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  1. Hello I am having trouble getting money from my ex-husband via the Child support agency. My ex-husband has logged a change of circumstances which they have investigated and they have come to the conclusion that I am no longer entitled to receive child support for my three children. I have checked their website and the only conditions that someone will be assessed for Nil payment are; in prison, in a care home, is a student, or between 16-17. Therefore I rang the CSA to appeal against the decision. They refused saying that it will not be re-investigated as they are confident that my ex-husband has provided sufficient evidence to explain why he cannot support his three children. So why do I have the right to appeal if they will not re-investigate it? Therefore I asked them to consider a change of circumstances as I am aware that my ex-husband has worked and received cash for this and also it states on a social media site that he is working. The refused to log a change of circumstances as it was too close to this decision and even if he has earnings coming in they are satisfied enough that he does not have to pay child support? How does that happen if he is earning, why does he not have to pay child support? No one has asked me if I can afford to support my children (which I can't at the moment). I really need any help that you can provide me with this as I am getting nowhere just further into debt and my ex-husband is getting away scott free.
  2. Hi, my friend opened a new case with the csa a year ago. She has received no payments yet as her ex says he can't afford to pay the amount due (it is 15% of his wages). He is now appealing the csa decision, his main reason is that he wants them to take his outgoings into consideration. We thought outgoings didn't come into it but if that is the case why is the appeal able to go ahead? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Hi Hope someone can offer some advice. The father to my children tells the csa he earns 125 a week. He gets away with this as his son who is his accountant fixes his books, therefore the csa follow the tax return that Inland Revenue have accepted, and they say there is nothing they can do. I used to do his books, he earns over 600 a week. He told me before going to CSA he would get son (from previous relationship) to fix books so that he wouldnt have to pay much csa. (his daughter in law works for CSA so knows what he needs to get wages down too) 125 is less than min wage, he works 12hrs a day (earning 100) , he has mortgage of 260 pm and monthly bills that would take him easily up to 500 pm......there fore what money does he have left to feed himself, cloth himself, drink like he does, go out, run car etc etc....not only this he sees his children twice a week(not overnight) and spends money to buy them pointless magazines/trinklets, mcdonaalds, clothes (which they dont need) it equates to about £50 each week.....work this out and its £200 pm....so clearly he must be earning over 125 a week....he just could not survive on 125 a week, its impossible.....how in the hell can inland revenue not see this??? I struggle to feed the children and pay for utility bills, clubs and petrol to run them to these clubs, we are on border line, yet he happily flashes cash on them for rubbish (prob to rub in my face) but then declares barely anything to CSA, and refuses to think he should pay for their actual upkeep which Im doing on miniscule benefits. I cant work because cannot afford child care, and have a child with special needs. how can he think (despite how much he hates me) that it is appropriate to not pay for their upkeep which would actually benefit his children. Even the children know he earns more than 125, theyve worked out he couldnt survive on that! he has even told one child he has plenty of money and earns more than 100 a day! I go out of my way to be amicable with him seeing the children, all he does is be manipulative, play games and try to punish me. He doesnt want to give ME any money, but its not MY money, it is for his children, and thats exactly where Id spend it and he knows it. it would help the children have nicer things like their friends, enable them to use the internet, feed them decent food, pay for clubs that benefits their socialisation and the petrol to get them there and to school. Hes lying to inland revenue to avoid paying tax and avoid an appropriate payment to CSA....they say I should report him to inland revenue, but ive heard theres not much point as they dont investigate it?
  4. Hello People, Your help would be greatly appreciated and is URGENTLY needed. I recently found out my only bank account has been frozen using an Interim Thrid Part Debt Order obtained by the CSA. The relates to a liability order I know nothing about and had no notice or summons provided to me until I got a letter from my bank. I am currently not working and or not claiming any benefits since I was banned for driving under the New Drivers Act for not completing a £60 speeding fine. I have been writing for nearly a year to the CSA trying to get them to correct their assessment with no avail; they are an absolute waste of time and I cant even access a penny of my money I was living off left to me by my late grandfather who sadly passed away. I have a final hearing on the 28th February were they are basically going to rob every penny of my money. I have been told numerous times by CSA representatives that if you are living off savings with no income they make a 'Nil' assessment. I have made a complaint to the CEO of the CSA, however I worry that this is going to be too late. Is there any other means to my disposal to help me access my money? I cant even get a solicitor to help me; its not that I am being non-compliant and am happy to provide for my child. But if the UK government removes my licence for such a stupid reason when there are drivers who have not been banned with 32 points on there licence what do they expect? Is there anyway to have this Liability Order set aside? Best wishes Dan
  5. Hello, I am asking this on behalf of a friend who is staying with us at the moment. A bit of background : He has children from a previous relationship and the CSA have been in touch to say he owes them 4 months arrears. He notified them of a new temping job in June and they said the would re-assess him (he had been unemployed previously). He called them again end of July and they said they were still trying to assess him. So this week gone he got a letter from the CSA saying he owes arrears and must pay immediately - he does not dispute this at all. BUT they have assessed him until 2011. He is going to be leaving his job in 1 week and returning to college Full time, he has already given notice to his temp job. He has been saving from the job he had to see him through until the college holidays at which point he will try and get another job. He will be living with myself and partner rent free as the college is only 10 minutes away. So my question is : After he pays off the arrears which he has set aside anyway, will he have to continue paying the rate they assesed him at until 2011 ? This will leave him with no means to go to college. He is returning to FT education to retrain so he can earn a decent wage to support his children.
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