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  1. When my husband died last year we were in arrears with our Council Tax. I went to the Council and an arrangement was put in place which I've adhered to. Until yesterday, no problem. Yesterday, two letters come through the post from Ross & Roberts addressed to my husband. They were pay up within 7 days or we will take you to Court letters. Being somewhat bemused by these letters, I had a vision of letting them take my husband to Court, me going to Court to "represent" my husband and asking the Judge if the Court could employ the services of a Medium so my husband could state his case from beyond the grave!!! Being serious now. Someone, has slipped up - badly. I don't know if this is the fault of the Council or Ross & Roberts and I'm not sure whose cage to rattle first about this but cage rattle I will. I haven't had anything from the Council themselves, just this DCA. I'm wondering if I can sue them for harrassment and causing distress. It would be nice to turn the tables on them for a change. Any advice welcome.
  2. Please help, I'm so scared that i'm going to prison I'm on ESA and have been for the past 3/4 years. In that time, i've have 3 part time jobs all 16 hours and under and i've declared all of them with a permitted work form. The only reason i can think this has come about is that at the beginning of July this year i was offered a job for 16 hours but was told i'd have at least 1 day extra as overtime. I rang up ESA and told them i wanted to stop my ESA claim. A few days later my mental health went to crap and i told my new boss that i wouldn't be able to do it. She then agreed to me doing only 16 hours and i thought i could handle that (i hadn't even started the job when i told her i couldn't do it). I then did an ESA rapid reclaim and was told that everything would be the same as my old claim, Income related ESA in the support group. Turns out that i'm now contribution based ESA in the support group, i didn't even know until my housing benefit stopped a few weeks ago. I'd also started a claim for working tax credits as originally i'd be working 25 hours a week on average. i sent in my permitted work form for 16 hours a week and started my new job at the end of July. By this time my mental health was getting worse again and i didn't realize it, i was getting all these letters from people for changes in income, the dwp health assessment letter for my esa and i just couldn't cope. About 4 weeks after i'd started work, i realized i hadn't even stopped the WTC i spoke to an online adviser and told them that i needed to stop my tax credits and thought nothing of it as at the beginning esa was deducting the WTC amount from my ESA and i had to wait for a letter to come through to send to ESA to prove i had ended WTC. I didn't think anymore of it. On October the 1st, i had to send in a sick note to work because i just couldn't cope anymore, i couldn't leave the house, someone knocking at the door or the phone ringing terrified me and i had to go back onto anti depressants and anti anxiety medication, and on October the 12th (i think) i was dismissed from work. I went to the post office to get my money for my child tax credits on the 10th or the 11th of October, i normally get it out on a wednesday but i was short on money so i got it out on the tuesday instead, and i realise that there's too much money. I thought that because i was getting my money out on the Wednesdays every 2 weeks and the amounts were the same, that WTC had informed ESA about me stopping WTC and ESA were paying the amount they said they would when they had notification of my WTC stopping. i logged onto my online tax credits account, and there was a live claim for WTC! I immediately stopped it online and as the end date i put the 12th of October as this was my dismissal date. I've sent them a letter about over payments (my phone and internet were cut off) because i wasn't entitled to that money, but i've not heard anything. Will they get back to me about it or am i going to have to call them or speak to them instead? The payments i received for my job was £380 at the beginning of September, about the same at the end of September, £250 at the end of October and £150 holiday pay at the end of November. I'm so scared that i'm going to prison. I have a partner that i have to care for and a 3 year old. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I sent in my permitted work form and told WTC to stop my WTC, then ended it myself when i saw it was still a live claim. I really don't know what to do That's the only reason i can think of as to why they think i didn't declare my employment status, but i thought that if it was under 16 hours a week and less than £100 a month, then it's classed as permitted work. Now i'm wondering if it was either of the other jobs i did. I don't even know anymore as the letter only states undeclared work and nothing else. My interview is the 21st of December and i've told them that i'm going to attend. I'm too scared of police turning up to my door if i don't go. I'm really scared as i've never been to court, i don't even have a criminal record! I've never done anything illegal let alone got in trouble for a crime. What happens now? I've messaged a few people at the local solicitors but not heard anything yet and the CAB in my area is only open for about 5-6 hours every Thursday, but i'm not guaranteed an appointment. I feel so sick, i can't eat, i can't sleep, if the door bell rings or someone knocks on the door, it sends me into such a state that i'm having panic attacks. Even the phone ringing petrifies me and i'm shaking whenever the post man comes because i'm scared of what post may come through my door. What do i do? Sorry for being a baby and for my post being so long. I'm nearly 30 and should be able to cope with this but i can't
  3. You just couldn't make some of this stuff up, Why is this man who is also 60years old and registered Blind even being mandated to submit to the F2F farce WCA ? What is the point in it, He is extremely unlikely to ever regain his sight ,? So apart from it benefiting Maximus in another fee they can charge the DWP it's a waste of tax payers money this is an example of how flawed the system in place is http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blind-man-benefits-axed-after-9380033
