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  1. Hi All I have a quick question for you all as I seek the best answers possible for my issue I have been renting a property for over 12 months now on an AST (Assured shorthold tenancy) and I have decided I would like to end the tenancy early. Reason being is that in December 2013 I reported to the estate agents that the boiler was not producing hot water nor was the central heating as hot as it should have been. On top of this, the boiler would lose pressure within 2 hours of the boiler being off resulting in me not having any central heating....... or... luke warm heat should I say! I would wake up in the morning for work to find there is no heating and I am like an icicle. I could only manage to get the heating on by physically filling it up with more water to increase the pressure They sent out an engineer just before the new year and he diagnosed the hot water issue but said he would return in January to repair it. In january I had nobody come to the property and I contacted the estate agency again who said that they will tell the landlord and send the engineer again. The engineer came in february and did nothing... again! (seems like he wanted to just make his money for not fixing the issue). He told us that he needs to get a specific part to give us hot water but wasnt sure why the boiler was losing pressure. He gave me his number personally and told me to contact him if the problem persists even though I told him the pressure problem persists I then had to take it upon myself to find a way to get some heat from the radiators by balancing them as bleeding them did nothing and I then at least had some central heating but the pressue issue still persists (Ice cold in the mornings and when I get back from work). I still also had no hot water either but was lucky the shower has its own heating supply. Then I decided it was getting ridiculous and I called the estate agents a number of times till it dragged into MARCH 2014. I let them know I was unhappy nothing was done and they immediately sent the engineer back to the house where he did a quick temporary fix to the boiler so we had hot water but said the pressure issue must be from a leak (a leak we cant find) and that he will need to come back in a few days to fit the part to have constant hot water. He returned and carried out the job but this was last week and it is now APRIL and the issue with the pressure still exists Now for the main question: Do I have any rights to end my AST tenancy agreement on the basis that the landlord/estate agents failed to repair the property in a reasonable time frame? I have no break clause in the contract but surely I am supposed to be able to rent a property that has warm living conditions. I must also add that the issue with the boiler has caused my gas bill to be sky high due to me needing to use it on full as soon as I return from work as the house is just so cold. Any help would be appreciated!!!! Thanks guys
  2. just a quick question. I have seen many posts advising that letters be sent removing this right. I know it doesn't affect court appointed officials, as some might believe( FOTL), but what does it actually mean? I ask because there are many houses where the door of the property opens directly onto the pavement. Does this mean that anybody can knock on the door irrespective of the letter being sent or can you place a notice on the property?:
  3. On 6th January 2012 I accidentally sent a £1400 payment to my credit card account instead of paying someone on my list of payments from my current account, the credit card one was underneath the person I wanted to pay. When I realised my mistake I called the bank (all accounts with the same bank) They said they would send the payment back to my current account, however ever since then I have been hit with balance transfer interest, and the BT balance has been constantly growing ever since, as has the interest on the "transfer balance" Something else which doesn't make sense is the BT interest is stated as 1.873% yet even with my card balance consistently dropping every month sometimes the interest has been higher than the previous month, I rejected a proposed interest rate rise and was offered the chance to close the account pay the balance off at the previous rate which I accepted, so my interest rate should never change now, I don't see how the interest can change so much on a solid rate, it doesn't appear to follow my balance. With the balance transfer interest the rate has never changed from 1.873 however there seems to be no sense to the amounts compared to the balance, sometimes its higher than previous month and sometimes lower The "balance transfer" has risen every single month the amount was originally £1400 and now the transfer balance is £2017.22 with over £550 already paid in balance transfer interest and the transfer outstanding balance has risen to £2017.22 that's over £1000 more than the amount that they put back to my account. I was never at any point told that this would happen, I was told that they would transfer the amount I had occidentally sent to my card back to my current account, both accounts are with Santy. Can someone please help as I cant get my head around this, is does not make any sense.
