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  1. Hello - can I ask for some advice please? I have found an almost complete set of statements from Sep 1998 to May 2002. It covers an Alliance & Leicester credit card now taken over by Santander. I have to say that Santander have previously been good within limits - paid out when statements missing and very quickly. Of course, we should never have been in this position to start with but they do seem keen to be seen to be doing the right thing, unlike many others. My questions are these: 1. Given that the start date is so long ago, if I went legal, the compound interest is likely to make the award much larger than using the simple interest method. Can you please point me towards the spreadsheet that would enable me to work out the likely award please? 2. Also, how long does court action take, typically? What I might do (as they are likely to make me an offer within the next 2 weeks) is to suggest a compromise settlement to avoid court action but need to know what the likely sum is to start that discussion I think. Thanks very much for your help
  2. Just had a call from Wonga - trying to trace me to discuss compensation - well they had an old address from about 7 years ago so are sending me the 'pack' which I have to complete and return... Funny thing is today I was going through old paperwork and starting to chase on pension plans - so this ties in nicely! Hopefully it will be a reasonable offer - it should be as I was one of the ones they sent to their bogus solicitors AND it was them who attempted to empty my bank account AND also ignored the DMP people I was briefly with. Hope to make a small donation when their funds clear.
  3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/every-little-helps-supermarket-giant-5461757
  4. Hi all, i usually read the forums but dont post but i got a letter you might all be interested in this morning, i have received a letter from Wonga this morning re: historical debt collection practice. I have had the usual "you were affected" emails ect but this one actually offers compensation and refund. Its a low offer of £56 pound but they are also enclosing forms to request an individual assessment where they are asking what difficulty you incurred ect because of this, evidence of other loans i had to get out due to pay them back. I was at one point in deep to payday lenders and have in majority paid them back (one still on my dmp) so was wondering if you guys think i should accept the offer.
  5. A county court ruling today confirmed that airline Jet2.com can no longer put the payment of delayed flight compensation on hold. The ruling could potentially affect thousands of passengers with similar flight delay compensation claims in the UK. A CAA spokesperson said: 'The judgment of District Judge Jenkinson at Liverpool County Court reaffirms our longstanding view that airlines should abide by the ruling handed down by the Court of Appeal in Jet2 v Huzar last year. 'There is no reason for airlines to place claims on hold and we fully expect them to pay passengers the compensation they are due.' http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/02/airline-ordered-to-stop-delaying-compensation-396591/
  6. Hi all, I'm here to see if anyone can guide me on my rights please as sofa I've just found a brick wall to bang my head against! I sold a guitar on eBay and sent it via Parcel Force 48 fully compensated at slightly more than the guitar was valued for peace of mind to the buyer. The guitar was in a thick padded Gibson case (soft type) that lots of inbuilt protection. The guitar was then put in a slightly modified cardboard guitar box and wrapped tightly so there was no room for it to move around. The box was then covered top to bottom and around the middle in white and red fragile tape so it could be seen from all directions. When I took the box to my local post office the post master said "due to security reasons can you please tell me whats in the box?". I told him it was a guitar and he laughed and said he knew due to the shape. I paid £16 for the postage using Parcel Forces 48 service and an additional £15.00 in compensation to insure it up to £600. The buyer contacted me a couple of days later and said the guitar had snapped where the neck meets the body and sent me pictures. I immediate filed a claim with PF, sent proof of postage, compensation, pictures of the guitar before and after and proof of value. Two days later I got a email back saying it was rejected as the packing was insufficient. I challenged this as I had sent many guitars before using the same packing method and asked for evidence. They showed me a guide to packing a guitar and how they "recommend" there method but couldn't show me anything in there terms of carriage that a claim would be rejected for not following there "recommendation". I was then passed to an manager who then pointed out that there was a problem. Under PF terms of carriage it states that items excluded from the enhanced compensation include all musical instruments. So it turns out that they have said they have turned my claim down due to insufficient packing however they doing even offer insurance (compensation) for any musical instrument never mind how its been packaged. PF told me that its the PO fault as they should know the PF terms and that they do not offer enhanced compo therefor should not of sold it and made me aware. They said that the PO have a system called Horizon and that clearly gives them clear details on what can and can not be covered. Taken from there website - Musical instruments - no enhanced compensation is available. I went back to my local PO where I shipped the guitar and the post master became immediately defensive when I said PF will not and do not offer enhanced cover on any musical instrument, He claimed he did not know this and he was accepting no liability. He later phoned me maintaining he was not liable but admitted after looking through terms of carriage found the exclusion for musical instruments but referred me back to PF. So this is where I am. I believe that I was miss sold compensation by the post master at my local post office. He knew it was a musical instrument, he asked me what it was. He still sold me the compensation even though they did not offer it for what I was shipping. If he pointed this out I would never of sent it and told the buyer to collect in person, cancel or take it at his own risk. PF have offered me the £15 I paid in compensation back but I have refused this as I believe that if I accepted it I would close this situation and have no comeback. So where do you recommend I go next? Has PF been neglectful in handling my Parcel or have I been miss sold by the post office? I am currently £500 down and can't really afford to be. I have an appointment at the local CAB office but this isn't for a couple of weeks due to them being busy and my work commitments. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. James
