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  1. hi im new here and would like some advice please last year in November 2011 I was made redundant after 25 years I found myself with debt building up under so much pressure and the unemployment was really no help at all But to get to my point, is that I had a credit card with mbna which I couldn't afford the payments mbna made me make a payment of £1 per month 6 months later the debt had been sold to aktiv capital we had the harassing phone calls and letters I never admitted the debt to aktiv in anyway and told them I only deal with letters on the 6th of December I sent them the letter as advised by cga ,I sent the credit agreement act 1974 sent with a postal order requesting the credit agreement , with no signature from me etc iv now received 2 letters from aktiv kapital one on the 14th January 2013 stating that they cant supply the agreement at this time and the account is on hold the second letter dated the 17th January 2013 from aktiv it states they cant supply the information I requested ,and they await my proposal ? im really confused as to what I do next please help hope iv posted in the correct forum forgive me if not thank you den
  2. For the last couple of weeks I have been receiving calls from 01865 525980 to my mobile phone. This is a local number to me, but as they've called during work hours so I haven't picked up, and they haven't left any messages, however having googled the number it appears it is Aktiv Kapital. Is this a new trick from AK, calling alleged debtors from a local number in the hope they'll answer the phone, or have they genuinely moved from Bromley to Oxford - their website suggests not!
  3. Hello Everyone Please can somenone advise, perhaps from a legal point of view, on this weird letter I had today from Aktiv Kapital. They are chasing a debt from 1997-1998. No CCJ obtained, No contact made, No payment made so Staute Barred. They have used various DCA's over the years to try collect on it despite being SB. I just send the SB letter and then wait another year until they try their luck again. Now in Jan 2012 I went bankrupt. All straight forward. In fact the court said I didn't need to include any Time Barred debts on the petition. received a letter this morning from Aktiv Capital saying- " We have reason to believe that you are subject to Insolvency Proceedings, however we are struggling to read the public Insolvency Register despite our best efforts. Please ring us to discuss or send to us in the post details of your current affairs....etc...blah...blah. It took me 20 seconds to log on to the insolvency website and view my BR details which is public info. Is this a wind up? First question- should I send yet another SB letter or a copy of my BR order or can I bin this letter and forget??? Second question - Can I ring them and tell them to go away or will this reset the clock on the debt and then I'll be liable even though I am bankrupt? Thanks Honeypot
  4. Evening all I keep getting letters from AK stating I owe them various amounts to different companies. They also write offering a reduction in the amount I could pay, such as sending me a "gift voucher" today for £3,000 off a 'debt' and stating I should pay them £300. I am also getting daily text messages from BCW asking me, by name to contact them urgently, quoting a unique ref number. I am aware any debt that I have is statue barred, as they are over 6 years and if my memory serves me right ar eover 10 years. I havent made any contact with either company although I want to call them to tell them to get lost and I will send each company the statue barred letter. If I should be sending a different letter please let me know. My question is, can these companies continue to complete credit searches of my credit file without any recourse?? They are accessing my credit file on a monthly basis and I think this is impacting on my credit scoring. Any advice, as always gratefully received. Keep up the fight y'all!!
  5. Hiya, I have a slightly unusual case here, well for me anyway. I have received plenty of letters in the past from various DCA's chasing for money and fired off the stature barred letter as they have provided all the info for the original debtor, however on this occassion I am not sure how to proceed. I received a letter from Equidebt informing me that they are chasing an amount of £1659 on behalf of Aktiv Kapital Ltd. They have provided no other information other than their own reference number. I did have correspondence with AK last year for a debt of £1300 and it was confirmed that was statute barred. My problem is that although I am 99% sure that AK have just sold on the debt to Equidebt as the amounts are fairly similar I have no way of proving this as Equidebt have provided very little information. I am also positive this is a statue barred debt as there is no negative information on my credit file. In addition they are stating that unless I contact them within 7 days they will arrange for doorstep collection. Should I just fire off another statute barred letter to Equidebt or try something a little different as they are just acting on behalf of AK. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi I've been receiving letters from AK demanding payment on to be honest I don't know what? Is there anyway I can find out what this debt is, I have a feeling as it is in my previous married name, that it is more than 6 years old. I think I've also read somewhere on here that I can ask how much the DCA paid for this debt, is this right? And if so what would I do? If I'm not in the right place can you point me in the right direction please?
