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  1. hi all I had a vist from a swift bailiff for a unpaid tv license fine 2 days ago who said he had a looksmith on the way. I did not let him into my home as I came home from work and he was sat in his van outside my house and he told me I had 1 hour to find the full payment of 650 pounds witch I just cannot afford I made him a offer of 100-150 pounds a month witch in no way was he going to accept and kept threating me with removal of goods from my home within the hour until I saw the letter he put through my door before I got home witch stated I had 24hrs to pay he was not happy when I pulled him up on this so he left saying he would return in 24hrs if I had not contacted him with the full payment then he left. I then phoned swift to try an sort something out with them but was told by the first person I spoke to too explain my circumstances and he should be able to help me. so I rang him back and tried again but he just kept saying I would not be getting a payment plan and I had to pay in full amount by the time my 24hrs were up. so I rang swift back and ask to speak to a higher person in charge. when she came to the phone her first words were hello I can only give u the same advice my colleuges gave you to witch I replied so u will listen to me but not help me to witch she replied correct so I hung up the phone. so I rang him back up the next morning to inform him that they was no way I could pay fine and explain I have 4 children and a disabled partner and that id spoke to varous people regarding this matter such as citizens advice the courts and his own company with all more or less saying he could help me out if he wanted to it is in his hands. he replied by saying I thought u was a genuine person and thought I was going to pay and that I just said I was going to try to sort out to get him from my home and then ring him and say I was not going to pay. this made my slightly angry as ive tried my best to come to a solution even saying why would I ring u to say I cant pay if I was not trying to sort out to wich he replied listen I don't care what citizens advice the courts or any body has to say you will pay the full amount or ill be back next week to remove goods. so I told him u are supposed to come back today when then 24hrs are up not anytime he feels like it I just want this sorted. he said no ill come when I want to. ive been told by varous debt advisors not to let him in and get it reffered back to court but I no he can just get a locksmith and just enter my property witch ive been told nine times out of ten they wont do because they have to pay a locksmith there and then out of there pocket. i just dont no where i go from here im making offers but just wont aceppet any of them
  2. According to the Telegraph councils are having their wings clipped to prevent overzealous collection and issue of PCNs including possible banning of collection by bailiffs. Sadly it won't prevent Parking Eye, now part of Capita, et.al from ripping people off http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11453090/Motorists-will-be-given-10-minute-grace-period-when-parking-tickets-run-out.html
  3. Hi Can anyone help on where I stand on this Council tax due for £900+ to Coventry Council, court summons issued, court order issued, passed to Equita I since then re-payed the council all off the council tax due, via the councils portal and followed up with a phone called to check the amount owed was £0. This was done in November last year. I have be getting sporadic hand delivered letters from Equita chasing a further £310 for compliance and enforcement fees I wrote to them explaining that this debt had been settled and that the court order was as such no longer in effect and they should cease and desist from entering my property to post letters. fast forward to this morning (05/03/15) I have had a knock at the door from a Equita bailiff chasing the £310, during which another bailiff arrived, I called a friend for advice as they were talking about clamping cars etc. During this call, one of them took the opportunity to seize my iPhone and made demands for me to pay or it would be taken, a further £110 added to the bill and sold at auction today. I call the police, explained the situation, and they replied with its a civil matter and not our problem. I then had to make the full payment, under duress as I need my phone for business, as I made them aware at the time. I also got it written in the notes that the money was paid (by debit card) under duress and took photos of their bailiffs ID. where do I stand with this as as far as i`m aware the bailiffs fees are an unenforceable debt on the original court order and would have to be chased through the civil courts???
