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  1. Hiya everyone Newbie here. And I wouldn't be here without something that I did as a bit of a lark earlier today. A friend put me up to looking on Trust Online to see if I had any CCJs. Now I didn't think I did, but I went on anyway and found out I have one!!!!! You could have scraped me off the floor with a spatula. I had NO idea about it till today. I've seen no papers, no letters, no forms. Apparently it was issued on May 21 2017, four months ago. Is this a normal thing, not telling people they are even under threat of a CCJ? Do the courts take their time in telling you about them? Really don't think things are going to a former address, as I have lived at my present address for 19 years - no way it could have gone to a place I lived before. What do people suggest I do now? it'as for 2700 quid I can't pay it up front, I haven't had the 14 day breathing space to scrape up funds. There is a possibility that it could be an issue my business was involved in but a) that should have been dealt with in March this year and b) I'm onto my business insurers and the client concerned about said issue. The credit checker (Trust Online) I used did not tell me who was wanting the money or which court it was lodged at (all it said was County Court Business Centre) and that was it. I have looked up the CCBC and the nearest thing i got to it was a place in Northampton ... but I've herd a few dubious report since about this Northampton office. To misquote Harry Potter, never tickle a sleeping dragon... I'm worried that delving into it all and making inquiries might trigger off people chasing me which at this moment i cannot afford. Six months down the line, fine - not right at this moment. I'm not frantic just yet, but I know I might head that way so can anyone give me any helpful advice before I do go off on one!!!??? Many thanks Marie
  2. Hi, I have a CCJ on my credit report commencing on 10/08/2014. The date of default for this debt is 08/10/2011.It is for £664. The debt is with Lowells for Mobile communications Three. I have not moved recently however I cannot remember any court forms for this CCJ at all. Do you think its possible to get this ccj set aside? Also how does the CCJ work until 2020 when I presume the debt part will drop off in October? If I asked for it to be set aside after the default date could I get it set aside because the actual debt would be more than 6 years old and is it possible to go down the prove it route then. Can anybody help with this at all,I am literally going round and round with this problem, Many thanks
  3. Hi, I'm hoping someone can advise me on the above. I received a letter from Shoosmiths LLP Solicitors yesterday stating that they are acting on behalf of their client etc. and intend to take County Court Enforcement action within 7 days if no response. There is a CCJ of £12,703.99 outstanding that was judged on the 24/10/2014 which I've been unable to pay due to various circumstances. Not to give the impression of a sad story but a poor set of choices lead to a path of divorce, court battles, working two jobs, overdosing children etc etc. leading to suffering from depression and anxiety and have been on meds for some years - like many others out there, and like many others I haven't dealt with issues very well. I'm not objecting to the debt but I'm not sure how to go about responding to this. Can anyone advise me please? Some help would be greatly appreciated which I will gladly reciprocate on any part of my knowledge and experience. Spannerboy
  4. I have a CCJ from BW Legal / Lowell Portfolio that I was issued 2 years ago. It is for around £2000 from an old credit card debt. I'm not sure if there were any PPI payments made for the card, but there were probably some 'unfair' charges on there. I'm pretty skint at the moment, I'm trying to get a business off the ground can't get any funding due to this CCJ (my credit is fine apart from this). I'm thinking of offering them maybe £200-400 as a full and final offer, I wondered if anyone would be able to answer a few questions first... How likely is it that they'd accept 10-20% as a full and final payment? Would this mean that the CCJ was marked as 'satisfied'? Would this actually improve my credit score? Thanks, for any help.