  7. 12 years ago I had a Comet (Time Retail Finance) store card which I spent about £600 on. I paid this for years (min payments mostly) and the balance only ever got higher. Anyway, the last payment I made towards it was back in June 2008 after which time Aktiv Kapital began chasing me for it. In my credit file with Equifax, the Time Retail account is showing as "Settled" and the one that keeps my score down at Poor is the "delinquent debt" to Aktiv Kapital, now standing at £949. I have now started to get calls from another company called Buchanan Clark and Wells so maybe Aktiv Kapital have sold it on to them?? However, I want to know if,... as I have never entered into any agreement with Aktiv Kapital and the original Time Retail account is closed, should I send Aktiv Kapital a CCA request and if they fail to provide it, can I realistically hope to get this one removed from my file? Thanks for any help anyone can offer. Mick
  8. Hi I have received a letter from this company chasing a debt which they say is for barclaycard for £7000. the name on the letter has a first name, middle name and surname. the first and surname are mine but the middle name is different. The debt is definitely not mine and not just an error on the name. Can anyone offer some advice on how to respond. Should I ignore it or write back. If I write back what should I say that clears it up for good Thanks in advance.
  9. I have received several letters from Aktiv Kapital regarding an old account. I spoke to them today and explained I wasn't familiar with the account and if it was an account of mine then it was probably statute barred. The agent looked and confirmed that the account is statute barred. I said ah ok then, she went on to say that they are still looking to collect but just won't take legal action but that was never their intention. Where do I stand???
  10. Hi, I have recently received a letter from Aktiv Capital chasing an old debt they purchased in April 2004. This debt had a judgement set against it in February 2003 for the balance of £1600. The debt was originally with GE Capital (know owned by Santander) or sold it on to CL Finance (The Lewis Group) and it is now being chased by Aktiv Kapital. This is the first I have heard from then in many years. They are offering me a one off payment of £320 to clear the debt in full and final settlement. Am I right in saying that this debt is not statute barred as it still has a CCJ against it, even though this is not recorded on my credit file anymore? Where do I stand in regards to this debt, would they have to go back to the court to enforce the CCJ? Any advice will be of great help.
  11. Hey there just after a little advice please. A few months ago i received a letter from Aktiv Kapital demanding 800 pounds for an unpaid credit card debt from germany i assured them i have never had a german credit card. I received an email last week from my identity theft provider saying my credit report had been changed so i logged in and they have put a red line from jul 2006 how can i have this removed. any advice greatly received
  12. Received a letter from AKTIV KAPITAL relating to a debt they said i owed of over £2200 the original company being GE Capital (First National Tricity Finance ltd). I have no idea what this was for. I looked on here and took your advice and sent them a letter following your template with a £1 postal order requesting details of the debt. Another letter arrived saying if i pay up over £1400 they would pay nearly £800 for me under their 'New Deal' scheme. I ignored this one. Today i received a letter from them to say; 'Although we purchased the right to recover the outstanding balance due under the agreement, as we are not the original creditor we do not hold the original documentation in this matter. We did contact the original creditor but they have been unable to provide us with the information you requested, and as such we now inform yo that we will cease all further collections activity in regards to this matter, whilst not in possession of such documents.' What a relief, whatever they thought this debt was for i don't have to worry about them chasing me anymore. I would recommend anyone getting letters like this from debt collectors to send them a simple letter and for £1 postal order and the cost of a second class stamp you can get peace of mind.
