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  1. Hi, I am in the process of making an appeal for a grievance I bought about with my line manager in my office. To cut a long story short, he has been bullying, harassing and intimidating me on and off for over two years. The final straw came about in February this year and I started to document everything daily that was said and done to me. Others saw what was happening and I put them down as witnessess, but they told me they were too frightened to back me because of the worry of them losing their jobs as the manager was the hirer and firer. Anyways, last week the outcome of all my 2 page statement was trashed by the line managers boss ( who is his friend) and he said what was done and said couldnt be proved ( as it was the line managers word against mine) !!! I am now going to appeal against the outcome as it was seriously flawed and a lot of the information I had put on my statement had been conveniently left out by them. They had 6 weeks to pull my statement apart, and get to my witnessess, so I knew I was on a hiding to nothing. What I really want to know is can I use the 'Protection of harassment act 1997' to sue the company as they did not protect me from the bullyer which as a company, it is their duty to protect their staff. I have read up quite a lot about th 1997 act and I am sure I can use this as my saviour, but just wanted to run it past you others first. I realise it will be a battle but if I don't carry this to the end the bullyiers will flurish and thats how they gain their strength.
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone here can offer some advice. I moved into my current home in March, since then I have received five visits from foul-mouthed aggressive scrotes claiming to be bailiffs and/or DCAs. All of them are looking for the previous tenants or more accurately the family of the previous tenants (It appears the entire family were giving the address to credit companies and the DVLA even though the place isn't big enough to house them all!). The bailiffs all try insisting that I have to prove I'm not the debtor but back down when I quote the OFT guidelines to them. Due to previous bad experiences with bailiffs and their ilk I am unwilling to provide them with my personal details and to my understanding I am under no obligation to do so. The biggest problem at the moment is Collect Services who have stated that I have to provide the details or they will keep coming round. They claim that the OFT guidelines don't apply to them as they're bailiffs pursuing a court ordered debt. Is that true? I have suggested that they contact the local council as the creditor for further instructions - the debt they are chasing is for a number of PCNs (annoyingly the council is also my landlord but refuses to pass info between departments) - Collect Services refuse to do so. I have pointed out that any future visits will be regarded as harassment for which I will seek to prosecute them, also their representatives will be removed from my property by force if necessary. Is there anything else I can do to get these idiots to go away?
  3. I have a creditor making a claim against me using a firm of solicitors who appear to be behaving incorrectly. The claim has been made and a defence will be filed. However the solicitors have proceeeded to send me two e.mails with PDF versions of the claim complete with responce pack, then amazingly the details of claim appeared at my workplace in an open envelope with no address or covering letter. God knows how many people have had access to this info. This must be unethical, and possibly illegal. It appears just to have been done maliciously in order to bring pressure to bear. Could you give me some advice how to proceed against the solicitors please.
  4. Starting at 8.30am every morning for the past few weeks, I am getting literally dozens of telephone calls from these idiots. Each time I say I am not prepared to speak with them over the phone and askid them to write to me (no letters have appeared). I have sent them a template letter asking them not to contact me by phone any longer, and just now I have had a call from them. The *ahem* 'gentleman' on the other end of the phone was, in tyical DCA fashion, aggressive and argumentative, and told me when I pointed out the law he was breaking that it is 'up to us, not you how we contact you'. What the dealio?? How do I go about making a complaint about the harassment because I really am coming to my wits end with these imbeciles! I was even told by one that if i 'completed security then the calls would stop'. I know the tricks, and really have no issue hanging up on them half way through their shouting, but I would rather not ave the calls in the first place...
