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  1. ...ked us to pay the excess which we did on 3rd July. Nothing happened then for a couple of weeks and Crawfords rang to say they were sending out a surveyor. We are very confused and anxious...
  2. ...ks for replying. The original survey report said the leak had caused extensive damp and wet rot. Crawfords say this isn't an insured peril...
  3. ...rm who are called Asprea We found them to be very good and far superior to Cunningham Lindsey and Crawfords Loss Adjusters" in order to portray yourself as not being part of Asprea (although you chosen that name). You then decide later on in your comment "Many Loss Adjusters have addmitted to us off the record" to admit that you work for Asprea? Why try to pretend your someone else in order to promote your company?...
  4. ...all them to ask progress, they tell me they cannot do anything as the claim is now being handled by Crawfords loss adjusters and they have not accepted laibility yet. The claim itself is for both buildings and contents as the bastards who broke in came via the conseravtory french doors which they smashed and then smashed the patio door leading to the lounge. I know the claims adjustor was unhappy about my claims list especially the price of my TV HOME CINEMA SET which cost over £3000 and was demanding for receipts of this which i dont have but have several pictures off. I need to know if they are taking the ****, at least they should ...
  5. ...once all their investigations have been finalised. Therefore your first port of call should be Crawfords as until Halifax have received their report they will not know whats going on. As the adjusters tend to handle their own claims and are often out on the road your better off pestering them with daily phone calls until you get a sufficient response from them. They should be able to authorise or appoint a contractor for any emergency repairs required as this limits the insurers to any further losses....
  6. ...ly contact you to discuss. Aviva work in partnership with Ival, like Asprea, Cunningham Lindsey and Crawfords. You're best option is to contact Ival and discuss over the phone, if you do not get the answer you want then request to be passed to a lead advisor or for one to call you back. If your willing, could you attach the receipt for the bike on here? (obviously removing any sensitive information), I would like to see, from a third party point, what the problem is.. You could also send a PM to 'beccus' and ask her to look into this for you?...
  7. ...RSA. We don't know what the Ombudsman has said to the insurer (RSA unfortunately, and loss adjuster Crawfords, again unfortunately) so feel they may try to interpret it differently. From examples in the FOS's own house journal we should come out of it OK but you see who we are dealing with. What can we do if RSA ignore the legally binding ruling or deliberately misinterpret it? WE certainly cannot afford to take these ******* to court. We feel they have been playing for time as the claimant, my mother, is now 93....
  8. ...Phone call this morning at 8.20 frm More Than, saying they have received the go ahead from Crawfords and that they have gone ahead and credited hubbies account, the one the dd come out of. Let you know when it clears.(if anyone's interested)...
  9. ...UPDATE...Called More Than today, apparantly they have had no report from Crawfords. So they have lied to me, grrrr:mad:...
  10. ...t ourselves, thankfully. NU have also sent round the buildings loss adjuster and he has appointed crawfords, now I am wary about how friendly they were too. HE couldn't praise NU enough, unsurprisingly if he is allowed to write his own cheque if given the work. The more I think about it the more cynical I become. I would quite willingly pay for some good advice from an independent source. Trouble is who to ask, we have already had the ambulance chasers round offering to help deal with insurance companies, but they are just in it for themselves as well. I'm angry at the amount of people who are quiet literally queuing up to benefit fr...
  11. ...I would be interested to know some of our more learned friends opinions on Mr Crawfords letter. He should some time looking at his, and other, companies highly immoral practices (he himself says certain practices are unfair) instead of complaining about us prols fighting back. His company might then be better thought of.......................ok maybe not but you get my point....
  12. ...t Tracy Parker (Customer Care Manager will send me an email ) she did but saying that I have to see Crawfords at those times and thats that. Ah Also theyve asked me to send photos and to ask a local guy for a quote to paint the banister and a letter from the Electric Board saying when and how long was the cut for and I have also send them that. I really dont know what to do as for me to do that appointment mean loss of earnings some money. Thank you for any advice;)...
  13. ...barred or one's that have bad 'skip' references.... Take this little piece of info from one of Glen Crawfords articles... Crawford, Glen Publication: Credit Management Date: Sep 2004 HEADNOTE Glen Crawford, considers the issues raised by the "skip" content of a seller's portfolio. IMAGE ILLUSTRATION 1 In last month's column, I highlighted the importance of the due diligence process and, by way of example, pointed to the value differential between an account with valid address and telephone data and one without (colloquially known as a "skip" or "gone-away"). The former often commands a price 1000 per cent greater than the latt...
  14. ...who's the loss adjusters? crawfords by any chance as they have a bit of a reputation...
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