  4. Please help. I had a parking fine a few months ago, I had been made redundant( I am now working ), I completely forgot. I have a son who is in and out of hospital and a few health problems myself. I came home last week to an anxious son holding an envelope with 'DO NOT IGNORE' clearly visable in the window , it was a letter telling me that I now owed £450. I wote to the bailiffs company stating that due to my circumstances I considered myself a 'vulnerable debtor' and therfore they should have all further communication in writing and asked for the parking fine to be returned to the council so that I could pay it direct. I received a reply ignoring the vulnerable debtor bit, asking for £10 for the breakdown of charges and telling me to communicate direct with the bailiff. This morning there was a loud knock on the door and it was the bailiff telling me that he knew nothing about the letter and that he was charging me £54 for the visit. Please can anyone advise me? I am frightened to have any friends otr the kids friends round in case he comes back, please help
  5. This says it all well done the Judge http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/11748290.Debt_collector_jailed_over_fraud/
  6. Hi I'm new here I'm having a bit of confusion with Collectica , I have a fine for no tv license , rang court and said that they would send a payment card which never came woman on phone did say that a final steps or whatever it is called would be sent but not to worry as payment card will arrive ten days , as said no card arrived. I received a text message from Collectica before xmas saying to ring them and pay in full or arrange payment plan I tried to ring them several times and kept getting please wait while we find your file. I tried again afterxmas and got same , on 23rd January a man came to my door handing me an envelope and demanding i ring named bailiff on opening letter it was a removal visit letter, the named bailiff said I had till 30th January to pay I explained I am on a claim for jsa my partner claims as I have a ten month old baby he said he didn't care and wanted full payment. I went to CAB they rang n he still said full payment I received a text message on 29th from said bailiff saying I had till 9am to pay or he would be outnffrom 1pm on the 30th , on the Friday morning he sent another text saying 1 hour to pay if no payment to myself I office enforcement will be out at midday , he never arrived. I'm confused as from what I have read on other forums I have not received a letter of notice of enforcement this hand delivered letter is first letter I've had , I'm panicking a bit as I am away for two days from Monday but my partner will be home
  7. Between January 2014 and April 2014, bailiffs were visiting me for two CT debts. I informed the bailiff by email about my suspected Asperger's but they never responded. At the end of April I moved due to my landlord selling up, and no bailiff has visited me at my new address, but I'm worried they'll be back. I've started paying directly to the council and want them to take back the debt as I don't feel bailiff enforcement is suitable for me. However, they're completely ignoring my letters and emails. Before I progress to an LGO complaint, I've decided to email the council CEO based on a thread I read here. I've drafted this email: I was hoping you could help me improve it before sending it. Maybe strengthen my argument somehow?
  8. On 29th April 2015 the very popular Public Policy Exchange are holding a one day seminar entiltled: Dealing with Rogue Bailiffs and Protecting People in Debt. The 'subject' matter is very interesting indeed. http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/events/FD28-PPE http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/media/events/flyers/FD28-PPE_flyer.pdf
  9. I have today had a dreadful experience at the hands of Julious bailiffs, acting to collect a council tax debt. I was diagnosed with Cancer in October and it caused major kidney damage and left me for the forseeable future confined to a back brace and walking frame/wheelchair. I was in bed, half asleep and my mother was downstairs making some food for me when a man let himself in, calling himself an officer of the court. I have never received any correspondence from these people. I told him of my illness and the fact that I had a claim in with the council for assistance and also that benefits were taking an age to sort and we as a family were living hand to mouth. All of this having come downstairs on a stairlift to talk to him. He stood in the doorway inside the house, refused to leave and kept quoting his rights. I rang my brother for help, and also got on the phone to the council to try and get them to call them off. By the time my brother arrived, I had three bailiffs standing over me, refusing to leave, telling me they had sent letters and demanding money. My brother was angry at my distress and things got heated. There is no doubt my brother played his part in this, but mainly due to the condescending way he was spoken to and the fact that they were clearly trying to use intimidatory tactics with me. I was by this time parked on the sofa in a lot of pain still trying to get the council to listen. A scuffle ensued, during which my brother was called a "****ing prick" by the ringleader and asked if he "wanted some" I was forced to hand over documentary evidence of my illness, and they left. Luckily the council heard most of the episode on an open phone line and I am satisfied that they will not return. Surely I have right to complain? Was he really allowed to physically open my door and walk in uninvited? Is it reasonable to find myself being pressured by three bailiffs? SHould I not have received due notice that they were going to attend? I have never known anything like today in my life, and my mother was badly shaken up by the whole episode, and I am in bed, completely exhausted! Many thanks in advance of your assistance
  10. Just had a visit from a bailiff from marstons to my mums address who proceeded to explain everything to a 17 yearold who answered the door!! All this on her camera apparently. She told him that she was entiltled to come in and remove goods from my room for a court fine I had failed to pay which I did try to sett up a payment plan but they refused. I have been on benefits as was unable to work. This is a high court distress warrant and she says she is coming back on friday or saturday to remove the goods. I called her to see if I could set up a payment plan she saidf no she also said that she will be removing goods from the whole of the house as the warrent is on the whole house not just me. All the time my disabled mother and brother were getting agitated and distressed over all that was being said. Please help I need some advice what do I do?? What are my rights?? Many thanks in advance.
