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  1. Hi everybody I have an ongoing problem with David Lloyd and now ARC Europe Ltd which I would like to share with you to see what your views are. I took out membership for myself, wife and 3 children at our local DL leisure club in August 2011. I knew it was a 12 month minimum contract, so i paid for a year upfront and signed a direct debit authorisation which would kick in when the second year started. On 1st Aug 2012 David Lloyd removed over £500 from my bank account with out any prior warning and absolutely no authorisation from me. I will cut this short and give a brief over view of what happened next. Once i discovered the money had gone I contacted head office of DL by phone. First the lady i spoke to said no such sum of money had been taken I gave her the date when the money was removed, and she said yes, she now sees it on her system I ask her why the money was taken, she says she will have to check, I wait on the phone. She comes back to say it is an advanced payment for 2 of my children for another years membership I ask if this is company policy........... not sure is her answer I explain that i had agreed to pay monthly by DD She says there is a note on the system to say I had been informed of this sum being taken, and had agreed I tell her I was not informed, and even if I was there is absolutely no way i would have agreed. I am livid about DL helping them selves to my money so write in to my local branch and I give my 3 months notice. I said to them repay my money and I will continue my last 3 months payment by direct debit, or take 3 months payment out of the money they took and return the remainder. They replied to me with a standard letter saying how sorry they were to lose me and my family as members etc etc. No mention of the £500 they had taken from me. I looked on the internet and found that my bank could take the money back if it had not been authorised, they did this. At this stage I was still prepared to pay my last 3 months membership, and paid the next month. They then send a letter saying if I do not repay the £500 "any monies outstanding will eventually be forwarded to our debt recovery agency" So I stop any further payments to DL. I wrote 2 times after this to explain that they had in effect stolen money from me, and then when I had taken back what is mine, they threaten me with debt collectors. I have never had a letter back from DL, apart from numerous standard letters telling me to pay what I owe them. The situation now is an invoice from ARC for about £880, which is the £500 plus 2 months membership and fees they have added on. Any advice would be welcome, thanks for your time.
  2. Hello all. I signed up to LA fitness October 2011 on a 12 month student off peak contract to which I was told at the time was 12 months contract ONLY as it was a student membership as I was paying a discounted amount . I proceeded to cancelling my membership via direct debit after they had taken the last payment(i think) in September 2012 as i had then finished university and moved out of the area. 3/4 months later I have today received a call from ARC Europe stating that I owe them £59 to pay today but something about owing 100 and something in total. When I questioned the man about why 59 today but 100 something overall he was waffling and not making much sense and about fees? or offering me a logical explanation and only seemed to be currently after the £59. He was rather aggressive in pursuing this money and very firm and didn't even offer a goodbye before he put the phone down. They said they had sent correspondence to the address I had given at the time of signing up but I have obviously not been receiving these as no longer live there. When I asked why they hadn't contacted me by phone or email sooner they did not offer a reason and kept asking for my new address in order for them to send the proof ( i told them i didn't believe them) of it which I declined to provide as I do not currently have a permanent fixed address and kept asking them to email me the details which he kept refusing. I have gone through my emails and found that I signed the electronic copies of the contract on a 12 month agreement stating the overall value of the contract for the 12 months which I think I have paid in full via my direct debit each month. I have now read that I had to give a months notice which I now know I didn't so is partly my fault but I just assumed it was a 12 month contract as I was told that and just assumed all I had to do was terminate my DD at the end of the agreement. I do however think all these extra costs as a result are unjustified and unfair. I would happily pay an extra month (19.99) as the one months notice I didn't provide. Also I have read suggestions that I should not correspond with ARC via telephone and use letters but as I do not have a permanent address is there any other way of doing so like emailing which I am able to do? I am now in the position where I feel very upset and distressed as I am currently unemployed and cannot afford to pay all this money and do not want any problems with my credit score rating etc. Is there any advice you can offer me please in order to help rectify the problem? or am I going to be bullied into paying the debt collection agency this money? If so would they let me pay the £59 or do they want over £100? I would happily make a donation to the site as would rather the money go to a good cause like this rather than con artists like LA fitness and ARC Europe. kind regards
  3. Has anyone had a problem with damage to car in a car wash machine? I went into one of these car washs, never been before. The attendant directed me into position. the next day when I got into the car i found damage to the lower skirt. I investigated and sae my paint on on of the mechine blocks near the exit. They have said it is "impossible" unless you steer the car. I did not steer the car. I saw no visible signs although they claim there are but certainly not by the entrance before I paid and in any case they lathe the car including windows so you cant see the sign anyway. what is the law? do I have any rights to damage?
