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  1. I got behind with my TSB credit card payments because I have been off work due to illness. I sent TSB a valid sick certificate signed by my doctor. They have now sent me a large form which not only has to be filled out by a doctor but if I sign it will give them access to my medical records. I told them that they have a medical certificate and they are insisting I sign the form or face legal action. Can they do this?
  2. Just checked my credit file today. Original Credit Card debt defaulted with OC December 2010 stopped paying monthly repayment plan last year so not SB. Debt passed to Cabot. Requested CCA - details not provided and unenforceable. Cabot have now entered another default status January 2016 ? Can they do this ? Thanks
  3. I am trying to help a relative who has received a claim out of the blue Name of the Claimant ? MFS Portfolio Ltd Date of issue 2/12/15 Date to submit defence = 4/1/16 [by 4pm 4th jan ] EDIT BY DX The claim was acknowledged online on 16/12/15 What is the claim for – The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract contract between the Defendant(s) and Lloyds Bank dated on or about Sept 23 2009 and assigned to the claimant on 29 June 2015. Particulars a/c no xxxxxx Date 10/11/15 Default balance £18k Post Refrl Cr Nil Total £18k What is the value of the claim? £18k Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan a/c When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (Sept 2009 is probably about right) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not aware of it Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? None Why did you cease payments? Reduction in income meant unable to afford payments any more What was the date of your last payment? It may have been around Sept 2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Tried to talk to the bank in the beginning but they were unhelpful. The bank took a payment out the person's bank account that was also with them at the time so the bank current account was closed and moved to stop that happening again I am going to go back to the sticky to see what else needs to be done. Probably be tomorrow now
  4. Hello, I need to send a letter, which my CAB advisor gave me, to the TSB customer services. I am unable to find an address. I did look at the thread that gives bank addresses etc but could only find "Lloyds TSB". I am NOT with Lloyds but the new spin off TSB. Does anybody know their address? Thank you!
  5. Hi All This Is my first post and would greatly appreciate any advice. I have had a claim form from the county court business centre which says I owe £10,000 to capquest/drydens for a Lloyds credit card debt back in 2009. It also says I have been sent a default notice, which I have never received. Unfortunately my wife had a stroke at the time and I had to take time out to care for her. I was paying only token amounts. I am now employed part time and have managed to catch up with my mortgage, c/ tax arrears etc. I had set up a payment of £5 pcm with capquest. I wanted to do a direct debit, but capquest asked me to set up a automated card payment every month. I have found out that was stopped because my debit card was renewed I don't have any paperwork for the debt, should I request paperwork from capquest, the issue date was the 7th December. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards Richard. I have already made a donation and will make more when I get the funds. What a fantastic site.
  6. I thought I was nearly home free and clean but another has crawled out of the woodwork from Lowell's and the default will be six years old in May according to the credit report, They are currently at the stage of if I do not respond they will do a credit search to see if I have any assets such as property and evaluate my financial circumstances! I'm guessing that they are allowed to do this as they have bought the original agreement that says the company can credit check me? Do I just keep my head down and see what they do next or maybe try diversion tactics such as not known at this address? As ever all advice appreciated
  7. Hi. i had a Lloyds tsb credit card when they decide to sell tsb ,Lloyds Bank took the card over and that's where i get my statements from ,i pay them too, I have a problem now that Lloyds tsb are now flagging my account saying i have gone away ,i take that to be they are claiming, i do not live at the address they have on their files. It seems very strange to me, are they allwed to do this.
