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  1. Can anybody give me some advice on this please? I have been paying off an overpayment of a few hundred pounds at £20/month and have now received a demand for £2000 for an overpayment for the last tax year ( I always let them know of any changes so why they overpaid when they have up to date information god only knows). I rang and asked if I could just keep paying until it's all paid off and they want incomings and outgoings. I said I wasn't happy to give him all these details and he told me there was nothing he could do then. I told him I was offering to pay but he didn't seem interested. Do I need to give them my personal financial information and can they refuse my genuine offer to repay? Thanks all, B.B
  2. Hi all, I've been trying to deal with this issue myself, helped along by other people's problems with alleged overpayments, but I think I need some direct advice please. Background: In April 2012 my Mum and I rented a house for 12 months. I didn't know I was entitled to Housing Benefit until I was talking to a friend who said I should apply, which I did in May. I explained to the HB people that I didn't know I could apply for HB and asked if I could back-date the benefit to the day we moved in, which was was agreed to. The HB should have been paid from 16th April 2012 (moving in) to 23rd April 2013 (moving out). The first payment I received was in August 2012, the last was in May 2013, all payments made in arrears. I notified the council that I was moving out of the property on the 23rd of April 2012 and provided my new address. This is where things get messy. I was paid a final amount on 13th May 2013. I believed that this was my final payment in arrears. However, in late May 2013 I received a letter from the council stating I had been overpaid by £146.00. They said that this was overpayment for the period 23rd April 2013 to 12th May 2013. I sent them a letter on 10th June 2013 stating that I did not agree with their calculations and that they owed me £150.00. They responded in late July stating I wasn't entitled to the back-payment (that had been agreed to in the office when I applied) and that the overpayment still stood. As I was also fighting a cut in my ESA at the time, I didn't respond to this letter; I just couldn't face another fight. (I know this wasn't the best idea, but I suffer from Clinical Depression amongst other illnesses and I just wasn't in the right mental state to deal with it.) And that was the last I heard... Until a few weeks ago when I received a "Final Demand"! Three years after the original letter, they'd started this up again! I replied again stating I was not going to pay this alleged overpayment as I believed it was my final payment in arrears. I also stated the following: “Recoverable overpayments 100.—(1) Any overpayment, except one to which paragraph (2) applies, shall be recoverable. (2) Subject to paragraph (4) this paragraph applies to an overpayment caused by an official error where the claimant or a person acting on his behalf or any other person to whom the payment is made could not, at the time of receipt of the payment or of any notice relating to that payment, reasonably have been expected to realise that it was an overpayment.” As I stated, my HB was always paid in arrears so I reasonably assumed the last payment was my last payment in arrears. Which I told them in the letter. However, they responded with a bundle of letters they say they sent me in 2013, one "invoice" they allegedly sent in October 2015 and the most recent letters from this year. They completely ignored the paragraph above though. They also said that the letter I responded to (10th June 2013) said I could appeal the backdating decision within one month of the letter, which I thought would be done upon them receiving my letter (10th June 2013), but seems it wasn't! I really don't know what to do right now. They say I owe them money, I say they owe me and never the twain shall meet! Can anyone suggest what I should do now? Cheers, Fenris
  3. In 2013 I had to give up work due to chronic ill health, I notified HMRC of my changed circumstances and my tax credits claim ended. Around six months later, I received a letter from HMRC stating I had been over paid by £3,500. I called them and after explaining my circumstances they agreed to suspend repayment, they didn't say for how long, just to expect further contact in future. I have since heard nothing from them. About a month ago, out of the blue I received a letter from a debt collector agency called LCS demanding repayment, I contacted HMRC and on asking why they had not contacted me directly, I was told it was normal practice to pass debt over to a DCA who would then pass it back to them on receiving proof of inability to pay and I could expect this to happen each year. After receiving a further two threatening letters from LCS, the last being a “notice of further action” I again contacted HMRC. This time they claimed to have contacted me a number of times and as I had failed to respond they had put recovery in the hands of LCS. They flatly refused to deal with me saying I must deal only with LCS. I have read posts on here advising never to contact a DCA. I'm confused and anxious as to what I can to do if HMRC refuse to deal with it. I'm very worried about this debt and its beginning to affect my already poor health. I hope someone can advise me on the best course of action.
