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  1. hi i have had a loan from speedcredit a long time ago the loan was for £400 to date i have payed off £365 had a call yesterday from my banks fraud department saying that a firm called toothfairy had tried taking £439 from my account and have now put a block on my account was so stressed and worried that i told them i knew who it was does this mean that they will raid my account every time now many thanks all
  2. Hello, I've been a member of my gym for a couple of months now and originally had some problems with admins fees after a missed payment. I cancelled my direct debit with Harlands and spoke to the gym manager who managed to sort of all the admin fees and allowed me to pay for my missed membership at the club, however, I now need to reinstate my direct debit and the manager said I should call them. After reading through many threads on this site it seems quite clear that I should not call them, I'm now asking is there anyway I could do this by email? I wouldn't really know what to say or how to do so any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  3. tt, over on pepipoo - guy reporting that his car has been removed by bailiff for someone else's debt. son has blue badge which was displayed at the time. http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=91091&st=0&gopid=970659entry970659 i know you're always busy, but wonder if you could look in on the thread. df
  4. I have been bombarded by mmf over the last week regarding a swift sterling debt they have called me a grand total of 267 times in the last week sent me 30 emails and 96 texts and 2 calls to my work place what can I do to stop this I have not spoken to them and do not intend doing so but I would like to stop the from harassing me like this surely this cant be right are they allowed to do this.
  5. Hello, Im new here this site came up on google searching I wondered if anyone had any help or advise re a personal guarantee.. Ive done a load of google searching! and I Think it may unenforceable pursuant to the equitable principles of suretyship? In summery I am former director of a company which went into liquidation - shortly before I went into liquidation I personally guaranteed a loan for business which was secured on my property. My husband was unaware - he was never contacted by the bank nor was he contacted by a solicitor - he didn't sign anything and the bank didn't ask me to get my husband to sign anything - i never mentioned it... (husband is not on title deeds due to issue over obtaining mortgage many years ago) Now i receive a calling up notice, husband not happy. not sure what to do next will i loose my house ;.( Any help so gratefully appreciated Im feeling sick - loan is for just over £70,000
  6. I have recently been trying to help my mum with her financial situation due to some very unfortunate debts accrued from my bully of a brother. Having been through her bank statements with her she has 3 direct debits going out to UNICEF, NSPCA and Leukaemia Research - when I questioned why on earth she had agreed to these (she is a pensioner living in charitable accomodation) she said she had got so upset with the many, many calls she was getting and they just wouldn't take no for an answer - and would grind her down from "oh- well what abut £5 a week, £3, £2 ?" until she said yes to get rid of them. I think this practice is appalling and having had a BHF door caller put his foot in my door recently to prevent me shutting it - I have come to realise this is standard practice by these companies. I shall be writing very strong letters of complaint to them and was just wondering where we would stand legally getting a refund of monies donated. £39 a month to a pensioner who can't even afford to turn up her heating in winter is a LOT of money!! Any advice greatly appreciated
  7. Hey guys, I have a payday loan with Quidmarket which I defaulted on several months ago. I've recently started a DMP with Payplan and have done the following: I've informed QuidMarket about the DMP I've requested in writing, via email, that they do not call me at work I've advised them on several occassions that everything must be in writing as I have learning disabilities and struggle to remember things However they are constantly calling me at work....today for example they have tried 3 times in the past hour despite me repeatedly saying that they cannot contact me at work as personal calls are not allowed. Can someone please help as I'm going to lose my job if this continues Thanks Katpuss
  8. Hi, I've been getting spammed by text message and phonecall by Moorcroft. They didn't identify who they purchased the alleged debt from. They did leave a reference number in a text message, which allowed me to log into their website and submit a message along the lines of: "Your communication by text message and telephone will cease immediately, and you will contact me in writing. Failure to comply will put you in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1999, and s.127 of the Communications Act 2003. Any future communications will be recorded and logged to be used in evidence." They responded by letter saying: "Thank you for your recent correspondence, I write to confirm we require a monthly repayment proposal you can afford and maintain, to enable us to assist you further." This seems to imply they won't stop texting and calling until I agree to hand over money to them.