  4. Had great help when last visited the forum, about harassment notice my complaint now with the police, hope I can get help with my on going problem with parking on the right of way. There are three houses, 1, 3 and 5. 3 and 5 have a right of way over my drive, I, no.1 have a right of way over no. 3s drive. No. 3 let's no. 5 park on his property, my right of way. I have written to both 3 and 5 pointing out the covenants regarding the right of way and received no response. Two weeks ago I asked the police to visit no. 3 regarding the parking, to my surprise they agreed to speak to him. No. 3s response to the police was, despite the covenants, it was not his responsibility to stop people parking on his land and interfering with my right of way. As I have legal cover with my insurers I put the matter into their hands. Insurer informed me that my legal cover is for trespass and nuisance, that as I am not driving at the moment, I am waiting for knee replacement surgery, the courts would not uphold a claim for either nuisance or trespass. Would appreciate any input regarding this
  5. hi, I was declared bankrupt in 2010, for £36,000. The solvency service received £46,000 from two banks paying back the ppi, with the insolvency service charges, I still did not get annulment. Do I have a case of (right of action) towards the banks. Thanks for your help. Regards carco
  6. I'm currently going through a rough time with my Landlord (LL). I've had to resort to getting the local council to force her to do work on my property. As part of this they arranged in writing for my LL, her husband and a builder to look around. On the day she turns up with her daughter in tow, I say she can't come in as I was not notified about her visiting. She forces her way in and wont leave despite repeated requests to do so. I call the Police who advise that its a civil matter as they'd be unable to unpick who had what rights on the spot. So: Is that trespass? She's only the daughter with no role in the repair or business in relation to my property and was just there to gawp and sneer. I asked many times for her to vacate. Now my LL has a right to look the place over, she can have her husband as support and the builder will be doing the work so I have no issue with that. What might be my rights here?
  7. Sorry if this is a little complex, but, I have had credit cards to meet living expenses, for several years and have managed on minimum repayments never missed any. Then interest rates have rocketed. I had been working but had my hours greatly reduced in order for the business to continue operating (all of us had to do this) then due to an accident had to then go on benefits. A few times I have had my benefits stopped but appealed and got them reinstated. This has taken its toll. Currently I am in 20 thousand of debt to credit cards, I had repeatedly changed them to a 0% to try and make the money go further but now I have had them all on 0% and the offer has ended. Therefore I have written to each credit card to explain that I will be paying a small amount per month until my position improves. now, I think it won't, because i have to have an atos assesment to take me off my benefits and I know I can expect to have to appeal and live on an even smaller amount., if indeed anything at all. i dont own my house. I don't have a car. During a discussion with a friend, I am worried incase I should have told the credit card companies that I was no longer working as she says that this will be classed as fraud and if i havent told them of periods of time I claimed benefits I can be prosecuted. Because when i first got the credit cards i was working full time. Although I have never missed any payments, so havent breached my contract. ? Would they contact DWp at all? I can't see I have done anything wrong? What should I do? I feeled very stressed now. Thanks.
