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  1. Currently running at 87% of decisions same as original DM decision because.... This folks is why you should ignore the DWP and appeal! I'll give DWP DMs the benefit of the doubt here as although my last MR for DLA was refused.... the Mandatory Reconsideration DM actually didn't write against my new lower award but how I could win at appeal! Bizarre but true ! Reddit thread Rightsnet thread https://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/11271/
  2. I will try to make this short... ..20 years ago my husband went to court for none payment of overpaid benefits (i dont need to go into why but it wasnt his fault). He got given community service which he did and heard nothing more. Then in approx 2012 the dwp contacted him saying he needed to pay this £1600 back... .why did it take so long??? He never heard anything after the court hearing. As it was so long ago the citizens advice told us to get a copy of the court judgement, we never got this and all went quiet. Now he has a letter from them again wanting this money - what do we do? Surely the DWP should have dealt with this is 1996?!
  3. I have an on going dispute with The DWP regarding a long outstanding balance on a Social fund loan they say I owe, I don't think I do. This loan dates back to 1998. I have replied to every letter they have sent asking for a statement of payments and a copy of the original loan agreement, to date I have received nothing. Today I received a letter stating that a direct earnings attachment letter had been sent to my employer. I telephoned and again requested proof that I owe this money. The person I spoke to was very unhelpful and sarcastic to me. I paid them the money on my CC as I didn't want my employer notified. I do not think I owe this money and they can offer me no concrete proof that I do. I feel like I'm hitting my head against a wall and getting nowhere. How are they allowed to get away with this.?? Can I pursue a claim through small claims court to be reimbursed?
  4. My partner has had a letter regarding WTC. They are pushing her to open a bank account. She has been using a post office account for child benefit and wtc for many years now. Has anyone here had the same? is there a reason for it! usually is regarding dwp/hmrc. EDIT: Forgot to say we already have bank accounts but my partner has always liked using the post office one for budgeting etc. Tia
  5. Hi there, For years now, I've been receiving the same letter from the DWP. A vaguely-worded affair, it always tells me I owe the grand sum of £60 to them and to pay up. This usually results in a written response from myself, highlighting that I have no idea where this 'debt' is from and could someone shed some light on the subject. Nobody ever can. One year, I ignored the letter and ended up getting chased by a DCA, who soon passed the case back to the DWP because they couldn't tell me what the debt was for either. This happens every couple of years. I presume my complaints expire on their system and the DWP2000 Letter Machine starts the process again. Yesterday a letter popped through my door, but it would seem the laws have changed since our last correspondence (because we have a Tory government and that's the kind of nonsense they pull). It appears that, despite having no evidence of this debt, they can just go to my employer and take it from my salary. No court needed! No ethics needed either, I would seem. Wow. I've already put together a complaints letter the the Debt Management team, and filled out the SAR (just need to find someone with a printer as heaven forbid the DWP realises it's 2017 and starts dealing with emails). I should emphasise, £60 isn't a big deal, if I owed such a debt I would have no problem paying it. The fact is that I don't have any idea what this is for and nobody at the DWP ever tells me. If they had a case against me for it, they would have taken the money via the courts before the law changed, no? Thanks for reading, is the SAR and complaint enough or is there something else I can do?
  6. Hello all Getting worked up and worried over a letter I received from the DWP. It starts with: We need to check your personal information. Dear XXX In order to make sure that you receive the correct amount of benefit, we need to check that the details of your claim are correct and up to date. We have arranged a meeting with you xx March. Why you should attent: Keeping your details up to date ensure that you are getting the correct amount of benefit. 8 out of 10 people come to this meeting. If you can keep this appointment or would like to report a change please call. Then on the back it says: Any ONE of the following forms of id: Passport Driving license Utility Bill Any of the following documents IF you have them: Bank statement ISA Wage Slip Bonds Property or land I own Please note that not attending this meeting your benefit payment could be stopped as we wil not know whether we have the correct details on file to support your claim. ----------- I haven't been asked this before and I've been receiving ESA now for nearly 2 years I think, but I've read some stories about being in a booth with 2 officers who are hostile and really checking people for fraud etc. I suffer with Agoraphobia and I have severe mental health issues BPD and depression. This is really making me panic now.. If this is just a normal routine check and template then great, if anyone could help I would appreciate it. Regards
  7. I've received a letter from a dca ccscollect regardinng a £600 social fund loan I took out in 2010. I've just started getting benefits again so that's how they found me. The DWP won't deduct it from my benefits so have instructed a dca. When I enquired what the debt was for I asked if it should be statute barred and was told no that it comes social security law and not consumer law. Is this correct?