  9. Guys, i've started an e-petition to try and stop DCA's and Collections departments calling on withheld numbers or "Spoofed" numbers. It also includes a bit about preventing those agencies from penalising people who refuse to give out personal information over the telephone I hope this is useful. the link is below https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/vince-cable-stop-companies-calling-anonymously-or-from-spoof-mobile-or-local-telephone-numbers-and-prevent-them-penalising-people-for-not-giving-out-personal-details-over-the-telephone#share Many thanks
  10. Hi all I managed to get out the payday loan trap, but this month I've clocked up over 12 calls from PDUK offering me (in a fairly desperate fashion) another loan. I'm just wondering with all the bad press regarding these companies, do I have a valid complaint and if so, where to direct it? Surely, trying to bombard an ex customer with a high interest loan should be against some kind of code of conduct (take that term as loosely as you like) Took me years to get settled up and they all knew I was struggling with the repayments at the time. I've managed to laugh and hang up most times, getting irritated now though. I know I can just ignore, but if I was slightly weak willed and/or desperate, I may actually agree to another loan, which can't be right surely! Ofcom? Trading standards - reasons why? Any pointers welcome
  11. I hope I have stuck this thread in the right place, I have had a little search for other threads and not sure if I am doing this in the right place so apologies if not! Basically, I once shared a house with two friends one of which was responsible for paying for the gas and electric through SSE. When my friends moved out I changed to British Gas (a mistake it's self - story for another day) and got changed over within about a day of them leaving. I told my ex-housemate to tell me how much my share was of the account with SSE and I would pay him. I never heard anything after that for a long time. However, a company called CRS are calling me and chasing me for a debt to SSE (at silly o'clock in the morning) and sending me texts saying I have not replied to their requests and that they are going to visit the property. I am still in contact with who lives in that house now, and they have not received any post for me. They only have my old address and an abbreviation of my first name which my housemate used to refer to me by, so it looks like he has given them my name and phone number, I never agreed to any liability with SSE and they shouldn't have passed on my details. I am going to write letters to both companies, I am going to look in the templates section. I have two questions really, is there anything else that I might need to consider here? ALSO - can I provide them an e-mail address to respond to instead of my postal address? I don't really want them to come round!
  12. A very basic question here (hopefully): I am considering legal action (small claims) against a company.Yesterday,I received an email from them, the contents of which will be very helpful to my case.A minute later,I received another email entitled "Recall" & the message said that they would like to recall the original message. I do not understand what this means.Can I: 1) Respond to the message asking explanation of its contents? 2)Use the message in any future court proceedings Any advice will be appreciated-I've not had any experience with emailing on a professional level.
  13. Hi i've just had a voicemail from MHB the pretend bailiffs to my office phone number. I am absolutely fuming, surely they are not allowed to just contact me at work? God knows how they got my number, I'm guessing switchboard put them through. I blocked their phone number on my mobile due to the incessant texts and phonecalls and now they dare to call my office. Are they allowed to do this? I do not want to pick up the phone expecting a legitimate business call only to hear these jokers on the other end. Could potentially be embarrassing if my co-workers realize what is going on. I have already complained to the FOS and the OFT about these jokers, is it worth recording the voicemail and sending as further evidence?
  14. Hi .I need some advice my 20 year old son a year ago was taken to magistrates court for not having a £1.80 train ticket . He as they do ignored this . This became a £00.00 debt with costs etc which he arranged to pay monthly and did until he became unemployed towards the end of last year . The debt was moved to collectica . I called when they notified him they adding more to the O/S balance and after he gave his authority for them to talk to me I explained he was unemployed and waiting for benefit to be sorted and wanted to make an arrangement to pay but currently he had no income . They told me that wasnt their problem and needed proof he was unemployed. They said they would send bailiffs and i explained he didnt own anything and had no income or money . Again I was told they were not interested . I sent the required documents to show he was unemployed and heard nothing from them until a bailiffs letter was pushed through the door . I again called and said that he had now managed to secure a temp job for 3 months so would be able to make payment at the end of june . They said they would not up the file but had never been told or notified he was unemployed and that they would not stop the bailiff action . He called at the end of June and made a payment that they excepted and charged him to make by his debit card . Today I have received another bailiffs letter saying they are calling tomorrow a nd will force entry into my house and take possession for the debt . I called the bailiff explained this was my home and my son had no possessions here apart from clothes etc and that he was making payment and would make a further payment at the end of this month . He said he wasnt interested and would be calling and forcing entry. I said i would report him to the police if he broke into my home or forced entry . He then told me not to threaten him and that he had a warrant as it is a magistrates court debt so he can and will force entry into my home . I have read confusing information online and I am really at a loss what to do . I now will have to not go to work tomorrow for fear he will break into my house . Please help as i really dont know what to do I cant afford to pay the debt which is now nearly £600.00 and neither can my son only having secured a 3 month contract Michelle