  5. Hi all,I’m in a bit of a bad situation with my former landlord and need some advice. It’s a bit long but please bear with me. I moved into his property, which is a shared house private accommodation, just under two years ago. I moved out on May 7th 2011 and gave notice on May 21st 2011, but paid him rent for May in lieu of notice. The reason I moved without informing him was because I had just split up with my partner who I shared the room with, meaning that I had to find a place to move pretty much immediately. I know I should have given notice, but I have no written contract with him and no deposit either so just figured I would pay him a months rent. So I no longer live at his address. I owe him £550 for rent arrears which he is chasing me for. This has been going on and on for a while – I have been paying him what I can when I can and approached him via email a few weeks ago with an offer of payment, £50 for June (which I have paid) and £100 each month thereafter. The only reason I have been contacting him via email is that he has consistently refused or ignored my repeated requests to provide me with his address. He has demanded £300 a month until the debt is cleared, which I cannot afford. He has threatened numerous times to take me to court, apply directly to my employer for attachment of earnings (he does not have a court order, in fact he has not even issued a formal written demand for payment!) , sent email regarding my arrears and my sexuality (!!) to other tenants in the house. I find his behaviour towards me very threatening; I am a 20 year old female living in this area with no close family or friends nearby except my boyfriend. At the advice of CAB I did not provide him with my new address, he has found it out anyway and said he will come round to my house and my place of work to chase me about the arrears. I have voicemails, emails and text messages confirming all of this. He has also sent emails to the tenants saying that if I am seen on the premises as a guest that he will raise their rent. Anyway recently he conceded to the £100 a month on the proviso that I would pay him an extra £50 on top of the £50 I paid in June. I cannot afford this! I can pay him £100 a month starting from the end of this month and that’s it. I have stated that I will pay him extra when I can, but all he is doing is going on about attachment of earnings and contacting my employer..Last night he sent me an email saying he was going to start court proceedings tomorrow because I can’t pay him £50, but he is fine with £100 a month thereafter? The state of the house when I lived in it (bathroom door does not close, oven and washing machine both broke twice and it took him months to fix, water tank leaking all over stairs, shower pressure broken) was disgusting, and I have three tenants willing to testify to that if it does go further. He would just turn up at times like 10pm on a Sunday night with no notice whatsoever, just come round the back and let himself into the living room. This combined with the way he has been treating me AND the fact that I have offered him a reasonable payment plan and stuck to it (speaking to CAB they have informed me it is “harassment by a creditor”) makes me think that if it does go to court I stand a good chance of winning, by sticking to my original arrangement or having the debt wiped all together. A solicitor has informed me that I could seek damages for harassment but I just want it over and done with! The only things he has on me is that I owe him money and that I didn’t give notice. (payment of a months rent in lieu of notice is acceptable I think, especially considering that he did not have to find another tenant as my partner continues to inhabit the room) What is your advice? I am very nervous and stressed about this, I work in a high-stress demanding job and have had to take time off due to stress migraines from this situation.Now I have worked previously in debt collection before (sorry guys) so I know that a lot of it is scare tactics (for example the garnishing of my wage without a CCJ) but is still stressing me out! I have contacted legal aid and they have offered to make a formal offer of payment on my behalf BUT it would damage my credit rating which is the one thing I am 100% determined to avoid. I have great credit for someone my age and intend to keep it that way. Apart from this fiasco, I do not owe money anywhere else. I have no other debts. I have contacted the police about this behaviour at the advice of legal aid and have an appointment this weekend to discuss his harassment. Tl;dr – landlord harassing me for money, apparently taking me to court, scared and stressed and just want to get it sorted asap. I want him out of my life! If I could pay more I would. Please help me, CAG! edited to add that he has attemped to evict myself, another tenant and my boyfriend from the property through text message on numerous occasions which i believe is illegal eviction.
  6. A private ltd. company I used to be a director of claimed in the small claim action that my company shares were paid for by my director's loan account in 2001 and that I'd never paid the director's loan off. Now as I did have a director's loan account but it was £70 in credit from 2002 until I left in 2009 and had never had the share debt in there, I know this wasn't true and was prepared to argue this in court. As it happened, the judge immediately told the company it was statute barred anyway, so no argument was ever heard. The company has now written stating that, in fact, the shares were NEVER paid for and using standard regulations in table A, they've moved on to say if I don't pay for the shares now, they will be forfeited! So in a court document, they've claimed the shares were paid for by my DLA, then when the judge says it's statute barred they actually then change their minds, go back on what they wrote in the small claim action and now are pursuing me for the same money but using a different argument! Am I able to contact the OFT to complain about the company's actions, do you know please?
