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  1. Not sure if this is the appropriate forum, but here goes. I dissolved my Ltd company back in October 2011 through Companies House. Had no outstanding debt through the business (or so I thought) so it all went through without any problems. Last week, I received a final invoice from my accountants for services up to dissolution. The invoice is to me personally. Am I liable for this debt? I've checked the agreement between my company and the accountants and as far as I can see there is nothing in there that transfers any liability to me. Are they trying to pull a fast one? Note: My understanding is that Directors of a company are shielded from these types of scenarios unless a personal guarantee is signed. Is that assumption correct? Any help would be much appreciated...
  2. Hi Guys, I have received a few letters from Clarity which started with the usual we are trying to contact someone, which I ignored (why help them?) then came the "you owe us loads of money" letter, which I also ignored because I see why I should ring them or do anything initially. Then came the "we will send round the FieldCall people to discuss the fact that you owe us loads of money" letter. I was not too purturbed because a) I had been chased almost a year ago for almost the exact same amount by Lowell, who finally admitted they were wrong and appologised for writing to me (I had written a very polite "prove it" letter), and b) I recently came across these forums which are a revelation. I wrote a letter back basically saying, very nicely (I think) - prove it, and I don't want you sending anyone round to talk to me about it. Today I received the attached letter (suitably redacted), to which I want to reply in this way: Dear Clarity, If you don't know who I am, then stop accusing me of owing you money. Yours faithfully, etc. What do people think? I don't wish to fire flaming letters at them, because I feel that that sort of thing can later predudice things, if, for some reason it all turns sour. I am not worrying particularly, but would like to ensure that my response is measured and reasonable. Any advice?
  3. I have been contacted by credit solutions ltd. on behalf of the Department for work and Pensions demanding a repayment for a debt i do not owe. They have sent me two letters, one checking if they were contacting the right person which i did not reply to(in this letter they had me registered as living at my previous address) and a second letter demanding a repayment with threats of home visits to collect them. I think that someone now living at my previous address has used my name to run up this debt because as i far as i know i do not owe any money to this department, they also have my national insurance number. I need advice on how to proceed and want to know if these threats are real?
  4. I posted on a thread a couple of days ago, and it struck me that the OP was most of all paralysed because he didn't KNOW that the DCA was in fact powerless, and the forum is so big now that it takes a lot of searching to find the gold so to speak. So.... I want to create a guide to DCAs, and make sure that when people Google any of those names, the thread is at the top of the search, so that first of all, they can be reassured. If they're not afraid, they can start thinking logically and then fight back, but first they need not to be scared anymore. So, I want to name them all, so I am going to post here the ones I can think of, please add to the list. Also if you see one on the list and there is no documentation, could you please post a copy of their template letters (washed of all info, but you knew that, right? ). Ultimately, I want someone to type "Lowells" in a search engine, and they will see their MO, a copy of their threatograms, etc... and so, once that thread is live and going, I'll be asking every one of you to help publicising it, but that's in the future, obviously. (I'm away all next week for starters, so I won't be able to start compiling until after that, but in the meantime, all info is welcome. PLEASE TRY NOT TO DUPLICATE THE INFO, SEE WHAT OTHERS HAVE POSTED FIRST!!!! Thanks, BW
  5. Hi all, MBNA have finally decided to respond to my CCA request, 12+2 days was up on 31st January BTW, and the letter makes no sense to me. Are they trying to confuse me and hope I'll go away? I've stopped paying them as they failed to respond to the CCA request until yesterday and they've still not sent the correct details TIA!!!
  6. We have been fighting a repossession claim and lost on Thursday when the Judge gave them a 28 day possession order. We disputed the charges ie interest rate and penalty charges. We believed we had a strong case and that we had been miss sold the mortgage but the Judge said that was a separate matter and reluctantly gave them the Order - anyone know where we go from here the difference in what we say we owe is about £20,000 and rising. Our debt is from a bridging loan have charged us extortionate extension fees, as well as compound interest which was not agreed. We originally borrowed £137,000 and now owe £220,000 plus 2 years later. There were no monthly payments due under the contract and it was agreed that the loan would be paid back after 12 months. The lender refuses to talk to us and have even threatened to take seperate legal action against us for referring the matter to the FOS. It seems that they can put whatever amount they want in their Particulars of Claim they are even charging interest on their solicitors fees which are going up each day. Can we do anything to dispute the amount we owe them. We have a sale going through but can't exchange as their redemption figure is wrong and keeps rising
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