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  1. Not sure if already posted but I believe this is good news for debtors all round http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2014/18-14
  2. I really need help with an issue I have with a Bank. They are attempting to hold me liable for the debt of a company which I was a Director. It now transpires that the letter of offer was never signed or stamped on behalf of the company or the bank. the company resolution was never signed or agreed. Is there any one out there that might be able to help? I am defending this case on my own in the Hign Court help would be appreciated. Regards
  3. Hi All, I use section 75 a lot. Unfortunately i have found that the credit card companies deliberately make it as difficult as possible to claim. This ranges from using low quality staff with no legal skills or experience and arming them with counter policy to claiming letters are lost in post. I have found taking matters to the FOS is unreliable - and depends on who you get - and very often they make judgements counter to law. I note that Section 75 is spread across CAG. I have put this tread together to try and catch as many section 75 experiences as possible, and hope we can use this to present a more united front against the credit card companies. Maybe, if we are lucky, we can even expose some of the bad practices, and help each other make quick and successful claim. Many thanks Ed
  4. hi, I was declared bankrupt in 2010, for £36,000. The solvency service received £46,000 from two banks paying back the ppi, with the insolvency service charges, I still did not get annulment. Do I have a case of (right of action) towards the banks. Thanks for your help. Regards carco
  5. I cca's HSBC about an overdraft I am paying off since 2007. They say since it is a bank account the rules don't apply to them and the debt is completely enforeceable. Is this the case?
  6. I am a carer for my elderly uncle who put a lasting Power of Attorney in place when he had a spell of ill health. There have not been any problems with the health side of the POA but when I went to his bank to register the Financial POA they said that once I registered it with them he would be denied all access to his accounts and I would resume all responsibility. I naively thought that the POA could be attached to his account ready to act on his behalf as and when needed. I walked away from the bank at that time as I didn't want to deprive my uncle access to the money in his current account, he regularly walks to the bank to cash a cheque which in my mind keeps him fit and active. My uncle is now in hospital and his mental capacity has declined further. Is there a way I can register the POA with the bank so I can take care of his financial matters and continue to do so without depriving him of the ability to cash a cheque when he returns home? Alternatively can I register the lasting POA with the bank and then with the POA in place, instruct them to keep him as a signatory on his current account?
  7. Can anyone tell me what interest rate credit card companies charge on late payment fee's etc. Is it the card rate or the cash rate? thanks in advance
  8. Hi my daughter had a letter from the bank saying they were going to close all her accounts as there is too much money going through the account. My daughter is worried as the bank have asked for copies of her ebay and paypal accounts so they can see where the money is coming from. My daughter is worried as she hasnt paid tax on any of the items she has sold on ebay and is concerned the bank will contact the inland revenue.
  9. If a bank sent a letter out to a customer in June 2013 saying that they had a payment of £544.21 off a loan which reduced the monthly payments, and it comes to light in September 2013 that that payment was not taken off the customer's loan, is it on the customer to prove how the payment was made, or the bank to prove why it was not taken off the loan and where it went? I have gone through RBS complaint's team and they are now trying to say the letter was a mistake and sent to me in error, yet it was system generated, so that either means all their system is wrong with customer's information or the information was on their system already for the system to produce and send me a letter confirming a payment received. I have passed it to the Ombudsman as RBS will only offer a small amount of compensation for the letter they now say was erroneous, rather than honouring the letter and taking the stated amount off the loan as the letter says.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/banking/10298475/Two-banks-face-fines-for-PPI-rejections.html
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23791252
  12. I've had my work phone number for two years+ and I'm still getting nuisance calls every day trying to contact the previous owner of this phone number. It's a work phone so I can't just change it. I tell them every time that Tracey ****** no longer owns the number and please remove me from their lists, but still it goes on. She must be majorly defaulting judging by the amount of calls I get. What can I do???
