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  1. Hi there, A couple of huge Confero collection bailiffs knocked on my door today and left a letter saying "Notice of Baliffs Attendance - Magistrates Liability Order for unpaid council tax" and stating that they will return tomorrow at a set time to remove my goods. Do I have to let them in as it is due to council tax? I have mental health issues and have been on incapacity benefit for a few years which was last month switched to contribution based ESA, support group. It seems that due to working in the past my benefits have always been contribution based which means I have to pay council tax, don't get cold weather payments etc. Always bugged me but the fact is I owe the council tax. I just have never been good at remembering to pay bills (recently diagnosed with ADHD, mostly inattention, and reffered for aspergers diagnosis) and being able to deal with paperwork. Even when I was working and had plenty of money coming in I would forget to pay bills. I have a lot of debts now and no disposable income, so its not like I can make any offers to the bailiffs. I had planned on getting a DRO but couldn't get together the £100 needed to do it. I don't have much they can take except my tv, this computer and my sofa. It would be good to know if I have to let them in or not though. Any quick advice to ease my mind would be appreciated.
  2. Hi all. New user on here.I have severe Ankylosing Spondylitis. Had the original ATOS medical 10 months ago on which I was awarded 12 points..I self inject Enbrel every week and have blood tests every 4 weeks. I am totally amazed at how I've been treated during this whole process. The last hurdle is Tomorrow with my tribunal hearing for ESA, I am representing myself but am armed with several documents supporting my case..are there people on here that have been through the same thing and can give me any advice on how to deal with it and what to expect?? I know I have the truth on my side but will it be enough?? please help. Many Thanks in advance.
  3. Re: help and advice needed please Hi Please could someone scan over this letter I am going to send the mortgage company to explain my hardship. I have used a template but filled in my relevant info. any feeback would be gratefully recieved before I post tomorrow. many thanks. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to explain my unfortunate set of circumstances that is causing me to become delinquent on my mortgage. I have done everything in my power to make ends meet but unfortunately I have fallen short and would like you to consider working with me to modify my loan. My number one goal is to keep my home and I would really appreciate the opportunity to do that. The main reason that caused me to be late is that I am currently on maternity leave and my income is not nearly enough, I fear I am going to fall further and further behind. Now, it’s to the point where I cannot afford to pay It is my full intention to pay what I owe. But at this time I have exhausted all of my income and resources so I am turning to you for help. Since July 2008 I have managed with mortgage payments on my own, and have not missed a payment up untill now I have worked full time as well as look after 3 children single handedly,Mr J **** walked out on me and his children in july 2008 and has not contributed towards the mortgage whatso ever since. I am currently seeking help from the Mortgage rescue scheme, as I feel that my situation will continue untill at least March next year when my maternity leave ends, and fear I will fall further and further behind, without help. I truly hope that you show some forbearance in my time of need and help me out in my unfortunate circumstances at this time. Sincerely and Respectfully,
  4. Hi, My partner had a few driving fines from the courts for failing to notify dvla on change of ownership and a parking fine although he wasnt driving and it was no longer our car (he had a knee op the day before as wasn't even able to drive)... We had an arrangement with the court to pay £40 a month but over the jubilee bank holidays I forgot to make payment as we were having to make payments by visa as the court sent a incorrect debit mandate out and have never sent a new one to us. I missed june but paid julys.. We recieved a letter from marstons and the court in the same week ... The letter from the court says... With reference to payment of £40 against your fine account.. There is a warrent against this account currently with marstons for the outstanding amount due. Payment has been credited and marstons have been informed. They will deduct the amount for the outstanding warrent. It does also say that payment to the order itself to HM court will not change the situation and that marstons will continue to enforce it against me to collect their fees once the amount due to the court is paid... And that all future payments should be made to marstons and not the court.. Marstons letter states Fine amount is £315 (not accounting the £40 I have paid this month) Fees £85 Total £400 We are in possession of the fine due to non payment. We are instructed to demand immediate payment in full from you within 7 days or baliffs we attend to levy distress and remove goods resulting in another £215 added to account. No reminders will be issued.. We have contacted marstons to try and set up a direct debit but they were rude on the phone and said that the bailiffs will be coming out to us tomorrow.. My parter suffers from anxiety and is on medication to help control it but this has already worked him up as we are struggling with currently paying and attachment to his earnings for council tax. Marstons told him they want £147 and the balanced to be paid within 4 weeks. We just can't afford that.. Please Help... Thanks Victoria
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