  4. I will try to be as brief as possible. I am self employed. I own my home outright. Due to a variety of illnesses and disabilities and the ecenomic times we are in I have been struggling of late and decided to apply for council tax benefit as my income is well below the required threshold and I have next to no savings anymore having tried in vein to just pay the council tax anyway and am currently up to date. I had no idea how difficult and frankly discouraging the local authority could be. They are asking me for audited accounts. I do not have audtied accounts, it is just me as a very small time sole trader. If I could afford audited accounting, I would not need help with council tax! But today I received a letter telling me that 'an officer needs to see you at the property...'. meaning my home. I am not a council tenant and am not at all happy to have a council employee in my home at all. I have provided proof of me, my address, utitility bills, bank statements, they know I live here because they send me the council tax bill!!!! Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  5. Hi all, first off I would just like to say, I hope I have posted in the correct place! Second I would like to say; I am somewhat clueless with these benefits matters so please excuse me if I sound daft… Ok, so, I have a buddy who has recently (Aug 1st 2016) has had his son (12 years old) living with him (he was with him before this date but this is the ‘official’ date after the child’s mother conceded it was probably a good thing he lived with his dad) as he was unhappy living with his mother and was struggling at school and socially, he was suffering from severe social anxiety and bullying at home and some bullying at school, so asked his dad if he could come live with him. His mother threw up a stink (understandable) and basically would not easily let go (again understandable). However, this has cause some issues for my buddy with child tax credits and benefits like housing and council tax. Basically, he made a claim for the benefits mentioned above (and other related benefits, not sure of the full list but can check if folks need more info?) and was supporting his son on his own benefits and support from friends and family, also he had a food bank voucher and had some food credits from a local charity, and his mother had paid the rent and council tax. Also, he is currently and has been prior to this looking for work and is attending interviews but he has had trouble with this as he could not afford to pay for the travel upfront to attend some of the interviews because he had these sudden extra outgoings to attend to and was short some weeks. In this time his family have helped with other things such as helping get his son to school and back, paid for school uniforms and other related items. He has received this letter (see attached) a couple of weeks ago citing that his ex-partner was entitled to up to 56 days’ worth of the benefits back payment as this is the law. The problem I see here and the problem he is obviously somewhat upset about, is that his son was not with his mother and has not been for some time now, she had no additional expense whilst he did and yet she has somehow been granted benefits, for a child she has had no hand in caring for in this period. In this time he has had no child related benefits and little support from the authorities (apart from his own personal benefits payments and food vouchers) such as housing benefits, council tax benefit etc… So, my question(s) to the forum are these. In your opinion(s) Is there any mileage in pursuing this matter? Personally, though I wholeheartedly believe this is wrong of them to have come to this conclusion, I do feel like he is probably going to get stonewalled, despite the fact there is irrefutable proof that his son was with him and not his mother? How can this be right? If forum-ites believe it is worth pursuing the matter, can any of you folks in the know, throw any advice our way, that may be able to help me to help him tackle this? I am lost on this subject matter and feel that the authorities have made a poor decision here and cannot see how the mother is entitled to anything from when the child was officially with his father. We have downloaded the SSCS5/A but have not begun to fill it in yet. I look forward to responses from you all and thank you all in advance for even taking the time to look at this for me as I know many of the folks here are busy themselves. Thanks and kind regards mrbrooks Pages from Benefits_Credits_Letter_20161021_P1_Redacted.pdf
  6. My daughter whose oldest child is 18 and has now left school decided to take a year out and work and get a job...he earns 13000 per annum..as she recently had to finish work 3 months ago because of stress she applied for housing benefit... She sent them all the information and today has been told out of a housing allowance for the area of 91.80p week she has been awarded 16 pound a week towards the rent for herself and her 11 year old child also living there along with the 18 yr old...i Is it correct that the local authority can make her 18 year old pay the majority of the rent on the property? as this seems to be the case....he is not the tenant she is yet it seems from their figures that because he is earning he is expected to make up the huge shortfall can anyone confirm these figures are correct? thanks
  7. I would really appreciate any help with this. I live in London and have a spare bedroom some of the time. I don't want a permanent lodger but was thinking of renting it out on an occasional basis through crashpadder. I am in receipt of housing benefit and obviously would declare the earnings from this, but cant find any information on the legal implications of doing this and do not want to get into trouble with them. Does anyone know where I would be able to get more information?