  8. Hi all I'm new here and desperately seeking some advice. I've phone 3 local solicitors and not 1 has got back to me. Anyway, I have received a letter from the jobcentre asking me to attend an interview under caution about my claim for income support and that they want to talk to me about a partner I live with. Now I only claim income support as I live in my own home which is a joint mortgage with my ex partner. Now, I'm thinking this could be 1 of 2 things. Firstly I have a boyfriend who comes over and stays every now and then. He had his own place until November last year as he couldn't afford to live in a for bed house on his own so has moved to his sisters. His name is on no bills at his sisters address except his driving license and his car insurance. Now the other thing I think it could be and am pretty sure it could be, is like I said I have a joint mortgage still with my ex and it's for the house I am currently living in. We sperated due to domestic violence. He was bailed to his parents address in 2015 (he didn't change his address over to there if I'm correct). Sometimes he paid the mortgage and I paid the bills and a few months I paid money into his account towards the mortgage. He tried to get me off mortgage and then tried buying me out so the bank only wanted him to pay the mortgage for xxxx amount of months and told me not to pay anything for mortgage. He met someone else in that time and moved in with her around Feb/march last year. We came to an agreement that I would stay in the house (we have a physically disabled daughter and the house is fully adapted to meet her needs) we agreed I would pay £400 a month towards mortgage into his account and the remaining £250 would be a maintenance payment but used to make up the rest of the mortgage payment. We agreed it to be paid from his account as it's easier for it to come out as one lump payment each month and he sends me a screen shot each month. The life insurance and home insurance are still in both our names for obvious reasons. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated because at the moment I've got no where with any legal advice and the interview is on Tuesday morning.
  9. I hope this is the right place for this question. I currently receive ESA, but am considering trying to get back into work, although I'm not sure if I'm ready. I'm interested in a job with the NHS, but am worried that if I apply, but don't get the job or don't feel well enough to accept when I learn more about it, the NHS will nevertheless share the information about my application with the DWP, which will affect my ESA. So, would the NHS be able to share my personal data/details of the application with the DWP in these circumstances? Thank you in advance.
  10. Hi guys, My father in law has received a letter out of the blue from the DWP saying "our records show us that you owe £2,982" and they can get an attachment of earnings, send debt collectors blah blah blah....... He is due to start claiming state pension in Feb 2018 so he completely panicked thinking this was a demand for a shortfall in NI contributions & he wouldn't get full state pension. he called them up and set up a payment plan, without asking them what it was actually for.......... After speaking to me, I pointed out this letter doesn't say what he owed it for (it was literally like me writing a letter to you and saying you owe me 3 grand, no reason whatsoever), he called them back and they said it was for Incapacity Benefit that was paid to him for a couple of months starting in October 2003, and they allege he was earning at the same time. This raises a few issues. Firstly, he knows that he definitely was not earning at this time, but he may have been receiving private pension payments. He will have to look up old info to confirm this or not so we can't contest anything yet on this point. However, on a broader point, do they actually have a leg to stand on asking for repayment 13 years after the event? They've sent a letter with no explanation whatsoever, blindly asking for 3 grand. Then when he phones up the DWP they say it's nothing to do with them, it comes from the benefit office.... .... It just all seems very suss. Has anybody else had experience of this please?
