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  1. Hi I was wondering if anybody can help, I made the stupid mistake of getting into debt but I have got most of it sorted other the then my payday loan from swift money. I have tried to come to an agreement to clear the debt but they are asking for 8000 pound for a 100 pound loan. I cant afford to pay very much towards them and hoping for some advice to deal with them
  2. Hi All I have a payday loan with swift sterling and I was due to pay last month, I sent an email explaining I was not able to afford this as my tax credits have been stopped. I only receive 880 a month and they are expecting 920 on 31st December. I have 2 children and a mortgage to pay, I am in no position to pay this. I have emailed them requesting to make a payment of 50 a month and explained my circumstances, I was informed they do not take benefits in consideration. When I applied I included my benefits. Can someone please advise? Can I also be pointed in the right direction to send them an email regarding telephones calls at work, I have asked them to rig my mobile and they never do. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello everyone, I phoned my council today in regards to my arrears, I knew I hadn't paid them for a while as I wasn't in a financially sound position to do so, I wanted to get my account number to set up a standing order so I would pay them £130/4 weekly (I am paid 4 weekly). I had already received a Liability Order, and to be honest, I'd ignored it and stuck my head in the sand. My own fault. So I phoned them, and they told me I couldn't pay, it had been passed to the bailiffs. I have not received a letter that my account had been passed to a bailiff company. I phoned the bailiff company and they said I wasn't allowed to make payments, they wanted the amount (£1872) in full, or I could arrange the for bailiff to visit me and perhaps they will agree to a payment plan (would you like to make an appointment? "Um, no thanks."). The bailiff company asked me where I worked and I did not tell them. I realise that £130 per month is not a large amount of money however I am not a big earner (I work in retail) and I am supporting both myself and my fiance who is here on a visa thus cannot work at the moment. I might, in the coming months be able to stretch to £160 or so. I phoned the council back and asked if they would take the debt back and was told no, I had to deal with the bailiff only. I have since paid £130 via the Santander BillPay system to my council account which was accepted, as I want to show that I am willing to start to make payments, just not to the bailiffs. I will not let them enter my flat. I was just looking for advice, is there anything more I can do than start to make regular payments to bring the balance down directly to the council? Thank you everyone.
  4. Hi I have a Swift loan dated 2007 that is due to be paid out at the end of this month (Nov 2012). The loan has been in small arrears on and off throughout the lending term, though has been always brought up to date, and currently I have less than one payment left on the original agreed amount. Swift however say I owe over £2300 all of which is charges and fees for letters. I have ,admittedly briefly, perused this forum and rang Swift to request a transaction history. I will also make a formal complaint and send copies to both the OFT and FSA. Is there anything else I should be doing? Should I still be paying Swift after the original loan is paid out? As I'm sure you understand this is a secured loan and I am wary as to how to proceed. I am grateful for this forums existence and any replies I receive.
  5. Hi all, not sure where to post this so posting here. I had a council tax debt passes onto Swift credit services back in March time, intotal it was around £1200. I offered to pay £100 p/m which they accepted. However, when I started maternity leave my pay dropped quite alot. I continued to make monthly payments but always less than the £100 (never less than £50) They never mentioned me paying less so I continued to do so. I emailed them this week because my partner lost his wallet which contained the bank card that both our wages go into. I simply asked if there was another way to pay until we got a new bank card. 3 days later they had e-mailed me back saying they "noticed my account was in arrears, therefore my arrangement is null and void" and to "make payment by 30th Nov" and "if i cant afford to repay they sugguest I contant their office to arrange for a baliff to call at my home to discuss my acount in more detail" I am now at a complete loss as to what I do. This information was only emailed to me, I have not recieved a letter stating that my accounts are in arrears and that a baliff will be calling. Do they have to give me notice of someone coming in form of a letter? Do they have to obtain something from the court before they can send someone? The council did obtain something though I cant remember what? It went to court and I didn't need to attend. It was then passed onto Swift. Any advice would be appreciated Thanks