  4. Dear consumer action group, I have been defending a debt alleged by David Lloyd and being enforced by ARC since June 2012 now, I have run out of options and am looking for any advice you can give. The circumstances of this are that in March 2011 myself and partner took out a membership, this was a 14 month membership 2 months free and 12 months paid in advance, a sum of around £1400. Towards we the end of the membership a letter was sent confirming we no longer wished the membership to continue, then the problems started. The gym allege that they received the letter on the 4th April, had it arrived by the 1st there would have been no problem but as the notice was 3 days late they now state that the cancellation notice applies from the 01st May and invokes a 3 month cancellation period and £350 is now owed. We did not pay this and disputed it stating various arguments and after discovering the OFT guidance on fair notice periods and gym contracts over 12 months being unenforceable. We refused to pay and asked them to take us to court if they felt they could prove a breach of contract. After 3 months of back and forth emails and letters, ARC were recruited to chase this "debt" they were also told to stop wasting their time demanding payments and take us to court if they felt they had a case. This again appears to have fallen on deaf ears. The last email to them stated that consent was withdrawn for ARC to phone or text us and again advised them of the disputed debt and encouraged them to take us to court. Their reply was we will not contact you for 14 days but ill after that if a payment is not made. They clearly will not take us to court over this as they have been told throughout this is the only way they will ever see a penny from us, so how can this matter ever be resolved? Is it best just to ignore them having fully stated our stance? many thanks for any help you can give
  5. Hi All, I'm new here - and to issues like this! Please be gentle ! I've tried to do my research first, so I've been through many different forums and articles reading the many accounts of people in a similar situation to myself. So - I've definitely got a bit more of an understanding after that, but would really appreciate your views and guidance on where I need to take this. There's many different posts out there, letter templates, responses, etc. Some quite conflicting, and situations not exact to mine - so thought a thread to ask for help was the best! Situation (apologies, probably one you've read a million times...) - Joined David Lloyd Warrington (Nov 2010) Can't find exact date, but looking back at banking history, first payment debited 1st Nov 2010 Originally signed up on the 'Young Person' rate membership @ £47.97pm taken by Direct Debit. - Membership all fine.. Until I got a promotion at work, which meant I was travelling up and down the country, working long hours on various projects etc. Spoke to DLL, I told them I knew I was contracted, but is there anything they can do? They said no. Fair enough, I thought. Not their issue I guess... Membership continues. - Turn 21 (July 2012) Receive a letter to state that my membership is increasing to the full adult rate of £76.00. I knew I was now outside 'Minimum Period' but wanted to start using the club again (not been for many months, so accepted this. - Sept 2012:| Outgoings increased, and had some banking problems. Had to cancel Direct Debits so that they weren't bouncing.. Paid 1st September's DD fine @ 75.00. Sent notice to cancel membership (at the time, did not know this was 3 months, thought outside of minimum period it was only 1) - Oct 2012 Received email from DLL to say i'd not paid (because my DD was canx). I'd forgotten about this, so paid it on my card. Paid DLL by card online on 31st October to bring me back up to date and to cover (what i thought was) my notice period. - Past few weeks Been missing calls from an 08 number, I now know it DLL. Answered the last one, a few days ago, but was in a meeting at work. I said I'd not got time to talk, and asked if she had a number