  8. Hi, I am just looking for some advice, I am currently claiming Universal Credit and I was just wondering, if I get sanctioned in the near future - (I am hoping I get a job soon anyway) but if I get sanctioned before I get a job, will I still get housing element? or will both my personal allowance and housing element both be stopped? It's just a question at the moment, I haven't been sanctioned yet, just wondering that is all thanks.
  9. Hi, I am reaching out to you as I'm absolutely exhausted with the WCA saga and I would be grateful for any help, advice, guidance, support. I'll try and keep this short... Main medical conditions: - Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - its a rare conditions, but an accurate description of symptoms is listed here: potsuk dot org/symptoms (please note: to diagnose POTS the heart rate has to increase by 30bpm after 10 minutes of standing, upon test mine increased from 65 to 140, so its obviously a more aggressive form of POTS). - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome & Hypermobility (symptoms: ehlers-danlos dot com/what-is-eds/) - Previously had spinal fusion for scoliosis, in recent years the titanium rods in my spine broke; had a two-stage anterior and posterior corrective spinal fusion operation to take out the broken metals and extend the fusion, - Major abdominal complications post spinal fusion op (just uploaded video here: youtube dot com/watch?v=P4GraSbCCy4 - eating food is not fun for me) - Divarication of recti of at least 8cm. - Depression - Other less significant conditions The WCA saga (main points only): I had returned the ESA questionnaire and a bundle of medical records in total weighing quarter of a kilo by recorded and signed for delivery. The Health Assessment Advisory Service and DWP claimed they didn't receive the bundle in time, even though they signed for it, and my benefits were stopped (including housing). I tried to dispute this, 3 separate advisers at HAAS and DWP intimidated me accusing me for not accounting for their internal delays despite having submitted my form in line for the deadline - it was as though they've been taught intimidation techniques from the same script. Anyways, after a battle that got restored. I feel sorry for those who did not send their forms recorded and signed for... Due to various issues I registered formal complaints. In a complaint response HAAS wrote that medical records prior the year 2015 might not be considered, claiming its a DWP requirement for the documents to be 'recent'. This meant my medical records might not be accepted due to a 'bad' date and I did not have enough time to get my conditions to be re-diagnosed. (Note: this is contrary to their own WCA handbook gov dot uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/535065/wca-handbook-july-2016.pdf providing that medical history should be considered). Anyway, the WCA went ahead. As expected by this point, the outcome was work activity group with compulsory JobCentre appointments under the threat of benefit sanctions etc. My GP wrote a sicknote, only to find out that DWP does not accept sick notes from sick people and their is no way to formally register sickness, so you have to go to Jobcentre or loose benefits. I attempted to go to the JobCentre, my heart rate became unbearable and I ended up in the A&E on the drip. This happened twice. DWP told me I could submit for mandatory reconsideration, but would not grant me an extension for the deadline, nor would they allow me to access my medical report before the deadline to submit for the reconsideration. Effectively I was forced to submit a blind and a very week mandatory reconsideration request simply because I had no idea what I am disputing or asking them to reconsider. Naturally, I don't expect a positive outcome from that. After eventually receiving and reading my medical report it became clear to me that the WCA was purposely conducted in a manner that would lead to a certain (unfavourable) outcome; I conclude so due to the excessively biased nature of the medical report. I find the assessor covered up my physical medical conditions and struggles, with some very significant medical history either left out or very subtly hidden at the back in the notes. The assessor went as far as to deny the symptoms of my conditions, making serious allegations and negligent recommendations. The effects/symptoms of my condition are not being recognised by the assessor (who apparently is a doctor). The assessor effectively denies all the symptoms and even alleges that I don't have any such symptoms (in relation to POTS) and that I only have an increased heart rate. It is even recommended in the assessor's report that I can "remain at a workstation standing unassisted by another person...for more than an hour before needing to move away in order to avoid significant discomfort or exhaustion", which to me as a POTS sufferer (I faint from such activities) is just unthinkable. The assessor forgets to mention the broken metals in my spine altogether. Frankly I think the report is an outrage. I believe aggressive practices are in place to disallow positive WCA outcomes. I also feel discriminated. After getting my share of bullying from the DWP and their party of association I am starting to think it's not possible to get ESA anymore, unless you have a solicitor or the law behind you. I'm just really tired now... Any help is much appreciated.