  4. Hi there, Just wondering if anyone can help. We moved into our previous house in 2011. We paid a management company each year for the communal service charge as instructed. Not an issue. However, when we were in the process of selling in 2015, our solicitor found that the accounts for the previous four years had not been completed and filed by the management company. We were advised that our buyers wanted to hold a retainer of £200 in case of an underpayment, which we agreed to. Just before we exchanged contracts, the management company emailed to advise that for the first year (2011-2012), we had actually OVERPAID them by £144.45. Following this, we emailed them the following: ----------------------------------------------- From: ***** Sent: 08 June 2015 18:08 To: ***** Subject: Ref ****** Good afternoon ****, I have received communication from you regarding a credit to my account for the period 06/07/2011 - 30/06/2012 to the value of £144.45. As the charges for each year are paid in advance, I would not like this credit applied to any future bill, instead I would like to receive the amount direct to myself in form of a cheque or bank transfer, due to the fact that I have sold the above property and will be moving at the end of this month. Please can you confirm that this will be actioned as per my request, and the same applied to any further credits that may be due for any charges up until 30th June 2015. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted via this email or on the mobile number below. Regards ****** ------------------------------------------------------ The management company then replied with the following stating that once ALL years accounts were finalised, they would return any overpayments to us: On Tuesday, 16 June 2015, *********** wrote: Good Morning Thank you for your email I note your below instruction however at this stage the credit it unable to be returned to yourself. Any overall credits can of course be returned to yourself following the production of all outstanding accounts. Kind regards **********- MIRPM AssocRICS Acting Branch Manager, Estate Management ------------------------------------------------- We have since been advised by our solicitor that the overpayments are for the following amounts: 2011-2012 - £144.45 2012-2013 - £185.41 2013-2014 - £110.83 2014-2015 - £83.80 Total overpaid - £524.49 However, the management company have gone against what they have agreed to and credited the accounts, meaning the buyers have now had this money and they are refusing to refund us. Our solicitor has not been overly helpful and the management company have now said they won't speak to us as we are no longer the owners of the house. What rights do we have? Are we able to fight this in small claims? Any know how would be good. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello, I left my last job nearly three years ago. I have chronic health problems and the long hours I was working were making things worse (I did around 10 hours a day - it was not unknown for my to be sending emails at midight on a Friday night, and any overtime was unpaid). When I left, I had to chase my former line manager several times for final payslips and my P45, which arrived a couple of months after I had left. Apparently he didn't know how to put them in the external post. Several months after I left, I received a letter to transfer my pension to a new provider - I had been in the previous scheme for less than a year - and put the letter aside, intending on filling it in. I was still battling with health problems and it several months later and after a change of medication that I started to feel better. (Health problems can be evidenced with blood test results and hospital letters.) A year later, I found the form and contacted both my former employer and pension provider to ask whether it was too late to transfer. After a bit of messing about and being given conflicting information, I was eventually told that it was too late and that a refund of my contributions had been made. I hadn't received any refund and it was then, nearly two years after leaving the employer, that I was told that I had been overpaid and they were demanding over £1000. I wasn't aware that I had been overpaid and received all monies in good faith, so this came as a huge shock. I asked for a breakdown and was given a convoluted spreadsheet. I've asked two people, one of whom works in payroll, to check the figures and they're also confused and suspect there are errors in the calculations. I asked for a further explanation but my former employer continued to send the same information and used phrases such as "you must pay". It was suggested that I claim estoppel, which I did earlier this year. My former employer then passed the case on to a debt collector who then tried to pick holes in how I couldn't have known that I was overpaid. They then passed the case on to what appears to be a sister company (same address, a couple of the directors are the same) and I have received my second demanding letter from them. This one gives me 21 days to pay the amount plus an admin fee, which seems to have reduced from £45 to £25 and says "our Client can progress with legal action without any further notice ...". I'm finding the situation quite stressful. