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  1. Hi, I have been paying £10 a month Magistrates Fine since November 2012. I have paid £100. I received a further steps notice as I was late paying in September by a week. I am on JSA and expected it too be deducted from my fortnightly JSA. However I have received a Distress Warrant for £135 which includes a 50% increase in the original fine. I am on JSA and a single parent and cannot afford to pay this plus the threat of £215 for a visit as well. I have written to the fines officer explaining my situation and appealing their decision. The fine should of been taken from my JSA. Is there any other action I should take to make sure the bailiffs do not make money for nothing as the fine was nearly paid. I had paid another £10 two days before I received the Distress Warrant on 31st October 2013. How do I legally appeal this ridiculous decision ?? Please advise.
  2. hi i have just received a letter in the post from collectica demanding i pay £354.10 by 14 days. It was for a unpaid train fine. I believe they are referring to an incident that happened one year ago where i was travelling into london without a ticket as i was running late and boarded the train without one. I didnt think this would be a problem because the station i was travelling is a main one with guys at the gates with ticket machines. Plus i had over £60 cash on me, so i could pay for the ticket there. A ticket inspector told me i couldnt do this and asked for my details so he could send me the £20 fine. I refused to pay the fine because i obviously wasn't trying to skip the train, having plenty of money on me and exiting a main station. But i gave him my address details and he said i could be sent to court. This was one year ago. Today i was sent this letter. I have not received any letters up until now. I do not have the money to pay for this. What are my options?
  3. Please help have so many questions Received a warrant for repossession which is on the November 4th telling me I need to vacate by then. My arrears are 4200 with santander eversheds. My husband has been out of work, so we have struggled we came to an afreement of 1200 of the arrears plus our normal mortgage amount each month, which we managed twice. We can't afford that as we were both put of work, now both employed we called trod at and offered to pay half by November 11th they understandably said no. They want 2225 by October 24 I know I can put a n244 form in, what I don't know is would this sort it before the evoction date, how much is it, and where do I do it? Obviously so worried. My daughter who is pregnant is currently living with me and I feel beyond useless. I don't want to go for an n244 if its not going to be decided on time
  4. Yesterday I was sent a copy of a thread that appeared on another forum (one that "claims" that bailiffs cannot charge fees of £300 for enforcing a Distress Warrant). Sadly, yet another debtor had taken the dreadful "advice" on that site and promptly paid the amount of the fine only to the court and refused to pay the fees to the bailiff company. As predicted, the bailiff returned to his home yesterday at 6am with a LOCKSMITH. Police were called and they took the side of the bailiff company. The debtor tried to convince the police that the "advice" that he had received from that website was correct (which it is not). Most importantly, contrary to the constant claims on that site that bailiffs have NEVER forced entry, in this case the debtor confirmed on the website that locksmiths did in fact start drilling the lock on the front door ( which is actually quite common). Not surprisingly, the entire incident was most distressing for all concerned and the bottom line is that the debtor ending up paying the bailiff fees of £300. However....there is more........ The dreadful wrong advice EXPOSED the debtor to having to also pay the "locksmith fees" of £190 !!!! The debtor confirmed on the forum that he had been fined £300 for speeding and had been convicted in his absence and sadly, he confirmed that he had received a letter from the court to advise him of the fine but that he "stupidly put it to one side and didn't pay". What is more is that he also confirms that he is "pretty sure that they sent other letter but they were neither responded to or read" I posted about this yesterday on another thread here on the forum and as predicted, this afternoon the other forum site owners removed the entire thread from their site and hid it in a "members area" . This is a very common feature and is clearly to ensure that the public do not get to read of cases where bailiff companies enforcing Magistrates Court fines use the services of a locksmith if the debtor foolishly pays the fine to the court online and refuses to pay the bailiff fees.
