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  1. Hi All I am new to PPI claims and would like some advise if possible. I have discovered through looking back over old paperwork I have paid PPI insurance on a Beneficial Bank loan I had back in 1998 which I never agreed to. I was told I had to take out this insurance in order to get the loan. I was working FT and had no requirement for this Loan was approx £1500 PPI charge was approx £395 I have today rang through to HFC bank 0845 6023793 who advised me that they have no record of my account and that I would need write to their complaints department proving that I have paid PPI. They have asked that I send in a copy of my agreement and also a copy of the bank statements proving I have paid the PPI. Although I do have the original copies of the agreement unfortunately I do not have a copy of my bank statements going back that far. Does this mean I have no chance of claimimg this PPI. If I do still have a chance is there any advice you can give me to take this further and is their a standard letter template I could use Thanks for your help Regards B
  2. Hi guys, I'm new to this site but I had an HFC and a Beneficial Finance loan that I took out back when I was a student working part time, I have my old bank statements showing the payments made to them but not the original loan paperwork or loan agreement number/account number so is the first step sending off £10 and a SAR request to try and find out this information? Sorry for being a noob but I am new to this. Thanks, Craig
  3. Posting for a friend, currently in dispute with Lowells, claiming for statute barred debt (Scotland), os balance £380 which originated from HFC. Reclaimed PPI from HFC and was offered £280 which he accepted. Ph HFC today enquiring where monies were and was told they had paid the monies to Lowells. He wasn`t informed at anytime this was going to happen. If a PPI refund is for monies he has already paid for missold insurance, can they legally give this to Lowells? Any advice appreciated.
  4. We have just found out that we may be able to claim PPI back from HFC & Welcome, we have been in touch with Welcome and they do admit we have 2 accounts but they were cleared in 2001 & 2002 they still have the account details as they quoted them to us after we phoned the ffsc for help. The account with the HFC was cleared again in 2003 and we think they still have the account on record to. We have been told that we may still be able to claim the PPI back for both as we only discovered that we may be entitled to in 2011 we have been told we have 3 years to make a claim after the date we dicovered we could claim it back . The questions are as follows 1. Can we still get the PPi for both. 2. Does the 3 year time period apply to us. 3. If we can what is the best way to go about it for both. Thanks very much in anticipation. Dave
  5. In early April my parents submitted a PPI complaint to HFC/Beneficial for an old credit card they had, citing the usual grounds for misselling. As usual, they'd sent the form via Recorded Delivery and knew that it had been received. After 4 weeks they hadn't heard anything by way of an acknowledgement/reference number so contacted HFC. I'm not sure how of the exact route but they were told that they did not know anything about it (despite having a receipt showing who had signed for it, when, etc., etc.) When it was explained that it was PPI for a credit card they were told to call another number. This put them through to John Lewis, who they never had a card with. After explaining the situation John Lewis told them to contact Marbles. Marbles (thankfully) were helpful and said that my parents were right to contact HFC/Beneficial as they were the company that sold the card/PPI in the first instance and retained the documents. Marbles provided a reference number and said they would look into it. Today, they called Marbles and explained that they had heard nothing from them and that it was now in the 9th week. They confirmed that nothing had been heard about it as yet and suggested they call back in 2 weeks. Alternatively, they could contact the Ombudsman. Does anybody have any knowledge of HFC/Beneficial at the moment? Are they experiencing delays/problems or is it just incompetence? Any advice and information would be useful. Thanks
  6. Hi, I 'm a newbie trying to sort out my credit rating and have a problem with HFC Bank. I took a loan with them around late 2003 (regrettably I no longer have the documents) for £5k, with PPI. I paid a few installments but then defaulted, say 6 months later. I made an arrangement via the CCCS but after a year or so was unable to sustain this. I moved several times in the next year or so. Eventually around 4 years ago their collection agency caught up with me at my current address. I made an arrangement to pay a small monthly payment, and started to do so. After approxmately three payments I called this company to pay my next installment but was told that HFC had "taken the debt back" and they could no longer accept my payment. They said HFC would be in touch to dicuss future payments. I heard nothing from HFC. Earlier this year I contacted HFC as part of my attempt to clear up my credit rating. I noticed on my credit file that the default notice had gone, and had been replaced with late payment notices (6+ months). I contacted them to say that this was incorrect, there was no current agreement as I had arranged payment with their collection company who had refused my payment, and that they had not contacted me to put something else in place. They replied that they would not change the credit file information because they considered that there was still a payment agreement in place, and that they had been unable to contact me as I had not forwarded my new address. My view is that if their collections agent had my address they should have had access to it (surely that cannot be that incompetent?). They also stated that they had had to remove the old default notice as it had not been applied using the correct procedures. My view is that no new payment plan was in place following their taking back my account from their debt collectors, so I cannot be in arrears until they set up a new agreement. So my question is, can I have the late payment notices removed from my credit file? As a footnote, they seem to have removed my PPI and interest from the total owing - this is shown as £4993 and was originally around £10k when I defaulted. Thanks for reading, appreciate any advice that you can offer!