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  6. Hi Have been in dispute with tax credits over, overpayment from 2013/14 today received a letters saying we owe money from 2007/8, 2008/2009 and 2009/10. I did read somewhere once that tax credits cannot top up all overpayments and expect you to pay. So question 1) how far back can tax credits go? 2) Can they top all overpayments up. 3) If not can I pay 2007/8 1st, then 2008/9 next etc. Thanks for any feedback
  7. Hi all, I'd appreciate if someone could advise me on what to do?! My husband was headhunted by an agency for a job in a school in X. He had a permanent 5 year job near where we lived and his salary was 17k pa. He was offered 21k to work in this school, both the manager in the school and the woman in the agency sent him emails after his interview confirming the job offer of 21k fixed term contract for 1 year with the possibility of extension. He accepted the job and started working there first week of November 2015. Two weeks later he was called in his manager's office and was told that if he left quietly he will be paid till the end of the month and will be provided with references. Obviously he was very distraught and sent his resignation letter the following week. A week after resigning he received his payslip and contract from X council to sign. The payslip and contract showed his annual salary at 17k! It is then we realized that he was pushed out because the school realized they could not pay him the salary he was offered. In March we received a letter from debt collectors for salary overpayment. It was annoying because the X council did not even call or write to us beforehand. My husband contacted the HR office and told them what had happened between him and the school. After 'investigating' for 2 weeks the HR wrote back saying surprise surprise that the manager of the school never said he would pay him till the end of the month and since the contract offered was 21k fixed term it meant 21k pro rata which equates 17k pa. First of all, if my husband was offered 21k pro rata he would have never taken it. Secondly, in any of the correspondences was 'pro rata' mentioned. I have called numerous solicitors just to ask for an advice and none want to give me advice because they don't want to take the case. We just want to know whether we should send a letter back to HR quoting different legal sources. If I am not mistaken this can come under estoppel? Or we should just pay them since we cant afford being taken to court. But we don't want to pay because of the principle and because of what had happened. Any advice is appreciated.
  8. First of all the background information. My first uni course started 2007, lasted for a year and I took out the standard tuition fee loan of £3000. When I restarted uni in 2009 on a different course at a different uni, I didn't take out a loan until my final year which was 2012. I then took the standard £3000 plus a maintenance loan and I qualified for a maintenance grant of £1800 because my parents' situation had changed. Now I've been working full time for the last 3 years and noticed that the SLC had been overcharging me interest because they wrongly classed my second loan as Plan 2 when it should have been Plan 1. I complained by phone and they denied it. I submitted an official complaint by email and they have just replied. And here's the kicker... .they agree they wrongly classified my loan as Plan 2 instead of Plan 1 and it was their fault because their system changed my start year to 2012.. ..but as a result of this, I received £1100 too much in maintenance grant and now they are demanding I repay it!! Almost 4 years later!!!! If I hadn't of said anything, they would never have realised. It was their mistake, not mine, do I have a leg to stand on here? I'm on maternity leave receiving Stat. pay, in the middle of a house move with not a penny to my name currently! HELP!!!
  9. I have recently received a letter from Rossendales stating that I was overpaid working tax credit a few year ago and they demand the cash back asap. I spoke to HMRC 2 year ago about this and they said they would send me out an invoice each month so I could pay it back that way. I did suggest they just change my tax code and take it from my wages but they said they only do this as a last option. My question is can Rossendales mark my credit file? What rights do they have? I have tried to contact HMRC over this matter but not managed to get through up until now. I want to pay the money back but dont want to deal with Rossendales.