  8. Today I had a visit from Whyte and Co bailiffs. Unbeknowst to me I had a pcn stat declaration rejected by Northampton county Court. They wanted £517.84. they gave no breakdown. They never sent any letters, claiming I had lost my right to any notification of rejection or correspondence from them as I appealed. I paid them all I had (£600, and they are returning every Friday for £100 until the balance is cleared. I had to pay them as they were threatening to clamp my work van. I am being sent an N244 form by the court, but am sure they have not behaved in accordance to rules. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  9. Hi, I have a WDA loan which MMF claim has now been assigned to them, i have sent through a CCA request with the £1.00 po on the 9th july and revoked their right to a doorstep visit in the same letter, today however i received three letters from MMF.. 1st letter giving me notice that Mackenzie hall have assigned the legal and beneficial rights, title and interest in respect to this debt, 2nd letter threatening a doorstep visit 3rd letter stating that "in relation to your notification of your revocation of the doorstep license regarding our intention to send an agent to your home to discuss the debt. i can confirm that we are fully aware of this as we ensure that we fully comply with the OFT guidance regarding debt collection and visits by agents. you are not correct in your assertion that , under OFT rules we can only call at your home if you agree to make an appointment. The debt is not reasonably disputed or deadlocked, and we are giving you reasonable notice of the timing of the intended visit. In law a creditor is in a different position to a postman or a member of the public asking for directions. when you took this loan, you impliedly agreed that the creditor could communicate with you to discuss repayment. you do not have the contractual right to revoke that agreement until the loan has been repaid. yet you have frustrated our attempts to discuss the matter with us by letter or by telephone, we will not disregard any reasonable requests you make as to the timing or method by which we have those discussions. unless we hear further from you with such a request we therefore give you notice that our agent will be calling at your home address to discuss repayment of this loan. So there is no mention in any of these letters about my CCA request and it seems they can just visit anyway......any advise would be greatly appreciated. Swish1903
  10. Not sure if anyone can advise, but here goes I have been renting a house from my local council for approximately 10 years. At the time I took on the tenancy, I was given an AST. I was informed that as it was an AST, I did not have the RTB. I have reason to believe that my landlord would like to evict me (although been a model tenant) so they can sell my home for capital receipts. Having looked into the relevant Housing Acts, it appears that the LA could not legally have issued me an AST, and I believe that despite the fact that an AST was signed, I am in effect a Secure Tenant. Obviously if I was a secure tenant, I should have RTB as property is not of a type that is excluded from RTB. How would I go about trying to get my tenancy amended from an AST to secure? Obviously it would not be in landlord's interest as it would mean I could purchase property at 60% of the value, instead of them selling to a third party for higher value. Also, if I apply and they accept I have RTB, is there any way to challenge the landlord's valuation if I believe it has been inflated(padded out)?
  11. Parked in a side street off a main road, many other cars parked there on the day, it was at the side of a cscs test centre, but mine was the only one booked. The offence stated was parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Id have thought though that the dyl were to stop people parking on the main road and cant see why I should be charged for parking in a side street with no dyl on the ground. Should I refuse to pay it? Thanks.
  12. Hi all,just wandering if the right to buy on my house value 175000 where I get 100000 from the council as a right to buy...what figure is used for stamp duty.....the 175000 or 75000 after the right to buy of 100000 "...hope you understand this...tks
  13. Hfc sent a letter after a claim asking for copy of the agreement and proof of final payment. The offer they have made falls short. I tried to phone the number but the guy I spoke to does not appear to understand what I'm saying. Again a call centre abroad. Can you look at this agreement and figures my spreadsheet so simple but they cant seem to accept it. They have stated total payments £526.75 = 8% 388.93 Total 915.68 Falls short according to my spreadsheet . They cant tell me where they got figures from in fact no help at all . Just need it checked prior to me sending a letter requesting breakdown.
  14. Hello all, Apoligies if this has already been covered but basically on the 11/04/13 I (stupidly) took out a logbook loan with Mobile Money's Wolverhampton branch against my car. At the time I was desperate and needed the extremely low amount they offered me of £250 and I took it in a moment of despair. However, as you can imagine with a company like this the APR is extortionate and after reading through my loan agreement I have noticed a 'Right of withdrawal' clause. As I am now in a better financiial position I would like to exercise this right and pay them back the £250 they originally loaned me plus the £25 admin fee they will add on and the 99p interest added on daily. My question is this, what do I put in a letter to them informing them that I wish to withdraw from the agreement? Should I pay them in cash and in person as I do not want to hand any money over until I have my logbook in my hand. I am also concerned that they will attempt to take money from my card in addition to me paying money over to them to cancel the contract. (I dont trust these types of companys as far as I could throw them) Any advice would be massively appreciated. Regards, Ellis
  15. Hi, i have a question regarding the baliffs right to enter. I have a 23 year old wayward son, who has accumilated £1400.00 of unpaid fines. It would appear that he has given our home address as his home address. He has never lived at this address, nor did he live at our last address. we recieved letters from marstons to start with, i replied, they replied and asked me to send them my council tax bill to prove he didnt live here. i said NO, my council tax bill is none of your business. A few weeks later a knock on the door, 2 guys from marstons turn up wanting to come in a see my son, he doesnt live here i replied, we need to come in and confirm that they said. I replied FO and they did, never to be heard of again ( so far ) that was about 2 months ago. i have now received paperwork from a company called Collectica, telling me that they will be forcing entry to my property under the DVCV act. Do they have the right to enter if the debtor does not live at the address and who's job is it to prove he doesnt live there.