  15. I hope this is the correct place for my query, however I couldn't find a specific Credit Card section so did a search on "Aqua" which led to existing posts here ... ************* I am amazed by the brainless incompetence of Aqua. I am unable to keep up my credit card payments, and in October notified Aqua accordingly and asked for the appropriate claim form in order to activate my PPI. In the absence of a response I have written repeating that notification and the request, but still have not had claim paperwork. In that time my account has missed two payments so is further in arrear now, which could have been avoided had I been able to claim when originally intended. I have also received chase letters, to all of which I have responded pointing out that I have been trying to take proper steps for weeks and been prevented from doing so by their apparent inefficiency. At different points in this time I have been written-to by Matthew Ball, Senior Collections Manager, by K Stafford, Head of Collections and Recoveries, and by Charlotte Gurnell, Senior Operations Manager, referencing my overdue account. I have written immediately to each pointing out that I have been endeavouring to be able to invoke my PPI to stabilise matters, and that I was still waiting for Aqua to make any move whatsoever. Each time I requested their personal intervention to move things along. The only response I have had is standard letter offering to make a repayment arrangement. Laughably, that letter also stated that I might not realise that I have PPI on the account so I might want to consider making a claim! Last evening I wrote letters following-up my personal letters to messrs Ball, Stafford and Gurnell, pointing out that in five weeks I still had not had the claim forms, nor even the courtesy of an acknowledgement of any past correspondence including my replies to them. I requested immediate action before their collection processes geared-up a level because nobody was taking steps to stabilise matters. These letters were posted first thing this morning by recorded delivery, something I have had to do for a while since being told that "we have no record of receiving them so the Post Office must be to blame not us" And now, a couple of hours later, I have received a letter advising that an Aqua "representative" is visiting on Monday! No doubt he/she is calling to obtain either payment of the arrear or to go through the motions of setting up a payment plan, entirely unaware of all of the above because nobody has ever done a single thing in response to my initial perfectly reasonable and proper steps when becoming unable to continue. I have very limited time to take steps now because of being right up against the weekend and the visit is booked for Monday ... But I am not at all confident that any step I might take would actually get further than yet another brick wall anyway! ... were I to follow-up today with contacting any of those senior people again to have them cancel the visit and get my PPI claim rolling at last, I have very little expectation that anything would actually be done or get down the chain of command to where it would be needed in time for Monday anyway. So firstly I want to know how I can have them cancel their visit?! It is actually no problem just to be out all day, however that isn't really sensible plus wouldn't achieve any progress where it matters and would presumably only result in repeated visits at varying hours until successful anyway. And of course I want to get my PPI going still! I need a claim form etc from Aqua but despite now a total of eight letters to four different people across five weeks, mostly by recorded delivery - only one of which has had any reply at all - they have not yet provided anything enabling things to move along. At a push I could actually get enough together to pay the outstanding arrear if that would cancel the visit and allow a few weeks til the next payment falls due for the PPI arrangements to hopefully get taken care of. However, firstly I'd rather not, and secondly I shouldn't have to anyway because if they had responded when I first asked, PPI would have kicked-in and the arrears wouldn't have arisen! But if it is the lesser of two evils I would be willing to do it. So please can anyone advise with regard to halting the visit on Monday with only the rest of this afternoon plus tomorrow to act? Also, does anyone know of a route in to someone in authority at Aqua who can actually be contacted and has the ability to get off their bum and call off the dogs and also get the claim form sent to me? A simple step I had assumed five weeks ago! Howard
  16. Hi all, I've just had to phone Mackenzie Hall and ask them to remove my wife's office number from their dialling system. How dare they!! They reluctantly removed my home number from their system a couple of weeks ago for the same thing. Now they're phoning my wife. The embarrassing thing is that they left messages on the answer phone and another of her work colleagues picked up the messages and passed them on. What's my next step?? I owe them nothing and never have, they have probably bought old debts that they are trying to collect on. They would be statute barred from years ago. Can I take them to court for harassment and possible embarrassment?? I would love to. Any thoughts.