  11. Hi all. I'm hoping some of you caggers will be able to relate to my experience and hopefully provide some advice. I've received notification from DWP that I owe about £500 in overpayment of tax credits. A brief overview of the issue: We were claiming £53 per week while I was working. My wife was at home looking after our disabled daughter. I ended my employment some time in April of this year, and attempted to apply for JSA. I was advised that my wife would be better applying for ESA and having me included on the application, which she did. We informed DWP that I was no longer working, but they continued to pay the tax credits into our account. It was a good job they did because two months, and then three months later we still had not received any of the ESA or other benefits we had applied for. We basically lived on family handouts for months, and relied on the good will of our housing association as we began to fall behind on rent payments. Our arrears on council tax and also TV license all mounted up. Thankfully in June I returned to work and the tax credits payments stopped. Now I have received a demand for payment in full or they'll take it out of my wages. I've explained that their mistake in continuing to pay us was all we had to live on due to receiving no other benefits, but they aren't interested. I'm not denying we spent tax credits and I'm more than willing to make affordable payments back. However, what I do mind is the fact that they want their overpayment of tax credits back but that was just a fraction of the entitlements we were never paid. We struggled like hell as a family and now we're trying to get back on our feet and paying our way, they are forcing more hardship on us. I just want fairness and a level playing field. Any help or advice will be truly welcomed. Craig
  12. As most here will know, I registered with UJ ages ago but found it utter rubbish so stopped using it. They can't mandate you to use any specific job-search site and there are far better ones I use. Got this email today from our wonderful friends at DWP.. 'Our records show that this email address (shown above) is currently registered against an active Universal Jobmatch account. It’s been a year since you accessed the account and used it to search for jobs. If you would like to keep this account please take a moment to log in. If you do nothing the account will be disabled within 4 weeks. Sincerely, Universal Jobmatch helpdesk Do not reply to this email unless you are directed to do so as we will not be able to respond. Please use the 'Contact us' facility if you have any further issues or to report this email as suspicious. We will never ask you for your password in an email. © 2013 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)' Just confirms what we already knew; they're monitoring how often you log in to UJ. No surpises there then. What's the betting I'll get another email after my UJ account has expired?
  13. I have been on income related ESA in the Support Group for about 4 years now. All the time I have been on ESA I have lived with family members and recieved no other benefits such as housing benefit etc. At some point over the next month or so I will be moving in with a partner. My partner earns over the threshold I will lose all benefits once I move in with them. The house my partner has bought earlier this year is currently being renovated and due to my ill health I cannot move in until the work is complete which will hopefully be soon but I have no definate date. As far as I know I need to inform the DWP of my change in circumstances within 30 days of moving in with my partner is this correct? In addition I don't know what to expect when I tell them of my new situation when it happens. Will it trigger a new WCA for example. Do I just need to fill out a form about my change in circumstance or will they investigate i.e. come round to see if I am living in the new house? I am hoping it shouldn't really be an issue as my change or circumstances will mean I am no longer getting any benefits paid except my stamp as opposed to me asking for more money? Could anyone advise me on what to expect?
  14. I feel so upset and frustrated. I got pip for a year, then after an assessment for renewal they did not award me enough points to carry on getting it. Before I was getting the standard care rate. I appealed and asked for the mandatory reconsideration but again the DWP refused to award me. Only after being sent out all the forms did I see where the missing points were. I am working with Harc and it was for preparing food and both the recent form, and previous form my answers were the same yet they did not award the 4 points the second time but gave me the same points for the same things as last time, bar that. So, I appealed and went to the tribunal and they awarded me more points which took me to enhanced care and lower mobility and I thought great, finally over. Got a letter through dated the 24th (my appeal was on the 18th) and it says we've applied to the tribunal or a statement of the reasons for the decision made on the 18th as we may wish to consider applying for permission to appeal against that decision. I'm sorry we won't be paying you the benefit awarded by the first-tier tribunal at the present time. We have one month to consider applying for permission to appeal. The period of one month starts from when they first=tier tribunal reasons has been issued. If we decide not to apply for permission to appeal we'll start paying you the benefit strait away and we'll pay money we owe you, if we apply for permission to appeal and it's not granted, we'll consider if we can start paying you (what do they mean they'll consider if they can start paying me???) I'm getting so upset and no idea what to do next. How do I find out when this month starts and ends and is it common for the DWP to be granted permission to appeal. What will they be appealing? the points I've been awarded? I thought the judge at the appeal I went to had the upper hand so to speak, why am I now being put through this. Please can someone help me understand what's happening here and what I should do. Much appreciated.
  15. Our Nine year old son Receives DLA High rate care and low rate Mobility from the DWP. His mobility condition has changed and he is being referred for Surgery on his Achilles tendons by his Paediatrician, so I informed the DWP. The DWP wrote to our GP who we never see and asked for a report on him,she phoned me and asked some very basic questions and submitted a report that totally contradicts the Paediatrician. I have spoken to the DWP and was read the Doctors report and it is total rubbish, the Doctor who we have never seen has said our son can literally walk and run like a normal child. I have asked for a Mandatory Reconsideration, and asked that any information they need should be obtained from the Paediatrician not our GP. Can someone point me to where I can request all the details about our Son from the DWP, so I can confront our GP with her report.