  6. Hello all. Im just going through the process of reclaiming my PPI from Swift via LoanMakers via FCSC. I've no doubt in my mind I have a valid claim so fingers crossed. Personally I think Swift should be refunding the money not the seller as I have im sure Swift knew what the seller was doing. A couple of questions. 1: The PPI has been added to the end of my loan. If im refunded what happens to the money owing? 2: I got into difficulties a few years ago and Swift charged me there normal huge fees and interest. Will I be due a refund on some of that as some of the money owing was PPI interest? Im going to start a reclaiming some of the fees back off them anyway. TIA
  7. Hi I would like to tell you my story regarding this company. My wife and I took out a secured loan with this company in Feb 2007 for £3000, it was to buy our son a car and it was all arranged through a broker. We believed we were getting a fixed loan over 5 years at £79 a month which was within our budget. After a couple of years the interest rates started to go up nationally, swift contacted us twice in a period of 3 months saying because of the rate rises our payments would now be £87 a month. Although not happy as we thought it was fixed we paid the increase as it was not a massive sum. Also around this time I suffered an injury which left me disabled and unable to work, we were having to survive on my wifes salary so some of the payments to Swift were late. No more than 5 were late but they were all paid in full and so were the £23 in charges they applied each time. Eventually I manged to get my benefits sorted out off the DLA and the DWP, my wife had to go part-time because I need alot of care. Now our finances were sorted again, we never missed another payment to them, and were looking forward to the end of the loan in Feb 2012. In January we got a letter off them saying that when the 60th installment was paid in February, we would still owe £6000. I was totally baffled and contacted them and it seems the sums we had been paying every month were not enough to cover the loan despite us paying the sums they told us to. They also claimed there were costs incurred by them for the use of a solicitor twice, despite the fact that we never had any contact or letters from solicitors representing them. After telling them we were making no more payments they said as a gesture of goodwill they would knock £600 off the total, I refused and said I would contact the FSA. It has now basically taken the FSA 4 months to decide that I should be offered £750 instead of £600 they offered. So there you have it, we borrow £3000 and have paid back over £5000 yet we still owe them £5250 if we accept the goodwill gesture of £750. I don't know what to do next, as stated it was a secured loan so in theory they can take our house off us. We cannot pay the money back as I will not be able to work again, and as a principle I don't think I will pay them anyway. Any suggestions for my next route? thought about my MP or trading standards, surely this can't be legal it's worse than a High Street loan shark?
  8. Hi all, my name is Donal I live in County Down Northern Ireland. I am 30 years old and still live with my parents, I should be in my own place but that just doesnt happen in this day and age. I have four younger brothers all in their 20s and we are all on the same boat, my parents are happy with us at home and have never forced or asked us to leave. My dad is a carpenter and has worked his ass off all his life and my mum is a nurse who also has worked quite hard to keep our large family ticking over. My parents have got them selves into bother with swift and owe them over 40 grand because of charges, now I dont know what these charges are or how they came about but this is the way with these cold hearted **** bags. They have been threatened in the past with court action and have also had people from the courts out to the house to talk things through but nothing has ever came of it. My mum got a letter a week or two ago from these cretins to say they wanted to work out a deal so my mum went through the online application of budgets and all that, they got back to her on Monday past and told her they were willing to negotiate a deal if they paid 5 grand up front and then said there will still be a chance that you will lose your home. Today is the first day that we have truelly started to pack up our belongings and move to our rented property, we have to be out by Friday 21st or there will be people at the door asking us to leave. So rather than cause a scene and embarressment we are just going to pack up and go. If only I knew sooner about this board then things might have been a little bit different or maybe not. I dont know. I just thought I would share with everyone how sadening and soul destroying this is and I know my dad will never get over this, they have turned him to a broken man who has always been so happy and proud. Regards Donal Trainor.
