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  1. recentley on the 25th of october my daughter took out a loan with wda for £120 she thought it was for a month but she received an email a few days ago saying that the would be taking back the loan full amount plus intrest on the 5th of november 2012 . but today she checked her account and the money has been taken two days early and the agrement was for the 5th of november and the took £155 which included £35 interest for a 9 day loan that is a joke and unbelivable what can i do about them takeing monies early as the agreement was for the 5th. please help anyone if you can thanks metro 67
  2. hello I need a fast answer. I am being made redundant this week with full redundancy payment but the employee offered me to continue the work for 10 more days. But they are saying to tax the wage for these 10 days by some 'over tax' 33%........ Does anything like this exist? why do they want to tax me like this? what should I do? thanks a lot everybody
  3. Hi all I worked the night shift in the Monday Thursday; Tuesday Friday. I had all the bank holidays off work. Since the second shift had a day off (paid) I had lieu day instead. Resigned from my job, but the employer has not paid me for lieu days. A phone call and e-mail did not helped. I am looking for some letter formula that i can use. I do not have time for a visit to Citizens Advice (due new job). Wants to send a registered letter asking for an explanation why not received total payment. Other employees were paid in the form of a day off and I did not. I would use at the same time some strong arguments because nothing else works. Also want to notify them about how not to reply in writing, shall transmit it together with a copy of the letter to ................. just do not know where. Sorry for the chaotic post Martin
  4. Hi, just needed some clarification re employer taking out overpayment deductions please. I received my wages today and note they have taken a sum of £953 from my wages and think it may be due to overpayment of sick pay. Don't usually check payslips (stupid I know) but saw on bank account the significantly low wage I have been paid this month, Have since checked all last 4 months wage slips and see something in payments with a 3 letter prefix but am not sure what it is. Have heard nothing from wages dept regarding an overpayment and have checked ACAS and Direct Gov who say I should have been given written notice and been able to make an agreement to amount of deductions and timescales. This will make me unable to pay some of my bills this month and wondered what was the best course of action. Neglected to say most important bit that payroll say they cannot do anything about it til next payday if anything as they need to look into it.
  5. Hi, Until recently, I had worked for a company (in Scotland) where my role was setting up appointments for myself and going out to businesses and selling my company's services. Most of this was done from home as the office was 70 miles away. I only started with them in April and on the 19th July, I sent an email to one of the directors to give them my 1 week notice. As I hadn't signed a contract I naturally assumed that this would suffice. I then contacted the wages person to ask what my wages would be at the end of the month and she told me that I had to contact the director. He sent me an email saying that they are only paying me up to the last time i was in the office. As far as I am concerned, they are just making things up as they go along. What should be my next course of action? Thanks in advance...
  6. My wife took out a PDL with these guys for £185.00 in November of last year. After 3 payments of the minimum payment she realised that she could not afford it and around March of this year emailed them to say she is cancelling her DD and wanted to some to some sort of arrangement. She called them in March as she was having no luck with the emails (they kept pestering her for proof she could not afford it) and came to an arrangement to pay £73.73 over 4 months starting 20th March. She received email confirmation of this on the 23rd March. On the 23rd March a card payment was also taken for £12.00 and £59.00. We assumed this was the first payment and although it was about £2 short we assumed it was done in a rush and we would owe £2.75 after the last payment scheduled on 20th June 2012. However, they tried to set up another DD this month which we cancelled and have contacted my wife claiming that March's payment did not go through so we owe one more payment. I've asked them to confirm what the payments were for in March and I think they are going to say it is a card payment because of the cancelled DD. However, my wife came to this agreement before this date and they still took out the money regardless. Like idiots we didn't query it as we just assumed it was the 1st payment to the repayment plan. What should we do? Thanks, Lee.
  7. I am battling out a repayment plan, they want £30 a week for a £155 loan, I can't afford this, they won't take payment from a pre paid mastercard, i was going to pay them a £5 a week into there bank while I battle this out with them!
  8. Seriously, what a bunch of clowns. I have been their customer for 6 months, now I can't pay and they are trying to get me to fill in a I&E form and won't accept it without the names of my creditors, which I have refused to give them and we are now just going around in circles. It's hiliarious. I have given them a basic I&E without names but here is the latest reply; From: james.king@wagedayadvance.co.uk To: xxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT WITH WAGE DAY ADVANCE LTD Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 08:38:08 +0000 Dear xxxxx You can provide as little or as much details as you would like regarding your income and out goings as this is purely for your benefit if you chose to miss expenses then we cant take this into account but this is entirely your choice. However we do require a list of creditors even if it is only the balances owed as stated previously we need this information to work out your pro rata (which is used by the courts) as also stated before we are trying to help you but I am sure you can appreciate that you took a loan and signed an agreement that you were to pay x amount back on x date you are requesting now that you pay £20 a month towards this breaking your agreement. And all we are asking for is some basic information in order for us to help you do this if you are unwilling to even provide this information then we are not in the wrong as we are trying to help but we cant without the figures. Regards
  9. Hi guys, Please can someone give us some advice, my partner has just finished working for a company who he has worked for for many years, he worked his notice and was expecting to get his final payment last week. When nothing was paid into our account he contacted his employer to ask why he hadn't been paid and was told that his boss had taken the whole amount back due to a course that he had recently attended costing over £180 and £250 insurance excess for a bump in the company van ( which he was not at fault). From what I have read I'm sure he can't just take this money without warning or any notification and I am not quite sure why he is liable for these costs anyway, especially the insurance excess as it is the companies insurance policy. His employer will not speak to him on the phone so all we have been told by the lady that does the wages is that it is in his contract that he has to pay for any course he attends if he leaves within 6 months of doing it. They have refused to send out a copy of his contract, his P45 and his last two wage slips. Does anyone know where we can go from here? Many thanks
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