  7. I recently sold a phone RM special insured delivery through amazon which arrived damaged (the phones sim tray was crushed in transit), the person who bought it off me sent it back without the original packaging as they chucked it away. RM are refusing to compensate me either for the value of the phone, (150) or the repair of the phone (50) as I can not provide the original packing. Is there anything I can do?
  8. Hello, In 2012 a drunk driver crashed into my car and I had various injuries. There is a dispute with the third party insurers on the amount of compensation requested by my solicitor which they set at £48,000. The insurers have admitted liability, although a court date is set for March. My solicitor had stated that they would make an offer before going to court and I have now received a formal offer of £11,100 in the form of a judicial tender ! The letter advises that if I decide to go to court and the judge offers the same amount or less then im liable for all expenses which could be £40,000 plus I have made an appointment with an advocate for next week to discuss options. Obviously its only myself who can make the decision on where to go with this but has anyone else been in this situation where they have escalated this to court? Ta
  9. Morning Everyone, I was hoping to get some much needed advice from anyone who may be going through or has gone through and claim with Barclays bank. To give you an overview of the situation; about 9 months ago my business account was frozen by Barclays due to a technical error which concluded in my funds going from £20,000 to - £3,500,000 overdrawn. During that period I had no access to any funds and no money could go in or out. As a result two contract which were signed and dated during the error were unable to be fulfilled resulting in a loss of profits close to £62,000 both customers being unhappy with my service (understandably as it took 4 months to resolve the issue with Barclays) have decided not to use my services in the future. Everything was clearly documented and sent to the FOS who put in a claim to Barclays for the £62,000 but was rejected on the grounds Barclays have within their terms and conditions a clause which protects them from paying out for any loss of business as a result of any internal or 3rd party errors. Clearly I am distraught as not only have I lost out of both of the contracts but I was also forced to close down the business during the four months it took to resolve the original issue. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hello all, just after some opinions if you will. I placed an order with a company for some blinds that were advertised as next day delivery. This ended up being two days later as I placed the order late on the first day. I heard nothing from them on the first day, and on the day of delivery they contacted me at 2pm telling me that the blinds were out of stock and they wouldn't be able to deliver them for another 3 months (!). I was told to order another product, which I did, that was eventually delivered some time after the initial delivery was expected. I told them in my initial complaint (over the phone) that I was very displeased as I would have to take another day off work and they provided no satisfactory explanation as to why they felt it was OK to not bother letting me know they couldn't deliver until the day of delivery, when they would surely have known that they couldn't complete the request the day before. With this in mind I asked them to compensate me for the additional day off I had to take due to their failure to deliver. They refused despite me telling them they were liable for this. As such I have filed with the small claims court for the amount I would have been paid that day. They have filed a defence, citing the following: 1) At no point did I refer to time being of the essence (surely ordering Next Day means this was obvious, but I did tell them clearly when I made the first complaint before I ordered an alternative product) 2) I did not inform them of my intention to take a days annual leave (I told them I needed them urgently and time was of the essence, the earliest delivery date was a weekday, and I told them I would have to take another day off and could they assure me they could deliver on this date, which they did) 3) They could have delivered to my place of work (they couldn't, as I work in a secure government building and in any case expecting me to move two very large blinds 45 miles home on a rush hour train to suit them is not reasonable) 4) They state in their terms and conditions that the delivery date is an estimate only and subject to change (is it reasonable that they do this on the afternoon of the day they are expected to deliver? I don't think so) 5) The option to cancel was available to me when they said the order was delayed (I still required the product so I do not view this as relevant, my time had already been wasted). The court have suggested that I attempt to mediate, I could do this but my question is whether or not I am likely to succeed if I take it in front of a judge. I think my chances are good given they didn't bother telling me until the day they were due to deliver that they couldn't satisfy our agreement. Thoughts please, however critical... Thanks!