  10. End of March I received a letter from the hmrc telling me I was overpaid working tax credits by almost £200. Fair enough! They stated I would receive a letter shortly with instructions how to repay the amount. It's almost end of April and I've received nothing yet. Should I worry? I wouldn't want them to contact me later asking me to pay up fines or penalties. Should I make the first move? Or is it normal procedure? Thanks
  11. I am trying to stop HMRC from taking a large sum of money off me. I am Autistic and have been told this could work in my favour as when I took out my benefits I did not have capacity can yiu help
  12. Hi guys I'm wanting some help please I was overpaid esa in 2011 due to a fault of mine now I'm very ill and in a wheelchair I stated to claim esa again 4 weeks ago, today I got 2 letters one stating £60 per fortnight will be taken out and the other letter says £58 per week will be taken out I get £175 per fortnight esa can they take the lot it will leave me with £0 esa every fortnight, I'm married my husbands my full time carer I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old, income is pip at £220 per month, child tax credits at £180 per week, child benefit at £34 and carers allowance , If any one could help me on this matter I'm sure they carnt take all our Esa,
  13. Could somebody please clarify if you wouldn't mind. Parent received renewal form, and is currently repaying 25%. Renewal has an extra piece of paper stating if income over £20,000 repayment will be 50%. Is this amount before the tax credit amount or after it, meaning will income for 50% be taken off after total income (including tax credits) or before? Many thanks.
  14. can someone advise please . I am in scotland due to ill health, I had to give up work and we were no longer entitled to tax credits since 2010 we have not revieved any tax credits payments In 2011 after long battle, I got enhanced rate of rate and got a lump sum which was back dated money Since those payments came thru, tax credits have been chasing us for different amount of money goin back to 2009 and I have been arguing with them because they keep using 2 different debt collection agencies to chase us but give each company a different figure on various letters they have added different figures too which i always argue but they always seem to have answers for. I recently sent SAR and got all paperwork back but cannot make head nor tale of it because a lot of letters i sent them by recorded delivery are not in their pile of paperwork which makes me question what else is missing luckily i have them on computer as well as the recorded delivery postal slip showing they received them and who signed for them. Can they use 2 separate agencies to chase us? I sent both companies letters telling them that this alleged debt is being disputed and i will not enter into agreement with either one of them whilst i am still communicating with HM Revenues & Customs myself I am quite willing to go to court over this if I have to. They also claim i was overpaid tax credits last year by £132 but i have never claimed tax credits since we were last told we were not eligible there is a payment in bank at same time as another payment from pip both payments just say HM Revenue and customs we just assumed it all came from same place they are saying unless we can prove the error was theirs then they will keep chasing us for the overpayments, we do not know what to do can anyone help with advice please. thanks in advance
  15. Hello all, I received Working Families Tax Credit (as it was then called) while my daughter was at college 7 years ago. When she left college I informed the Tax Credit Office of this. In 2009 I received a letter informing me that an overpayment had been paid and that I owed the sum of £4,600. I disputed this and letters between myself and the Tax Credit Office went back and forth all to no avail. Then all went quiet so I assumed they had realised their error. This was in 2009. Suddenly in October last year, some 4.5 years down the line I received a letter asking for payment. I wrote to them, disputing this - again - and asking what sort of department they run as it was over 4.5 years since they last contacted me. Heard nothing from them. Another letter from them asking for payment. Wrote to them again, with a copy of my previous letter. Ahem - today another letter demanding the money and an attachment about how a representative of theirs can take possession of my belongings. Did they not get my letters or are they just being difficult? Any suggestions? I may have to ring them but I am loathe to at present. Fortunately I have all their correspondence from 2006 onwards, plus my replies to them. Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions
  16. Daughter is expecting to receive an overpayment bill of approx. 2k for housing benefit Approx.. 12 months ago she was Made homeless L.A. (were very good with her) appointed her a homeless officer she was allocated homeless housing and her and her homeless officer filled in her housing benefit form she had to pay some rent as homeless property's come with a higher rent as they ate part furnished After 6 weeks in homeless accommodation she was allocated a house she was at work the day she was due to pick up the keys and the homeless officer took the keys to her work daughter asked her about her new claim for housing benefit for her new house homeless officer said she would deal with it as everything was the same and send her a receipt she was granted full housing and council tax benefit she didn't think this was right and phoned her homeless officer who went through it with her on there system everything was right income .tax credits ect . so it must be correct Not happy with that a few days later she phoned the benefits section and went through it with them again told everything is correct This yrs housing benefit came in and she has to pay rent she always had this little niggle in the back of her mind that something wasn't right and nothing had changed from the previous yr she phoned them they have asked her to take all her paper work to the local office so they can scan them and send them to housing benefit (and theirs a lot 100+ pages ) anyway she was going through them and one housing benefit rebate form has her working tax credit's on it but the one that was done by her housing officer hasn't (thence the 100% rebate) This is a lot of money and if she has to pay it back then that fine she will pay it however I would like her to go down the appeal root any thoughts on this