  7. Hi, I had a HFC/Beneficial credit card for many years up until 2008 when it was taken on by MBNA. HFC has offered me a refund up until 2003, (I must have stopped PPI around that time) and then added interest until 2008. My question is it is now 2012, is anyone responsible for interest payments from 2008 until current? Many thanks, SB.
  8. Hello, i have been browsing through this forum and thought id ask for some advice. I have requested a CCA from HFC. The letter got sent off on the 2nd of February and according to the post office website it got delivered on the 6th. I sent it as signed for and with a £1 postal order. Keep in mind today is the 23rd. So my first question is, do i start counting the 12 days during which they need to reply as of the 3rd of February (the day when it got sent off is supposedly meant to be counted as zero), or from when they officially received the letter on the 6th? If i was to go by the 2nd of feb then its now been 15 days and i have yet to receive a reply. i have also been sent a letter by Moorcombe Debt Collectors dated the 10th of February, by which time HFC will have had the CCA request for 4 days. So my 2nd question is wether i need to respond to that letter or not? And if yes then what do i need to respond with? If i fail to receive any communication by HFC, then do i need to contact them with another CCA and what is the time period for doing so? Also, is there anything specific i need to do if these DCA letters keep piling up (i have only had one so far)? i do apologise if all these questions have been answered before, but i am grateful for any advice given Thank you, Kat.
  9. Hi all, I've complained to HFC reg. missold PPI but received the following responses from them: I am taking exception to a number of points they have raised; the first being the "Demands and Needs" that I allegedly "completed" on the premises. Note that this particular regulatory requirement was introduced from 14 January 2005... I think that HFC must have a DeLorean time machine because the loan was opened on 6 August 2002 - perhaps HFC were far sighted enough in 2002 to anticipate the FSA's move into proper PPI regulation some 3 years later? Or perhaps the person handling my complaint is simply lying? I will leave the good CAG people to decide this point... Also, according to Pinocchio, I signed a "Key Features and Pre-Contract document" - however, when I attempted to obtain both the documents I mentioned above they replied with this: Talk about passing the buck! Looks like they do not have those documents to hand at all. So they are either lying, ready to "fake" some documents to prove I did something 3 years before I possibly could have done or are plain morons thinking they can get away with this. As my fellow CAGGERS know; I do not let go so easily So it's onto the FO first and court action should nothing be decided; judging by their response though they will have a hard time convincing the FO that time travel is possible - unless the FO Complaint Handler is Doc Brown!
