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  1. I have a week or so to file a witness statement in relation to a forthcoming hearing. Here are the details: - Claim made by debt management firm for three old credit card debts. - Defence filed of statute barred. - Debt management firm have produced a reconstituted statement showing a £10 payment on one of the cards five years prior to the claim being launched. No evidence produced by the Claimant in relation to payments on other two debts on the claim. - I am certain that a £10 payment on the debt was not made as the Claimant is suggesting. I am acting on behalf of my wife, who has just been sectioned after her second suicide attempt this weekend, I want to put a decent defence together and recognize that this first witness statement is important.
  2. I have been involved in a no fault accident. Generally what has happenned is i was waiting at a junction to give way to on coming traffic. A car i have no idea where it came from came and hit me on the passenger side. No problems so far. At the time we exchanged insurance details etc and the other party admitted liability. Unfortunately i didnt call the police as the 3rd party was a elderly lady on her own. However i reported it to my own insurance. Unaware of what the 3rd party had claimed. It had claimed i reversed out of the junction. Into her path. I had her insurance company ring me up and ask me questions which i replied as far as viewing the scene of the accident on google with them. No probs. Now some 12 months down the line the 3rd party insurance has decided they are going to track down a witness and is going through the police for this. Trouble is my ncb is being held. My insurance company is very good who immediately arranged for a courtesy car and also settled my damage. However it is the constant dragging on of things. Every time i ring them i just get the same answer. What do i do ?
  3. Joining a party as Defendant to an action I am a litigant in person with very limited resource and not enough disposable income to pay for legal counsel. I am being sued in the High Court by an unscrupulous multi-national for whom I used to work and I find myself at a disadvantage due to my lack of knowledge pertaining to proper High Court procedures. The claim relates to a loss ocassioned by one part of the multi-national group (A) ocassioned by a breach of contractual undertaking to a client by another part of the multi-national group (B). (A) is now suing me for acts that occured long after the breach by (B). In an attempt to recover its losses from an external source, rather than from its sister company (B), the claim disingenuously alleges that my subsequent acts caused the loss. Moreover, (A) has dishonestly attempted to conceal the contractual undertaking of (B) and has not referred to it in its Statement of Claim against me. I have subsequently discovered the existence of the undertaking, the breach of which was the true cause of the loss sustained by (A). I would now like to apply to the Court for an order under CPR 19.4 to have (B) added as a Defendant to the proceedings on the basis that clear evidence exists that (B) was the true cause of the loss for which I am now being sued. In the alternative, I would like to apply to the Court for the case to be struck out on the basis that it is an abuse of the Court's process. However, I have no idea how to make a proper application to the High Court for such an Order and I am afraid that, notwithstanding the merits of the application, that it may fail for improper adherence to the proper process. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  4. Hi, If I want to disclose / use a witness statement from a non-english speaker, do I (or can I) need to translate it myself (I can speak this language fluently), or do I need to submit the statement in a foreign language, and the court has to translate? Will the court then send the statement translated to the defendant? Thanks
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