  5. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?398052-Bailiff-Warrant-to-force-entry-amp-fit-prepayent-meters-searched-house-and-injured-animal&p=4302934#post4302934
  6. Advice needed please, My disabled aunt is a tenant and has a genuine dispute with gas and electric supplier over previous tenants bill being added to hers (she's only been there 6 months). Despite this and without any warning a bailiff turned up with a warrant to force entry and fit prepayment meters while my aunt was out. This they did but during the process not only has the house been searched, and internal door (unlocked) damaged, things moved, drawers opened and letters removed from envelopes, her dog was 'subdued' by a dog handler? and is now seriously ill at the vets possible overdose of what ever was administered. No warrant was left and the key does not work properly. Her neighbour who was present asked to see the warrant and the bailiff refused to let her see it because she was on the phone to my aunt and claimed he had not forced entry but had used a key. I would like to know exactly what a warrant allows 1 is it a case that they can enter and fit meters and no more ie exactly what is written in the warrant. or 2 does it mean that they can force entry, fit meters and have a good look round remove items search drawers while a small dog is restrained and doped to the point that it is unconcious. Do bailiffs now carry 'master keys' with them to gain entry and do they have top leave a copy of the warrant. Any advice would be appreciated
  7. Hi guys. Here's my story in a nutshell. 6 months ago I sold my car. I filled in the necessary documents and thought all was ok. A few months later I started receiving fines (9 of them in total so far totalling £1000+) for parking and bus lane contraventions in Leeds & Bradford. I live 70 miles away. I contacted the buyer, he said it has been sold on twice since then. I contacted the DVLA, they said I was the current owner on the system and the only way to change this was to send them a letter stating who I sold it to. I did this and received a letter back saying that it was not enough evidence and the buyer would have to write them a letter saying he had bought it from me. Now, even the most honest of people would not drop what they're doing to go and write a letter to say they are the owner of a vehicle so that they themselves can start to receive the fines. A few days later I again contacted the DVLA and they said that the details had been changed on the system but would not confirm who was the registered owner. I presume that they had manually edited the name and address to the details of the buyer that I supplied but this was obviously not confirmed by the buyer so the information was not 'official'. The lady said that everything would be fine and Leeds & Bradford city councils would automatically be notified and the fines would be re-sent to the new registered owner. I have just returned from a 3 week holiday to 9 letters saying that I have to pay the fines or "you're possessions may be removed and sold to pay the charges". I called the number on the letters and they said I should have kept a receipt of sale and it was my fault. As I sold it to a friend for £250 just to get it off my hands I, at the time, did not think anything like this would happen and if I did get a receipt then I don't know where it is now. I am living with my parents so this is obviously causing distress for them too. I have recently set up my own business but most of my time seems to be spent trying to sort this mess out. I have done nothing wrong, it seems as though the DVLA have a backlog of V5's to update and not enough data inputters. I can't believe that 6 months down the line I have 9 letters threatening me with bailiff action and nobody can seem to help any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Sam
  8. Hi all, We are being chased for a debt of around £6k, originally from a Virgin Money/MBNA credit card. Last payments/acknowledgement of debt were around July 2011. Aplins successfully put a charge on our property for the amount owing earlier this year, and they then sent a nice (for them) letter saying they wouldn't be enforcing a sale, and things went quiet for a while. However they've now sent a letter saying: " We are about to issue a Warrant of Execution against you. This will incur additional fees and costs which will be added to the amount you already owe. Unless you pay the amount of the Warrant the Court Bailiff will call at your address with a view to taking an inventory and levying on goods belonging to you." They then tell me to contact dlc to make payment or come to an arrangement. As they're pretty much guaranteed the money on sale of the house, I think this a strong course of action, and I am tempted to believe this is an idle threat, unless anyone tells me otherwise. Surely I could just point to the charging order and say I can't afford to make a payment? When the court documents came through re: the charging order I didn't contest or respond to them as I'd assumed (perhaps wrongly, it appears from reading these forums) that Aplins etc would have all their paperwork, CCA's etc in order before they took it to court. Also, I have not CCAd DLC as yet - is it too late to do this now the charging order is already in place? Any advice gratefully received as to the next course of action, we were going to write to them and offer to start making token payments, but a good afternoon on these forums has given me more stomach for a fight, and I'm now tempted to wait and see what they do next. Thanks in advance
  9. Hello, hopefully someone can help me. Many months ago, my wife was stopped at the train station by an inspector and couldn't find her ticket. She offered to pay the £20 fine then and there but was refused and told she'd get a letter in the mail to pay. Much time passed, we forgot about it, and then over the span of a few months, a couple of letters came for her, however her surname was spelled incorrectly so I assumed them to be junk mail which she gets a lot of, wrote "return to sender" and posted them back. Finally another letter like this came and she decided to open it. Inside, was a notice from the West Midlands Central Finance Unit saying she now owed £338 and if she didn't pay in full, they will do one of many things, including: Issue a warrant of distress for purpose of levying sum due; Register the account in the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines, restricting credit options and loans and mortgages; Make an attachment of Earnings Order to deduct from her salary; Make a vehicle clamping order; And the most worrying: Refer her case to court, which may decide to issue a warrant without bail for her arrest, increase her fine by 50%, enforce the case at the County Court or High court by applying for a charging order or other court order, or SEND HER TO PRISON! My wife is not registered at my address, on any utility bills of any sort, nor is she employed as she recently graduated University. She is American, here on a visa, and we are planning on moving to the states in about a year so there is really nothing they could do on that list other than imprison her, it seems. I'm very worried, we don't have the money to pay this right now as I've recently enrolled in a debt management program to get our finances under control for us to move. What can I do about this? Can we call them and explain the situation of her not receiving the letters due to her name being spelled incorrectly? I'm happy for us to pay the original fine, but this is outrageous for us right now. Will they really try to arrest her? Please, any help possible is welcome.