  13. Hey guys I am 21 year old male. I am a good guy. I help grannies cross the street. I step in if someone is doing something wrong. I do the right thing. But I am a gambling addict. My father before me was a gambling addict and he got me down the same path. It has been a long and painful path. I cant think of a day of my life i have enjoyed the past 2 years. This is where I stand currently: I have £50 to survive to the end of next month ( live with parents ) I have about 6 payday loan companies expecting to take about £300 from my account in a few days. Nothing will be in there. I also have 2 loans of £5000 with santander & nationwide. I feel that both the above companies destroyed their duty of care when they gave me a loan, when I applied I didnt think I had a cat in hell's chance... I already had at least 4 outstanding payday loans, I barely ever paid my phone bill on time, I was on gamblers anonymous forums, I was in contact with gambling charities... if these companies spent 30 seconds looking into me I am certain they would not have given this loan. I also have my car insurance due to come out - I can find a way to pay this - But i may have to pay someone else and get them to pay the car insurance for me - as if i put the money in my bank one of these companies is sure to take it back out? I am seeking help for my gambling, I have quit cannabis but I can never quit gambling... I wanted to go to a rehab, but can only go if i have £10k to spare. LOL! I am so depressed. I am making plans for when I become homeless. I have a car and a job, but nothing else. What should i do? God bless you for reading this
  14. For the full story : - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23099564
  15. My brother and I are executors of my fathers will, which leaves everything to us. How do we go about closing down bank, post office accounts etc, and transferring the money into the estate without going through a solicitor. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Hi there, Can anyone give me an idea how Barclays Bansk SHOULD calculate then apply interest on a home improvement loan with an APR of 26.7%? Should they calculate interest daily which is compounded after having taken off any payments or do they do this calculation monthly. The reason why I ask is it appears that Barclays have lost AT LEAST TWENTY weekly payments from a home improvemements loan where we were supposed to be able to over-pay - and although they have 'found' the lost payments, they have tagged them to the end of the statement and allowed just £27 in overcharged interest. I would like to do a spreadsheet of what SHOULD have happened had they not misplaced the overpayments to make sure that they are not shafting us. But the thing is, on asking them how they calculate the interest, they just won't say !!!!!!! Anyone??? Help, please
  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/19/business/global/failing-health-of-italian-banks-hangs-over-markets.html?ref=business&_r=0 Italy next to have a tax on savings? European wide bank run anybody?
  18. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/fscp-banks-must-fix-claims-handling-for-ppi-deadline-to-work/1067726.article
  19. i am having issues with a few payday loan companies taking money from my account. They have been taking money via continious payment which means they can take it whenever they like i am led to believe. now i have contested with the bank about these which they have told me to wait until it shows on my statement which i did, and then got them to reimburse the amounts. i have cancelled all CP on my account but still more have happened one amount made me overdrawn then they still took another payment after this making me about 500 quid overdrawn! first of all is this allowed? secondly if i instruct the bank to cancel the continous payment do they have to? the bank said it is not gauranteed that it will be cancellled as its a financial company? also do i have to wait for it to clear on my statement or can i use this chargeback angle to get them to do it instantaniously? Thanks in advance
  20. It was my understanding that they were ordered by the FSA to write to all customers to whom they had sold PPI whether or not a claim might follow. From what I understand they didnt do this.. so why should they now be let off the hook ? Read more :- http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/banking/article3658853.ece
  21. Hi, I bought a Jeff Banks suit from the outlet store at Freeport shopping centre. I have worn it four times and one of the trouser leg inside hems has come undone! As I bought it in the sale at an outlet store, do I have the right to a refund? Cannot believe it thought Jeff Banks was a good quality brand!! I think I still have the receipt but if not I paid on a credit card so will have proof of purchase. Thanks
  22. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/study-bank-staff-still-mis-selling-000724699.html#rrOy79k
  23. Banks In Secret PPI Lobbying Push As the cost of the mis-selling scandal continues to rise, the UK's biggest banks strive to limit their total bill. Britain’s banks have embarked on a secret lobbying drive to curtail the soaring cost of the payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-selling scandal. The effort to limit the industry’s bill comes as the tab for the four biggest high street banks (Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland) last week passed £10bn following a rush of new claims submitted in the third quarter of the year. The British Bankers’ Association (BBA) is now in talks with the City regulator to urge it to declare that the point at which consumer awareness of PPI mis-selling is widely-known has now legally been reached. Under existing rules, customers have six years from the date on which they were sold a PPI policy to complain that it was mis-sold; however, they are also allowed to submit a claim three years after the point at which they say they became aware they were mis-sold to, even if that date is after the end of the six-year period. The BBA is now arguing that because publicity about PPI mis-selling has been so widespread in the media and an advertising blitz orchestrated by claims management companies (CMCs), the Financial Services Authority (FSA) should now declare that the ‘point of knowledge’ has been passed. http://news.sky.com/story/1008736/banks-in-secret-ppi-lobbying-push
  24. Been repossessed 5 times this year, I know record time. In my world anyway! Wrote to one company i.e. Blenheim, that have stated that I am owed 400 pounds in excessive mortgage fee arrear charges. NRAM, claim their charges were fair. Just wondering what I can claim on, and I really want to go further with NRAM. Any ideas?
  25. hi was just looking for a bit of advice i took out a payday loan with the money shop couldnt repay so cancelled my debit card as lost this was about 6 months ago checked my bank account this morning was £80 overdrawn as the money shop had somehow took £100 out of my account. i phoned the bank and they said that this was a valid transaction even though they used a card that was lost 6 months ago does this sound right or are the bank just trying to cover up because they made a mistake? surely if u lost your card and cancel it then people shpuldnt be able to take money out?????????? very angry here
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