  11. Hi All, You normally see myself talking about debt related issues but throughout end of 2013 to summer 2014 I have been put through hell via another matter. I’m trying to find out if I can claim anything back or get some form of compensation / charge removed completely. Background to the case. One Friday in August 2013, I left work and decided to travel into an area close to where I work as I had seen a car for Spares & Repairs on GumTree (My sun roof leaked and it was going to cost in excess of £200 to repair). I travelled into the area and must of spent 45mins looking for the street, about to give up I saw a police van approaching so I flagged him down and asked for directions, of which he gave and on my way I went. Got to the street, but the car was not there so I made my way home, going back the way I came into the area (as I didnt know the area at all). I was then pulled over by the same police officer. Being of nervous disposition I started to panic and wonder as to why I'd been stopped, had i been speeding, did I cut someone up? Nope.. He asked me to step out of the car and proceeded to tell me that there had been an incident of indecent exposure in the area and "I matched the description", that scared the hell out of me, and he asked if I would come do a voluntary statement - which I did as I had nothing to hide. At station answered the questions fully, cop asked why was I heading back towards work when I live the other way, not knowing the area was'nt a good enough reason. He asked me about my car, I stated it was a Renault Clio that is Bluey Green in colour. He begins to argue with me stating that the colour was just Blue and no way can be green, but I stood by this.. after 40mins, he asked would i be prepared to do a ID parade, again I had nothing to hide and agreed.. He then took down my details: Eye Colour BLUE, Shaved brown hair, light stubble not a beard, local accent, height 5'6". Clothing I was wearing: Black T-shirt with a Red V-Neck (no collar), Light blue denim jeans, black shoes. I then left, done the ID parade a week later.. 23rd September - I get a call from my solicitor stating that I need to return back to the station as I had been picked out on an ID Parade (wtf etc etc came out) and bring the top I was wearing, which I did with him that day. Back at the station I gave the officer the t-shirt, and my solicitor advised me to say "No Comment" as I had already gave details in previous statement. I was charged. Now I was not given any details as to the witness statement or anything. Waiting game commenced with the case going to the CPS for their decision, 26th Dec 2013, they decided there was enough evidence to take to court – again something I was completely shocked about, I then had to appear to a hearing in Feb 2014 which gave me a court date of 1st April 2014. Mid of Jan, I finally plucked up the courage to ask someone I had fancied and deliberately went into her place of work just to see her for 18mths!! and to my surprise she was head over heels about me – a perfect & blissful relationship commenced. 26th Feb 2014, I met with another solicitor from the firm, whom was assigned to my case. Without going through the paper work with me he stated “Prepare yourself for the worse!”. Stated I should not have said “no comment” in second interview, to which I replied that I was advised to by his colleague (he shook his head). Told me that the witness (17yr old girl) had stated the man in question was driving a small RED[b} car, also said that the man was wearing a black polo shirt and black trousers! Viewed my car on car park and asked questions about interior confirmed colour was a blue green but not metallic or even red yet did not write anything or take pictures (something that the magistrates asked if there was any). After this meeting – I told my girlfriend straight away, as to the whole details.. “Don’t look so worried, it’s clearly not you, I believe you.” That made me happy, “I’ve watched you since the first day you came into the shop, you don’t drive a red car, and your too damn shy!” and she stood by me all the way & came to the court with me on 1st April. From 26th Feb to 1st April, I had no contact with the solicitor despite leaving endless messages. On the day of court he said to me and my girlfriend “I do not want to put pressure on to the girl due to her age as it would look bad”, yet Prosecutor questioned her fully over the incident. He never once questioned the girl on the description of the man, only focused on the colour of the car. Though the girl was adamend it was “Red.” It was “Shiny Red”, every other question put to her was “don’t know”. The only thing that was going for me was the coppers description of me and that my car was not red. The magistrates then deliberated and came back and said “We cannot take into consideration the colour of the car or clothing as Miss X, was clearly distressed – therefore we find you guilty”. I looked straight at my girlfriend (now ex as you will see why) and was informed that I was to be placed on the Sex Offenders Register. My Girlfriend and self returned back to hers, and we said the appeal will prove the correct outcome. 