  10. I have had a difficult relationship with my now Ex, particularly financially. I am on benefits (as a carer), he recently went self employed which has only made my income situation worse because he hasn't been earning a great deal, hasn't given me receipts that I need to continue all the benefits (which I should be able to) so I am very very short of money right now. I received a Distress Warrant from Collectiva dated 3rd June related to several fines (totalling just over £1,000 that he was supposed to be paying off. He hasn't obviously, it looks like he's hardly paid anything off. The letter says that they will come round and collect the money or will be able to break in and take my furniture. The stuff in the house is all mine, I probably have receipts for a lot of it, but some of it is years old so won't have receipts for all of it. It was the last straw and I gave him his clothes and told him to leave (the warrant has only been issued because he hasn't done what he needed to to sort the situation out.., he's had months to sort this out). The problem is, I can't prove he's left the premises. The tenancy agreement is in our joint names. I will be phoning on Monday to change all the benefits to my name only (which will for a few weeks leave me with even less money coming in) but I doubt I will get notification of the benefit changes by the two weeks the Distress Warrant suggests I will have bailiffs coming round. What can I do, if anything? I have two children and lots of stuff in the house the bailiffs could take. I won't let them in, but the letter says they can force entry.
  11. Hi I took small claims action against someone and because they did not respond at all within the required time, they received a CCJ by default. Before I had chance to request a warrant online via the MCOL system however, they submitted an application to have the CCJ set aside. The hearing for this was last week but they did not turn up to the defend their application and it was dismissed. Please could you now tell me how I now go about getting my money? The facility (button) for requesting a warrant online via the MCOL system has now disappeared and I'm not sure what to do next. Many thanks for your help.
  12. Good afternoon I was advised to come here from moneysaving expert as I have a query regarding a warrant for an unpaid fine. I was hoping you can advise on the following: Yesterday evening my friend found a note in his letterbox from Her Majesteys Court Service. It said You have received a visit from warrant officer xxx & xxx. Message: "Arrest warrant for unpaid fine" Call 077xxxxxxxxx In a bit of a panicked state he called the police station who said there was no warrant for his arrest and that it sounded like a civil matter with a bailiff. He is unaware of any monies owed and didn't know what it was about. He has not had requests for payment and has not been asked to attend court for anything. When he called the number he was told it was regarding a fine for not notifying the DVLA that he sold a car. The warrant officer gave the registration address of the car as the address he moved from in 2008 or 2009. I know the paperwork was sent off as I did it for him. Shortly after selling the car he moved and has been at his current address ever since. The person he spoke to said they were not a bailiff, they were a warrant officer and they would not call back to the house now that my friend had made contact. They left it that my friend would call them on Friday morning to arrange payment. They want £250 off him. I have been advised that he needs to call back and get: Date of warrant address on warrant issuing court then get a statutory declaration witnessed by a solicitor to say he has never been informed of the liability before, and was never given an opportunity to pay any fines, or to attend court. The "warrant officer" is expecting a call from him tomorrow morning. Should he ask for the above details and say he is lodging this declaration with the court and not pay the fine tomorrow? There has been no mention of timescale to pay the money, I guess because my friend immediately said he would pay the charge on Friday which is payday. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated as Citizens Advice say this is beyond their remit to help with and is getting into the realms of legal advice. He is very realistic about this and knows that as he does not have the letter from DVLA acknowledging the sale of the vehicle, he is not going to be able to avoid getting a fine. It is just all the other charges that he is looking to mitigate if at all possible. Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. Hi, I will describe my situation as fully as possible, hopefully someone will be able to help me make sense of this! Today I received a notification that a summary warrant has been granted against me with regards to council tax. Myself and a partner (we are both full-time students) moved into the rented property 5 months ago, in that time we heard nothing from the council regarding council tax until the notification of summary warrant was received. The amount due to the council is for a full year, with the addition of a penalty charge. The notification of summary warrant is not addressed to me (my name is nowhere on the letter), instead it is addressed to a company name. I'm assuming here that the previous tenant worked for them, hence the council tax charges directed to them. If there's anything more anyone needs to know to help then let me know. Thank you for your help, Jethro