  17. Ill start at the beginning About 12-14 years ago I was called into the income support office for a fraud interview. I had been working but wasn't earning over the stated allowed amount. I was self employed. My ex husband had decided to "grass" me up as I was in a new relationship and he was very controlling and violent. I took the case to tribunal back then with copies of everything they wanted including having professional accounts done that showed I was earning within the allowed amount. At the tribunal I was sat in front of a lady who had all my paperwork in front of her including my accounts. She said to me she had no idea what they all meant and couldn't understand the account figures. after I heard off them saying I was liable to pay back around £8000 I think it was (according to their recent letter) I wrote again asking for my case to be heard by some one who could understand accounts and figures. After a while of arguing through letter they stopped writing to me. I thought they had sorted it out as it had just gone. However about a month ago I received a letter off a different department in DWP saying I owed them money and I panicked. I was told by them they were putting an attachment of earnings on my very small wages. I wrote asking from what time period and they came back with that it was from 2002/2003 ! I have no idea where I stand on this and what my rights are. I am beside myself with worry, the last time the stress caused me to miscarry . I am already having problems sleeping and feeling tired all day. If it was a normal business I know they aren't allowed to reclaim money after 6 years with no contact but as this is the government Im guessing the rules are different? can anyone please help ? im so worried I feel like crying all the time PS their first letter said I owed £3500 and the second one put it up to almost £8000 !
  18. Hi Guys, Been having a bit of a nightmare at them moment regarding claiming my Tax back which I have overpaid. I was working in the UK up until 20 October 2015 last year and we then had to move across to Denmark (but I still live in UK) Anyway, a few of the guys have all filled in their P85 form and some have received a cheque already with their over payment within a few weeks. I'm having a lot of trouble and they state because of the information I have provided I need to do a self assessment in April. I then managed to get a copy of my friends whom I work with and I copied it exactly but in Year 1,2 and 3 I wrote 220 days I would spend in the UK, when I should have put what he wrote which was 252. No idea why that matters which is strange? but I sent it off to them again which they said I could and again they sent me a letter saying because of the info I have provided. So I then sent in a third with the years at 252 instead of the 220. Anyway speaking to the HMRC is difficult at times but they have now created a work item and hopefully this gets pushed to the back office but they have said it can take up to 5 days for them to get in touch regarding the form Has anyone else had these issues when trying to claim an over payment of tax back? I have already been on the .gov website and worked out how much tax I should be due but if this all fails again then I'll just have to do the self assessment in April and hopefully then the HMRC see that I am due money back. How easy is a self ass form to fill in? I have never done this before but I'm actually considering speaking to an accountant and seeing how much they charge, I'm from East coast Scotland beside Dundee so hopefully maybe around £2-300
  19. im posting this on behalf of my sister inlaw . she and i have both tried talking to hmrc what a nasty we dont care attitude they have . she recently (few weeks ago )saw a £24.80 per week drop in tax credits , phoned them and they said wait for a letter to arrive and then phone the number onit and they will explain . letter comes and low and behold ,same number idiots. any she rand them yesterday and they are calculating that by 05/04/2016 her earning will be £10700 £6.79 ph on a constant 30 hour week . her last wage slip dated 28/02/2016 states her total earnings to be £8002.54 to that date for the year . so out came the calculator and a rough estimate to the date they gave 05/04/2016 adds upto £9198.54 total earnings for the year . so how can they start taking an over payment for 05/04/2015 to 05/04/2016 of over £700 ? they said they base it on earning from previous years of 2013 to 2014 . the system sucks . so now she is £24.80 worse off a week. reducing her tax credits to £44.64 per week until 10/06/2016. she is a single parent who works ,pays full council rent ,gets no discount,full council tax -25% single person discount and has a 13year old child . some how i couldnt get it throiugh to the lady that how can you take an overpayment that hasn't actually occured yet ? based on the fact that in 2013-2014 she use to work 40 hrs per week . is there some way to appeal against this ? as she struggles as it is now . i see her point , whats the use in working if single parents etc are better off on benefits . go to work get punished . is there any help she can get either in tax credits ,appealing againt housing costs to offset an overpayment that has not happened yet .