  16. This is questionable, Some work coaches are saying the above whilst others claim they can use their own discretion , really that isn't what the DWP's official guidance says about EPS As someone who is very sceptical of the establishment & DWP Sounds like someone was in la la land or stoned maybe, or is there something more sinister at foot , why do this , to cause confusion for fun ? or are they testing the waters, to see how much opposition they meet, before they scrap eps , ? https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/470857/v4am47.pdf
  17. I have got my second assessment for ESA on Thursday, presumably with Maximus this time unless they too have been sacked? I had been away for four months from the flat I've lived in for 21 years and feel a bit panicked to learn of this appointment being so near ( and this time it's due so early in the day that the train fare will be double). This is in part because I am severely stressed out because I already have another concurrent fight on my hands with the local council over its handling of a violent and antisocial neighbour (documented on another subforum here). When I was coerced back to the flats by the council I began to get heart pains of the same kind I'd got when my neighbour threatened me for making complaints. The initial period of pain died down after thirty hours but has begun again. I will go to my GP about this but I'm not happy to be reporting a more or less new health issue within a few days of an assessment, because of how it might be viewed with suspicion. Having had something very like a heart attack at 29 as a side effect of antidepressants I'm seriously concerned about this heart issue, though a visit to A&E last week showed nothing up. I am vividly aware as I type though that something is not right. There is pressure in my heart or a feeling of a knot. It's actual and not merely chemical/ psychological even if aggravated by an emotional state I'm trying to combat with breathing. But I'm more concerned about whether I have the energy for another fight over all this. I am half angry, half exhausted. I believe that if I still allowed myself to risk the involvement of professionals I would have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder by now because of the extremity of the swings but it is some bind when you are utterly exhausted part of the time and full of rage the rest of it. We could say that having been through one of these assessments I know the lie of the land - and it certainly is a lie and not a lay - but I read that for example that some symptoms/sentiments that arise from mental health issues (which I've learned I cannot discuss here, which I accept) which six months ago were cause for assessors and DWP staff to treat an individual with caution, are now indiciators that an indivisual should be pushed firmly towards the workplace, despite an apparent overall impression given in the media that there should have been a moving away from the aggression of these asessments experienced from 2011-2015. I am going to ring to assert that I will be recording my assessment as last year's assessor lied repeatedly in her report, which I was going to use at the tribunal. A leaflet tells me I can use my equipment and that's how it's going to be as I have no reason to trust these people. I was put in the Support Group last year but only short term. I had applied to go to tribunal but this was cancelled without my say-so when the one year Support Group was decided upon. Someone senior in the Dispute Resolutions team actually rang me, and even by coincidence had agreed with a colleague on calling the dogs off on my birthday. I want to ask to speak to him tomorrow or am considering writing a letter to ask for this to be viewed in conjunction with Thursday's assessment. I do not have room for manouevre financially for any ESA cut. I have thirty quid in the bank to last nine days and no savings. I have nothing left to sell because the other business with the council led to me selling everything to pay to keep a roof over my head somewhere safe over the last four months, though I slept outside sometimes too. Last year as I was under attack by the DWP and my neighbour's behaviour at once I developed for the first time in my life a period of binge-drinking. In the second half of my 30s I didn't touch alcohol, and for most of my adult life I could take or leave it and went for weeks without a pint. For several months last year I was losing my memory about three times a week, falling over, having to bin clothes that became scuffed and torn. I was shocked out of it once a friendly waitress saw me staggering around, and then when a stranger approached me who'd guided me home. I'm not ashamed but it's pretty horrifying to be pushed into uncharacteristic behaviour without personal precedent, and I resent this period. I hadn't slipped back into this until Thursday just gone, and hope that was only a blip and not new stresses. Additionally, being angered by this new medical I have decided to stop being a mug over something that happened around twelve years ago. Before the advent of ATOS and the like I had a medical in the same building when I was on SDA. The doctor who did it carried out an act of aborted sexual abuse. I don't know if you can understand but at the time I could hardly believe it, and then felt fearful of rocking the boat due to my need for my benefits. Now though, feeling harrassed and angry I want to go to the police and pursue things. If a celebrity's abuse form forty years ago can be pursued then so