  14. Hi guys Long story short: - Had a dvla fine for non payment of tax on a car i'd scrapped - Was in process of applying to have case reopened as I moved shortly after scrapping car - In the meantime bailiff turns up demanding £567.67 for £80 fine - Paid in full on the spot, not going to risk my stuff being moved Yesterday found out the case was heard (and therefore any warrant issued by HM Court) using a date of birth exactly 20 years different to mine. For arguments sake 01/01/1956 instead od 01/01/1976. My V5 and DL were/are in the correct DOB. Is this a reason to have this quashed? I'm NOT trying to avoid a legitimate fine! I have paid a fine I should never have been given and will take any technicality to get it back!
  15. Hey guys, I wonder if someone can help. Last time I was here, Ploddertom and wonkydonkey were brilliant when it came to reigning in the HMRC bully boys that attempted to steal £k's from me. I have posted this over at MSE. Although I am receiving helpful responses, there is a lack of definitive answers. I fell into arrears last year with electricity provider - Npower. We came to an agreement on a repayment plan but unfortunately as I am self-employed I defaulted on payments again. Npower then refused to budge. They wanted to fit a pre-payment meter. My son's use of the internet for study (examination period) made me reluctant to agree. Anyway, I was notified of Npower's - thru Utility Management Services - intention to make an application for warrant of execution. This would enable them to fit the meter. The court date was set for 20th May in a location 250 miles from my home. With work at a premium right now, and funds scarce I could not afford a 500 mile round trip on a weekday. The following day three cowboy's arrived, informing me a warrant had been granted and they wanted to execute it. They showed me a piece of paper - supposedly proving said warrant - but could not give me a copy. There was little I could do because although I could deny them access to the house, the acutal meter is on the outside of the premises. So I was forced to relent and let them fit it. Having done some research there are a few anomalies which I would like to address: i) I read on the CAB that you must be given notice that the warrant was issued and then given 7 days to make payment. I was given 1 day and not informed that the warrant was granted. Npower say that it says on their letter - notifying me that they will make an application for warrant - that they will call immediately at my property. This is true, but does it exempt them from the 7 days notice and notification of successful application? ii) The amount outstanding has increased by almost £900 since yesterday. When I phoned Npower, I was told that: £150 court fees £50 engineer fees £600 'other charges'. Is this all legitimate? iii) The debt collector couldn't provide me with a warrant and when I requested the warrant number from Npower they replied, 'You'll have to contact the court'. Is this standard practice?
  16. Hi All yesterday I get home from work and find a letter from equita stated that I have unpaid council tax. the letter says: I have today called to your property with regards to a WARRANT OF ARREST WITHOUT BAIL. which has been issued by Coventry magistrates court. please contact me on the number below to discuss the situation. should you fail to comply with the terms of this letter, we will have no alternative other than to arrest you and take you into custody without further warning. it is signed by warrant office: then there name (not my mistake, that's how it is signed office not officer ) then his mobile number. yes I know I owe council tax, but am still paying 30 pound a month for arrears, I was paying 195. then that finished but still pay the £30 for the previous years c/tax, I did however miss two months paying it but just paid it this month. the £30 is for a different address. this is the first time I have had equita here at my property it used to be newlyn until I joined your site and promptly stopped paying them and went straight to paying the council online through my bank. can they do this and if so what can I do now, I don't remember having a court summons through to attend court at any time. please help as this is stressing me out.