  8. Bran Carter sent me an account review letter a couple of days ago advising me to contact them by phone to discuss my "proposed repayment plan"
  9. Hi there (I apologise for the essay in advance) I'm requiring some assistance which seems to be somewhat of an emergency at the moment. While I was at university I had a student account with Lloyds TSB. Everything was fine and there was regular money going into the account , however towards the end of university I had accrued quite a significant amount of debt (as most students do) and as my student account became a graduate account I had gone over my overdraft limit by a few pounds and I had started incurring overdraft charges that were equating up to a substantial amount. I made a small deposit into my account in 04/2009 and that was the last time I used my account, from then on the charges carried on going, however I didn't use the account whatsoever. The closing balance for the account was around £2300 and the account defaulted on 12/11/2009 according to my credit report. This account has been passed around to various DCAs, but was bought by Lowell around 3 years ago and they have passed it around to their other companies (Bryan Carter etc.) I have never made a payment to this balance and I've never claimed that the debt is mine. I sent Lowell a prove it letter a few months ago and they responded in May 2015 by sending me a copy of the last few months of bank statements for the account with Lloyds TSB. The statements also stop at 11/2009. Lowell since then have been sending me letters every week or every two weeks, and last week they now claim they are trying to "escalate" the situation. I'm unsure if this debt is already statute barred or if it will be on 12/11/2015, my concern is that should I send a SAR to Lloyds in order to obtain any information as to when the overdraft was officially withdrawn? and if so should I contact Lowell in order to tell them I have requested additional information from Lloyds. Thank you for taking the time for read this.
  10. Hi all, I have a Default on my Credit Record from Lloyds TSB. The story behind it is that i went around £15 overdrawn on my Current Account. I did not have an overdraft so quite why they allowed me to go £15 overdrawn is something that particularly annoys me... Anyway, they then proceeded to hit me with charge after charge until the account was some £177 overdrawn. They then hit me with a Default.! At the time I was dealing with a lot of other problems and overlooked the matter. Silly of me I know. Is there a way or has anyone had experience of dealing with Lloyds and asking them to remove it based on the fact it is rather heavy handed and causing me a huge problem moving on with my life?
  11. Hi Does anyone know what Lloyds would have been charging for their packaged accounts back in 1987? I've gone back over my own records and can share the following just in case it is useful to anyone else. Classic account - package referred to either:- account fixed charge account service charge account charge around 1991 account charge was £8.00 per month around 2004 account charge £10.00 per month around 2008 account charge £12.00 per month around 2011 account charge £12.95 per month i assume that the account charges would have been the same for everyone with this type of package account, but am not sure if the month that the increase took place would be the same for everyone. if anyone does know about the classic package charge for the period 87-91, and willing to share the information that would be great.
  12. Hi Guys Between 2007 and 2012 I was a Lloyds TSB customer, I earned less that £14000 a year during that period and was getting hefty bank charges. These would swallow up nearly a third of my salary every month. It almost totalled to £2500... How would i reclaim this?
  13. Well they are like buses aren't they - I've heard nothing for months, well years actually and then 2 claim forms in 2 weeks - great!! I received this one on Saturday morning for an old Lloyds TSB loan that I took out in 2004. I just wondered if I could have a bit of help with it please. Name of the Claimant ? - Cabot Financial Date of issue – 10/12/2014 Date of issue 10/12/14+ 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 28/12/14 + 14 days to submit defence = 12/01/2014 (33 days in total) - [EDIT 33 days is 11/1/15, but you need to file by 4pm Friday 9th - dx siteteam] What is the claim for – The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant under and contract between the Defendant and Lloyds Bank - Unsecured Loan dated on or about Dec 24 2004 and assigned to the claimant on July 18 2014 in the sum of 7486 What is the value of the claim? £7486 Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? No Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned to Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I cant remember Why did you cease payments? - Financial difficulties - I had no work for a long period of time after having my baby (I was self employed) What was the date of your last payment? I cant remember Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes throughout 2008 - 2012 Madge
  14. My daughter, who has mental heatlth problems, recently discovered that she has been able to use her debit card and go overdrawn although she does not have any authorised overdraft. Therefore, charges are being incurred. I have today had a conversation with one of the executive team who have said that it is in their T&C's that if a Visa Card is presented for payment then they will honour the payment. I thought the whole idea of having a bsic account with no overdraft facilities was to avoid this situation arising. She only receives benefits so I was disgusted with TSB today that they are not prepared to stop the overdraft situation. Their only offer of help was a Cashcard. Before I start complaining to the FSA and FOS I would like to make sure of my facts. Would welcome advice on this situation please.
