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  1. Hello everyone , after being recommended this site i have taken the plunge. I will be signing on tomorrow & i am very nervous. I am looking for some do`s & don`ts , i have read a lot about the way the job center is sanctioning people so i want to be prepared & hopefully minimize my chances of making mistakes & avoid any possible trouble. I would like to know what i am legally obliged to do , also what i am not legally obliged to do. Paddy
  2. I signed on this morning and my advicer gived me a leaflet about payments been sent early but don't understand when my payments will go in my bank and just wondering if anyone know from this: Expected Issue date Payment for Period Ending 15/03/2013 15/03/2013 27/03/2013 29/03/2013 12/04/2013 12/04/2013 I know the top one as I signed on today and it will go in my bank on the 20th (on wednesday) But when will the 27th go in? is it on the 29th it will go in my bank or the 3rd? I should signed on the 29th of March but due to been good friday Jobcentre is shut. Any advice would be great, cheers
  3. Good news folks - found a contract starting a week Monday! However, when I tried to sign off I refused to let the JC have my employer details. JC THEN turned around and said, "Fine, but you still need to sign as usual THIS Monday".... They flat turned around and said, "Look, if you don't turn up you'll be signed off for non-attendance, so you won't get that last week's money". ?????? I've FOUND a job, surely I can sign off whenever I want? I've signed off with longer periods between job offer, and start date, without issue. Who is in the right here, technically?
  4. Well today was the last signing on at the Work Programme at Jobcentre, got told by advisor who signed me on today, she said its going to get tough now that I have finished my 2 year work Programme and I have still not got a Job. Got appointment on Tuesday 26th of November at 9.40am, this is called (Post work Programme Support) It's to help me get more support and it also states on the letter need to do more things to get me into work. At the moment these what I do for Jobseeking: 1) Look on Jobsites from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. 2) Keep in touch with Job agencies 3 days a week. 3) Look in newspapers 4) Go around stores to see any vacancies mostly twice a week. 5) Send spec/cvs letters to companies. There is only so much Job search I can do lol.
  5. my friend claims that if he was to sign a new contract with o2 and then move to canada they will not pursue him because it would cost them more to track him down then his actual debt. I beg to differ because his debt will be about 500gbp. we are wondering if anyone knows how this works and if o2 will try to sell their debt to canadian DCA or if they will not bother pursuing him if he has moved. thanks
  6. Hi there, Im a bit scared to ask anyone I know as I feel so embarrassed claiming benefits so Im hoping someone friendly here may be able to help me. Two weeks ago I was ill due to severe migraines & vomiting and missed a JSA appointment. Three days afterwards, I went in & filled in JSA28 sick form to excuse that sign on & got paid as normal. (Though a few days late but that's ok) I only had to speak to someone at the front desk (I have no specific advisor as I seem to get a random one on each signing day) Migraines usually last for 3-4 days before clearing. I have doctors appointment Tuesday as I don't normally suffer with them. Anyway, I'm due to sign on again tomorrow but my migraines & vomiting returned yesterday. I'm even finding it hard to type & look at computer screen. I know I am entitled to 2 sickness periods within a year, so my question is.. Do they see someone being ill twice in a row any different from someone who is ill twice but with a few months gap in between?? Or does it matter if I'm ill twice in a row as I'm still entitled to 2 sickness periods?? And will my money go through as normal like last time? I hope I'm making sense & you understand what I mean Thank you for your time x
  7. I may be going abroad in a couple of weeks and I have some questions regarding signing off. At the moment I do not know if I will be going for definite or not and I won't know for sure until either the night before I go or the morning on the day I go. How do I go about signing off at such short notice? The day I will be leaving is a Sunday as well, which may cause complications with the staff's availability. If I go I will be leaving in the afternoon on Sunday the 13th and will arrive back in the evening on Sunday the 20th. For what period do I have to sign off? The 13th to the 20th? Or since I will be in the country for part of the 13th and 20th, would I only have to sign off from the 14th to the 19th? Edit: I seem to remember hearing before that we were permitted so many days off a year in holiday without actually signing off. I don't know if this is true or not. Can anyone confirm? Second edit: I believe I'm also allowed two weeks of sick a year? So could I take that week off sick (it will be the first time I've taken time off sick)? My understanding is that if you take a week off sick you aren't even required to meet your JSAG during that period, but you still receive your full benefit. Can anyone correct me on this?
  8. Hello, I hope someone can give me some advice. I am currently in the 26th week of my income-related JSA claim and have received confirmation of a job offer today, so I am starting work on Monday 19th Nov. I am due to sign on this Friday, should I still attend so I can get my job diary signed or should I just telephone and close my claim that way? I ask because of the potential delay in receiving my first wage packet in this job, I am obviously keen to secure my usual fortnightly JSA payment to help with bills and travel expenses, so two weeks JSA would be preferable to one. Any advice would be gratefully received! Many thanks
  9. Hi Everyone. Just a quick question. I have a four page letter of complaint against the DWP, which is being sent recorded / registerd (which ever one needs them to sign for it). This letter is mainly about my local branch Jobcentre. My question is : My signing advisor has now been changed to one of the staff that my complaint relates to. Friday last week I asked the Customer Service Manager for a complaints form, and I have had to sign with this new advisor on this Monday (8th Oct). She was basically rude and aggressive, plus a whole load of other problems I have had with my Jobcentre. So as my complaint involves her, can I request a different signing advisor ? Hope you wonderfull people can help.
  10. I have been offered some temporary contract work which will last about two months starting November. I have been claiming JSA, HB and CTB for about 18 months. £1250 will be paid at the back end of November (about a month into the contract) and the remainder of £1500 will be paid at the end of December. What payments will I be entitled to during this period? I will probably be signed off for a month before my first payment (so no income). Would I be entitled to any working tax credits (I am single, no children)? I will be self employed, will I have to pay tax/NI on these two payments (my earnings for the tax year with benefits will be low)? If after those 2 months I am still unemployed can I do a rapid resign? Would it also be rapid for the HB? Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi guys I admit defeat; Sandander have increased SVR by 0.5% on 260k interest only mortgage with zero equity and I cannot afford £100+ pm (and they accept that I can't afford this) but will proceed with repossession despite this not being in their commercial interest. I have been gifted a caravan and am departing to Albania and Moldova and have informed all OCs and DCAs (not that I pay any DCA a bean) that token payments will cease because of above reason. CAG has been a great experience for me and I thank everyone, especially dx; God bless. x v
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