4th April, my girlfriend told me how she had spoken with her 16yr old son that she wants me to move in with them so we can start a life together properly, and we agreed that I was to move in at the end of the month. 10th April, we both sat down and wrote a complaint to the solicitors at the poor representation. She was also not happy to wait that long as said “I want you to move in this weekend” as she was truly happy (something her friends have said before) 11th April, after spending most of the day with her, I return home and at 9:30pm, she informs me that the social services have been round – they had told her (not knowing she was at the court) that I had been found guilty of two offences and have previous. She informed them this is not the case and that “WE” are appealing.. The social worker stated that “he has no grounds for an appeal, you are deluded as you do not know what has happened. Therefore we have no alternative to ask you to break off the relationship OR we will take your son (16) into care..” Of course she did the right thing, and put child first. They also said there was a no contact order in place! 17th April 18:30pm, I get a phone call from the solicitors whom stated that they can no longer represent me any further (for the sentencing & appeal) as they were professionally embarrassed at my complaint sent the 10th. My sentencing was 24th April – I only had 2.5days to find a new solicitor due to it being the Easter weekend. They couriered the paperwork (witness statement / officers statement and mine) to me to hand to new solicitors on the morning of the 24th. (I quickly took copies of all of theses) 24th April – I was instructed to pay £500 compensation, £350 court costs, placed on the offenders register for 5 years, instructed to do 120hrs community service, and attend a sexual offenders rehab course! – whilst at the court new solicitors quickly read through the statements, and was shocked when I told her I had never read them through and that it was clearly not me the witness was talking about. Details contained in the paperwork: Witness stated the culprit had a New RED shiny Car, he had Brown Eyes, Birmingham accent, he looked like he was 30 but had a beard that probably made him look older than he was. Wore a black polo shirt with a black collar and black work trousers. Incident took place at 16:30 and lasted 5.5mins (she knew this by messages on her phone). The incident happened 0.8miles away from where I stopped the cop, he confirmed it would take about 3mins to drive that distance and that I flagged him down at 16:45. So that meant in 6.5mins I was able to change my car, change my clothing in broad daylight, change my eye colour and have a shave?? Both myself and solicitor drew up 8 A4 pages of differences. I was turned down for Legal aid for the appeal twice, and ended up obtaining a loan with the help of my parents and paying £3,500 reprensentation!! The Appeal took place 11th July 2014, (exactly 3mths since being forced to split). At the appeal, despite having the witness statement in front of her, change details of clothing, location (put it further away) and what she actually saw. As for the officer, when my barrister questioned him about the colour of the car, the two magistrates agreed it was Bluey Green and judge stated he would settle the argument and say it was turquoise… When my barrister asked to confirm the colour the accuser had said, he went “red” the Judge shook his head in disbelief. The officer even knowing the difference in colour could not provide a reason as to why he pulled me over, only said “for another reason that I do not recall”.. Barrister asked what bottoms did the witness say the man was “Black Trousers” and what was Mr X wearing “Light blue denim Jeans” he held up my jeans and said like these “Yes” again judge shook his head. After 15mins of deliberation, the judge said that it was clear that it was not Mr X and therefore uphold the appeal. I was immediately taken off the register. THANK GOD!!!! I apparently have no grounds for compensation or can not recover anything back. Costs was awarded of which I have been notified today that it is a grand total of £349.47 yes Three Hundred and Forty Nine Pounds Forty Seven Pence. That I will receive within the next 90days!!!!! So as a result, I’ve lost the woman I was in love with (her son now 17, is being a ****, but I do understand why - as it is a protection for his mom as it’s been them two for so long - which i do admire), I’m £3.5k out of pocket – well more cos it’s a loan that was taken out, and have had my good name dragged through the mud. I’ve recently found out that the charge remains on my file so I now have to declare this for jobs and also have to pay for visa’s to goto USA. I took this to my local MP whom, is a complete to55er, he’s basically said deal with it – it’s the law, despite showing his support for another MP to get all of their funds back? I’ve also been told that there is an organisation (charity law firm) that would take on a case of compensation – but they did not know the name of the firm. Is this true? Is there any thing else I can do as I have been well and truly screwed over on this? Thanks – and sorry it was a long post.
