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  1. Hi, I have an old defaulted Halifax Credit Card. It's dropped off credit report now, I am making £2 payment towards Cabot, last payment Aug 22. Halifax sold this account to Cabot atleast Jan 2020, or earlier, and I've had Resolvecall chasing me as DCAs for Cabot earlier in the year Since this debt is covered by the Consumer Credit Act I will be sending CCA request to Cabot and ResolveCall. Do let me know if you think otherwise, Thanks in advance for your time on this!! Halifax Credit Card £297.41 Last Payment: £2 on Aug 2022 to Cabot Financial Original Lender – Halifax Credit Card Account Type – Credit Card Status – Defaulted Jan 2013 Account Start Date – Jan 2009
  2. what do you mean it doesn't look like it? anyway its useless to them and you dont work, it was march today is august. so you've had their doorstep fleecers from resolvecall posting little love letters through your letterbox too ahh!!! powerless muppets. its all DCA can ever do, threat, wave arms , etc etc . no powers at all!! dx
  3. Hi all, Many years ago I took a Citi Credit Card and defaulted on it (at least 14 years ago). It wasn't a huge amount and a little over half remained unpaid, but the last COA on the debt was over 11 years ago, so would be statutory barred by now. I received a couple of letters recently related to the debt (and was advised on here a while ago to ignore such letters and not engage with the DCA's, even when I knew the debt was statutory barred). In the last few days, I received a visit from someone from Resolvecall, who didn't ring the bell (We have a video doorbell) but pushed a note through the door to call them regarding the debt. I know the debt isn't legally enforceable anymore. What is the best way to tell them where to go without getting into a spat with them where they dispute my version of events, and try to fob me with off that is enforceable etc.? I don't want them at my house again. Many thanks.
  4. Not listed on 192 and the original agreement pre-dates this phone number. They're all dodgy! Didn't know you can get phone number from credit report - thanks. SB letters sent earlier this week, 2nd class with proof of postage I sent one letter for each debt to Capquest, and for good measure, sent a copy of each to Resolvecall for their respective involvement in aforementioned debts, where necessary. With copies of respective original junk mail stapled to the letters. That way, even the simplest of DCA minds should have no excuse but to get the picture. Resolvecall coming to my house and knocking and banging aggressively like movie cops with a search warrant, was not appreciated.
  5. I am now getting texts from Resolvecall. How would they even get my number? Capquest never had it as far as I'm aware. They've always just sent letters that I subsequently ignored... They've been blocked and reported as spam, but I am annoyed that they got my number somehow.
  6. Hi, Capquest have been chasing me for several years regarding debt from 2009, defaulted Circa 2010. The debts in question were bought from Lloyds (Loan) and Orange telecoms. I have treated Resolvecall as irrelevant since Capquest recently threatened me with them. Doorknockers don't bother me, and I'm certain no payments have been made in far greater than 6 years. However, my memory is a little bit shaky regarding any written comms I might have sent to DCA over the years and to who. I am 95% certain that no contact has been made, as most of my letters from DCAs from my old life go into the shredder without response. Do I use a SAR to Arrow to be certain before sending them SB notices? If so, is SAR acknowledgement of any debt?
  7. Advice please, Received a letter yesterday from Capquest, regarding an old EGG credit card debt, this would have been from 2001/02 at the latest. Dryden Fairfax sent a couple of letters on their behalf chasing payment in 2019, the last one being in 2020, but nothing since (yeah I know I should have sorted it back then) They have now handed the claim over to Resolvecall. Resolvecall letter received today. My credit record is clear and no CCJ's show up on Trustonline. looking through the other forum posts I'm assuming if they had anything enforceable they would have done so by now? So my question is which is the best way forward, CCA letter or SB Letter? Debt is absolutely SB but I don't want to do the wrong thing. All advise welcome Many Thanks D.
  8. Just an update on this. I kept ignoring ARC/Resolvecall but they persisted. I have had some 'luck' though - both my parents are members of the said club and threatened to cancel their memberships if this was not resolved. 2 days later, deemed debt is cancelled and apparently the debt collectors have been called off. Will be interesting to see if this is actually the case.