  9. I took a payday loan out with this company about a year ago and defaulted After some initial chasing I have heard nothing from them for months and today recived the e-mail below saying they will make me bankrupt if i dont pay them over £4k. The original loan was for a couple of hundred I am scared and worried - please help Attn xxx We issued you with advice in our last correspondence that should you fail to respond in regards your debt with us Bankruptcy proceedings would be initiated. We are now writing to inform you of the next step due to the fact you have failed to comply. Re Amount Outstanding £4968.00 With regard to your overdue account, we have decided to start bankruptcy proceedings against you. In the next few days you will receive a statutory demand requesting immediate payment. If you fail to respond to this we will make you bankrupt and you risk losing your home. This can be avoided if you contact us today and agree a payment structure. Yours sincerely Swift Money Legal Dept 0845 508 6408
  10. Hi there just found this website and it has some great info so wondered if somebody would be able to give me some advice please! Am in £948 debt with council tax, (missed a few payments due to wife being out of work and now they want the full amount for the year) Its been passed on to Swift Credit and they sent me a letter saying I had 5 days to pay the remaining so I rang them to come to some sort of agreement but they refused. I then paid them £230 as thats all I could afford at that time, there is a bailiff due to call at my house tomorrow and now im confused as to what to do! After reading info on here I have rang council tax to say I will only deal directly with them but apparently as its not an old bill I HAVE to deal with the bailiffs. I was going to pay another £250 to them tonight, should I let them in or not? I only need 3/4 weeks and it will all be paid but they are refusing Any advice would be great! Thanks in advance
  11. I don't know if this is the right place to post but I don't know what else to do. I have been away for a few days visiting my parents and when I returned I found I had a letter from Swift dated the 13th August for a council tax liability at my previous address for £575.14 as this was the first letter I had recieved for this amount (I had previously recieved a letter from Swift for a debt of £70 for the same council tax which I paid). I have had no chance to do anything about it since yesterday evening when I arrived back and so recieved a knock on the door at just before 9am this morning from the baillif which I did not answer as I was in the shower - I further £22.50 has been added to this now. I immediatley contacted Swift to make an offer of payments which was rejected - they offered me payments of £199 which is not even close to what I can afford which I explained to them. As they could offer me no solutions I rung the bailiff who had left a letter and he said that the best he could do would be £85 a month which again is about double what I can afford. I am willing to accept that the debt is most probably mine although I have no proof or letters from the council - I moved out over 2 years ago. Any advice as to what I should do now would be greatly appreciated - as I cannot afford what they are offering and don't want further Bailiff visits. Many thanks
  12. Hi all, I had a visit yesterday (Thursday 2 August 2012) from a bailiff from Swift Credit Services Ltd. re a liability order issued by the local Magistrates Court for unpaid council tax owed by me to the local authority. The liability order isf or £1083.82 not including any bailiff fees. Unaware I could ignore the bailiff and not let him in to my home I unlocked the front door and later signed a walking possession agreement for goods I own that were levied. Besides the bailiffs behaviour and the fact he gave the impression he could force entry and I had to sign the walking possession agreement, I am having problems understanding the bailiff fees I am being charged and need some help. Onthe Notice of Seizure of Goods and Inventory the bailiff left with me the following charges are listed: ® Levy fee to scale schedule - £54.00 ® Attending with a vehicle with a view to removing - £178.00 ® Walking possession fee - £11.00 ® Removal fee/No sale fee - £22.50 As I understand it per the advice I have read on here and on the CAB website, I have to pay the £54.00 ‘Levy fee to scale schedule’ and £11.00 ‘Walking possession fee’ as I signed a walking possession agreement (under the impression from the bailiff I had or he would take the goods away there and then). Is this correct or have I got it wrong? The fees that I don’t think I should be paying are the £178.00 ‘Attending with a vehicle with a view to removing’ fee and £22.50 ‘Removal fee/No sale fee’. The reason I think this is because my understanding of the advice on here and on the CAB website is that even though a council tax bailiff can charge for bringing a vehicle even if they didn’t remove goods, those goods have to have been levied first and as I now know a council tax bailiff can’t force entry so a bailiff will have had to of previously peacefully entered the property, in this case my home address, and levied the goods. Given that the bailiff’s visit to my home address on 2 August 2012 was the first visit concerning this liability order (I have no other liability orders against my name) and my reasoning laid out above I don’t understand how a bailiff can have been attending with a vehicle with a view to removing and subsequently charge a fee for this and a removal fee. Have I got this corrector am I completely wrong? I understand that if I default on the arrangement I have made to pay the amount due, a bailiff could return and take away the goods levied and thusly charge a fee for attending with a vehicle to do so and a fee for the removal itself. Again is this correct and if this happened could the bailiff force entry? I realise now I made a mistake in unlocking my door (even though the bailiff got me to do so by pretending he had power to force entry if I didn’t) and signing a walking possession agreement (even though the bailiff made out I had to or he would take away goods there and then), but I would really appreciate some help with this. Many thanks in anticipation of your help!
