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  1. Hi I am hoping to get som e advice, please bare with me though as I am totally new to all this. My partner has been suspended from work following a preliminary investigation, the investigation began on August 21st when an anonymous letter was received by his Area Manager claiming he had been for want of a better word skiving work and coming into work with a hangover. His area manager immediately accused him of lying, prior to any investigation and removing him from incentive (bonus) in effect punishing him without giving him any opportunity to defend what he was being accused of. He was questioned at length regarding his whereabouts over 1 1/2 days in July, specifically 4 hours one afternoon, and 2 hours when he came home due to a Migraine. He can account for his wherabouts for the 4 hours on the afternoon, despite the maliciousness of the letter accusing him of being elsewhere, the evidence they have produced in a screen shot of my partners Facebook page!!. Being accused of a hangover was actually a Migraine, and the only thing he did wrong regarding that was that he didnt follow procedure by letting area manager know, but he did let his colleagues know. Roll on lasr week when he was again called in for a second meeting, beleieving that as he had accounted for his whereabouts that the investigation would be finalised and there would be no case to answer. The second meeting was drawn to a conclusion by the investigating officer, who then adjourned the meeting and told my partner that he had to consult HR as he was thinking of suspending him. My partner was shocked and upset, he has worked for the company for 5 years, is in a senior management role and has an exemplary record. He was suspended at the reconvening of the meeting, he was so upset as he has done nothing wrong apart from the minor indescretion of not informing his manager that he was going home ill. Today a full 6 days after suspension he has received his letter advising that he is suspended for "unauthorised absence, intimidation of staff and breach of trust", apart from having to wait 6 days, none of these were mentioned verbally by the investigator, he merely said he was suspending him "to protect the business" I am stunned to be honest that they have invetsigated on the basis of an anonymous letter and a Facebook page print off! For his part he hasn't been sat around doing nothing, eventhough we weren't sure of the content of the suspension letter until today, he has been collecting specific policies, and has been putting together a statement and his own evidence that challenges every aspect of what was in the investigation notes , the only bit he can't skirt around is that he SHOULD have contacted his Manager when he went home ill. I don't really know what I can do or say to advise him
  2. Good afternoon all, Just after a little advice if I may please? I recently received a letter from Halifax explaining that a PPI claim was being made. I approached my ex and questioned this and she admitted that this was true, she has involved a third party to act on her behalf. Unfortunately for her Halifax have sent me a cheque for 500+ Pounds. Now this has come at a very needy time for me and she has now got very disgruntled at the fact that her PPI company have been by-passed and I have already received money. Had it not have been for Halifax I would not have been aware of these claims being made on her behalf but the concern I have is that we also had two mortgages together (Both settled in full) and a couple of other secured loans in joint names (also settled in full). Unfortunately I was awarded nothing when our home was sold off despite being out of work when we split. 6 years down the line I am still struggling away with my new family. I have a concern that this very money orientated person is trying to claim the PPI back on joint accounts for herself. Is anyone able to advise of the legalities involved in such a case please. Kind Regards 2deceitful
  3. Hi I'm new to this and have been reading some similar situations and would like some help and advice. My situation: I picked up my partner's student oyster by accident one morning in a hurry thinking it was my oyster as both had same wallet. I used it on a bus then had to change bus due to nature of journey. I then noticed that it wasn't mine and had a fumble in my pocket to see if mine was there which it was. When the bus came, I got on and don't know what possessed me but of course I did the studpid thing and touched in with his card. Towards the end of my journey one of those ticket officers came on board and asked to check my ticket so I touched his card on the machine. Then she asked to see the photocard and not knowing what to say I said it didn't have a photo! But of course I showed the card and it had his photo. I told her it was my partner's but I had my own discounted card and showed it to her, and told her his card was a yearly pass. Next I received a letter from TFL stating that legal proceedings may be taken against me and if I had any comments to make. in an attempt to salvage his card as he needed it I wrote to TFL apologising that I had made a mistake and am sorry. However I mentioned that I didn't realised I was using it which was a lie but it was an attempt to get his card returned. As this is the first time something like this happened I didn't know that the card wouldn't be returned regardless. Now I have received a court summons for October 2nd. Alleged offence: being a passenger on a public service vehicle operated on behalf of London bus services being used for the carriage of passengers at separate fares, did use in relation to the journey a ticket which had been issued for use by another person on terms that it is not transferable. Contrary to regulation 7(1)(b) of the public service vehicles regulations 1990 si no. 1020 and section 25(3) of the public passenger vehicles act 1981. I do intend to plead guilty but weren't sure if its better to go and the same if absent. Then I started searching the internet for some help and came across this site and read about settling out of court. Could someone please help and advise and tell me if I will be able to settle out of court and how to do it? Any comments and advice will be much appreciated.