  7. Hello All The ET accepted my claim (sexual harassment, discrimination, victimisation) and I have recieved the ET3 responses (1 from employer, 1 from manager) both basically the same and prepared by their rep from the EEF. This rep is the same person who advised the repsonse to the Statutory Questionnaire that I issued to the company. This was given to me on the last day of the 8 week time limit (and a week after the last day lodgement to ET) and was signed by a HR rep rather than the EEF rep (even though it was she who drafted the response). The response left a large number (all but 2 really) of direct questions wholey unanswered, "don't see relevance, please state and we will consider further upon reciept bla bla". Not to be drawn into this time wasting excercise since the 8 weeks had elapsed and the claim already lodged, I simply pointed out that the tribunal may draw an adverse inference bla bla. In the ET3, the rep has stated that the Stat Questionnaire was answered in full and no inferences should be drawn - so my question is: what is the point of this? As soon as the Tribunal read it, they will see that most questions weren't answered at all, let alone in full. There is also a denial that the HR rep that I had my initial meeting with, when reading through my grievance letter, made a comment referring to the manager "having been warned about this before" when she got to the part about him winking/calling me darling etc. Now, I told this to the investigator and it's there in the minutes of this and subsequent meetings that the HR rep said this and it was never challenged. I had not previously complained of these things so obviously some else had spoken to HR. The investigation summary said that a number of other females had confirmed that the manager does these things (though ofcourse he denies it). 1 of the people was the HR rep! So my question here is: what's the point in denying she said this now? On the ET3 and also the Questionnaire "response", they seem to make a big deal that "emails from the previous year" indicate that organized nights out are an extension of work. Yes, I know this. However, seeing that they press this point on paper, I have all the emails sent before this particular event/incident and it does not have that bit included. Question: is this a disclaimer of sorts? If so, what's the point in saying that emails from the past have included it when the ones relevant to the incident (which I have) do not? TBH, I didn't think much of their ET3 - it didn't seem like they were making much of an effort to counter my claims. No doubt as time goes on, they will become more agressive in their approach. I had requested a copy of my personnel folder on the Stat Questionnaire which wasn't provided so I then made a Subject Access Request which HR accepted more than 40 days ago and it has not been complied with. I have emailed a Letter Before Action giving a further 7 days to comply but I doubt they will and if so, then certainly not in full.
  8. Hi All, I’m having even more trouble with Orange PLC and I was hoping someone might be able to help with a few queries. Basically, my Mrs cancelled her contract last year in writing two months before the official ending date, Orange wrote back advising the letter hadn't been signed ( My Mrs. swears it was), and requesting a further signed copy, we gladly did this (recorded signed for) and heard nothing for months. We then started receiving calls from Orange PLC requesting payment of a bill we knew nothing of, then the invoices started to appear. I wrote to Orange PLC and queried the bill and also asked that they stop calling. They didn’t answer my letter or stop calling and continued to chase us at all times via phone and letter. After some months and 4 further letters the debt had somehow passed its way to various debt collections agencies (this month its Moorecroft Cowboys), each one has been dealt with the same way, complaint letter & 14 day Court Proceedings for Harassment) and they all run away to chase an easier target, like these people do. To cover all my bases for court and to follow Oranges own guidelines as per their website I called customer services (Indian Call Centre), I was told my account had been passed to a debt agency I would have to call them to discuss any issues, I explained the story above and asked to speak to a manager and he said Orange PLC had every right to send my details to debt collectors, as this was their policy, I took all this with a pinch of salt.....Still, official procedure followed, we move on. I've had enough now, I’m going to county court for Harassment and DPA non compliance, damaging my Mrs excellent credit rating etc etc. My questions, if anyone could help?? I need to find out exactly how many times Orange PLC called me, times, dates, duration etc, I do have my own log, but I liked to know for sure for Court Papers. How would I find this information? Freedom of Information request, Data Protection Act request? Orange PLC should have the 'Non signed Letter' how would I get a copy of this? Many thanks for your help in advance, Lee.
  9. Hi Forum Members, I have been getting letters from Lowells demanding payment of outstanding credit card debt for over a year now...Every time I write to these jokers they ignore the content of my letters and persist. They know without a doubt that I have two permanent medical conditions, and that my benefits income is 'inalienable', and they have received a voluntary statement of income/expenditure that proves I cannot repay anything ( this was "kept on file" and duly ignored !). Their response was to demand monthly payments in excess of my total benefits income. Now they threaten with home visits (not allowable without my permission), and also state they will obtain a credit reference report and use court action. Are they legally entitled to obtain credit reference files ?? What can they use those for ?? What else can I do about these jokers ?? At present I am preparing a complaint to the OFT, since they are the ones who licence these companies. I shall complain on the grounds of harassment, and not following OFT guidelines. Any other defensive action I can take ?? They really are getting too much now... Any advice welcome... Thanks. 8-)
  10. I have been getting daily texts from Frederickson asking me to call despite them failing to provide a CCA Has anyone else had text harassment from Frederickson. Im investigating how to get these blocked with Vodafone. But if anyone else has any experience of this let me know i suspect its going to be tricky to get this stopped as i doubt laws that cover phone calls cover text messages as well.