  15. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    Hello everybody I have a loan from LLOYDS bank taken out in Nov 2007 of £12 500 with APR 16,5% without a PPI for 60 monhts. . My every month's payment is £ 302, never missed one single payment. This week I am made redundant and still do not have another job so, I am going to sign up for JScontribution or JSA. I want to write to the bank and ask them for a settlement. I want to offer them 1. a 40% - max .60% payment and the rest to be written off /cca £ 2500 - 4000 from £ 6 200/ or 2. to get a reduced monthly payment - the minimum I would be able to afford from JSC/JSA or 3. to get at least 6 months payment free holidays until I get up on my feet again. What if they will not agree? I have to stop paying from the next month and do not know how soon I could start paying it again. What can they do against me after stopping paying? If I get just £ 284 a month from Job Centre they hardly see any money at all...... Thanks for your answers.
  16. Recently had a direct debit presented to my TSB account when there were insufficient funds. However, I knew that a BACS transfer from my employer (they had short paid me this month) was to reach the account the next day. I rang TSB and explained the situation, they stated that "they couldn't see inbound payments, regardless of where they are coming from" I don't understand this at all because under the BACS scheme, the fund would have been already with TSB ready for payment to my account the next day! Indeed every bank I've previously had an account with has always been able to see an inbound BACS payment the day before. I then asked if they would consider making the payment and they told me that I didn't qualify for an overdraft and there was no flexibility there (computer says no syndrome) I then asked them to confirm for certain whether or not the payment would be returned, to which they told me they couldn't and it was "up to the computer" later that afternoon?! Surely it's not unreasonable for me to expect the bank to be able to tell me for certain whether or not they are going to return a payment? Had they confirmed for certain, i would have cancelled my meetings that I had scheduled and borrowed the funds from a colleague and taken them to the branch by hand to pay in. However because they couldn't tell me I decided to take the chance.. . Obviously it didn't go in my favour! My question is, are TSB talking rubbish about not seeing BACS payments and not being able to tell me if they are going to make a payment or not? All seems very 1990's to me and a world away from my experiences of First Direct / HSBC
  17. A very short and brief piece of information needed! Can anybody who has a bank account with this bank please tell me, when receiving a statement: If the account owner has debit card linked to account and for example, after shopping at supermarket and paying £25.00 for those shopping items and also asks for £50.00 'cashback', is this transaction shown separately on statement, say 'Tescos £25.00 then cash £50.00, or: Does the statement simply show 1 transaction as 'Tescos £75.00'? I am aware some bank statements apparently show both transactions separately, but also that some do not show distinction, which may lead to somebody not understanding the statement reading such a transaction that the owner of the account had actually 'spent' £75.00 in total on shopping items. Looking forward to hear how such 'cashback' transactions when paying for shopping are shown on statements. Many thanks.
  18. ive been out of work for 5 months living on my over draft of £1500 i always had this under control when i was working and was hardly in it, now the bank keeps putting £31 a month interest on top which has now put me in a unplanned over draft of £132.00 totalling my overdraft now to £1632.00 I had lloyds tsb send me a letter saying i must settle £132.00 by this day and if i dont they will pass it on to solictiors etc. i phoned them saying i can make a payment of £5.00 per month until i get back into work but they said no. their solicitors want me to pay the full £1632.00 and state daily interest will occur as well now i feel there is no way out for me what is the point in me making an offfer of repyament if these are sticking daily charges on top of it until it is out of control. Now they are demanding i pay the full amount within 14 days Lloyds TSb even made me fill out an Income and expenditure form then didn't bother replying back to me then i get this letter. What can i do ? end of the day they should freeze all interest and charges so this can be cleared.
  19. This account ran from March 2004 to March 2006. Picked up SAR sent from DSAR team, Andover, Hampshire at my local Bank of Scotland Branch in Edinburgh. Sending claim for mis-sold Cardholder Protection Plan.