  5. Hi All, New to this forum, i have an issue with which i need help. I've tried to convey the situation as best as possible below, please let me know if more detail is required. I was in a debt management plan some years ago which had some unpaid loans. The Debt management company referred their inhouse partner (Priestly crowe) to check for PPI. Being a bit young & dumb i agreed to this and the charges. As the loans were still outstanding, the PPI which was 'claimed' was taken from the debt instead of being paid in a cash sum. I instead owe the money to Priestly Crowe. They were paid on a monthly basis the fee which i owed. Last year (October 2016) my debt management company ceased trading, i dealt with all debtors myself. I sold some belongings to have enough cash to pay everyone what was owed. However i could not get hold of Priestly Crowe. Their contact details had changed and i did not have the new correct ones. Fast forward to about February this year and i received a call from them. I asked them to send our paperwork for money owed so we could get a payment plan sorted. No post or no news. The same happened in April. On Saturday i received post from the CCBC Northampton about a CCJ that had been instructed by Priestly Crowe. I have subsequently settled the payment as i did not want any financial implications to affect my current credit score & status. Seeing how long the CCBC take to do anything, i knew i was on a short time scale to get this processed. I have questions about the process & where i stand: 1) I was told the claim pack had been sent from the court, but i have not received it. They cannot provide me with proof - only that their system shows it was sent on the 12th August. - Do i have any leg to stand to make a claim from Royal Mail? I have lost 3 weeks of time to defend my case & check the facts were all correct - debt & amount owed. Plus to now defer the case would have cost a further £255 for which i would not have been able to claim back, if i was defended correctly. 2) Priestly Crowe LLP - Regulated by the FCA. Should they/did they need to contact me prior to taking this action? Are they obliged to show the court any proof they have attempted to contact me/show i've refused payment prior to getting a CCJ? Or is simply their 'word' enough to get this processed? 3) I have asked for my history/paperwork from Priestly Crowe to check the contract, payments & the amount owed is correct. If it isn't, am i able to process a counter claim for this amount? Small claim court, CCJ . . . etc I hope i have covered all bases here and given enough information. If not, please ask away and i will reply where i can. Thanks in advance, J
  6. I've had 2 CCJ's from Lowell appear on my credit file that went to my old address, this meant that I was unable to defend them. During that period Lowell were constantly writing to me at my current address regarding 2 other debts. This meant that they must have known where I live now and could have easily sent the Claimforms there. Is there any precedent for getting these set aside?
  7. Hi, Im currently in the process of challenging lowell solictors for a shop direct catalogue debt they allege i have to which we are at the mediation stage. Today i return home to find a letter from lowells saying im behind on my county court payments for another shop direct account which i have no idea what it is for, this is the first correspondence ive had on this from them. I've checked my credit file and i do indeed have a CCJ on my file for the balance they say i owe. Where do i stand on this? They obviously had my address as Im challenging the other account in question , why have ive not received anything yet its gone through the courts and they have gone in their favour? Can i still challenge the debt even though its gone through the court? I am fuming, If anyone could point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it Have a great weekend Thanks Andy
  8. Hi all sorry if this is in the wrong place. Looking for some advice, I had a CCJ on a debt held by Restons I was and am paying monthly amounts in Sept 16 the CCJ came to an end there was still outstanding balance. restons have started to send forms for my income circumstances etc where do I stand can any further action be imposed by them i.e. Can I get another CCJ on the same debt as now it has gone off my credit record obviously that has massively improved and my wife and I are finally able to look at mortgages but obviously worried about this. Any advice is great thank you
  9. Hello, I was declared bankrupt on 19th May 2017. I had a CCJ from Capquest that predates this by a month or so. The other week I received a letter from the County Court stating Restons have applied for an attachment of earnings for Capquest. I returned the N56 and attached a cover letter explaining the debt was included in my Bankruptcy and included a copy of the bankruptcy order. I sent a letter to Restons with this detail also. Today I received a transfer of proceedings form moving it to my local county court. It states I never returned the N56, which I obviously did. I have spoke to the official receiver and they ahve stated that Capquest got sent the statement for creditors and should be aware of the bankruptcy. They however told me they will not intervene with the court and I should seek legal advice. How do I get this sorted? Do I need to apply for a change of order? The letter states a bailiff will attend to deliver a N61. Should I be concerned? Any help appreciated.
  10. I have recently signed up to clearscore and viewed my file, I have noticed I have a CCJ dated back to 14/01/2015. I guess I will have had correspondence from the courts way back when but I have no recollection of that. i emailed the courts and they advised it was debt recovery agency Cabot and saying that restons are representing them. The original debt was Lloyds TSB loan, which I do remember and being the overused 'young and daft' ended up defaulting. I have certainly not acknowledged the debt or made any payments in the past 6 years. I have been reading other similar posts and seeing a lot of great advice, but I am not sure what applies to me seeing as though the CCJ is so old. The court have advised I can contact claimant to arrange payment plan or make a claim to 'set aside the judgement' I have yet to do anything and thought it best to seek advice first. The court have indicated that the original debt was 'on or around September 2008 So, thats why I am here, looking for any help, is this statute barred? Should I be looking to get this set aside? The reason I found out in the first place is that I am looking at a career change and trying to gains some professional qualifications where my history will come under scrutiny, so I would rather not have it there if it shouldn't be there.