  10. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice please. I was off on long term sick from work four years ago. I was asked to come into work for a sickness case conference and while I was at the meeting a traumatic event occurred which resulted in serious mental health issues and me recently being diagnosed with PTSD. I wanted to check if I would be able to put a claim in for Industrial Injury Benefit as I was off sick at the time. Also should my employers have logged this officially anywhere Thanks
  11. Hi! I received a letter this morning from the DWP headed "We are reviewing your benefit claim." They want to interview me at my local job centre in early October. They also want me to provide copies of my bank statements and some other financial information. They state that it is so that they can: I am confused as to why they need to do this as I am a full time carer looking after my Mother who is in her 70s. I currently claim Carers Allowance and Carers Premium (which is basically Income Support). I did have a small part-time business which I ran from home for around 6 months, and which the DWP were informed about, and which didn't affect my benefits. When it closed I again informed them. Is this just a random check, or is it because they will be moving Carers onto Universal Credit shortly? I have always been honest and open with them and am confused as to why they need to check me. Thanks in advance!
  12. I have been claiming universal credit for around 13 months whilst trying to recover from anxiety and depression. I have on several occasions explained to the DWP that these conditions affect my ability to work and attend scheduled appointments, providing as much medical evidence as doctors will provide. Back in March I missed an appointment during a particularly difficult time for me. I wasn't able to talk to anyone or leave the house. I contacted the DWP as soon as I felt able and arranged another appointment, which I later rescheduled myself, against as a result of my condition. This all happened around 5 months ago. In the last 4 weeks, I was sent a sanction notice for the period. The missed appointment was the trigger, and then rescheduling my next appointment made it longer according to them. This has resulted in me losing almost 3 consecutive months worth of payments (the first one which would have been this week) for missing a single appointment. I contacted citizens advice, who spoke with DWP on my behalf. After speaking with their call centre staff, the charity advised me to seek a mandatory reconsideration and provide the medical evidence which DWP had requested. DWP wanted a medical note, but my GP would only provide me with a medical history as they cannot provide medical notes retroactively. The mandatory reconsideration decision was given today, and it was not overturned. They cited not attending any medical appointments around the time I missed my DWP appointment as reason to enforce the sanction, despite my conditions. Around a year ago, a similar situation arose, where my health condition prevented me from attending some appointments but not all. This particular issue was also addressed by citizens advice, and eventually went to tribunal. At tribunal the DWP argued that since I had attended one appointment during a specific period, I should have been able to attend all of them, which is completely at odds with the nature of my condition and how it can affect my day to day activity. My concern is that they will do this again, resulting in yet another tribunal process being a complete waste of time. I feel as though DWP are running circles around me, taking advantage of my health situation and punishing me for the symptoms it causes. In the meantime I have been able to find work, a government role which begins in a couple of weeks, however I have no financial support to help me through the first couple of weeks of employment and I am worried that the stress of this situation could potentially cause a breakdown (not my first) that forces me to resign. I am not sure what to do, any advice would be much appreciated.