  20. Hi I seriously need help!! In 2003, I took out a secured business loan against my property for the amount of £43k with Lloyds TSB. What should have been a secured loan, instead was given to me as an overdraft facility, which should have been caped at £33k as per agreement by TSB. This happened at the time when the business was seriously struggling. They did no assessments of affordability checks. Instead allowed the overdraft to exceed its limit to £53k By this time the business had shut down and they then decided to convert the overdraft to a loan. Since 2005, I have been paying back in instalments, but on several occasions have informed them that this was clearly irresponsible lending and the bank took an advantage of my secured home position. I have been trying to fight my corner with them since then,with no joy. Reading similar situations on the forum, has given me the confidence to write. I just want to know if I am right in asking them to write off the access borrowing, as I am now out of work and have a medical condition. Please can someone advice me. Thank you Salma
  21. Hi I defaulted on my LloydsTSB Mastercard back in late 2008 (I lost my job of 15 years a few months before), I paid the minimum £1.00 a month until summer 2010 when my debt was passed on to Robinson Way and i've continued to pay them £1.00 a month and still do. During this time I was diagnosed with Parkinsons and Type1 Diabetes and a few other things (Leg amputated) and am surviving on only sickness benefit. My local LloydsTSB which is literally about 50 feet from my front door has recently been converted to a TSB branch I decided to take the plunge and apply for their basic account because i'm tiring of travelling into town to the nearest NatWest atm where i've banked since I left LloydsTSB or the nearest Post Office to draw my money out. This is a question about the right to set off between accounts. Can Lloyds raid my TSB account to pay towards my old credit card debt? Do they even care about the debt anymore since they passed it on to someone else? According to page 5 of these recent Lloyds/TSB transfer terms and conditions they have waived the right to set-off between the two 'new' banks even while they both remain within the same banking group - and next summer TSB should be entirely out of Lloyds Banking Group altogether when it is floated off. Am I reading this correctly or should I still use NatWest for my benefit payments at least until TSB is totally independent. Thanks for reading.
  22. Here is a copy of the letter I propose to send Lloyds TSB tomorrow about defaults being issued on my credit file; In addition Lloyds are yet to provide me with copies of default notices issued and I don't ever remember receiving any.....see below. Dear Sirs, With reference to the above complaint. I now believe these issues are so serious that I am advising you that if I do not receive a satisfactory response to my complaint within 14 days I will commence court proceedings without further notice. It is therefore important that you bring this letter to the attention of the relevant department as soon as possible. I write in compliance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. Unlawful processing of information You will be aware that I have entered into a payment arrangement and currently use a Debt Management Company to make regular monthly payments on my account. I have not at any time received information to indicate that this arrangement is not acceptable, in fact, to date this arrangement is showing as “acceptable” on my DMP’s system. Despite the above, on obtaining a recent credit report I notice that Lloyds TSB are continually filing “default markers” with Call Credit each month and have done so repeatedly since December 2010. My complaints dated 19 April 2013 and 29 April 2013 and 25 May 2013 have not been responded to. In addition, I advised the bank on 20 July 2008 that I required it to cease processing my information, the bank failed to respond to my request despite making reference to it in a letter dated 31 July 2008, you are required to respond to my request and didn’t. I made this request because I believed that the bank were likely to process my information in a way which would cause me damage and distress, no response was provided. I believe that this is an unfair relationship between us in accordance with the Consumer Credit Act 2006 as you have continued to exercise your right without investigating my complaints. I therefore believe that the bank are in direct breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. Information Commissioners’ Technical Guidance You will be aware that in August 2007 the Information Commissioner released Technical Guidance for Organisations on Filing Defaults with Credit Reference Agencies “ICO Guidance” a link to this guidance can be found at http://goo.gl/91s0o. This guidance clearly sets out the ICO expectations of Organisations when filing default notices which is helpful in our current dispute. My account 1. ICO Guidance states (17) “Lenders should not file a default where there is a genuine and agreed variation in the payment schedule” I have had a payment arrangement in place since April 2009 – at no time has the bank advised me that this arrangement is unacceptable, as such I regard this as a genuine and agreed variation in the payment schedule. 