up with insurance companies. As a new driver i was given 6 penalty points. Yesterday (sat 16 june 2012) i received a letter from dvla saying my licence would be revoked with effect from 5 days from date of letter (13 june 2012). I was stopped by police at 01.00 hours today and they told me my car was not insured. I explained i had a short term policy cover with ecar from 16 june until 19 june and proved this on ipad via emails from ecar. Then they said my licence was revoked. I explained i got the letter yesterday and it said 5 days? They have seized my car! I found the letter from dvla and contacted police. They came to my house i went outside gave them the letter and insurance proof. They were very rude and said it was the 18 june today; i explained there was no time on letter and 18 june surely lasts until 11.59 this evening? They just drove off? Basically i just need to know where i stand and if the 5 day warning of revokement of licence is inclusive so i can get my car released! P.s i am not a boy racer; i am 40 and me and my family are already being harassed by police after a recent complaint not directly relating to myself. Thanks in advance julieI
  3. I bought my semi detatched house about 5 years ago, the house next door at the time was empty. So I thought it was a good enough area and I would not have any problems. After 6 months the neighbours on social security moved in next door, the word chav is best to describe them......one of them have been in jail for robbery and gbh, he is a teenager, the rest of the family not good as well. if you think of shameless that would describe them! I spent £1200 on fencing so they could not walk into my rear garden and start smoking in the garden shed (which I have since thrown out) When they moved in they started playing loud music, their children would bring their teenage friends and they will drink and play loud music. They burn fires in the rear garden and have started to damage the fencing which i put up one of the children broke my bedroom window about 3 years ago and i reported it to the police at the time that i suspected the neighbours. i installed central heating about 2 years ago, which cost nearly £3000. At the rear of my house their is a massive field from which thiefs at night walk through and enter the rear gardens of the houses and break into the house that way. About a week ago, I was out of the house for a few days and when I returned I found my rear patio door glass panel broken, the lock damaged all the radiotors ripped off the walls all the copper piping with the central heating stolen inc under the floor boards 2 giant holes in the ceiling where the piping was pushed through I reported it to the police who came to my house, they found my radiotors behind the fence in the rear garden - in the waste land. The only people that knew I was away was the next door neighbour, even the police told me it must be the neighbour but there is no proof. I am now installing a metal security grill on the inside of the patio door - as the doors open outwards into the garden. installing security grill over the kitchen window Can anyone tell me.............. is there a good cctv system that I can use which my sister can watch from her house which is 5 miles away? I am often away due to work, I dont have internet at the house. How can I find out who the owner of the wasteland behind my house so i can sue them for not fencing off the wasteland and allowing fridges, washing machines, needles and lots of household waste to be thrown behind my rear garden fence? The waste land has an illegal pathway that runs into the next door neighbours rear garden, even if it was not there robbers can walk through the wasteland and enter any house from the rear gardens under darkness Which is a good alarm that can detect broken glass in case someone tries to break into my house again I have had lots of dirty nappies, bottles and rubbish thrown into my garden by the neighburs they have also damaged my fence from their side of the garden they have damaged 1 concrete post in the rear garden which the fences fits in legally can i get the next door neighbours landlord details and take him to court for letting his tenants damage my property? how can i get details of the person the owns the waste land and force them to put up security fencing across the entire wasteland field to stop people walking through it - its a danger and health hazard, with fridges, tyres bottles, needles and household rubbish thrown into it How can I get the landlord details - I asked the neighbour once and she refused to provide the details Can I take the next door neighbour landlord to court or even take the neighbours to court? please please help, i am a single lady at home and i don't know what to do, the police wont really help me I am now too scared to move back into the house and have put my house up for rent and moved in with my sister, i need to get the wasteland owner to fence up the wasteland and get a good cctv system which i can hide somewhere in the house (as i dont have a internet so cant use an IP or internet cctv system) and catch the people because i know it will happen again, now they now i have moved out and put my house up for rent
  4. Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone could help, I am 21 and have had quite severe mental health problems for the last five years. I am now fully recovered and currently working towards getting a place ona nursing degree, I need to hold a health care assisstant job for a while to strengthen my uni application, however whilst I was unwell I had quite alot of police involvement when I ran away from hospitals, and had to be searched for and returned or when I did dangerous things during which they had to intervene. On one occasion, I was classified as being at risk of harming others, without going into detail ... during a very unwell episode I threatened to attack a friend. I have had an enhanced CRB done in the past, and on the other relevant info box the chief police officer disclosed how many times the police had had to attend to me (frequently) during which periods 2008-2010 (however now it will be until the end of last year... and went into brief detail about the risk to myself Ive caused and very detailed about the event where I threatened to attack a friend. I understand they cannot overlook what happened completely however I feel they have gone into too much detail. I phoned the CRB office last year and they said it would remain on there for five years, but I feel it will severely hamper my chances of working in healthcare, which is and always has been my dream. I have worked hard and been through therapy to address my issues which are all born from trauma... and I feel now this is going to make it very hard for me to get a job, even though I am desperate to take the next step into adulthood and life, and not be reliant on benefits. My question is ... How can I try and get this sorted, have the content toned down or taken off? Absolutely none of what I recorded is remotely criminal... it is all purely because I was unwell! I have considered contacting my local police HQ and asking if my psychiatrist writes a letter saying I am of no risk to vulnerable adults or children at all, whether this would help? Sorry for the long ramble, it's just I've worked too hard to let a bit of paper get in my way! Any help appreciated, happy to answer further questions about what happened etc... Just please post any ideas!! Thanks, studentnurse2b (Hopefully!)