  13. I was left with a 4k benefit debt a couple of years ago which I have been paying back at the rate of £100 per month from my self employment and have had no problem doing that. Debt currently stands at £1700. However I have finished self employment and now receive Income Support and Carers allowance. Got a review letter from the actual DWP Debt management people other day wanting to review the rate of repayment and asked me to get in touch. I called them and said I would like the arrangement to continue at the original rate of £100 pcm as I am now in receipt of the above benefits they said they had to take the money back from the benefits now and not from the Direct Debit I have had in place for over two years. They told me that the repayment amount would be £29.60 per week from an IS payment of £133.30 which is approx 22% of the benefit entitlement. Just wanting to know if that percentage is about right I would much preferred it to have stayed as a Direct Debit has I had already worked out my income to take the DD into consideration and it would have been far less hassle.
  14. Hi all, I've been trying to deal with this issue myself, helped along by other people's problems with alleged overpayments, but I think I need some direct advice please. Background: In April 2012 my Mum and I rented a house for 12 months. I didn't know I was entitled to Housing Benefit until I was talking to a friend who said I should apply, which I did in May. I explained to the HB people that I didn't know I could apply for HB and asked if I could back-date the benefit to the day we moved in, which was was agreed to. The HB should have been paid from 16th April 2012 (moving in) to 23rd April 2013 (moving out). The first payment I received was in August 2012, the last was in May 2013, all payments made in arrears. I notified the council that I was moving out of the property on the 23rd of April 2012 and provided my new address. This is where things get messy. I was paid a final amount on 13th May 2013. I believed that this was my final payment in arrears. However, in late May 2013 I received a letter from the council stating I had been overpaid by £146.00. They said that this was overpayment for the period 23rd April 2013 to 12th May 2013. I sent them a letter on 10th June 2013 stating that I did not agree with their calculations and that they owed me £150.00. They responded in late July stating I wasn't entitled to the back-payment (that had been agreed to in the office when I applied) and that the overpayment still stood. As I was also fighting a cut in my ESA at the time, I didn't respond to this letter; I just couldn't face another fight. (I know this wasn't the best idea, but I suffer from Clinical Depression amongst other illnesses and I just wasn't in the right mental state to deal with it.) And that was the last I heard... Until a few weeks ago when I received a "Final Demand"! Three years after the original letter, they'd started this up again! I replied again stating I was not going to pay this alleged overpayment as I believed it was my final payment in arrears. I also stated the following: “Recoverable overpayments 100.—(1) Any overpayment, except one to which paragraph (2) applies, shall be recoverable. (2) Subject to paragraph (4) this paragraph applies to an overpayment caused by an official error where the claimant or a person acting on his behalf or any other person to whom the payment is made could not, at the time of receipt of the payment or of any notice relating to that payment, reasonably have been expected to realise that it was an overpayment.” As I stated, my HB was always paid in arrears so I reasonably assumed the last payment was my last payment in arrears. Which I told them in the letter. However, they responded with a bundle of letters they say they sent me in 2013, one "invoice" they allegedly sent in October 2015 and the most recent letters from this year. They completely ignored the paragraph above though. They also said that the letter I responded to (10th June 2013) said I could appeal the backdating decision within one month of the letter, which I thought would be done upon them receiving my letter (10th June 2013), but seems it wasn't! I really don't know what to do right now. They say I owe them money, I say they owe me and never the twain shall meet! Can anyone suggest what I should do now? Cheers, Fenris
  15. Hi, I am currently on ESA Support Group and also have an award for DLA which doesn't technically need to be renewed until over five years from now. I have the right to buy and could buy my current home for about 35k. I have some savings and may also be able to borrow some money from relatives to add to my deposit. I cannot find a single lender that's willing to lend me any money toward this on a secured basis whatsoever. Iroonically they all seem to be falling over themselves to lend me money on credit cards on an unsecured basis but not enough to buy the property. It seems to me they're basing this refusal to lend on their 'affordability criteria', ie- that this lending is un-affordable because I'm not in receipt of any income from paid employment. I find this utterly laughable because at current rates the mortgage would cost about £100/month and could be fixed for between five and ten years.... Also that the mortgage interest would be paid by the DWP under SMI anyway. I suspect this is indirect discrimination, in that they are applying this rule to all applicants and it's indirectly discriminating against disabled people who are much less likely to have income from work owing to the disabilities that they have. I just wondered if anyone here could indicate as to the likelihood of this being deemed indirect discrimination under the Equality Act if it were taken to court and any recent judgements that may be relevant, case law etc?