  20. When I separated from my ex husband and entered into divorce proceedings in 2008, job centre+ closed my tax credit claim down and reopened a new claim. All fine I thought, wrong. My ex husband refused to sign any documents and hmrc came after me for the full years tax credits due to him not signing closure of claim. My solicitor at the time along with cab said I could not be held responsible for him as we were getting divorced and he had been violent towards me. I disputed hmrc and appealed both of which were unsuccessful and they are continually trying to chase this overpayment, I have even been told that because the job centre closed the claim and not me that they had to accept and not demand payment. I fell for this once before when they made me pay back child tax credits saying I was not entitled to them, so effectively I only got child benefit for my children and income support for myself. My question is, can they still come for this overpayment nearly 8 years later and does it not become statute barred as I have refused to acknowledge this debt from day one?
  21. Child will not be receiving DLA or the disability elements of tax credits so huge loss of income there already, parent could just about manage yesterday told about repaying an overpayment (this is on top of the current amount being repaid) to another tune of over £50 per week. Parent asked for reconsideration yesterday about this added repayments but not informed of result yet. When DLA does stop parent will be losing approx £800 per month, this is without this added repayment. It's not a problem at the moment but will be very soon, household income will dramitically be cut. Leaving no disposable income, just about bills will be paid. Parent understandably very very very concerned. Tax credits can ask for proof of income I assume and whilst it's ok to provide this at moment as income ok, within a month this income will be reduced a great deal. Will HMRC possibly look at this again. Child extremely upset so there can be no intention of forcing medical assessment, please advise. I am wondering if parent could enlist MP for help dealing with HMRC?
  22. Hi Everyone, apologies if this is not the right part of the forum, but I have a question regarding an overpayment claim from my last employer. Thy wrote to me about a month ago, stating they had over paid me on my final pay dated 25/06/2015 to the amount of £633.98, and wanted payment within 7 days. They attached a breakdown which was massively incorrect, and made no sense, a complete mess of company sick pay, statutory sick pay, basic pay and holiday, and several incorrect sums. I am still contacting them to try and get an explanation of how I can have been overpaid, but wanted to check my rights also, as this is causing me anxiety attacks and sleepless nights worrying about it. I had been off sick with anxiety and depression (partially due to work related stress) for two months at my last employer, when I decided to hand in my notice,as I was not going to be well enough to return for the foreseeable future, and felt like a burden, as I knew there was no budget for cover, people were already over worked, and I was a fairly senior member of staff, in terms of tasks I was performing. They accepted eventually,and my final date of employment, and date of final pay was 26/06/2015. I hadn't received my payslips whilst off sick, and didn't receive my final pay slip either, so chased the H.R department several times by email back in july, but this was eventually forgotten about, as none of my pay amounts seemed incorrect, my ongoing ill health and the fact that no-one from the company got back to me after promising to contact me when they would be sent out. My question is, if it does turn out that an overpayment was made , can I fight this?. I am on ESA benefits as I cannot leave the house most days,let alone work, and I have absolutely no money to repay this whatsoever, I don't think I could bare this going to court, but I simply can't pay, and it all seems very unfair Any help gratefully appreciated, apologies for the long rant! Danii
  23. Hope someone can help with advice please? In 2014 I claimed tax credits for the first time for a period of 6 months only (April 14 Oct 14) In July 2015 I was asked to renew my tax credits, which I didn't as I was not receiving tax credits anymore (Im now aware I should have done it anyway) Because I did not renew, HMRC have used an estimate figure of my self employment income. They have used £2562.50 but it was actually only £149. HMRC say I owe £2,133 because they have had to calculate on their estimate self employment income. They advise I can dispute it but because I did not do my renewal it is very unlikely it will get agreed and the £2,133 will have to be paid back. I have admitted it was my fault due to simply never claiming before and unaware I had to renew, If I had renewed and input the correct figures I would not owe anything. Do I have a chance with this? My fault for not knowing how the system works!