  12. Hi people, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but cant find any thing like this, I need your help, I am looking into getting compensation for my father in law, he is deaf and as been for about last15 yrs, I have heard and seen in the media if you worked in the coal mining or engineering industry, that he my be able to claim compensation but I cant find were to write to, all I seem to find is solicitors or claims companies, I don't want him to be paying these guys if I can do it for free, any help please.
  13. For full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30413572
  14. Hi Team, I moved to a 2 bed furnished flat via a letting agent. Before moving into the property one of the bedroom didnt had bed in it, so we asked letting agent to request landlord to put the double bed in the 2nd bedroom for which landlord agreed in phone call with agent. After agents confirmation, we moved into the flat as the landlord said he will arrange the bed in 1 week time. Its been 3 months landlord didnt arrange the double bed for the 2nd bedroom. Due to which i had to sleep on the floor from last 3 months, and my wife and 6 months little kid sleep on the main bedroom. Now when agent trying to follow up with landlord, he says he didnt agree for it, and is happy to arrange single bed. For which i am completely against as we didnt agree for the single bed. Between the letting agent and landlord the conversation happened in the letting office infront of us, and the letting agent said...these phone conversations are recorded. I have a written email confirmation from letting agent about the conversation. Now i have sent a written email asking for compensation from letting agent for this sub-standard services, due to which we are having this mental and physical pain. I am seeking the compensation of 1000 pounds for 3 months, and the admin fees i paid i.e. around 400 pounds. FYI...i pay 1050 pounds rent per month, so claiming 300 per month. I send rent directly to landlord as agreed, the letting agent is not managing the property. can you please help, whether i am in right path for claiming compensation Regards, Vamsi
  15. Hi Guys, As I was getting off a double decker bus in London, the bus driver deliberately closed the doors on me which caused me to stumble off the bus but I didn't fall. I felt a bit sore the next day but it didn't last. The driver had a hostile attitude when I got on the bus even though I thanked him. I lodged a complaint and received a reply a few weeks later that was very apologetic and said they looked at the video, saw what happened (just as I'd said) and have disciplined the driver but they can't disclose any info due to their internal disciplinary procedures, etc. Bearing in mind that they found that their driver acted maliciously, how should I start a claim for compensation? I'm not expecting a massive payout but a token of goodwill would suffice as their driver behaved badly. I was going to reply to the email I received and ask who I should write to to claim compensation but I thought I'd see if anyone on here could help first.