  16. Hi I have just under £40K in unsecurred debt through 5 creditors. I have been to CCCs who have recommended a DMP. After goping through the budget it looks like I have a surplus of £718 per month to pay towards it meaning if interest id frozen i can be debt free within 5 years. all sounds a bit too good to be true so have a few questions: 1. How likely is it my creditors (Halifax, lloyds, HSBC, Tesco) will freeze interest? 2. Can I still pay £75 month to my pension? comes out before taxed And finally the most important one for us is after the DMP is finished how likely are we able to get a mortgage? We have one now and are not looking to move for probably 10 years if at all? thanks so much in advance
  17. Hi, My house insurance with Santander auto-renewed in September 2011. Being new to house owning, I didn't realise this could happen and took out a policy with Deeside/Aim for the same period. As it was paid by instalments, and a very busy year, I didn't notice I became aware of this when the renewal came around and contacted Santander. They said "we call this a dual insurance and will honour a 50% refund", They asked for Deeside's schedule and then refunded me 50%. I contacted Deeside, who asked for Santander's schedule and seemed to be going along with the situation. Since then they have been "palming me off". Are they obliged to give me a refund? Thanks for any help.
  18. I have just received my statutory credit reports back from both Experian and Equifax On my credit file I have numerous searches, 22 in fact from Lowell Portfolio I LTD, as documented below. There is 22 searches within a 6 month period, a few times 3 times a day and 2 times a day Searched 01) 09 MAY 2012 2 times this day 02) 09 MAY 2012 2 times this day 03) 15 MAY 2012 04) 21 JUN 2012 2 times this day 05) 21 JUN 2012 2 times this day 06) 28 JUN 2012 07) 06 JUL 2012 08) 28 JUL 2012 2 times this day 09) 28 JUL 2012 2 times this day 10) 23 AUG 2012 2 times this day 11) 23 AUG 2012 2 times this day 12) 28 NOV 2012 3 times this day 13) 28 NOV 2012 3 times this day 14) 28 NOV 2012 3 times this day 15) 03 DEC 2012 2 times this day 16) 03 DEC 2012 2 times this day 17) 06 DEC 2012 3 times this day 18) 06 DEC 2012 3 times this day 19) 06 DEC 2012 3 times this day 20) 15 DEC 2012 3 times this day 21) 15 DEC 2012 3 times this day 22) 15 DEC 2012 3 times this day This doesn't seem right to me, 3 times somedays, what do they think I am doing Moving in the morning, afternoon and at night, am I classed as a flight risk, do they really think I will be living somewhere different 3 times a day, and 22 times in 6 months. I also have a few defaults from Lowell one of which is a duplicate of another one from Barclays Bank for £102.00, so I have 2 defaults for the same default. Lowell are refusing to send me proof they own the debt (Is this called an Assignment?? because this is what I asked them for) and they are refusing to remove it, I have not yet called Barclays Bank. Thanks in advance for reading, David
  19. Hi each & all I have not posted for a while, so hopefully I can be informed whether I am right or Adrian Flux is right, I recently took out some Car insurance online via one of those compare websites For a new car that I had to pick up ( 300 miles away ) all the details I gave them were correct and I got a very reasonable quote, I do two jobs and got a quote for both, as you do trying to find the cheapest Policy, I paid the insurance in full there and then via Credit Card and I got a policy number through my E-Mail ( NO DOCUMENTS THROUGH THE POST ) I picked the car up, drove it back the next day I get a call from them asking for me to ring them as they have a few queries, I rung them and found there question's to be just way to personal, I think the even wanted my DNA structure, I was not happy with this at all as I have never ever been asked such personal unrelated questions just to insure my car, I then get a letter stating that they won't insure me down to "Unacceptable Occupation" I am a Plumber/Security Guard, and they