  17. Hi there we are in a very odd situation and would require some advice. My brother is neither a citizen of UK nor he has ever lived here, he is of mature age and sometimes visit UK like once in 2 years for a month or sometimes 2 weeks in a year. He did a mistake without knowing UK motoring law took out dad's car in to the next street at night and got caught my police officer of driving without a third party insurance. He got a fine of £200. But instead of telling us or paying the fine online he gave 2 visits to the local police station, on saturday it was closed on Monday she was told by the officer that he should wait for the letter as its been more than 7 days. He left UK as always, he has no address in UK, he applies for visiting visa on his own basis, we moved property as well (rented) and after 5 month letter came in our old property about his court hearing. We visit our old property twice a week to get letters that still goes to that address. Court hearing date was passed, it was on my brother's name and even if we had got letter on time it his presence to it was impossible. So I wrote a letter to court and explained his case and asked for new fine with mention that his salary is £300 per month only if we compare to UK. I also wrote that he is guilty and if court wants to contact him directly then please ask for our address. I also wrote address of our new house. I gave the letter by hand and it has magistrates court stamp as well. No response came and just this week I got a torn letter from our old property that says NOTICE OF DISTRESS WARRANT an that they have been instructed by court to collect full payment of £830 or remove goods to sell at public auction. Date is like almost one month old and new tenants in our old property are never happy that we still visit their house to get our letters so I dont know may be they threw other letters or I cant really say. Anyway the problem is fine of £830 is too much to pay for him as well. Its like his 3 months salary. My dad is supporting a family of 6 already and his yearly salary is £11K. Yes that much less. He is the only earner in our family. So even if we want to pay on his behalf we cannot and then I dont see the point that why my dad should pay for his 28 years old son. He cannot anyway. No we dont know what to do. I dont think they know that he does not live in UK and was only a visitor. Case is already into bailiffs hand so would they consider monthly instalments? He does not live here so what can happen if we ignore these letters from bailiff? Like lets say when he applies for visiting visa lets say next year or so will his name be in criminal record? We are not financially in good condition. There is no way we can pay £830 so the most we can offer is our car on which by brother got fined. But even if we have to offer this how it can be done? Please advice. I will be very thankful to all of you.
  18. I just received this letter today stating: Marston High court enforcement officer & Certified bailiff CLient : HMCTS Cheshire Div 1 Amount Due : £706.67 we are in possession of a Magistrates court order as a consequences of non payment of this above fine. Your residence at the above address has been confirmed. As you have failed to deal with this outstanding fine or respond to letters delivered to this and previous address, we must inform you that unless the TOTAL sum due above is paid with in 7 days of this letter, our bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove good for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION. I want to pay them but they want full amount, I had been ringing them since last 6 months n told them I will pay you a set amount via direct debit or standing order, but everytime they say we want full amount, now I got this final letter, Im really worried I dont know what to do now. please help me I only earn £100/ Week, so dont know what to do Regards
  19. Hi all, I hope you can help. I am a tenant in a building of around 20 studio flats which was a former commercial premises. A property management company bought the building with the intention of applying for planning permission to convert it into a hotel in 2/3 years. In the meantime, they have converted the interior into studios and tenants such as me are living there and paying rent. Our tenancy agreements explicitly state that the management company pays for electricity charges. The company used to actually have an office in this building but have since moved out. Since then, post has piled up. They know it, because they are often round to do viewings for potential new tenants. Around a week ago we got a letter addressed to "The Occupier" marked "ELECTRICITY DISCONNECTION NOTICE" from Haven Power: -------------------------------------------------- Haven Power The Havens Ransomes Europark Ipswich IP3 9SJ Dear Sirs Electricity Supply to: Supply Number: Account Reference: Haven Power is the electricity supplier to the above premises. If you are the current occupier please complete the slip below and return to us at the above address. Please note that if we do not receive a response in connection with this meter within the next 7 days we will be requesting disconnection, with no further correspondence being entered into. Yours sincerely Credit Management Advisor -------------------------------------------------------- I immediately told the property agent and they said they would look into it. I heard nothing and today a collection agency has visited the building while I was at work, and were unable to get in. They left this letter: --------------------------- Date: 16/4/13 The Occupier, Customer Reference: Outstanding Balance: £33,943.37 We act as authorised officers of Haven Power Limi8ted on