  16. We have been chasing Capital One since March 2012 trying to get PPI money back but to date no success. Because of my ill health and poor postal service in my area, even the FOS has decided not to help us Everything was down to time limits and when I got ill, all timings got put aside. Now, Neither Cap One or FOS want to help. Cap One have been charging us PPI since 2002. Has anyone got any good ideas or should I just forget the whole thing
  17. Hello Not sure this in the right forum. I have a very difficult situation here that I want you to help me to solve as soon as possible. I have removed names, companies and numbers for now. I have difficulty paying my credit card, which I have for security reasons, what with a house move and Christmas coming along, it will be very difficult for me, financially. I was so desperate that I have contacted loan companies, one of them has contacted me, I feel very anxious about it. I wonder if you can help me with this. I felt that £2,500 would clear my card and have something left over in my bank account for my move and for Christmas. I selected 24 months to pay it off as I was optimistic that I could afford the repayments. Now I know why my bank and other companies turned me down for a loan. On Wednesday I had a telephone call from a loan company. The man on the phone said said that he could offer me a £2,500 loan but under certain conditions. First of all he said that I had to pay a £100 deposit into a bank account. He forced me to pay £100 into the account of someone who is supposed to be the Managing Director. This man then insisted that I purchased £225 in UKash receipts at 2.02 pm and 2.03 pm - one was for £115.00, and the other was for £110.00 at my local off-licence. He made me quote the numbers on the receipts over the phone. He then said that he still had problems with the loan and asked me for a further £350 for in UKash receipts, late saying that he would accept £250, and then he would deposit my loan into my bank account. I have never applied for a loan before, but I have to say that this feels so suspicious that I have had to depart with £325 of my money, and another £250 of it. He said that I would have to get this out of my bank account tomorrow morning as I don't any funds in until my money comes in tomorrow - when my benefit money comes in. I have asked if I could cancel this, but the man says that I can't. I was so distressed over the phone. I have looked up this man's name online and I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been duped by this. I feel sick and drained that my money has gone like that, and I feel that I am not going to get the loan deposited. It is disgusting because I trusted this man. Is there anything you can do to help me with this with the information I have given you? I don't want to get more money out of my bank tomorrow, and I have a gut feeling that I am not going to get this loan. I have been so badly affected by this that I want compensation as well as my money back so I can live normally. I live on my own and I have Asperger Syndrome, and I was already struggling as it was. I am going to move house soon. My family normally have money in supply for me, but because they have been buying furniture for the new flat, I doubt there would be much left at the moment. I only have £17 in my bank account. Tell me how can I pay £1,440, with £325 on top of that, Credit Card bill? I only have 1% of that money in my bank account, and it will take me years to clear it now. I only get just over £300 in benefits. I was clearing the card ready for the house move. Going back a couple of years, I could complete pay it off, but now I can't. I have bank account listing the payment as the UKash slips as evidence. I also have the details of the account number and sort code of this Managing Director as well. Please help me. I have learnt my lesson if one has to be learned.
  18. Households are being alerted to a new [problem] that involves fraudsters purporting to be from the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). [problem]mers are reportedly calling households claiming to be from the FOS, which deals with complaints from consumers about the financial services industry, and telling the person on the phone that they need to pay £150 to “release” compensation for which they applied. The FOS said it would never "cold call" households and that the service was completely free, so it would never ask for money. It has said a customer had been in touch to warn of the [problem]. It advised anyone who had received a suspicious phone call to call it directly on 0300 123 9 123. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/11135365/Ombudsman-warns-of-new-150-compensation-fee-[problem].html
  19. Hello everyone, I hope you can help me. I have just finished with a 5 year case of clinical negligence, that I won. I am being paid compensation for injurys (which are pretty severe) to me thanks to this negligence. I claim Housing Benefit as the condition precludes me from work, I claim no other benefits - my wife works and she is lucky enough to run her own business. She does however claim some Tax credits as a lower income worker. We get by, just. This compensation will be great for us, but I have a real problem with actually telling the housing benefit about this. I'm not trying to be selfish here, or circumvent the system but this compensation is to help me with not being able to work. While I appreciate the help I'm getting from the DWP, the money we are getting will cover our debts, buy some things around the house for me, and ya know what to hell with it, we are going to spend some!! I just want to know where I stand with this. It's not a fortune, it wont last longer than 6 months (although my injuries are for life - gotta love this countries red tape) and I really feel that I should say nothing. I need some advice, I really dont know what to do. Thank you for your help, it is appreciated. Kutter
  20. Hi guys, i recently had a holiday abroad and booked a transfer with Greyhound from Cardiff to Bristol Airport. The bus turned up and was overheating, so the driver told us they wouldnt be able to take us and a replacement would come and pick us up within 30 mins. Nearly an hour later it still had not arrived and a number of us had to make a decision on the spot to catch the next train to Bristol to ensure we made our flight. We had to pay £24 for the train and then a further £30 for a taxi from the station to the airport. We actually got the the airport with only 12mins before the gat closed - luckily we had hand luggage for a long weekend or we would have not made it!! I have written a recorded letter to them complaining about the service and the fact that i want my £10 one way trasnfer refunded, along with the costs incurred because their bus broke down. The total between the 3 of us was about £84 inc posting the letter etc. I have not heard anything back despite royal mail showing it was signed for 3 weeks ago. I emailed them after a fortnight stating that i knew they received my complaint and expected a reply yet nothing. Can anyone advise how i move forward as im unsure if they are regulated by anyone, as i cannot push onto the FOS liek i would with a financial org? Small claims? Or should i sent a follow up first? Many thanks!