  16. Hi there, Fantastic Forum. Keep up the good work. A while ago my friend has been accused of benefit fraud. She has sent in an appeal at the moment, and she is waiting for them to get back to her. I have helped her by reading posts on the forum, and following some of the advice being given on here. But now I am stuck and don’t know what to do now. Like I said she is waiting for her appeal, but now the housing association are getting tough on her. They are demanding the rent that has gathered up due to her housing benefit being stopped months ago. She has been paying her water rates because her income support has not been stopped as of yet. But she can't afford to pay the full rent. She is due to appear in county court on a civil case in a couple of weeks time. She is a single mother with two children. She doesn’t speak much English. She is really stressed and doesn’t know what to do. Please, please help.
  17. Hi, Morning everyone, it's finally the weekend! I am looking for some advice regarding this upcoming benefit cap as I want to know if I am going to be affected as I claim Universal Credit. I am single, 29, I live in Burnley, Lancashire, North West and I live in a 1 bedroom flat with an housing association and my weekly rent is £80.62. My Universal Credit payments is as follows: 1. Standard Allowance for me: £317.82 2. Housing Element: £352.56 So, by going of this, will I be affected? I am just worried! Any advice / help would be great, cheers.
  18. Hi, After a long time, on a different subject. We have been overpaid about £1500 during June 2015 till May 2016 which is not disputable, also there was an discretionary payment of 2000 maid to us in 2014 of which £700 was aid back and further about £500 has duly been recovered by weekly deductions. In the meantime, in July 2014 we entered into n IVA which was duly notified to the council , still they continued to recover ignoring the letter from IVA company. both the recoveries/deductions are coming together to almost £100 pm. However, my IVA is about to be failed because of affordability and exploring possibilities of DRO or BK. What are the options available for me to prevent from paying the remaining of almost £2500 towards overpayment of the hB CT Please help
  19. Guest

    The Benefit Cap

    I am about to move to an area where my rent will be nearly double what I am paying now. (I get HB) I have just been told I will get the severe disability allowance as I live alone. ( I did not apply for this) This means I will receive in combined benefits...ie: Support group, PIP and housing benefit, which will be more than £350 per week including housing. Am I affected? Can anyone advise? Thank you.
  20. Hi, hope someone can help please. To start with I must point out I have mental health problems and and have just been put in the support group for esa for 18 months due to my problems.for 5 years on and off I have tried to get on housing register and it has been so hard to get on it the council have never accepted me being homeless they have put me in emergency accommodation and then they say I've intentionally made myself homeless because I don't get on well with people so it's my fault I had 90 points and then 5 years ago they took all most all my points away left me 2 points. recently I've tried again to apply for homeless again they said that I wasn't on enough mental health meds!! So I wasn't a priority they said, even my doctor sent a letter saying I was vulnerable adult with mental health and needed help they said they needed to know exactly how vulnerable I was they decided I wasn't priority they had no duty to me, even shelter said that they were discriminating against me I appealed and they said I had arrears for 2 weeks stay in temporary accommodation in 2011 or 2012 but I had applied for benefits to cover the stay they said I owed fifty pounds for a one night b n b stay but I had phoned council to say a friend was going to put me up so wasn't need . last November council said I can't go on register because I have 700 debt from 2 weeks temp accommodation and the bnb thing. My mum and I went to council and said prove the debt please because in all these years since I have never had anything from housing to say we have debt please. she said perhaps we couldn't find you or your lying. they said we can't help I said I'm homeless they said nothing I found a room in a house because I panicked and the room is a plaster board wall put up to cut up half kitchen off I have no door I have sheet up to block it off to give some privacy people are in kitchen at all times cooker doesn't work hob doesn't work. My anxieties and stress and mental health is really bad at moment I can't cope with not knowing whose coming into this property I have ptsd which I'm on high alert at all times. So council have not responded to my prove debt. Doctor has written another letter to say I need help with housing so I can be in control of my own front door so council have finally awarded me 30 points today but suspended it due to arrears now council have known where I am since last year still not arrears letters . I would like to know do I have any rights because they left it so long I know they hate me there because I'm not easy person to get on with I get very agitated building up to speak to them I'm stressed but I want and need help with housing. Sorry it's long winded this. TIA.