behalf of and your account has been passed to us for collection. We called today to discuss your unpaid account, the details are shown above. As we were unable to resolve the outstanding amount and/or gain access we now serve notice of our intention to make applications for a Warrant of Entry (Gas and Electricty Boards) Act 1954, Section 2, from the Magistrates Court, to enter the premises and disconnect the supply. The warrant gives us authority to enter your premises without your consent and if necessary, we may be assisted by the police. If the warrant is actioned then costs will be charged to you. This will need to be paid, along with your electricity charges up to the date your supply is connected, before reconnection is arranged. Reconnection will be arranged once the outstanding balance and the warrant costs have been paid. You may also be required to pay a security deposit. Haven Power Limited, and will not be held responsible for any loss of earnings or other expenses incurred during the period you are disconnected. If it is your gas supply that we disconnect you may be responsible for arranging and paying a Gas Safe registered engineer to make safe your supply prior to reconnection. This can cost you around £60 depending on the engineer. Please contact "B" on 01707 252900 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday to arrange payment or to discuss matters which are preventing payment. Yours, Recoveries Agent Registered Office: --------------------------- I am obviously quite worried. My first instinct is to call the agency above and Haven Power but I'm actually worried that as soon as I say I am a tenant, they will change "THE OCCUPIER" to my own name! And yet my property agent appear to be doing nothing! They always promise something and fail to do it. I feel like they are giving me the runaround. Do you have any suggestion for my rights, can we stop this disconnection? Should I just cancel my tenancy? Refuse to pay next month's rent? Leave as soon as possible? Should I attempt to call either of the two agencies or Haven Power? I am even thinking of going to all the other tenants and suggesting we all stop paying rent until this is resolved. Any advice you can give us is greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi there, I have had a letter from collectica stating that, they have been given the disstress by the magistrate court with reference to an unpaid fine I live in a block of flats which is relevant as u will find out later in the thread I rang collectica and they have told me if I do not pay £40 per week they will come and collect my belongings. I have told them I am on benefits and am I single widowed parent recieving widowed parent allowance and child tax credit and don't have a job which is hard as I have a son. i have paid 4 of the payments on time but simply this has left me with no money I can't afford anywhere near £40 a week I would struggle to pay more than £10 is there anything I can do? Also as I said earlier the reference to my address is important for another question, the court never had my proper full address the only reason the letters got to me is because the postman knows my name I will explain my address is flat Edited to remove personal information The building is a 9 flat block of apartments known as the place, the disstress warrant is made to the following address edited , they have not included the flat number or the building name so my second question is can the collection agency legally forcefully make entry to my flat without the correct address ? Please pardon my grammar its not the best and thanks for taking the time to read this,kind regards
  21. hi I came home from work today and hand delivered through my door is a pale pink slip, attached to a baking card that states it is a no bail arrest warrant and £100 is written in the box with my name and address. there is also a account number which i have never seen and a warrant officer name and telephone number, the number is a mobile and at 5.30 when i got home there was nobody answering the phone. It states HM court Service on the top with the date and visit 1 written on it, i am not sure what this is for, can i be arrest, i though only the police could arrest you? Please help i am worried
  22. I recently sent my phone to back to HTC for a repair under warranty as for the last 3 months I have had issues which were as if i was repeatedly and rapidly pressing all of the buttons at once, the screen was going crazy and i was unable to make a phone call or send a text message. The day after the phone was collected I received an emailed quote from HTC demanding nearly £150 to repair the phone. Naturally I called them to find out why I would have to pay this charge and understand why it wasnt covered by the warranty. I was told that the phone had a known hardware fault known to them as the "helicopter screen bug" and that the motherboard would need to be replaced; however, as I had installed a modified version of their software on the phone the warranty was voided. I find it hard to believe that they can refuse to fix my phone which has a well known hardware defect because of the fact that I installed my own software. I argued my case with a member of the customer services team over the phone, who appeared to agree with me but he still said nothing could be done, I stood my ground before he told me he would arrange for a supervisor to give me a call the next morning. I never received the call back and now want to call them back myself to see if i can resolve this. Am I correct in what i am saying, should i be entitled to have the phone repaired for free? if they continue to refuse how should i proceed with this? Many thanks for reading!