can this. I would have no trouble identifying this person because I remember his manner vividly. At present I'm intending to go to the police station on Tuesday, will explain what happened and then ask if there are records of other complaints having been made with reference to the same building. I am not going to back out of this now but I suppose need to prepare myself. There are no doubts in my mind regarding what happened - it was nothing whatsoever to do with the medical and a clear assertion of power. I am absolutely aware that people do worse as one family member suffered horrifically and so did someone I was engaged to, but as this person has or had a position of power which has continuity with the comparatively respectable veneer of Maximus's power I want him dealt with. I will soak up anything helpful anyone wants to say here but at times I feel like walking off the grid altogether nowadays. I have thought of turning myself in to a hospital but fear losing autonomy regarding diet and medication. I spent a weekend in a particular creed's monastery a decade ago and remember they had a 'lay monk' there, a man who basically mucked in but had not adopted the garb, and who seemed to have retreated from comparable aggravation in the regular world. I've considered going there but do not really have the conviction of that creed despite sharing some agreement with it. Sick enough also, despite being aware of what I'd been put through last year several people in my family voted Conservative and didn't hide the fact. Sometimes sitting down with them and acting like they hadn't put a cross in box that could have a very dramatic consequence you do feel that family life has become farcical. Thanks for your time.
  18. On Wednesday, 4th Nov 15, a JobCentre Workcoach at Seven Kings Jobcentre, instigated a full scale row with me about my apparent job search failure, even though I applied for 33 vacancies for period 21/10/15 – 4/11/15 - so she's clearly insane and her judgement is off at best and worst she doesn't listen to reason nor pay attention to months of evidence. (This is my 2nd complaint against this particular Work Coach for bullying – the first complaint being the 10th September 2014) She battered me about why I hadn't secured interviews for the amount of jobs applied for, I explained that many job sites sold advert slots to recruitment agencies, and that many jobs aren't offered to me due to me being over qualified, and too old for entry-level posts. At precisely 12:40pm, she aggressively challenged me and said “If I'm so experienced, then I should be in work” - and she didnt mean it as a compliment either, she was goading me, doing her absolute best to wind me up, and she's clearly a lunatic of the highest order and unprofessional to boot. I mean, does she really think that repeatedly bashing out the same questions really helps motivate jobseekers or changes a job-market fluctuation situation that's completely out of my control – it doesn't. The 'Work Coach' also kept banging on about her 'job coach' credentials, she told me she was a qualified job coach (seems the majority of DWP staff do this too, but from what I've seen they don't have the skills/knowledge required to coach anyone) . Is the DWP sure they should be using self-appointed titles, as I thought their titles were Compliance/Customer/Client Advisor?? although the Work Coaches seems to think its fine to promote themselves and bully others.... (It seems the title of 'Work Coach' is an official title according to the DWP). She then turned to giving low-level CV tips, 'advising' that I should change it so its 'targeted'. Well, I've removed 4 positions to make it so – but this has now left a huge gap of 4 years employment that is tough to explain to interviewers, hmmm, great advice She then threatened to repeat the same pathetic questioning every time I attend my signing day, and I'm not being spoken to like that, nor will I stand for her ridiculous threats and told the Jobcentre, I will take this to the highest complaints level as this is the 2nd time these pathetic power games has occurred and the 3rd advisor complaint put forward by myself, although I couldn't be bothered to take it to the maximum complaints stage last time, but I will now.
  19. Hi all. A friend of mine has had his DLA stopped because he missed an appointment for a Health Assessment. He knew nothing about the appointment because for some reason they were sending all correspondence to the wrong flat in the house he shares. When someone moved in to the empty flat, the letters were unnearthed. This was unfortunately a couple of days after he was meant to have gone to the assessment. He then recieved a letter (wrong address again) saying his DLA is stopping, and his claim for PIP was denied. All because he never turned up for assessment. He telephoned last month and explained the problem to the DWP, they changed all address details to the correct address, and said they would put it to the claims manager to be dealt with. He was meant to get paid today (if he was still getting DLA) but nothing went in his bank. He has rang them and a rather rude man said it's still waiting for a decision on the claim to be made. A decision was already made as they had sent a letter stopping his DLA, and refusing PIP. But that was not his fault. Should they not still keep paying him his DLA (which he was originally meant to get until the year 2020) until they ask for another Health Assessment? I think it's a bit cruel since they were sending his letters to the wrong place. Please help.