  5. I have a residents permit for parking in my street. I was parked legally within the residents bays on my road with my permit clearly on display. My road is on the outskirts of a football ground and occasionally the police / council place yellow cones on the street when there is a match and we park elsewhere. Today when i left my house there were no cones and i left at 7am. When i returned home my car was gone!. i called the police and they stated they had towed my car because it was causing an obstruction!. They now say i have to pay for the towing and release of my own car. Can they do this? My car wasnt causing an obstruction. It was parked where i always park, clearly in my bay. How can they tow it stating its an obstruction when its in my own bay for which i pay a permit. The cones were not there when i left my house. and i did not know there was a matchday. I cannot believe that they can make me pay for it when its not an obstruction. Can someone please help me figure out first whether they can legalllly tow my car when its not in an obstructing position and when i left my house there were no cones in the road to state this day would be a restricted parking day.
  6. I went shopping to Zara (Covent Garden/ London) on 12. Jan. 2012. After buying two pairs of shoes, I wanted to try a jacket on and that was when I placed my bag on the floor next to me. While I was busy trying it on and looking at myself in the mirror, the bag was gone. I asked employees for help and they looked around but after a few minutes, the only answer I got was, "Sorry, it's gone. There is nothing we can do." I asked to see CCTV to find out what happened but a lady answered that there was no CCTV. Since I was in such a shock and all I could think of was blocking all credit/debit cards. After I came home to block the cards, I went to police to report it. When I told an officer what happened, he answered that ALL stores have CCTV and I was very ill-treated. After a few days, I went to a different branch to see if there was CCTV and indeed there was. (I did not go back to the same branch because I didn't have time to go all the way til there and I am still in the shock.) My bag, purse, gloves and a make-up bag were nothing compare to my USB stick for work. Since I was THINKING of making a back-up file, I had not done it yet because I NEVER loose my USB...(not until then...!) I accept the fact that the bag and all belongings are gone but I am very unsatisfied how the employees treated me. possibly not telling the truth to a customer whose bag was just stolen in the store? Because my bag is not their retail product, it does not matter if someone comes and steals it? I have expressed my disappointment through Zara's online contact form, but I have not received any reply yet. I want to send my opinion per mail but the only address I found was in Spain. I wonder how serious they will take my letter.
  7. Hi looking for a little advice My mother has been a customer with BAYV for some years now she has several products from them to a walue of £180 every 6 week she is 65 years old and is disabled about 2-3 month ago she found it really hard to keep payments and took the advice of a family friend to just stop paying which she did after a while she offered a reduced payment which she pays every week a few days ago some snotty manager phoned and told her they wanted the goods back - which my brother has sold most of she tried to say she would pay £20 a week but they refused and said they were phoeing the Police now she does not know what to do Can/Will these companys BAYV/Perfect Home get the police involved and if so what will happen with my mother Thanks in Advance.
  8. Okay, I shoplifted. And believe me, I regret it. The police were involved and I signed his notes, not sure if this has anything to do with anything (does RLP have any involvement with the police?) but just in case, because I haven't seen any other threads which are the same as my situation. The police officer also told me that I'd receive a 'small fine of around £70 from the RLP', which I thought was odd because I thought the police normally have to go through a massive procedure to fine someone, and the RLP have no legal rights to 'fine'.... (is this correct?) So anyway, I got a letter 3 weeks ago demanding the 'full sum of £174.39'.... I'm a student, obviously I cannot afford this and I think it is extremely unreasonable seeing as they didn't really have a loss at all. I got another letter today saying basically I haven't written back or paid, and it also says (which doesn't make sense at all and kind of makes me think they just copy and paste all their letters): 'Our clients offer of as contribution of £174.39 to settle this matter is still on offer. In absence of any response, our client is entitled to pursue the full amount of the claim rather than the contribution you have been offered.' This makes me a bit confused as the £174.39 was the original full amount.... odd. The letter goes on to say stuff like 'You are required....to respond to us to advise whether you wish to settle the claim, whether you wish to defend the claim, or whether you seek more time to respond. As failure to do so may result in cost sanctions........' etc. So basically, should I write back or just ignore it? If I write back, should I mention the fact that I am a law student and my mother is a legal executive and has a thorough insight to the law?
  9. I received a road side FPN for speeding a couple of months ago. I have a couple of issues with it though. 1. The officer has not signed the FPN. 2. The speed wrote on the FPN is different to that on the court prosecution letter i received. Was i supposed to be written to within 21 days of the expiry of the FPN payment date? Just to add, I refused to sign the FPN when I was given it as the officers were very abrupt. Where do i stand, can anybody help?