  11. Hi I'new. Joined up for some advice really. Last night my home was visited by a Bailiff from this company. My husband and I were out at the time and my mother was watching our 2 young kids (both under 5) He said he was a court appointed Bailiff and was there to collect unpaid fine for TV licence (2 weeks out of date and they summonsed me) Initially he tried to barge through my mother to get into the house. Scared for the kids safety she went outside and locked the door. She told him to do one. He refused to show her ID and she said he will need to sort it out with us. He thrust an unenveloped hand written 'Notice of attendance to taking control of goods' at her with all our details and debt amount (which has jumped from £300 fine to now £750) Mortified, I called his mobile and the office but got no joy. This morning he called me back and was nothing short of vile on the phone. I explained that this was the first I'd heard of his company and wanted to call the office to arrange to pay. He was having none of it. He was coming back at 5pm to drill the locks and take what he wanted. I had to Cancel my daughters 4th Bday party from fear he would return. I spoke to some people today called Step change that said it would deal with this company on our behalf He called at 4pm asking 'do you have my money' I told him about the advice I had received and he told me I was 'full of it' and he was coming back to smash the door down and 'take that nice big TV you have'. He did not return but my question is can he actually force his way into our house and where do I stand in terms of repayment Thanks
  12. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  13. Hi i had Marstons banging on the door this morning at 8.30am saying they were removing my car. They put a clamp on it and said a removal van would be there in half an hour. They then left and came back 30 minutes later. Its for an old council tax bill of £217 for which they want to remove my vehicle which is worth around £2,500 retail or £1500 trade, is this not classed as excess!? He's been sat outside for two hours now and has told me he will charge me £60 per hour to wait for the tow truck. I haven't signed anything so from what i can gather, he cant charge me anything other than the legal bailiff fees? I cant afford to pay now, i have no money coming in unfortunately and am in receipt of housing and council tax benefit. My only other income right now is working tax and child credits. I have of course offered to make a payment arrangement which he of course rejected! I have phoned the council but they have refused to do anything and said i have to deal with the bailiff. On the removal letter it says they'll also charge me £15 per day for storage. This is insane for a £217 bill! Any help appreciated?
  14. Well I know I have not been active within this forum for a while, but forgive me if I am wrong, BUT I was under the impression that a Bailiff could not levy on a vehicle which was on hp? even that of an HCEO? I have discussed with the council and they say get lost and speak with Rossies? the B said he can take Vehicle? Unless the rules have changed since I was last here, then what is the correct stance? Mr
  15. Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me! Last week equita bailiffs visited my parents address for payment on council tax i was unaware of due the fact I dont live in that property any more and all correspondence was sent to my parents address so I didn't receive any summons or anything. On Tuesday last week an equita bailif delivered an enforcement notice to parents stating I owe 621 plus 75 compliance fee and 235 enforcement fee. There was then a second stating i owe 247 plus 75 compliance plus another 235 enforcement fee. Firstly I don't understand why it has been split up. The bills are from the same address and sent on the same date. I have also read only one enforcement fee can be charged no matter how many liabilities have been charged. Do i have grounds to write to council to get them to return my debt and cancel my fees? Also the bailff was threatening action on my parents address where i have no property. I contacted CAB to make a payment plan and got an appointment because he was threatening to visit my current address even though no enforcement notice has been delivered here. From everything I have read on here and other sites it seems to me that this guy has breached regulations and I am being charged excessive fees I have rang the council and told them but they said there was nothing they could do and I had to talk to the bailiffs but I wanted to confirm that before i sent the letters you provide so not to make the situation worse. Also this is causing me alot of stress and I have a history of depression and anxiety. I have felt the need to go back onto my prescription pills due to this and have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I want it sorting asap. Would it be quicker if i wrote the letters to the council asking them to reclaim my debt or take the directly into the council offices?
  16. hi due to my own stupidity i broke an arrangement with Jacobs bailiffs to repay council tax arrears; (i thought id paid the last one but i hadn't - my own error totally admit that) They sent me a letter dated the 12th November stating that id broken the arrangement and that if i didn't ring them and pay or let them know that they would come and take goods. Now this letter didn't get here till the weekend, as i was at home till friday and then I've been away until today working. I rang up immediately the payment line to pay that last amount only to find they had added on another 75 pounds. What is this for? and how much longer do i have to pay this 75 pounds before someone comes round and demands another 235! i can pay it in the next 24 hours thats not a problem but i need to go to the bank tomorrow to deposit cash before i can do it. Ive had no further contact since that initial letter and i have had no visits for this debt at all so far Thanks
  17. The following important news item appears on the Action Fraud website today: http://actionfraud.police.uk/news/[problem]mer-derek-jones-calling-victims-claiming-they-have-to-pay-a-debt-nov14 Action Fraud has received reports of a fraudster cold calling members of the public claiming they must pay a debt or face having a bailiff sent round. The caller is purporting to be from a legitimate company called Jacobs, which is a traditional enforcement and debt recovery company based in Birkenhead. The fraudster calling himself “Derek Jones” claims that victims owe a debt and as a result are expected to appear in court in the next two days. The [problem]mer with a Scottish accent is also threatening to send the bailiffs round if the debt is not paid. Interestingly Jacobs do have an employee called Derek Jones – but the company has confirmed that he is an office worker and not Scottish like the fraudster calling victims.