  20. I was asked to defraud DWP by a work programme provider in July 2015. In short I signed off, I got acall from a guy asking to provide details and sign forms for DWP to pay them. I explained I just signed off without a job. He told me dont worry think of an employer and we both could get paid. I just laughed at the guy and put him on loud speaker and let my mum hear him going off his nut and getting angry. First point of call, go back see my old advisior, she just looked at me like I was stupid and asked what she could help with:S. For 3 months DWP told me they wont take my complaint as I must complain to the person trying to defraud them????? Anyway finally my complaint was taken serious on the 1st of September 2016. Someone collected all the dates and times I called trying to pursue this and reassured me something was going to be done. She even called me back 2 hours later telling me its been passed on and will get looked at. On the 12th of September I got a call lasting 12 minutes from an unknown number (have screenshot). This was a person from DWP fraud department who asked me for more information and told me I may need to provide a statement. I was told a follow up call would happen in the next 14 days. Nothing. Call up to enquire. The log on the 1st says no complaint was every taken as DWP dont deal with companies trying to defraud them. Also no call logs on the 12th to me. It seems it was no one from the DWP who called me???? I'm going absolutely insane here. When I try and sign on I get sent to the work programme provider who give me no assistance or help and my referral was not even acknowledged 9 weeks later. SO I just signed off again. JCP cant help me find work and jobs offered in the centre are for people not on the work programme so I feel attending the job centre a waste of time. What should I do? Just shut up about it in when put in that position next time just accept? Its only tax payers money right?
  21. Hi all, I am considering starting an action against the DWP/Jobcentre in a County Court. A brief synopsis is as follows: I claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and am in the Work-Related Activity Group (WRAG). I am required to take part in a "work-related interview" every six months. At my last "interview" my work coach offered to conduct the "work-related interview" over the phone instead of in person. However, when I asked the Jobcentre staff to fulfil this offer recently they simply refused. I asked for the Jobcentre to make a reasonable adjustment in this respect due to the fact that I suffer from various health problems and getting to the Jobcentre is unreasonably difficult for me. This was denied. Is this a matter for a County Court that needs to be issued against the DWP or is it a Employment Tribunal matter because the Jobcentre could be described as an "employment service" for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/section/56 If this does go to a County Court what are the chances I will have to pay the other side's legal costs? I suspect the DWP/Jobcentre will aggressively defend this. Many thanks in advance.
  22. Hi, hope someone can help me. My dad passed away the end of august with nothing, no estate or anything, only £300 in his bank account. He had 2 accounts with halifax one with an overdraft of £300 which he had maxed and the other with £300 of his own money. We had the funeral and applied for a dwp funeral grant which they have given us £815 for the cremation and £700 for everything else but have taken £300 off because that is what he had in his bank account. the thing is halifax took this money to pay the overdraft on his other account. When we applied for the grant we included cofirmation from halifax to say that they were taking his money to pay the overdraft. Dwp say they shouldnt have taken it because the funeral is the first thing to be paid off and not his debts. now we have to find an extra £300 on top of what we already owe to the funeral director. Can halifax do this, are dwp right in what they are saying? Thanks for any help in advance
  23. As a result of my telephone call regarding the local telephone compliance interview yesterday, they want to see my bank statements as I've been claiming Job Seekers Allowance since last year and am really worried. I had a web chat with the CAB earlier but they weren't much help.
  24. Hi all, This is a speculative question because I'm not on the dole yet, but who knows! Either in the process of claiming benefits or during a compliance check, one may be asked to produce evidence of capital, e. g. bank statements. Is there a rule that determines a minimum or maximum period for which this evidence must be reported? I've searched extensively on Google and I've also read the DM guide about capital but I haven't found anything. Some people have been asked 3 months worth of statements; others 6 months; some other one year. Any clue? Thanks.
  25. I have a letter from CSS.. They want money for DWP, not sure what it could be, I had a DRO that went through and i think it could be related to that? I know that it's best not to call them or speak on phone, what do I do now? Could they be potentially messing my credit score up (what's left of it)?? Thanks.
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