  9. type in resolvecall and read up safe to totally ignore them. dx
  10. Resolvecall or by their old name scotcall are an utterly useless doorstepper threat DCA . Ignore. You've read what to do it they turn up I will guess .. Dx
  11. I thought to update my thread in case someone else is experiencing the same. Cabot have come alive again, I have not responded to any letters or calls since cabot sent through an Application declaration claiming its CCA. Cabot have now written to me saying they are instructing Resolvecall to visit my home and get me to talk. Should I ignore Resolvecall? I gather from other posts on here that thats the best thing to do. Are Resolvecall able to send me a "letter of claim" and if so should I CCA them before they do. My initial thought is if Cabot are failing to enforce the debt by sending a letter of claim it could mean, as rightly pointed out on this site that they know the CCA they provided doesn't hold water.
  12. Hi everyone. I got home yesterday to find an envelope marked 'private and confidential' containing a card to say Resolvecall had visited yesterday (I was out at work) I'm really at a loss as to what to do now. Should I write another letter to Capquest to restate my case? I don't want to engage with either company really but I'm finding it stressful knowing someone might turn up at any time and make a scene at my front door. Any advice is hugely appreciated, as always. thanks Becky
  13. resolvecall are the old scotcall or snot scrawl as we used to call them. as with all DCA's they are not bailiffs and totally powerless. ignore totally. you should be blocking/bouncing all emails sending any texts to 7726 spam. blocking all calls . dx
  14. Update on this. I've been ignoring ARC as recommended - they have been calling/emailing/texting quite often. However this morning I've been emailed by Collections Department Resolvecall Spectrum House 55 Blythswood Street Glasgow G2 7AT Has anyone else experienced this with David Lloyds - I can't find any info on this company acting on DL's behalf.
  15. Thanks for re-opening. Please see attached from Resolvecall this morning. I take it we again ignore - wait for their door stop knocker to arrive, tell them to go away and wait for their next move. This has been going on 11-12 years now, think Resolvecall were used 8 years ago? resolve26feb22.pdf
  16. Hiya, yes I do, and have saved the pdf of the signature on my pc. They also sent a letter acknowledging receipt but asking for proof my different surname. The letter from Resolvecall doesn't mention the CapQuest correspondence. I will be armed with my phone if any dodgy looking men knock at the door! Thanks
  17. Hi, another update. I've had a letter today from Resolvecall. Upon careful reading it does make clear they visit to put you in contact with the company they say you owe the debt to. I'm promised a visit within 60 days. I'm happy to ignore this now, as I've done everything I need to. I think the only niggle is CapQuest asking for proof of my surname as it doesn't match their records, but as dx100uk advises, they will surely be able to check that. I don't want to engage in any more correspondence with them and I really don't want to give them copies of my ID. I'm hoping they will just stop bothering now. If I get anything else I'll add to this thread. Thanks
  18. Hi there, Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I took out student loans between 1997 and 2001 when I was doing my degree. I deferred it for a few years as never earned enough to have to pay it back, the last time being around 2005. I heard nothing about this until a few years ago started having automated phone calls and text messages from Capquest. I should have dealt with it at the time, but still didn't earn enough to be eligible to repay. Three weeks ago I received a letter from Capquest stating if I don't make contact by 26th January they will instruct Resolvecall Ltd to visit my home. I'm not sure if I have ever replied to Capquest about the debt (at all) but if I did, it would have been over 12 years ago as I've moved a bit since then. I wasn't sure if it was statute barred due to the age but I've followed the advice on a very helpful post on this site and realised that it is statute barred so I've followed the advice there. I've sent the Statute Barred Letter recommended in that post to Capquest, along with a copy of the letter they sent me early last week and have not heard back from them. Instead, today I received a letter from Resolvecall saying that someone will visit my home in the next 60 days. What would you suggest I do to resolve this? Should I send the same statute barred letter to resolve call? Shall I resend it to Capquest recorded delivery? I am looking after my elderly father at the moment and I don't want him to have to answer the door to these people as it would panic him. Thanks Ad
  19. I've been following threads as I've been in exactly the same position with a Students Loans debt that I have not acknowledged for over 12 years, receiving exactly the same communication that you have received from Capquest. I sent off the statute barred letter yet have heard nothing back from Capquest, today I got a letter from Resolvecall saying someone is going to visit. Does anyone know the next steps I should take now? Can I sent the same statute barred letter to Resolvecall? Thank you
  20. I've still heard nothing from CapQuest, no I'm not surprised after reading other posts. And the threatened visit from Resolvecall didn't occur yesterday. So thank you for your help, I'm hoping this is now the end. Hi again. I spoke too soon. I've received a letter today acknowledging my response to them. They're asking for proof of my surname. The chasing letters they'd sent me have always been in a previous surname (I was married before) They say it's to update their records. Should I ignore it now? Thank you!