  18. Please help i owe marston bailiffs £120 it was £170 i paid £50 last mth marstons are refusing to let me pay £60 this mth and £60 the mth after they are demanding £120 by tomorrow i cant afford to pay that i only work part time i have a dependent and im a single mum what can i do this is for a t.v licence
  19. Hi Everyone, My family and I would really appreciate any assistance/advice re the local council and bailiffs I think they've enlisted. Feeling very demoralized, no matter which way I approach the local authority, the result is the same. .. the continuation of their policies and my experience of complete helplessness. Hope I can receive some guidance in this matter
  20. I own my house and have 2 kids. My boyfriend has debts and bailiffs are after him. He wants to move in with me but I am worried about his debt. I have never been in debt and always make sure my bills are paid. I know bailiffs will end up coming to my door. How do I deal with this?
  21. Hello, I'm new on this forum so welcome all users . I have some problems with Gold's Gym. Me and my wife was on 12 month contract with Gold's Gym and after finish of contract we cancel membership. I spoke with the gym, but they told me that they need to charge for extra one month for nothing of course just because I call to late in their opinion. I didn't want to pay as I don't even use gym from 6 months as we have a baby and just pay it to not have problem with cancel chargers, but want to cancel it immediately after. I cancel direct debit and forget about it, but now some bailiffs send me and my wife letters that from 2x£35 monthly pay they wont from me 2x£167! Company called Credit Resolutions Services (CRS) send me a letter that if I will not pay it or make dispute or they will register CCJ against me. My wife have same letter. Should I worried or ignore it? They also calling me and texting. I don't know what to do
  22. Hi, I'm new to this site and I'm hoping someone can help me. My boyfriend and I live together in my house. He has another house which he was renting out but that tenant has done a bunk and left it in a right state. We weren't aware that she'd left until the council started chasing us for the return of the rent and council tax (it's a right mess). Now my boyfriend is getting threatening letters demanding the council tax for the year be paid. This includes bailiffs letters to my house saying they are going to turn up and seize goods from my home. Can they do this? The house and all the bills are In my name but my other half is on the council tax because he's on the electoral role at my house. What are my rights?
  23. Quick question, I now have facilities to pay council tax debt but if I pay council will I still be liable for bailiffs fees ? I am now on my third set of bailiffs, Rossendales dont even make the effort to knock on door properly, they tap post paperwork and drive off ! Whats that all about ? Also do I go to council and pay or do it online ? Thank you all
  24. Ive just received about 6 letters all at once this morning from Rossendales regarding unpaid council tax. We wasn't aware that the monthly payment were making was not covering any arrears so now we have an accumulated debt of £1300 As soon as I received the letters I rang Rossendales who have told me that the minimum amount they want each month is £180. Has anyone had any dealings with these people as I don't know whether its worth negotiating or writing any letters. I spoke to debtline as I was panicking as its more about the hassle they will cause and they told me to make a small offer and hide the car. I don't really want to go down this route but if that's the only option I am left with then I will. Any advice appreciated
  25. Hi, as it seems is happening far to often reading through this forum normal people are suffering at the hands of the almighty councils of our country and at the hands of lying bully boy bailiffs.... If anyone who understands the process better than me could offer some advice I would be eternally grateful! Here is my story: I got a PCN PCN removed from my windscreen so I never knew it occured(Kids seem to find it amusing to put them on other cars where I live ) I have been apparently been sent various Notice to Owner letters but Just after I got this ticket I moved house so obviously never received any Notifications. In fact to date I still have never had one piece of paper/letter presented to me or delivered to my new address asking for money! I got clamped out of the blue 2-3 weeks ago and filled out an out of time declaration which was accepted on the day. They however had my van clamped for 2 days, the bailiff trying every trick in the book to get me to sign to admit the debt or giving permission to levy goods. The warrant was of course at the wrong address. I waited for northapton court to uphold the out of time but I have just received a letter back saying this has been refused and all the action is now back on. I believe this is because whilst moving I didnt tell the DVLA of my change of address (a genuine mistake in the stress of moving but a mistake nevertheless) I am now facing a disproportionate fine (which seems way too common reading in this forum) of over £500 for an unpaid parking fine. I can appeal by way of n244 which will cost me £155 which seems the only way I can be heard, the court have received evidence from the council which has stopped the Out of Time. My question is am I throwing good money after bad if I proceed to go to court and actually be heard as to what has happened? If I pay the bailiff before they turn up do I have pay an attendance fee if they dont attend? Can this really happen? i.e. hold me to ransom with the threat of clamping when everyone concerned knows I have never received a demand for payment as I live at a different address, send me a bill and I will pay it!!!! Any thoughts help or guidance is gratefully received. Thanks in advance
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