  4. hi i have just split up with my ex,i rent my own flat she was staying here most days a week and some at her mum.i am the only person on the tenecy agreement.we have had a bad break up i have dropped off all of her belonging at her mums.some furniture we went half's on.she is now saying because she has the receipts for some of the stuff we bought together she is going to phone the police with the receipts and have them removed.i have paid her half for these items.i have a basic bank account so she used her card.can she do this? what is the procedure? what are my rights? thank you in advance if anyone can give me some advice regards dan
  5. Hi everybody I have tried making a PPI claim to Barclays Partner Finance for a car loan that I took out. My monthly PPI payments were paid to Barclays, however they have written back to me to saying that the dealership I bought the car through effectively sold me the PPI and they have passed my details on to them. Is this correct?? Thanks in advance
  6. Afternoon all My partner has a got a mortgage in her sole name, as my credit is very poor, After 5 years i will be put myself on the mortgage as soon as i got my credit score to a better standard My qurestions are: What things might link us financially? We are doing house insurance is that okay to put my name on as saying i live in the house or will that link us? I understand things like sky, virgin media, etc will link us financially Just dont want to get in a position where i effect her credit rating Thanks in advance Journey Man
  7. Does anybody have a contact email for Barclays Partner Finance? If possible the Managing Director would be good. Have just phoned up for a settlement figure only to be told that it's significantly more than the current outstanding balance on the account...
  8. My girlfriend is having a problem at the moment with her ex partner. They lived together for 15 years and had children together, and recently split up. She moved away from her ex along with one of the children. Trouble is, a couple of the bills were in her name including the Virgin bill and his mobile phone, because he couldn't get a contract. Now they have split up he didn't bother paying and they went to debt collectors who are now chasing my gf for the full payments. Is there any legal way that her ex can be made to pay for some of the debt?
  9. I'm new to this and don't know if I have posted in the right place. Last year I had new doors and windows from Safestyle UK. The salesman persuaded me to take 12 months interest free credit arranged through Barclays Partner Finance with the advice to "pay it off or get a cheaper loan". There was no discussion about affordability and no income/expenditure assessment. My (then) partner assured me that he would pay the full amount before it came due. The payments are due to start in August. My "partner" has gone missing (with 20k of my money). I have tried to get another loan but because of my income I can't. Even adding it to my mortgage has been refused as I only have 5 years left so to add 7500 to it would be too expensive. I am now faced with paying 20% APR and my windows are going to cost me over 20K in the next 10 years. I can't afford the repayments and I'm thinking that I might have to sell the home I have worked so hard to keep.
  10. hi all here we go again ((no paperwork or documents enclosed )) Claim from northampton, dated 18 june so do i have the 5 days of service til 22.6.12 if so then my 14 days to file an acknowledgement i take as 6.7.12? The Claimants claim is for the sum of £1xxx.xx plus court fee and sols costs, Particulars of claim monies due under regulated credit agreement xxxxxxxxxx between barclays partner finance and the defendant the benefit which was assigned on xx/xx/11 the agreement terminated upond the defendant failure to comply with the terms of the agreement the claimant seeks interest persuant to the section 69 of the county court act 84 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of the issue continuing at the daily rate of 0.28 any payments or queries should be directed to claimant on tel and fax or email acc. ******** right i guess i first do my acknowledgment of claim asap then do i do the cpr letter i believe i have to request credit agreement, default notice, assignment letter, termination notice - anything else?? what do you guys advise please? i will try and hunt down what paperwork i may have this evening but for the time being im concerned for the acknowledgment and the cpr letter with appropriate wording in my request to them please anything else? i will look in after 6 pm huge thanks for looking in cheers angel x:-)
  11. Hi everyone im on esa in the sg, currently on IR as OH is unemployed, he is thinking of retraining as competition for jobs is so high we don't see one coming his way soon try as we might. the main pathway of training for what he has chosen is an apprenticeship which he can do as an adult, but in his first year will be on apprenticeship wage of 2.60ph, he plans to try to negotiate a part time one so he can continue caring for me. if not most are based on 40 hrs which i fear will wreak havoc with our benefits, are the rules for apprenticeships the same as all other jobs, so as is it over 24 hrs we will loose entitlement to IR so loose CBT and SMI as well. was just wondering if because the wage is low, there are any other options, we could claim WTC but it will still be a drastic reduction in income. any pointers or advice would be much appreciated as always thanks rach
  12. Hi, I am having problems paying bills due to lack of work and have agreed temporary monthly payments with several CC companies including to my surprise after reading the forum MBNA. The only real pain has been Barclays Partner Finance who will not accept my offer for a token payment and have pressed me to pay more. They have received an income and expenditure report compiled with help from the CCCS but still ask for what I cannot afford. The loan was for a car which has since been sold and a cheaper one aquired to reduce costs and enable me to work. The calls with this company have been quite distressing after the first person I spoke to said that they would accept an offer of £5. I wrote another letter to offer this amount which was refused again. I tried to pay a token amount over the phone and was put through to collections who did everything they could do squeeze more out of me, constantly threatening debt collection and legal action, obviously this didn't help them as I don't have it. The people at Barclays do not listen, they talk over you constantly and are extremely rude, which I did expect , which I presume is their goal. The last thing they said to me after reluctantly processing my £5 payment was to tell me that they will be fast tracking the account for collection. Amongst other things said to scare me was that I should consult a lawyer and disregard the CCCS. I have paid a token amount for the last 2 months and have no details of any charges they have recently made to the account. At a court case what is the likely outcome? Surely they can only order me to pay what I can afford is that correct? If that is the case then they will end up with £1 a month, surely they know this and why would they bother? Or is all this hard talk designed to scare me into paying them? I don't think I can avoid a court date just need to know what to expect. thanks in advance and apologise if the post is too long for you! Royal.
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