  11. a few weeks ago i got a letter from ccscollect saying that they were collecting a debt for the DWP, adding "as this is a govt account, if repayment is not received deductions can be taken from future benefits or state pension you receive" - it sounded serious. so i sent them a letter (i got from here) that i've used before saying it's not my debt, etc, and added bits about no visitors and no harassing telephone calls - it worked last time, so why not this. it didn't! yesterday i received another letter detailing a stream of social fund crisis loans plus a couple of similar DWP type payments ... plus more threats. clearly if they compared my National Insurance number or Date of Birth they would know for certain that they had the wrong person but, given the type of dirty tricks the finance industry can legally get away with, e.g. "forging" signatures on documents, i am not willing to provide them with more of my personal details than they already have. obviously they must have the right name, possibly even the right area, just not the right person! as i have already sent your "standard" letter saying that it's not my debt, harassment, etc, i really don't know what i should do next. ignore them until they really "hang" themselves (ideally literally!) or write again saying that i've never had a social fund loan (last one i said that i had never owed any money to the DWP, maybe even give them my approx age. i'm already suffering from depression without these ******** hounding me! please help ...
  12. 1. The issue I bring to CAG is a matter of alleged harassment of a Debtor by a Creditor. In that My wife and I allege that the course of conduct complained of constituted a course of conduct which on the balance of probability a reasonable man in possession of all the facts would consider to be harassment. 2. The Legislation The relevant language of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 reads as follows: Prohibition of harassment. 1(1) A person must not pursue a course of conduct— (a) which amounts to harassment of another, and (b) which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other. (2) For the purposes of this section, the person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it amounts to harassment of another if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other. Offence of harassment. 2(1) A person who pursues a course of conduct in breach of section 1 is guilty of an offence. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or both. Civil remedy. 3(1) An actual or apprehended breach of section 1 may be the subject of a claim in civil proceedings by the person who is or may be the victim of the course of conduct in question. (2) On such a claim, damages may be awarded for (among other things) any anxiety caused by the harassment and any financial loss resulting from the harassment. Interpretation of this group of sections 7(1) This section applies for the interpretation of sections 1 to 5A (2) References to harassing a person included alarming the person or causing the person distress 3. We also allege that sections of both the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the OFT Final Guidance on Debt Collection have been breached. As well as breaches of our right to privacy and BC's implied obligation of confidentiality owed to me, the First Claimant their customer. 4. To summarise, starting in mid 2006 I began to suffer some ill health. By November of 2006 I had been off work a number of months and my condition was still deteriorating. During November of 2006 I wrote to BC with whom I had a Credit Card account, requesting that they accepted a reduced monthly repayment on the ground of my suffering financial hardship due to the health issue. 5. From this point on and until approximately mid 2008 the account concerned was serviced in the varied manner. Then during the summer of 2008 BC bought up another debt in my name from another Credit Card Company.(Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Card Services) I claim that from this point on there followed a catalogue of utter confusion, errors and the alleged unlawful harassment acts on the part of BC. 6. Our case is that BC made mistake after mistake with the account, sent bill after bill and threatened the me with letter after threatening letter. 7. The Debt was then passed between a number of agents, and I then began receiving repeated, frequent and duplicated demands from them all. Each company vying for the payment. 8. We allege that there then begun a campaign of telephone calls and texted messages, again frequent and duplicated from the numerous companies, these calls, numbered into several hundred calls and spanned over two years. Starting in Approximately September/October of 2008 and continuing until February of 2010. 9. We claim that us and our witnesses will give evidence to demonstrate that nothing any of us could do, would influence or stop it. We will offer the court a large quantity of written communication all of which supports my case. I will argue that matters got so out of hand by the autumn of 2008 that I declined to communicate with BC by telephone, instead, I insisted that BC write to me. 10. We also allege that the calls received from BC and their agents were received on two different numbers, calls to our home telephone and calls to our son’s mobile. The calls then took four forms; Silent calls, manned calls, left messages and texts. Due to my poor health; a walking disability and my daily use of an IPAP lung ventilator for 9 hours a day, it is claimed that it was normally my wife who had to go to answer the home telephone. This disturbing both her rest and her work. Our son had similar experiences, receiving repeated and frequent calls from BC and their agents. The threats, texts and demands made to the son’s mobile telephone were similar in nature to the ones received by my wife and I on our home telephone. 