  21. Hey During 2012/2013, I was in a large mess with over ten payday loans but i am now pleased to say they have now all been paid off. Learnt my lesson, let me assure you. Thanks to this site, i managed to get repayment plans in place and get rid of the ridiculous charges and fees. However, i have noticed the news concerning Wonga recently about writing off debts. A relative of mine also recently got a letter from Money Shop, refunding a small amount of interest on his debt that has already been paid off. Anyways, i'm just curious if there's any grounds to write/complain to these payday lenders and seek a refund back of any interest/charges? I'm not the type to expect money back from my own mistakes but if these payday companies have wronged me then i would like back any money i shouldn't have paid. Any advice on this would be appreciated
  22. Hi, I wonder if anybody can help me out here. I got a letter from Wonga yesterday and it's paraphrased below. I'm now working away from home over the weekend so can't post the full piece until Monday but I've included all the important parts below. Because of the letters I received I'm due compensation of either £195 or I can go for an individual assessment. Should I choose the assessment the offer then becomes null and void. My debt with them is now with a 3rd party and will become statute barred in about 14 months. I made some stupid decisions when I was a student and am now paying the price for it - as a result I'm fairly certain that I could argue the whole debt should be written off as I would not have met their new lending criteria. My question is twofold. 1. Should I accept the compensation and wait for the default to drop off my credit file? But if I accept the compensation am I then acknowledging the debt and risking it not being written off in 14 months. 2. If I ask for an individual assessment am I then still acknowledging the debt and potentially starting the cycle all over again. Going over some old bank statements I paid £790 towards this before allowing myself to default. So, basically, accept the £195 and be done with it or fight for more? Thanks SP
  23. I am confused about the new rules for interest on discrimination awards in the Employment Tribunal when the case spans the 29th July 2013 and the rate changed from 0.5% to 8.0%. I understand the bit that says interest is payable at 8.0% if the respondent does not settle within 14 days of the remedy judgement but am having difficulty with the rest. For example if a discriminationary event took place on 29th July 2010 and a liability hearing on 29th July 2012 found in favour of the claimant and a remedy hearing on 29th July 2014 awarded compensation for injury to feelings and psychiatric damage plus an award for loss of earnings what rate of interest is applicable? Does interest accrue at 0.5% up to 29th July 2013 then 8.0%? Can anyone give an example with numbers?
  24. Hi, A few years ago I regrettably took out a payday loan with Wonga. Unable to repay the full amount (after interest had been added) I ended up taking a loan out with Quickquid. Things spiralled out of control until I literally had around 6-7 payday loans on the go at once. It got so bad that I had to join a debt management company (Fresh Start). Now I'm reading that companies are having to pay customers back who have a loan currently with them. What about customers who took loans out with these companies when their affordability checks would have still been in disrepute? I find it extremely unfair that I've had to find a way to pay these companies back and struggle for years, when really I shouldn't have been allowed to take these loans out, to then have it highlighted in the news that companies are paying people back! Do I stand any chance in being paid compensation or do I just have to suck it up and move on? Kind regards
  25. Just a quick question. I currently have a series of complaints against Lloyds being looked at by the FOS. In July I had a letter from Lloyds apologising for not responding to a letter I had sent along with a cheque for £100 by way of compensation. I returned this as it didn't sit comfortably with me to accept. Yesterday they sent another letter returning the cheque I had returned and another apology along with a further cheque for another £100 !!! What are they up to? The letter they enclosed says that it in no way will effect any further claims or the FOS complaint. I could really do with the money but should I accept it. I just don't trust them !
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