for me to call back on. Agent said she would give me a callback later that evening. None received. - Today Received a call from 07814048788... Thought it was strange, and might be work related (as calling in work hours), so called back... The line didn't ring, and was Auto Answered by someone as 'Hello ARC'. Conversation goes as follows (...ish!) I told them I had a missed call, and asked who they were. The agent said they we're from ARC Europe Ltd acting on behalf of David Lloyd. I said, oh okay, how can I help? Agent asked 'So you've had a missed call of us yeah?' I confirmed. Agent then typed in my number to his computer (I didn't give him number, can only guess he got it from Caller ID). Agent says "Ah yes Mr Leigh Jones, You're in arrears with David Lloyd and you owe us £374.00. Can you pay that now? A bit taken aback, I said "Oh right, OK. I've not received anything in the post, have you sent something? His reply was "Yes, we've sent it today. You need to pay this as we've got legal proceedings pending for you" I was now a bit narked, and responded "That's fantastic, thanks. I'll look forward to reading your letter. Please make a note that I no longer want to communicate via telephone, and will only deal in writing." To which he responded "Right, well you best call us back" and terminated the call. As promised, I've come home to a delightful letter from ARC Europe Limited stating that I have 'bad debt' with David Lloyd Leisure, and the usual 'unless full balance is paid to us in 10 days we may pass your account to our Solicitors with instructions to prepare court proceedings" and than the usual waste of ink around how to make a payment. I don't think it's fair that I have to pay this as I've handed in a notice:-o... Although I know it's their word against mine - and i'm annoyed at myself for not thinking to do recorded delivery..! I need some help please... ]How should I move now? I've already missed another call from ARC earlier this evening. Should I answer the phone and try and talk it through with ARC? (Gut feel is 'No.) Are they able to 'black-mark' my credit file? Currently DLL doesn't appear on it, and I have a perfect credit file I really don't want to damage... ALSO... I'm led to believe that the agent that answered my call today is in breach of Data Protection. They didn't ask me for any personal details to confirm identity, just used my Caller ID to bring up my details, and started quoting what I owed (and my name!). I've worked in Call Centres for a major Mobile Phone network for the past 5 years, and we'd be in trouble for that! - Do I call them back, and try and express my complaint re this, or should I write? Any help that anyone can provide will be fantastic.... Sorry for the awfully long post, I think I've got a bit carried away...! Many thanks in advance, Leigh x
  6. I have been trying to sort out my QQ loan for months now. Refused to pay them via DD so it eventually went to ARC where I set up a repayment plan for £10 a month. They claimed to have sold to ARC and I no longer have an account with them. After using the live chat with QQ and complaining about my credit file if they really did sell to ARC I got the following email: I do however have QQs bank details now as long as they are correct, I could use a prepaid card though instead of DD. Everyone says pay the originally creditor but I don't have the option anymore.
  7. Hi im new on here and dont know if anyone can help but a few weeks a go I got a debt collection letter from ARC Europe ltd demanding nearly £300 for Kwik Fit Insurance ....I cancelled this policy when it was up for renewal as I had got a cheaper quote elsewhere..... they advised me to send them proof of new insurance - which today I was going to do and phoned them to ask for there fax number to do this - I was told that as the new ins was 16 days after my old insuarance expired I was liable for the quarter policy cover from Kwik Fit as they did not receive my cancellation notice - If I dont pay then they have said it is set to go to court?????? anyone any ideas out there?