  11. Hi all, I'm new here apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm just hoping for some advice. I received a CCJ from Hoist Portfolio for the amount of £850 back in April 2016, I don't really know much about CCJ's just that they aren't great, well with the letter came a statement of means from which I had to fill in and send back within 14 days or the bailiffs would come out/ I could go to prison. I filled in the form that day and sent it away. At the time I had very little money as I had lost my job and had 2 children to look after. I wasn't claiming any benefits in the hope that I would soon be back in work. (I have anxiety so there were multiple reasons in my head as to why I couldn't allow myself to get financial aid) my outgoings were way more than my income and I was borrowing money from one person to pay back what I owed to another person. I offered to pay around £5 a week on my statement of means. I never heard anything back and totally forgot about it until I found the letter today. I'm wondering should I have been paying the money I offered? and if I should, to the court or Hoist Portfolio? I'm in a slightly better position financially now but wouldn't be able to pay the whole £850. I hope that makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
  12. Hello, I started a DMP with Stepchange about 6 years ago with £150k of credit card and personal loan debt. I have paid about £80k via Stepchange over the years and about £70k remaining balance (including personal loan interest). I have been paying £800 per month split pro rata via stepchange but due to change in circumstances can not pay much at all anymore! Have yet to contact Stepchange but have cancelled the DD with them just now. I need urgent help and advice!! Should I arrange to pay them £1 per month instead for now through stepchange and CCA them all in the meantime? – I have just read about CCAs here. I am terrified of getting CCJs from them all now – All help greatly appreciated! Debts are as follows: • NRAM personal loan pre 2007 – now with Cabot Financial (Marlin) - £12,933 - not on credit report • Bank of Scotland personal loan – post 2007 - now with ‘Wescot Credit Services – Bought Debts’ – £12,395 owing – not on credit report • Santander Personal loan – 2002 - £10,859 – Defaulted 2011 • MBNA Credit Card – 2005 - now with IDEM CAPITAL SECURITIES – £6,919 – Defaulted 2011 • Cahoot loan - £4499 – showing on credit report as settled 2015! – but stepchange still collecting and paying!? • Barclaycard credit card 2008 – now with LINK FINCANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £3337 – showing as up to date positive credit on my credit file! • MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with IDEM CAPITAL SECURITIES - £3233 – defaulted 2012 • Capital one credit card £3205 – not on credit report • MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with PRA GROUP - £2723 – defaulted 2012 • Co-operative bank credit card 2002 – now with LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £2571 – defaulted 2012 • Co-operative bank credit card 2001 – now with LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £2026 – defaulted 2015 • RBS MINT credit card – now with ‘WESCOT CREDIT SEREVICES – NON BOUGH DEBTS’ - £1624 – not on credit report • Tesco Bank credit card – now with ‘ROBINSON WAY LTD – TESCO’ – £1222 - not on credit report • Barclaycard credit card 2001 – now with ‘LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING’ - £1087 - showing as up to date positive on credit report! • Bank of Scotland – now with FAIRFAX SOLICITORS - £750 – not on credit report • Cahoot credit card £713 – not on credit report • American Express credit card – now with ‘NCO – OTHER’ £387 – not on credit report • EGG Credit Card – now with PRA GROUP (UK) - £193 – not on credit report • Cahoot credit card £100 – not on credit report
  13. Please can anybody advise how i can start a CCJ thread? i really need help but not sure how to post my story on here
  14. Hi all i need help please with regard to a CCJ i received a claim form from the court with regard to some debt which was not even mine but it was report as fraud in 2008 for something credit by HFC accord to the lowel profolio. I have no idea what they want from me, even my name last name on that letter is one of my middle names, i have called them and advised them of this matter. i did not send in the claim form back to the court or rather missed that date, so now i filed for the judgment to be set aside in, hearing was today on the 11/08/2017 but the judge was only focus if the name on the letters is my name which is my first name and middle name but not my last name, the judge was completely on their side and not listening to what i have to say, that this was not my contract to pay and it was a fraudulent contract. now they have given me sometimes to submit a defense for the 27th.. my main focus is to get the CCJ removed one way or another even if i have to pay it to get it off my file, i am aware there is a 28 days,, What are my chances on getting the ccj removed or set aside and what is required of me on the defense sorry but this is my first time to get something like this or to be involved in one.