canceled the policy on this basis I telephoned them as they had not refunded my money and was informed a letter had gone out that I had to sign and return relating to the policy that never existed as it never got past there underwriters, then the cherry on the cake, they claim there is a set up/ cancellation fee of £30.00, now I don't get this, how can they charge me a set up fee when it never got past the underwriter, and a cancellation fee when they canceled the policy not me? am I right or wrong here? my Credit Card company claims they have looked in to it and there is a fee for cancellation's but surely this applies to if I cancel not them? am I right or wrong in thinking they are trying to have my pants down :/
  20. Hello everyone, I have been fined by TFL (needles to say it was incorrect fine) but I missed the deadline to appeal due to a mix of business responsibilities and personal health issue. Can I still object this fine? I have enough evidence for my appeal and I am positive I will win, but legally do I have the right appeal when I have missed the deadline? Many thanks
  21. I just joined a few days ago with a post about impending court action from my water company. Someone then told me they'd moved it from the section I posted it in, and put it in the utilities section. Another poster suggested moving it, and then another said I should start a new post, as I had put it in with another post of similar subject matter. I'm new to all this and really would appreciate some help on where to post, and sorry if I am in the wrong secton now. Thanks for your help.
  22. I owe £15k to Barclays bank (inc egg, current acccount) (unsecured)a nd have arrangement to pay them back at £1 a month. I have a mortgage, which the mortgage company (Santander) have allowed me interest only payments for two years but from March goes up to present rate and I will need to find £1100 per month. Due to redundancy I am not working. My partner who is over 65 cannot work because of illness. We are putting our house on the Market today to downsize. If we pay off the £15k we will have trouble finding a property to buy. If we buy new property can we still arrange to pay the debts on a monthly basis (say £100 per month) or do we need to pay the £15k when we sell?
  23. Hi New to the forum and wonder if anyone can advise. I'm currently in dispute with my own and the third party insurer about the fault / liability of a recent accident. Do I have a legal right to view the statement given by the third aprty to their insurer. Many thanks.
  24. Hi there, this is my first post in this part of the forum so please bare with me: A friend janey, received money from abroad (inheritance) from a sanction country. She only went ahead and accepted the money from the country because she verified it with the local branch manager who took photocopies of all relevant documents and gave her the green light to go ahead with it. A year later, Janey received a letter from Barclays stating that they will be closing the account, no reasons given. So after a weekend of fretting, janey speaks to Barclays and they informed her the account is being closed for being in breach of sanctions in 2 months time and funds need be transferred. Are Barclay's allowed to do this? Despite a Barclay's employee advising Jen that it was fine for her to make the tfr? (evidenced) Barclay's subsequently informed her that the Barcs Employee, misinformed her! Well she acted on his information to her detriment. He should not have advised her wrongly? that is Barclays balls up surely? Is the bank going against the unfair terms or something along those lines. It is causing her a great deal and hassle. Any advice greatly appreciated All the best BB
  25. http://news.uk.msn.com//blog/trending-blogpost.aspx?post=e84ba8c5-7672-4fef-a927-cafce819d324&_nwpt=1 If i read that article right , even tho i dont usually quote MSN, we cant be stopped from internet use lol. I apologise if this is posted in the wrong subforum.
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