11. It is claimed that the basic thread of the demands and threats was; that unless I made full payment of an outstanding balance of almost £9000 then BC or their agents would start legal proceedings, BC would send out a debt collector to our home and, BC would keep ringing until they got what they wanted. 12. We for our part wrote letter after letter to BC and their agents (Mercers and Calder) pointing out that I was very ill and that I was unable and unwilling to discuss matters over the telephone with BC. Instead I suggested in my letters to BC that they contact me in writing and by so doing, there would be a clear record of what was said and done by both parties. I allege that BC very rarely responded to my letters and that when they did they evaded my points preferring instead to make their demands. 13. In 2008 when the calls and texts began I wrote to advise BC that they were in fact texting and telephoning my son on occasion and that this was causing both father and son embarrassment and breaching my right to privacy and confidentiality. There followed a number of other calls and letters on the subject but again nothing could stop BC's calls and texts to our son. This so much so it is claimed that the last call and message received from BC in February of 2010 was received on the mobile telephone which our son had been using. 14. My wife has given evidence that on two occasions she tried to telephone BC with her complaints, (with all the difficulty of getting through), but to no avail. Mainly her efforts and my efforts, letters and calls received no response. 15. Sometimes during the calls I claim we received apologies and assurances from BC that the calls would stop. Unfortunately we will give evidence that any comfort taken from the assurances made by BC was short lived as invariably the calls restarted usually within hours and the bills and threats continued. 16. Finally in January 2009 I complained to the Financial Ombudsman’s Service. I complained that our Christmas 2008 had been devastated by the barrage of calls received from BC and their agents. My complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service was upheld and the Ombudsman ruled in my favour in July 2009. 17. During the Ombudsman’s investigation it became clear that BC were ignoring the Ombudsman’s communications too. On this I will offer the court copies of the chase up letters sent to BC by the Ombudsman. Which we believe will show the Ombudsman’s frustration. I suggest that these letters, and the Defendants lack of concern and response, demonstrate just how off the lead and out of control BC's attitude and ethics are. 18. As a result of the Financial Ombudsman intervention BC ultimately agreed to delete mine and my sons mobile numbers from their systems and agreed to change the preference on my account to written communication only. It was suggested by BC that they had taken these steps to avoid future issues. Unfortunately we allege that even before the Ombudsman had finalised his case BC resumed their calling and texting campaign again. There followed several hundred more calls. These calls climaxing again around the Christmas holiday of 2009, with us receiving 10, 12, or 14 calls in a day on some days and that these calls and texts continuing to the early part of February 2010 which is after the issue of this Claim. 19. I have stated that my wife and I have wasted many hours writing to BC in an attempt to communicate with them and stop the harassment we have suffered, more importantly, both of us were brought to a state of considerable anxiety, frustration and distress by the constant calls. I lived in constant fear, not knowing whether debt collectors would call at any time, whether I would have legal proceedings served upon me or whether the calls would just keep coming. It can be seen that even after giving assurances to the Financial Ombudsman Service that BC still continued with their campaign of calls and took my wife and I to the point of having to issue the current proceedings to stop the calls. 20. We claim that BC's course of conduct amounts to unlawful harassment contrary to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, that BC have also breached the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and have breach virtually every aspect and rules laid down by the Office of Fair Trading within their “Final Guidance on Debt Collections Activity”. 21. We claim £0,000 for distress and anxiety and £0,000 for financial loss due to time lost, loss of enjoyment of their home and their home life in dealing with BC and their agents. My principal object is to end my relationship with BC. 22. We believes that BC's debt collection policy is one based on harassment, that BC use the illegal tactics complained of in this matter and do so , knowing full well the levels of distress and damage they are causing. We also believe the acts we have witnessed have formed a cycle of events and that we have, during their long period of harassment, gone through almost three cycles of BC's harassment machine. 