  15. Good evening everyone, I have a CCJ for a debt that has a default date of Sept 2011. The CCJ date is March 2015. I understand that the CCJ will remain on file for 6 years. However, make yourself comfortable, I was out of the country when the CCJ was issued. I have rarely worked in the UK for the last 10+ years and when I don't work I travel/survive. I can clearly show that for several months before and after the CCJ date I was not in the UK. Based on this I want to have the judgement set aside. If I wait a month and if this is successful, will the debt be too old and drop off my file? I have had other debts removed from my file as I had no contact with them for over 6 years. Honestly, I'm a little giddy, I can't believe it. Post was with binned or not at the place I stayed. I would stay in the UK for a few days before leaving again. So there are two outcomes? If the court upholds the judgement I have to pay the debt. If the court sets the judgement aside will the limit have passed and the debt removed from my file? Your thoughts and advice please warmly appreciated. B
  16. I had several loans from LS and repaid them, in the end I had 3 for about 300 each and became ill, self employed stopped paying and ignored them. Asset collections and investigations Ltd sent me a letter eventually saying they'd bought the loan for amount of 1475-00. They made me several offers to pay a reduced amount but I didn't have that either so ignored them. They said they'd take me to court which they did to CC Business Center who found in their favour and wants 1544-00 paid to Asset collections ect. I dont remember ever receiving a 'claim form' but the court said I didn't reply to it. Is it too late to do anything do I just have to pay asset collections or the court sends in the bailiffs
  17. Hi Forum! Am hoping someone may be able to offer some advice. Following period of very difficult times late 90's/early 00's - I negotiated (and, over many years, completed) payment arrangements with most of my creditors to clear substantial accumulated debts over £40k - fortunately avoiding bankruptcy/IVA's etc. However, whilst moving house in 2007, I got issued with a CCJ - and slightly unsure who the creditor was!! Sounds stupid, I know - sorry! I have a sneaky feeling it was Yorkshire Bank - who had given up chasing me to clear £10k card debt. The CCj suggested that the 'particulars of the agreement and debt had previously been provided to me' - which they hadn't. In the turmoil of house move - I foolishly just accepted the debt and returned the court forms offering to pay £20 per month etc which was accepted and CCJ issued. Claimant : CL Finance Ltd. (not aware of them and had no previous dealings - but assumed they assigned the debt from someone!) Pay to: Howard Cohen & Co. No 'account numbers or references' I could recognise. The years have passed and I have religiously paid the £20 per month for the last 10 years. (Mug I hear you say!) I have never received any statement or progress report - amount outstanding etc etc. I have moved a couple of times in last 12 years - but always on Electoral Roll/Experian etc - so definitely traceable? However, I have recently become curious as to what the debt was - and why my DD changed few years ago to 'Lewis Group' but now shows me paying 'Robinson Way'? I am reluctant to write to Robinson Way and ask what this debt is - and to whom (!) - or was the CCJ obtained correctly - was there PPI on the account (blimey - that would be a result!) as they could re-assess my circumstances and try to increase payments substantially - or my greatest fear - get a charge order against my home - or screw my credit rating (which is now clear and very good) But equally - should I carry on paying £20 for the rest of my life (and beyond) and not know who the heck to - or what for! Thoughts/advice appreciated? Best, Phil
  18. guys what are the chances of getting a CCJ set aside due to the DCA admitting in court that they do not have a credit agreement? sorry for the lack of info, I'm in the process of gathering information as I am in a position to challenge the CCJ now thanks a lot
  19. I have a case with PRA, made a CCA request for information and deeds of assignment, they only write a letter to say they have requested for the information from OC and the deeds of assignment is a confidential information consisting of their business secret, but they agreed in the letter that they will bring it to the CCJ set aside hearing but they said they will blank out confidential info. What defence options do I have in this scenario ? No CCA request was honoured What happened in case the deeds has been altered as stated Also the fact that I have not been given opportunities to review the document before hearing ? If they are challenging my set aside application, I have not been presented their WS?
  20. I was in horrendous debt when my husband left me with all the family debt and bills and no income slowly I managed to work my way out of things and paid off what I could. I took the ensuing years of bad credit rating on the chin and ploughed on watching my credit file with all my statute barred dates marked in my diary, overjoyed when they started dropping off. Suddenly I noticed my credit rating dropping again but couldn't work out why. Today I logged in and saw that with one year to go before SB, Moorcroft have appeared with a defaulted debt Also having lost my CCJ last year suddenly out of nowhere I have one for £400 odd again with the SB date for a years time! I had no clue about that one, where has it been all this time and why just appear now?! It feels like I will never be debt free! Is there anything I can do? Surely if I had this CCJ it would have appeared before now. It's been 5 years since the date of it.
  21. Help please? I have just received a letter from a solicitor representing NPower saying that I owe NPower nearly £2.5k from a property I lived in back in 2011. Apparently there is already a CCJ against me (which I had no idea about) and neither the solicitor nor NPower will discuss the situation with me. They are simply threatening court action/bailiffs. I never received the outstanding bills nor anything relating to the CCJ and I dispute the amount is actually owed as I lived in a tiny one bedroom flat for 11 months and paid £50 a month in payments... ..I was out most of the time at work and so there is NO way my electricity bill could have ever got that high. The CAB have not been very helpful as they have simply said to try and mediate with NPower (who won't mediate). I contacted a solicitor who said it wouldn't be worthwhile pursuing this as it would cost more in legal fees than the debt!! What can I do to both get the CCJ removed and also get the bills sorted out? Any help gratefully received.