  13. Hi, has anyone heard of the above company? I had a letter from them today in my last married name saying that I had a debt with G.E. Capital bank, I have been remarried for the last 8 years, the funny thing about the letter is that it says if I pay a certain amount of this debt, they will pay the rest. As far as I know I've never had anything to do with G. E. Capital bank. Anyone any ideas, I don't want to contact them, as I don't want to start any thing up with them, should I just ignore. I have a look round the forum stickies and can see that it would be statue barred anyway, as like I say I have been remarried for 8 years. Any advice would be appreciated.
  14. I have a letter from Aktiv telling me that as they cannot produce the documentation for a debt they purchased from Barclay card, that it is unenforceable. They have also said that their policy in thiese circumstances is to cease collections on this account. However they also say that as this is not yet in DEFAULT if I do not pay they will issue default procedures. My question...can they do this? Also....If they issue a default to credit ref agencies will my bank accounts be affected in any way? I understand the 6 year rule and the effect on obtaining credit...this does not worry me....but any problems with my bank account as a result would. Thank you.
  15. Back in 2007 I received a letter from these with an outstanding debt of £3000. At the time, I knew nothing of DCA's and went along with it. Since then I have paid over £1000 and even to this day still pay the monthly installments. Now, after learning everything I have on this forum I've realised that the debt, when they first contacted me was statute barred. Didnt know what that was at the time, also, i wouldnt imagine they could provide a CCA request. Should I been sending a request and if they don't respond should I stop paying them? The original debt was £2200 and raised to £3000. So I've paid the best part of 50% already..
  16. In the year 2000 i got a car from Yes car Credit, after 18 months the cars gearbox went and i fell into arrears so i eneded up with no car and yes car credit pursuing me. Later in the year 2006 i got a letter from Aktiv Kapital saying that they had purchased the debt and they pursued me for the debt. in 2008 Someone phoned me and i foolishly did not think and they talked me into making a token payment of £50 which would have destroyed the Statute barred angle. These past few weeks i have been getting letters from Buchanan Clark and Wells saying they have been assigned to collect the debt on behalf of Aktiv Kapital. this morning i got a final notice before action letter from BCW so i have sent off the standard cca request letter today, My question is what do i look for on the agreement to check if its enforceable?
  17. Second account with these guys that I apparently owe money on. This time £207.74 and I had already sent them a statute barred letter a couple of weeks back, but they have today come back with a claim that the Terms of the Limitation Act do not apply to this debt as a CCJ was made back 25/10/2003. Surely the fact this CCJ was done almost 9 years ago means they can't still chase this? CCJ or not? There is no record of this on my credit files either. What should I tell these fools? Seems like everyday they are trying it on lately. As always, I thank you in advance for your help.
  18. I have been battling backwards and forwards with AK for a few weeks now regarding an old River Island Store Card I had back in 2002. I sent them a letter stating that it is statute barred, but today they have come back with a print out showing that I last made a payment towards the debt back in October of 2007 (I don't actually remember doing so but hey ho) I am wondering where I now stand with this, as their claim (and enclosed printout) shows that a payment towards the account was around 4 1/2 years ago, which would mean the statute barred claim by me is worthless? They are demanding FULL payment asap. The outstanding "debt" is £236.83 Thanks in advance
  19. Hope someone can help. I recently was asked to get an experian credit report for my mortgage the report came back with a decent 745 but a few things got brought up on it which has meant my mortgage being denied. They are as follows ; Aktiv Kapital account updated to:9/10/2011 Account type : Bank Started 13/07/2000 Default Date 11/01/2007 Balance £832 And Aktiv Kapital account updated to : 26/04/2009 Account type : Credit card / store card Started 05/06/2004 Default 23/06/2007 Balance : £352 Can any let me know how to remove these defaults so can carry on with mortgage ?? I don't even know what they are for or connected to but have read that Aktiv Kapital regularly try it on. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
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