  21. Good afternoon all, I'm hoping someone can help with regard to a housing benefit issue. I am currently employed by the NHS but have been off sick with a serious condition for quite some time. I believed I would get sick pay for 6 months and until recently I did get a flat wage. However, when I checked my pay last month I had only received £41. I called payroll to investigate. They advised that due to an audit, they had discovered they had been overpaying me and that my sick pay should have stopped in January! (My length of service meant I should have got full pay for 2 months and then half pay for 2 months) Also that SSP should have stopped in April. They said they would send me a form SSP1 to enable me to claim ESA. This they did and I've made my claim successfully. A week or so later I got a letter from payroll advising the details of the overpayment (£2500)which they want paid back within 18 months following my return to work. My question is this....If they hadn't overpaid me, I would undoubtedly have claimed and received housing/council tax benefit for that period. Since I have to repay the overpayment, is there any way I can claim this 'lost' housing/council tax benefit back? If not, do I have any claim against my payroll dept? To my mind they've cost me 4 months rent and council tax! Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Paul
  22. I broke my ankle at work in 2004, Due to medical negligence was forced to walk on said ankle for 5 years whilst still broken, so then needed multiple operations to address this, which never accomplished anything and will be on painkillers for the rest of my life and am unable to work due to this. Question 1) Can I still claim for this as it has been over 12 years. Question 2) if I was stopping in the isle of wight at a hotel for work, and I sustained the injury after work hours, but was only on the isle of wight to work, can I still claim iib for the injury? Thank you
  23. Hi, I live in central London, I've got a lovely flat I've lived in for 8 years now. I haven't had kids yet because I believe in being responsible and if I can't afford them I shouldn't have them. However, I've changed my mind today. Having been through the joke that is the work programme, I had the indignity of having to go to a benefit meeting today where I had to show my I&E to see if I was better off in work. Because I get the maximum Housing Benefit the system allows, I could never get a job that would pay enough to cover my rent. But the [edited] advisor was trying to make me take a minimum wage joke job like [edited] I'm 20yrs old! I'm in my 40's and English! I love my flat and wan't to stay here but the landlord finally put up the rent. This advisor even said, and I quote "Well, the only way you can stay on the dole and afford to stay in your flat is if you have a kid then the council will have to pay for you!" Is that what it's really come to? Are kids now a commodity for English people to get enough benefits? I understandably walked out. I'm probably sanctioned now. But what can I do when by their own calculations it shows I'm better off NOT working! Non-judgemental advice welcome please....
  24. Hi All, I am a new member and so pleased to have found this site, to be able to ask my questions. I will try and keep it brief, my h received a letter inviting him to attend an interview under caution, this has not taken place yet, but it is imminent. He does have a medical condition and has proof of it, he was claiming ESA and the lower rate of PIP, this is only a relative new claim, always told them that I was working full time, no council tax benefit or housing benefit claimed for. He was on the benefit for 5 months, he started to feel a little better and wanted to go back to work, luckily he did find a job, tried to phone the benefit agency many times before starting this work to inform them of a change in circumstances, could never get through, so he decided to put it in writing to them, then started work. The job lasted four months, had to give it up because the medical condition reared it's ugly head again, but during the time he worked, the benefit kept getting paid, he had given all his correct details to his employer and had paid tax and NI. After a few months, he decided yet again to try and get back to work, this time the job lasted 7 weeks, during which his employer had said that he had to register as self employed, did this all correctly. Now he is not working and has to go and have the interview, we have got all copies the paperwork, thankfully. He has got a solicitor to go with him, but I am afraid that they are going to try and make out that it is his fault, if he was trying to do anything deceitful, then why would he give his employers the Nat Ins number, he is not thick, he knows that this would show up and he hoped that at the end of the tax year, they would realise their mistake and stop the payments, by the way the money has not been spent, but saved. We have always worked all of our lives and paid taxes etc, never been in trouble before, oh I do not know the amount of overpayment they are saying yet, but it is their fault in our eye's that it even happened, but I am scared of the DWP, having heard awful stories about them. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you.
  25. got turned down by private landlord recently regarding private house rent, son in law has stated he will pay 6 months up front to the agents, but we will have to pay him back, we currently receive some housing benefit because of our low income, how will this effect our h/b I haven't got a clue rang l/a they weren't much help either any ideas . thanks
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