  13. Please read this first about Swift Money before you apply for a loan with them. I am going to include a copy of my emails and their replies to them. They barred me from applying to any more loans for making a query or posting a comment about their policies. You will see from their replies that they act like a dictator in the way they run their business and give no thought to any of their customers. They charge £25 for a same day advance even though the banks offer it for free nowadays under the faster payment system which every other payday loan company use. They are a complete rip off so please don't use them unless you have no other option. But still i would stay away from them. You can also see from the emails below that i was accepted for the loan if it's not for me being off work sick today, and then they turn me down because i raised a query. Please read below my emails in blue and theirs in red. We can lend our money to however we wish, and should we choose not to deal with someone due to their attitude, we are well within our rights to do so, as the OFT will tell you. Thanks Kind regards! From: Sent: 09 August 2012 15:15 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status That's fine i will see what the Office of Fair Trading, and Financial Ombudsman, and every consumer advice site have to say about the way you treat customers that make a complaint. Thanks, From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 15:20 Subject: RE: Loan status Tamer We request that you take your business elsewhere, we will no longer be processing your application. Many thanks Kind regards Swift Money From: Sent: 09 August 2012 14:42 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status I'm sorry i wasn't aware that i am not allowed to make a complaint or raise a point or query if you wished to do so. Tamer From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 14:47 Subject: RE: Loan status This is the second time you have made a complaint about our service. Please be aware that our underwriting rules are in place for good reason, and will not be reviewed. If you wish to apply when you are back in work please feel free to do so, if you are displeased with the service then please be reminded it is optional and there are other lenders that may operate differently should you choose to use them. Regards From: Sent: 09 August 2012 14:22 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status Thanks for the reply. But i find the rules to be strange and contradicting. It's OK to be on holiday but yet not OK to be off sick even though i'm still fully employed and in current employment with my employer. I mean i am back on Monday and can apply for the loan and be accepted for it and then go off sick for a recurring illness or a new illness, how will that affect my loan then? I think your rules need to be reviewed. Holidays, and sicknesses need to treated the same way and not separately from one another. Thanks, From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 13:46 Subject: RE: Loan status Hi I still havent been able to get through - I havent tried for an hour so I will try again in a moment - fingers crossed Many thanks From: Sent: 09 August 2012 13:38 To: Subject: Loan status I would like to get an update on my loan application. I have tried calling but the line is constantly engaged. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
  14. Hi Guys, Hi Rene and PDL Victim Just been popping in now and again, but i have a friend who needs some advice, so reaching out to all of you. She has a loan with swift sterling, which is due to be repaid on the 10th of this month, but like many of us, has been doing the loan and repayment pattern for way to long, and she just doesn't have the means to repay the loan this month. Its not for a huge amount, but my advice to her was to cancel her agreement within the fourteen days, and tell them she was suffering financial hardship, and that she'd like to set up a weekly payment plan to clear her loan and close her account. Silly me, i keep forgetting that they don't play ball! Although from what i've read, they do set up repayment plan when it suits. When she cancelled her agreement, they emailed and said someone would be intouch shortly, 3 days later an email stating that the original loan would have to be repaid by the 27th of July, by this time it was the 28th! They then stated if funds could not be taken on the 10/8, there would be a default charge of £59.00 added, then it would be passed to an account manager and if the funds are not repaid - no specified timescale, it would be passed on to a DCA. I personally think their tactics are shocking, but its kinda left her in limbo! On my advice, she's started paying a weekly amount to them, 2 payments now made diirect to their bank account, and an email to swift stating that payments have been made and for some kind of acknowledgement. Nothing. She was at my house this morning, and has tried to log into her swift sterling account online and its blocking her! Any advice guys? I really don't know what her next move should be. She's in a bit of a state. Cheers in advance, Grumpy x