  8. I was a member at Reebok Sports Club I went just the once paid for three months then froze my membership as I was transferred in my new job to a different location. I then cancelled the member giving the one months notice. I have now been written to by Reebok saying I owe another months membership (£125) I ignored the demand. Now a month later and I have had two demands from ARC debt collection agency demanding twice that £250! They are threatening CCJ if I don't pay it within 10 days. I know its bullying tactics and I don't want to pay. Can anyone please advise me as to what I should do please? I can afford to pay it I just resent being bullied and do not want them to issue a CCJ or default against me as my credit is totally clean. Please can anyone help? G
  9. Hi, my wife has received several calls from ARC wanting to discuss a debt she has. When we asked for a letter explaining them- selves we were told that a letter was sent out last month (around the 26th). She has now asked for a new letter before we will have any further communication with them. Has anybody heard of ARC Europe?
  10. I have recently returned to the folks house and found a letter from Trevor Munn regarding a Virgin Active account I thought I had dealt with. I joined Virgin Active on the 16/07/10 and went to my induction on the 21/07/10, however, the staff didn't turn up and I was stood around until I had to go to work. I asked to cancel my membership but an employee (Clare) of Virgin Active told me I couldn't and I was locked in for 12 months. I paid up my 12 months and thought that was that. Apparently, Virgin Active continued to debit my account and took 14 months and unilaterally rolled the contract over for a further 12 months. I tried to contact Trevor Munn as they said they were issuing proceedings, they sent me to ARC. ARC said they were sending bailiffs to my parents address regardless of whether I own anything there and demanded £329.50. I advised them that I was unemployed and cannot pay that sum, they said they will send the bailiffs regardless. I offered to set up a direct debit agreement, ARC refused and said they wanted £329.50 immediatly or they are sending the bailiff. I thought this was unreasonable and said surely they have to comply to some sort of code of conduct. I was redirected to Scott Call to resolve this. I honestly don't know where this train is going to end and I am finding the threats very stressful. I googled Scott Call ready to prepare a direct debit agreement and found this site, hopefully I can find salvation here. P.S. Heres the kicker, I was told because I didnt specifically request a gym membership cancelation form within 30 days of joining I was stuck, despite asking an employee of Virgin Active to cancel my account. 2 years of Virgin Active and I have been once!
  11. followed advice on here and sent them letter re recent court case and judges submission etc, this is their reply. They are saying i still must pay £700! What is my next step? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi Since February 2011, i have been pursued by David Lloyd/ARC (Europe) Ltd & Trevor Munn Solicitors LLB for £700. I have successfully fought them & received a letter from ARC (Europe) Ltd stating that they are closing my case & sending it back to their client David Lloyd. All i had to do was mention the Ashbourne Management case that is currently in the high court for unfair contracts & they backed right off. It is due to ARC (Europe) Ltd & Trevor Munns incompetence that Ashbourne Management got into hot water with the OFT. If anyone wants me to make a template letter similiar to the one that i sent to these bandits, give me a shout.
  13. Hi, When i joined there was a possibility i would move abroad after 6 months or move house as my lease finished 6 months later. I discussed this and was told this would be fine if i gave 3 months notice. I gave Esporta 3 months notice to cancel my membership. I wrote a letter stating that i was moving abroad at the end of the inital 6 months period and so would be unable to make it to the gym. I thanked them and stated that i would be happy to recommend them to other people, which i was up until now. I made sure i received a receipt when i handed my letter in. I then heard nothing from the gym and carried on using my home gym for another 6 weeks, then i used several other gyms across the country as i visited friends averaging twice a week until August. I swiped in with my card each time. I also used guest passes to sign friends in. I left to go overseas in August and had heard nothing from the gym so cancelled my direct debit. A few weeks later the re-directed post arrived from Arc then TM solicitors. I contacted the gym by phone and email and asked why they were doing this. They said that they had tried to email me but that it didn't work and called but i didn't answer and that they needed proof i was going abroad. I asked them why they didn't ask me when i swiped in one of the many times i used their gyms or send me a letter by post. Nobody replied to my emails. I have now sent a date stamp from my passport showing i am overseas to the solicitors. They are asking for 600+, my membership was 77 a month. I doubt they will just drop this though. Is there anything i can do, should say? write a general article for a newspaper? Thanks
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