  23. Hi there, Just looking for some advice of where we may be able to go with this. A bailiff from Marston Group, Mr Harvey, called at my house on Saturday in regards to having the car untaxed on 3 occassions, 2 in 2011 and once 2010. He said he had a distress warrant. the list of what he showed had 5 incidents on there, 2 of which seemed to be duplicated as the same date was shown. They want £1500.0 from us. Now to be honest, when the incidents occured I was in a bit of a state and was hiding debt letters from my partner. I can't remember what came through and what I hid. I have not been hiding anything since June last year when everything came to a head with our mortgage. So it is likely I hid letters in regard to this. W have not had a letter from Marston's to date, though they say they sent one at the beginning of November 2012. We did not let the bailiff in the house, and he didn't ask to come in, we took the bit of paper he gave us and as we'd changed cars over that period we needed to find out what it was in relation to. We said we'd call him today. He went away. Today we have been in touch with the court, and looks like it was us and we owe this money. The court advised that the distress warrant would have expired on 20/03/2013 and he showed up on the 23/03/2013...the court advised that now they have made contact this would give the bailiff 3 extra months to deal with it. After this i went on to check to see if he was certificated, there are some Mr Harvey's on the register, but none showing at being employed by the Marston Group. When i phoned Marston's they advised his number and that that "looked old" and they did not recognise the name Harvey. So my partner phoned Mr Harvey himself and he got a bit cagey and with nervous laughter stated he was no longer dealing with it as his certification had "ran out this morning". We are currently trying to get hold of the courts to see if they can take the debt back and we deal with the courts, hopefully arrange some sort of payment plan with them, and maybe get the bailiff fines taken off. Just kind of wondering if there is anything that we can do about the fact that this guy seems to not be certificated. I was advised that there is a grace period of 6 months for a bailiff to be able to act whilst getting his certification, but with this Mr harvey's dodgy reaction if there is something else we can do, maybe find out how long he's been employed by Marston etc. We can't afford to pay the debt in one go and will cll upon the mercy of the courts with a budget sheet. we aren't in any sort of vulnerable position so we won't have that on our side. We are quite happy to accept the debt and a reasonable amount of time to pay. Thanks in advance for any help given. Claire
  24. Hello, I am new to the forum and I'm hoping to get some advice from you good people out there! I have had a hand delivered letter from a bailiff stating that the have called to execute a warrant issued by Northampton COunty Court They claim to be authorized by a court under the enforcement of road traffic debts (certified bailiffs) Regulations 1993 (Amendments 2003) To remove our vehicle/household effects to satisfy an unpaid penalty charge notice due to the council. They say that I need to contact them within 24 hours or they will attend at any time of day or night to impound vehicle/remove goods. 1. I don't know what the fine is for, as I cannot recognize the reference no from any correspondence 2. Since being made redundant I have very low income and I don't have enough for me and family or able to pay even 1p for this if it is valid. The chances are there is a debt somewhere but I cannot find any correspondence in relation to it. 3.I have recently started a business which is highly dependent on the car, cannot afford for them to take it away! Desperately need good advice can someone help please! Thanks in advance
  25. Hi everyone i had a parking fine from manchester city council(my car was a touch over the white line when i parked). I am a blue badge holder in recepit of dla and esa which totals £120 pw. I contacted manchester city council who were unhelpful from the start and told me it was not there problem and to contact northampton cc. Northampton cc told me the same and passed me back to Manchester cc. Now i have 5 days left to find £93...marstons told me in no uncertain terms they will take my car,i live with my mother and have no valuable goods of my own(all have been long sold since my illness). I asked could any amount be taken out of my benefit weekly and i was told "yes,the full amount of £93 and given to our balliff). Is there any other alternative to the one solution i have left which is to borrow off a door step lender which obviously i do not want to do as we all know how that could end up. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.
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