  10. Hi All, This is a long story so I firstly apologise for this but any help would be much appreciated. It begins with a domestic dispute between myself and my now husband. I got him arrested for pushing me during an argument and the police put an order stopping him from living or communicating with me until the court hearing. It was a scary time for me as although I still stand by my decision the police were very bad in dealing with this and told me that he could go to prison. I decided that I require legal help and on the advice of a friend contacted a solicitor in Watford. I called and after explaining my situation had an appointment. I had an hour of the solicitors time (please note that I signed nothing and did not pay a retainer, his costs and fees were never explained to me) and he advised me that he would contact my husband's solicitor. I was confused as this would be a break of the condition of bail which could send him immediately to prison and pulled the solicitor up on this:mad2:. He had already sent this e-mail and helped me with a letter to send to the police to ask them to drop the case. Soon after this the case was dropped due to lack of evidence and I received an invoice from the solicitor informing me that his fees were £350 but call it £300. I was shocked as I had an hour of time, an e-mail which he never should have written and a letter to police written by him. I asked for the breakdown of fees in a letter and did not hear a reply. I received the same invoice along with notice that if I did not pay within 28 days he would go down legal routes. Again, I sent the same letter asking for the breakdown of costs. Three weeks ago I had a very heavy knock at the door from a bailiff Marstons. I did not get to the door in time and a letter was shoved underneath. It was for a bill of £550 and for the removal of my goods. I immediately did a credit search on myself and saw that I had one CCJ from Watford County Court for the money owed to this solicitors in January of 2011 for £350. After doing more research I find that I have a case for the CCJ to be set aside. I am not entirely sure how to go about this all. I do not want to have another court date to deal with after everything I sent through last year and am now wishing that I just paid the amount even though I disagreed with it. Does anyone have any advice on this, the fact I signed nothing and the fact that I have not seen any information from the courts? At present I am so worried about having the CCJ on my record I would pay the amount if I could get it removed and this would go away. Is this possible?
  11. I have never had this kind of problem and let alone I was stupidly thinking!!!!! I am an international student and yes,me and my friend went to Boots to get cosemetics and we both took perfumes 4 each and they cost around £200 :-( . They called the police,I also got a RLP letter and they banned me from Boots. I will have to go to the Thames Valley police station tomorrow (They took my passport,the officer said ''I'm taking this to make sure you come'') I am very worried about how much this will cost me. My boyfriend has promised to pay this off for me but isnt it going to be too much?? Also.. .I will have to re-new my Visa in July and I am worried about the Criminal charges and stuff.. ..How much does this usually cost??? and will I be able to get my Visa???
  12. I'm not sure if this is the best place for this query, but here goes. A few hours ago I had a visit from a rather serious looking policeman. My first, which made me nervous before he even opened his mouth. Apparently, at the property I previously rented, Next Directory are claiming that I have committed catalogue fraud by taking out a catalogue and ordering goods in someone else's name. I can only assume that the reason they believe it was me was because I lived there at this time. I gave the policeman dates for when I lived there. Confirmed I'd not had a catalogue or received any goods. However, I stated that it's possible letters would have been sent to my address in other people's names, as I did get lots of letters for previous tenants at that address. What happens now? Am I going to get arrested for fraud? I'm concerned, as I don't know how I could possibly disprove receipt of goods, as I was the only one living there at the time! If I get a criminal record, I could lose my job! Is it worth me finding out how much is owed, and paying it off so that it goes away?! Or would that make it worse?
  13. Last week i did a really silly thing and changed the price on a pair of socks from £7 to about £3 and took a tiny free toy from what i think was a bottle of perfume in Tk Maxx. It was the most stupid thing to do, even although it was tiny, but i got stopped by rlp. I was completely honest with them from the start as i was extremely upset about what i done and wanted to rectify the situation. I answered all of their questions even although they were being incredibly rude and nasty to me. They made me feel like a proper criminal and said my details would be available for any retailer to see. I told them who i was currently working for and signed what they asked me to. Now im kicking myself though because only after leaving the shop did i realize that they had written that i had taken an item worth £25 when it was only the free toy- and i had signed the paper because i had been so scared :( also the police were not called at the time and the rlp men said that they were going to help me by not calling them- but i was asked to leave my job today because a police report had come through. Now im scared that its been made to sound more serious because the price of £25 was put on it. Ive prepared myself for the rlp letter after reading everyones stories however what i am now terrified about is if there is a police report now made, does that mean that the police will now be coming after me? Its really killing me at the moment so much that i cant sleep- im so ashamed of what i did but i dont want the police to come after me over something so tiny. Thanks in advice for any help
  14. Hi Guys, I've been given a speeding ticket for apparently doing 40miles an hour in a 30. Without preaching, I drive very cautiously and the area in question is non-residential and simply shouldn't be a 30 in my eyes (I wasn't aware that it was). Anyway. I've logged on to "safespeedforlife" and have seen the photos of the offence. Both photos say "39mph" but all other text on that page and on my letter tells me I've been caught doing 40mph. As well as this, the photo is unclear and from behind and many of us use the car. Is it worth me contesting this? Is this something I can realistically expect to get out of? Many thanks for the time of anyone who replies, Andy
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