  22. I am a homeowner who moved to Canada last year. I had a tenant at the property and set up temporary redirection which ended in a February 2017. I missed a January service charge / ground rent payment and within a week or so, my account was referred to solicitors. I became aware of this because I received a redirected mail from the solicitors. I immediately called the solicitors, informed them on the phone that I was now resident in Canada but would make immediate arragements to pay. I requested a breakdown of charges as well as the option to pay in instalments. They asked for my email address and sent me a breakdown 2 days or so later. I responded to the email requesting for a payment plan and fee waiver and they wrote back insisting that though no longer resident in the UK, I still owed them the full amount ( I never disputed this). I accepted to pay the full amount we negotiated by email - I proposed, first 7 monthly instalments which they rejected, and then 4 monthly instalments, but they insisted on either 3 monthly instalments or permission for them to approach my lender, for a fee. I insisted on my proposal as it was what I could afford. A few weeks after they rejected my payment plan and said they would 'now take legal action', a default ccj was entered against me. I found this out shortly after I returned to the UK in April. I applied for a set aside on the basis that I was not resident in the UK when the claim forms were sent and never received them and hence couldn't put in a defence. More importantly, the claimant was already aware that I was not resident in the UK at the time. The hearing was held between myself and the claimants solicitor, and the judge rejected the set aside request saying that while he could set it aside, he did not agree that I wasn't properly served, and as such he would not set it aside. Rather, he said he would allow instalmental payment - the same monthly amounts that the claimant had previously rejected.. Given that I had informed the claimant that I was no longer resident in the UK as required by law, and that knowing this, the claimant had the forms sent to an address that they knew I was not residing at, it does not appear that the judge gave this consideration the seriousness it deserved. I would like to know if there are any chances of successfully appealing this.
  23. Hi All Earlier this year I had a Final Charging Order applied for by my local Council to my local County Court. This secures a long-standing Council Tax debt from a past period of financial difficulty. I’ve no problem with that, it’s right and proper and appears to have been done procedurally correctly. The issue I have is that the Final Charging Order, issued by the County Court with a case number etc, has found its way to Registry Trust so is now listed on my credit file by the credit reference agencies. I’d always understood that credit reference agencies didn’t list council tax debt, so I’ve done a bit of research and made a few calls and I’m now in a position where I need some advice – hence my post here. I rang Registry Trust, the guy I spoke to said normally a charging order wouldn’t be listed but the info they get sent to upload from the County Court Money claim centre doesnt specify what the Judgement is - it just lists case number, amount, claimant & defendant names. He advised me to call the County Court Money claim centre, who have asked me to put my case to them in a letter or email. So what I’m looking to find out is: 1. What and where is the legislation or rules saying what Registry Trust should list? 2. How do I go about getting them to remove the record if it shouldn’t be there? 3. What about the credit reference agencies themselves, what and where is the legislation or rules saying what they can list? I dont want this blighting my file for 6 years if it shouldnt be there. Thanks in advance for any help
  24. after some advice please. I am having problems with Restons solicitors who are pursuing an alleged debt that I owe to Cap quest. They ignored any requests for further information stating they didnt have to provide anything and that my letters had no legal meaning. shortly after they then threatened legal action, I then carried out the pre action conduct protocol to which once again they would not provide any documentation that I owed the debt and that my letters had no legal meaning. One of their letters did contain a couple of points, stating OC, Balance, when the debt was transferred etc. But they blatantly refused to provide me with any documents. They have now commenced legal proceedings against me though NCC Bulk center. Im unsure whether to apply to apply to have the claim stayed for non compliance of the pre action protocol, but am unsure if what they have done is sufficient by then simply stating some apparent particulars with no documentation to back it up. or do i defend the claim & carry on with another request for futher information under cpr18 asking for evidential proof once again. any help would be greatly appreciated
  25. Made an application to set aside a judgement for a CCJ from a company called MOTORTRADES.CO.UK. Received a letter from the court yesterday stating hearing had been set for July 28th 2017 at 3.40pm allowing 20mins for the hearing. I suffer heavily with anxiety so was wondering what to expect at the hearing, the company involved I have found out has since closed up shop so doubt there be any resistance to the set aside application. I have also found loads of complaints on this company online where they have conned people into setting up advertising and websites but not actually done as they had claimed. Loads of examples easily searched and printed off.
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