  10. Hi all, I have a small problem with 1st Credit who have bought a credit card debt that I had with HFC (Household Bank). It is a small debt of £373.27p but I don't have anything to give them at the moment, and I believe that the debt may be statute barred because the last payment I can remember making on the account was in late 2004 to the best of my recollection. There was also a larger debt for a loan with HFC which 1st credit bought, but when I CCA'd them, it seemed to disappear along with any mention of it on my credit report. I did CCA 1st credit for this debt, but never heard anything, so although I know that they're chasing me for the smaller debt (even though I haven't had a CCA yet) I need to find out whether it is statute barred or not without dragging up the issue of the loan that disappeared. The loan would become statute barred in June 2012. If I were to SAR them would they start chasing me for the loan as well. Or should I try to SAR HFC, and try to delay 1st Credit until I'm sure that the debt is statute barred or not? Help me please
  11. Hi there, I have received a letter from TBI Financial services solicitor regarding a debt which is well over 6 years old (I believe in Scotland it becomes statute barred after 5?). I believe the debt may be mine but I have had no correspondence regarding this for well over 6 years and not made any payments for longer than that. The sum stated in the letter seems way in excess of any loan/agreement I had in the past. The letter received states: "We are solicitor for TBI who are the Assignees of the benefit of the Credit Agreement you had with HFC Bank. Please take this letter as formal notice on behalf of TBI that, by an Agreement dated 17th December 2004, HFC sold and assigned all of their rights, title and interest in and to, inter alia, the Credit Agreement which they made available to you and any related security and guarantees, to TBI. We are instructed that there is the sum of £5xxx as at today's date owing to our client company on this Agreement, and we are further instructed that unless we receive either your realistic proposals for clearing this sum by 7th February 2011 or a bankers darft for the full balance outstanding, proceedings will be instituted against you for the full balance outstanding without further notice. We must advise you that should proceedings be issued then you will, of course, be liable for all additional costs and expenses which the Court may award against you, in addition to the sums quoted above. We also put you on notice that it is our client's intention to enforce any judgment obtained against you by way of Letters of Inhibition given your interest in the property at XXXXX. We trust this will not be necessary and look forward to hearing from you by return." Help and guidance would be gratefully appreciated! Andy
  12. Hi, I wrote to HFC on the 16th November requesting the CCA. They replied with "cannot send out the CCA without a signature" which i replied with roughly the same letter pointing out that by law a signature is not required but here is my signature and used a digitalsignature like the digital signature onthe consumer action group website.Although i did just use a font as my signature and not my actual signature scanned in-imvery paranoid when it comes to this company. Why isn't this sufficient? It is highly frustrating. How can i get my CCA?
  13. Hi, I have just been reading through previous threads regarding the above. My husband took out a credit card with HFC in Feb 96, I'm not sure (nor is he) when he fell into arrears with them (we have only been together 3 years), but I think he was paying it off with other creditors through an IVA. He stopped paying this 3 years ago when he moved in with me. Several creditors tried their luck and failed to produce original agreements when asked. However, TBI had got hold of 2 debts. 1 for around £2500 and the other £10,000. The smaller debt they managed to quickly get a charging order against the property that he was selling and was therefore paid off. Rippon Patel & French (a nasty piece of work!) now act on behalf of TBI in trying to reclaim the other debt . They sent a court order first, this was never received as it was sent to an old address. Then they issued a statutory demand which they managed to send to our new address. They were threatening bankruptcy preceedings. CAB advised, ignore it until they do. Well, they have now. What I need to know is: The original application from that my husband completed was never signed at the bottom on behalf of Beneficial Bank. There are no terms and conditions, APR rates or anything else. This is actually just the application form and not the credit agreement, although it does state above his signature that 'this is a credit agreement etc etc'. This is a very old debt so I asked RPF for copies of the transactions that created this debt. They stated that 'all transactions under the Agreement, you will have been furnished with such an account via a regular statement of account provided as a matter of course to all account customers. We suggest you check your records for the same'. I feel that this is unreasonable! I intend to contest this bankruptcy petition (the hearing is on 14th December). Any advice would be really appreciated!
  14. I first wrote to HFC Bank to reclaim PPI on 03/08/10 at the Exeter address where I signed the original agreement. They had moved, but I didn't know that and so wrote again on 06/09/10, and thinking they had just ignored the letter got proof of post which eventuall returened to me as "Gone Away". Not many businesses that size don't forward their mail, I'd think. Anyway after that I googled a bit harder and got the number for their centralized PPI people who gave me an address and promised to give me an acknowledgement within a week. This was on 30/09/10. That same day I wrote to them and have only received a response, dated 01/11/10. The response fobs me off with talk about the court case mentioned elsewhere. Do you think I can write to FOS now since it's not my fault they closed their branch without forwarding mail? or should I wait until the end of the month after writing to HFC saying I don;t accept their fob off?
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