23. We believe that BC cannot blame their information technology or blame their acts on simple mistakes and omissions. We believe we can satisfactorily demonstrate to the court through witness and documentary evidence that BC knew of the impact their alleged actions. Or at the very least “ought to of known” the impact of their actions. And that the said actions complained of by my wife and I do so constitute a deliberate “course of conduct” and that the “course of conduct” amounting to the harassment complained of and was of sufficient “gravity” to be likely to cause distress, anxiety and loss to us, the Claimants, which is the test we have to satisfy, on the balance of probabilities. 24. I feel sure we are not alone in their suffering and that BC should be forced to change their business practices and policies complained of and, that this enforced change would be in the public interest. We maintain that BC were responsible and liable for not only their own actions but for the actions of their agents and had a duty to ensure the acts of all others were compliant with the law. We contend BC wanted all of the profits from the accounts but were unwilling to accept any of the responsibilities. 25. BC state that they deny each cause of action relied upon by us and puts us to proof of all matters alleged against BC. 26. I allege that it was I who had an account with them failed to keep up with repayments and that this resulting in arrears developing and consequently charges were levied and debited to my account. These charges were added to the balance each month. 27. BC make no admissions in relation to the operation of the second (Morgan Stanley, Goldfish) account which they claim they took over control of in October of 2008. BC claim they wrote to me in the January of 2009 stating that they acknowledged that a repayment plan which was established in June 2008 was in existence in relation to the Master Card account. 29. In the Defence BC make no admission as to the relevance of any complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service concerning the matters giving rise to the claim. BC makes no reference to the findings of the Ombudsman after his investigation or the alleged assurances given to the Ombudsman by BC in relation to their conduct towards me. 30. BC deny making calls to me in the October of 2008 and further more it is denied that any such calls were made by BC to me amounted to pursuit of an unreasonable course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of me. Instead they state that there was a default under the repayment plan agreed and that accordingly BC were reasonably entitled to attempt contact with me, so as to discuss the default and to make an arrangement for the default to be rectified. 31. BC make the point that both of the accounts I held and referred to in the Particulars of Claim were not linked. 32. BC deny that they harassed our son with “almost hourly” attempted calls from November 2009 onwards as has been alleged. 33. BC do admit that I had written to BC that BC was at all material times fully entitled to demand either a full or partial repayment of the balance due on the Platinum account and the Master Card account. 34. BC have denied all of the Claim stating that they have done no wrong; that they have done all that is required of them. BC contend that their conduct was all part of their normal business activity in an attempt to recover debts which were owed to them by me. 35. BC maintain that it is perfectly acceptable for them to treat consumers in the manner they did. BC impugn the allegations made in full and have argued that some of the incidents complained of by my wife and I simply did not happen. 36. BC have put me to strict proof and deny all of the Claim. If anyone in CAG land has any ideas, law I could use or advice I would welcome serious input. My case is set for court in November and my battle against the Giant BC will begin in ernest. Does anyone know of a Barrister that will take direct instruction on a case like this. Does anyone know a good cheap barrister? Wish me luck!!:mad2:
  13. Hi, I have a 24 month mobile contract that I took out in Jan 2009 while I was working full time and meeting payments regularly. Towards the end of last year I was diagnosed with a mental disorder and consequently could not cope with working at all, though I did enrol onto an FE college diploma shortly after I left work. As a result of leaving this job, I was unable to continue making payments for the phone and while my circumstances were explained to the provider (O2), my phone connection was understandably cut off. My problem is not with O2's actions, but with the debt collectors Buchanan Clark & Wells (BCW) as they have been sending me numerous letters with threatening sounding headers like 'VISIT BY INVESTIGATION OFFICER', and 'FINAL WARNING', that kind of thing, and have phoned my home several times to negotiate debt settlement. While these actions are to be expected from debt collectors, the manner in which they have handled the situation has been at best unsympathetic, and truthfully, anxiety provoking. They have also been made aware of my disposition and (in my view) exceptional circumstances hindering my ability to repay the debt, which stands at about £160, but have not made any real effort to understand or accept the barrier I face at the moment, and to be honest, I have much more important things to be concerned about such as my mental condition, so I could do without an unhelpful debt company making me more anxious, though I accept the debt is my responsibility. Are their actions and failure to account for my health condition, legal? What options do I have in order to resolve this issue for the time being? Can I report the company for their behaviour? I am sufficiently 'disabled' to qualify for numerous assistance from other organisations, why not BCW? Any advice/solutions would be gratefully accepted. [3UC7iD]
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