  15. Just a quick note to say that when my last wages payment went into the bank, the PDL I had with Swift Sterling had already left the account... I thought all PDLs took collections after 5am but I guess I was wrong. Please let that be a warning to anyone who does not move bank accounts and / or cancel CPAs that you do run the risk of getting cleaned out even if you plan to stay up and intercept your wages
  16. I was wondering if anyone on the forum had an idea of how long it takes for the Financial Services Ombudsman to finalise their reviews. We had our car stolen in February last year. Our Insurer, Swift Cover/AXA said that there wasnt enough theft damage to prove the car was stolen. They sent an email to the Ombudsman to us by mistake where they stated that they thought me and my wife either crashed the car ourselves or gave permission to someone else who we knew to drive and they crashed the car. Our defence to this is simple - we're fully comp, so if we did crash it, we would just pay our excess and get our money, but apparently that doesnt make a difference. So Swift refused to pay out, so we are appealing to the FSO, but so far, its been over a year.Is this normal?? How often to the FSO look at simple facts like - why would we lie, we're fully comp, so if we crashed it, so what, we still get paid. Also, we are being told that if the claim is upheld by the FSO, we are entitled to 0.8% in compensation of the value of the car PER DAY. So far, that would mean £6000 / 0.8% x 365 = £17520. Does this sound right?
  17. My main concern with them is why charge £25 for a transfer fee using faster payment when it's actually free to use by the banks now and is the only method available for same day payments unless you specify payment on a different date then it goes under BACS. So, why charge £25 which i find to be a substantial amount to charge for a free transfer. If you still want to rip customers off then at least charge a minor £5 which is easier to swallow. I urge Swift Money to look into their transfer fee policy which they charge you interest on and consider it as part of the loan as well which is a complete rip off. If you have a loan with them then write to them and make them aware you are not happy with the transfer fee which is off putting. If it's not for the transfer fee i would rate this company highly and one of the few responsible lenders as it would only lend you up to £250 Max which is fair in payday loan terms as the fees are very high and can therefore be paid by customers rather than having loans of up to £1000 plus fees that 9 out of 10 won't be paid off.
  18. I'm hoping to set up a repayment plan with Swift Sterling when I default on their payment this Friday. I've read terrible things on this forum about them..has anyone had any luck setting up a repayment plan with them? What is the best way to approach it? Thanks!
  19. I need some help with swift credit services earlier this year my mother got a bit behind with her council tax to the sum of £800 for year 2010/2011 and the council would not help her with as payment plan so the debt was passed on to swift credit services.then one day a bailiff call and she made the mistake of letting him in as he said he was just there to set up a plan for payment for this debt but whilst the bailiff was there i came around to see her and he was being rude and trying to bully her into paying this all of at once but she said he didn't have that sort of money and she would pay so much each month but he said no i will give you 7 days to pay and said he is doing a walking possession order and was still being very rude and was starting to get nasty so i asked he to leave the her house after arguing with him he did leave and just handed my mother the walking possession order and left without her signing it but on looking at the walking possession order i noticed that he had added the charges for his visit and a van and a removal of good charge totalling £550. i have contacted swift and she is now paying them on a monthly payment plan but i said she is not paying for these charges and they said she must pay the full amount of £1350 which includes these charges i have no problem paying for his 1st visit but not the rest of the charges can someone please help and tell me if she does have to pay all these charges i have also been told that the walking possession order in not valid because she never signed it is this true
  20. This is a public posting with a request to ALL Swift Advances plc or Swift 1st Account holders who have received documents during the past 10 yrs or so apparently written by and signed by a Mr Mark White. Particularly so if litigation has taken place, but not exclusive to. This is a copy of the signature which the company has said is his: [ATTACH=CONFIG]35879[/ATTACH] I have documents which have been signed by people other than with the above signature and I would like to ask everyone who has received any kind of documentation, especially Witness Statements where he has verified them as Statements of Truth, but letters too where the signature appears distinctly different to the one above to please contact me by pm as soon as possible. This is very Urgent Thank you. A1
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