  21. I have got home to a card from Resolvecall saying that they had visited and giving a reference number, I have no idea what it's about. Presumably they think it's a debt. Please can anyone tell me where I can get a template letter to stop them visiting my house? I'm worried that my son could be in and he sufferers from anxiety, also if possible, a letter asking why they are contacting me? Many thanks
  22. moved to the SLC forum. Capquest are part of the Arrows (debt Collection )Group , Arrows also owns Erudio whom purchased all remaining old style SLC loan en-masse in 2013 when the Gov't sold them. resolvecall as with every other DCA are NOT BAILIFFS and have ZERO legal powers on ANY DEBT no matter what it's type. sent Capquest our SB letter from the debt collection section of our library. staple to that a copy of your latest capquest letter to it. dx
  23. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I took out a student loan in 1997 for £1385 when I was doing my degree, which I stopped due to my Mum dying. I deferred it for years as never earned enough to have to pay it back. I moved in 2010 after deferring again, and although I had my post forwarded, didn't hear from them again until a few years ago started having automated phone calls and text messages from Capquest. I should have dealt with it at the time, but until a few months ago, still didn't earn enough to be eligible to repay. This morning I've received a letter from them stating if I don't make contact by 26th January they will instruct Resolvecall Ltd to visit my home. I've read some advice from different debt advice companies online, but wasn't sure if I should ask Capquest to prove the debt, or try to argue it is statute barred due to the age. I know the rules for student loans did change, but not 100% sure what the change was. Has anyone had something similar? What would you suggest I do to try to resolve? The debt now stands at £2037.43 according to today's letter. thank you Becky
  24. I've had the same with these guys for a loan thats about 2 years old now with oakbrooke finance for £1600 or £3600 with the interest added on. I get the odd letter now and again from ACI but they mainly email me. They did get Resolve Call involved and sent someone to my address. Nobody was in so they left a card, their latest tactic email came today to say my 21 days are almost up for another RC call to my house with a charge added to my debt because they are using them at my cost. again. I wont be in or not answering "they may start the litigation process" if the RC fails to get an answer from me. This is for an unsecured loan for £1600 (£3468) with interest it's been a debt now for maybe 2/3 years and was finally passed onto TM Legal sometimes late last year. Its a long standing debt to go with other debts I had a while ago. Ignored them for a long time before TM Legal took over. I've searched the forums and not seen these guys pop up before. They've sent me a LBC form. I've filled it out with a section 78 request form asking for more information which is the usual, default notice, CA and NOA. Recorded of course, they got it on the 26th I've had a couple of letters off them, mainly emailing me daily and they've sent Resolvecall out on the 25/4 but the wife told them to go away. I got an email from them today saying that if I hadn't contacted them by 18.00 today (27/4) then they'll have to take it to court, I guess they haven't logged my response to them yet from the LBC I sent. I can see DX rolling his eyes now at me. I'm a bit more savvy this time I hope Lets see how it goes.
  25. nothing any DCA can do forget about it. they have ZERO legal powers...thats why he left...no mug to fleece here waste of time more like it. would of been resolvecall i bet!! SW are WRONG, no DCA can force anything. they'd have to go for a UK judgement and you are not under the jurisdiction total BS. lloyds have alot to answer for in many areas. and this was a private pension too! your Fwding address will be on your credit file regardless
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