2. ICO Guidance states (17) “In all cases it is important that lenders and debt advisers explain to borrowers how their credit reference files will reflect the changed situation. This is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and disputes about what a customer has agreed to and what will be reported to a credit reference agency as a result of variations in payment schedules”. At no time has Lloyds TSB or its external agents advised me that my arrangement will impact on my Credit File as though no payment was being made. 3. ICO Guidance states (19) “Where a rescheduling of this type breaks down, a default may be filed when the total value of the arrears is equivalent to three monthly payments under the original terms. However, this should not result in the customer being placed in a worse position than someone who has made no effort to pay whatsoever.” Despite the fact that our arrangement has not broken down, Lloyds TSB have put me in a worse position than someone who has made no effort to pay whatsoever. 4. ICO Guidance (22) clarifies the position relating to customers who enter into Debt Management Plans. I note that despite my effort to pay there is no reflection of this on my Credit Report. Resolution sought I believe that the action of Lloyds TSB and its external agents has seriously damaged my financial reputation, I therefore require the following; 1. Full removal of information supplied to Credit Reference Agencies in relation to this account. 2. £1000 in compensation due to the damage caused to my financial reputation. I must make you aware that the settlement figure above is an offer which will be withdrawn on taking court action, I believe that my losses and compensation level for damages is substantially higher than the offer given above, I will also seek to recover reasonable costs against the bank. In closing, I would draw your attention to section II (4) of the Practice Direction which gives the courts the power to impose sanctions on the parties if they fail to comply with the direction including failing to respond to this letter before claim. I require that you acknowledge receipt of this letter within 14 days and where possible provide a full response within 28 days. Should I not receive a response to my letter within this time frame, then I anticipate that court action will be commenced with no further reference to you.
  23. Hi All Need some advice I had a current account with Lloyds that had an unauthorised overdraft on and When I changed bank they were throwing charges on for sending letters and it got up to a cost of £970.20 this was back in 2009. Lowell have now purchased this debt and have been pestering me for the last year or so. I sent them a letter asking for the agreement and enclosed my £1.00 it took the best part of a month before they even acknowledged this letter. I didn't hear from them for a while and then I got a letter saying that the account was now closed unless they got the agreement off Lloyds which im assuming they have never got. In the last 2 weeks or so I have had a letter stating that under CCA section 74b they are not required to provide this and since then I have had letter after letter from them and they sent me £1.00 cheque. Im just wondering now what my next step is as in march the account will become statue barred and I really don't want to be paying these Shyster's. Any help would be really appreciated thanks
  24. I've had a similar letter come through from Northampton CC with the Claimant 1st Credit Ltd chasing an old Lloyds Bank debt which was sold to 1st Credit at the end of last year. I've not replied to their letters but tentative now due to the claim form now on my doorstep. Wondering whether to do similar as UK_Guy99 did and go straight to 1st credit asking to be put aside providing we agree a payment plan?
  25. Hi. I had a current account opened with Lloyds TSB in Scotland in July 2006. It has been closed and made 'defaulted' in April 2009. According to my credit file report from Equifax, the debt has been sold to Capquest. I did ignore the correspondence from Capquest for a few years due to stress caused by loop of charges over charges I was torn in by Lloyds TSB. In July 2013 I received a letter from Debt Managers (Services) Ltd in Edinburgh for the recovery of this debt. As it felt to me getting too close to court action, I decided to start a payment plan. Since July 2013 I am making payments every month to Debt Managers (Services) Ltd. I intend to try and recover some of the charges included in this debt, because I think they were unfair (several wages in a raw were 'swallowed' by bank to clear just a part of the charges over charges, also giving me a kind of Agreed Overdraft to cover the rest of negative balance). My first question is: after I will receive a response to my SAR, to whom will I have to right a claim for charges repayment? will it be Lloyds Bank or Capquest? I am sure, I will have some more questions regarding to what charges I would try and claim to be repaid back. Thank You all kindly for replying to this!
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