  24. Will make this brief as possible any help or advice would be appreciated. September 2015 daughter leaves job at bank call centre. October 20th 2015 she receives final pay owed. November 20th and 30th daughter receives letter from overpaid salaries team requesting the return of £390.66 overpayment daughter foolishly ignores letters. December 22nd 2015 My daughter receives letter from solicitors instructing her of the banks passing of debt to be recovered to them. Threat of court action and interest charges, legal costs and court fees will be applied if it goes to court, and all the usual threats that gets included in these letters. December 24th 2015 Daughter comes clean about letters and overpayment to mum and me. Mum agreed to loan her the money to clear debt. 24th December 2015, Daughter contacts solicitors payment line while mum listens to call as well, payment approved and reference number given to my daughter, thought that was it all sorted. November 2015 Daughter contacted by banks pension dept as to refunding her contributions made, as she had not completed full year with them, Daughter sends paper work back with details of how refund to be returned Sum of £299 minus tax and NI. Pension refund misses pay date in December so after phone calls made by my daughter was informed it be more likely to be received in Jan 2016 payroll date, No money received by my daughter on 20/01/16 pay date. January 21st 2016 daughter contacts payroll dept to find out why money has not been paid in, as it was a 0845 number phone bill shows time and date and length of call on land line. She was informed on that day and over the phone that the money was not being repaid to her as it was being used as part payment for outstanding debt, a debt that was as far as all were concerned had been cleared, oh how wrong we were. Not once during the phone call did the bank mention that they had informed my daughter by letter or email or phone prior to this date that they were going to recover the money by this means in fact no further correspondence was received from the bank since November. January 21st 2016 A phone call made to solicitors to find out why bank not received the payment, was told by the operative that money had missed there payment date when they pay the creditors. Not once during the phone call on 24th Dec did the operative make clear to my daughter that this would happen or that they would not contact the bank as to the debt being collected. Are they legally allowed to do this, my daughter and myself are at a complete loss as to why this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on. As of me posting this thread no money has been returned to my daughter or any explanation by both companies has been offered should I contact the head office board members and SRA with complaints about this or will I be wasting my time. Thank you for reading the thread.
  25. Hi all, I was studying a creative media HND course at College. However, I was suffering from bad depression due to money issues, personal health reasons and something bad me and my girlfriend were going through at the time. I completed my first year, But in my second year I left a couple of weeks after my April Payment (2015). Student Finance contacted me at that time and said it was classed as an over payment and that I owed them £2500. I already owed some money out and whatever I had left I had to pay the rent until August where I was living as I was in a contract and didn't have any other money to live on. With all what was going on I ended up forgetting all about it as I had bigger issues at the time. I have just received an email from CCS collect telling me to ring them, and i'm guessing it's the student finance. I would like some help and to see what my options are. I don't want a CCJ but I also can't afford to pay back anything either. I am really struggling at the moment, no longer speak to my parents and I have been staying on friends sofas for a few months now. Is there a minimum payment that I can set up with them and how much would that be. Although I probably can't afford what they are asking. I also have a £1800 overdraft with a bank that's maxed out. So I technically have less than 0 money. If anyone can help me and suggest what the best option would be that would be great. I really don't think it's fair that I owe them this money back and why they can't just take it back when I am earning a salary like any other student. I left with depression and still needed that money to continue to pay my rent off for the student year.
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