  17. I'd really appreciate any help I can get about this. I have been out of the UK for over 12 years. I after graduating and I left some debts... bad and irresponsible...but it is what it is. I have recently returned and set up a UK bank account and opened a secured credit card...with an aim of rebuilding some credit history. I got a full current account and my credit history with Experian showed nothing outstanding. Today my brother called me saying that someone called his home (I dont even know the postal address) saying the have a package to deliver to me. he checked the number and it was a debt collection agency. How could they get my brothers information...I seriously dont even know his landline number?? Also, arent all my debts now statute barred?? Its been 12 years since I lived in the country. He is going to get me the number.... what can I say when I call them? I want to shout obscenities down the phone... I am embarrassed and really upset...call me, thats ok....call a family member that is really messed up!!!! What can I do? Any advice would be appreciated.
  18. Hello All. Info required. Out of the blue today a company called Avantis called me at work about an outstanding debt. I have never had any contact with this company and I really do not know how they got my work details. This will cause me great issuses with my employment if they contact my bosses etc. Any advice please
  19. Just had a letter from a company dcm apex my DPM co. have folded is worth going to another one i had a plan since 2001 with DCM and only paid off some loans what is the best way to go about debts the other firm are advising a iva ?
  20. hi can anyone offer me any advice? i cant eat im so worried mackenzie hall have taken on my overdue credit card and payday loan. i do not live with my parents, they live in sheltered housing as my dads disabled and mums ill. some how mackenzie hall have got their number and keep phoning and asking for me, im a nervous wreck with it and its upsetting mum. ive just lost my job to ill health have a lot of debt and priority arrears so am stressed enough with out this. they are contacting me by email and are abrupt and aggressive
  21. hi can someone point me to the letter to stop them, payday loans, harrassing at work please? thank you
  22. I was at my parents house when a young man knocked the door holding a stepladder. He said he was from EON and that through the government they had to check houses for insulation. My parents told him that they had already been sorted out and that the house hadn't long been insulated, both the roof and walls. He didn't see me, but he was insisting that he had to check the attic despite what they said and see it for himself. He was shortly sent packing complete with his ladder following him closely behind. The shocking thing is that my parents couldn't see the harm in it and they'd seen him going from door to door and that the government and companies do have such things. Well yes they do but you don't let a stranger into your home just because he has a badge and a stepladder! My Dad said he wasn't stupid and the lad wasn't trying to sell anything! Well not yet he hadn't but once in the attic he could have done anything as my parents are in no fit state to check what he would have said. He could have soaked the insulation, removed roof tiles and then comes along someone offering to put it right. They think I'm paranoid. I think I'm flamin' well cautious and that cold calling with a stepladder is a step too much. Literally. I'll be calling EON and Trading Standards tomorrow to see if there is such a campaign and complaining about tactics to gain entry to homes occupied by vulnerable people.
  23. Hello I have some questions for you all. 3/4 months ago some company called 'PDCS'started texting/calling me. I called them back, they wanted all my personalinformation. I said "no, why you are contacting this number". Theyquoted "data protection act". I told them they weren't getting anyinformation. Phone call ended they were nice enough. They called again we wentthrough the same conversation but this ended with "a letter is in thepost". The letter never arrived and I haven't heard from them since. I have no idea what they were contacting me, Isuspect some form of debt? This prompted me to check my credit rating from 2 ofthe 3 UK agencies. Perfect rating on both, no adverse credit, details correct,history of everything being paid in full and on time. I also contacted the usual: BT, SKY andelectricity companies that I may or may not have used since 2008 and they allsaid everything was either paid in full or no account with us at the relevantaddresses. I don't have a mortgage. I’ve been on the samemobile contract for 15 years never missed a payment. I have had 3 credit cards, 2 in use the 3rd paid in full/closed. Payment is made in full every month asstandard (I only have them to boost my rating). From mid June 'SRJ' have tried tocontact me several times. So far 3 calls, 2 voicemails, 3 texts and 1 letter.Letter states: "Dear Mr X, We have made enquiries for confirmation ofyour current place of residence. Information has been received confirming thatyour address details have changed to this address. Due to data protection legislation details ofthe account are not included in this letter. Please call us immediately..." I am certain I do not have any debts - I’venever taken a loan, I have no reason to not pay for bills I have. I can think of only two things: 1) Jan '11 – June '11 Irented with a friend for 6 months. Everything paid,deposit returned as provided proof of payment. However, one of the previoustenants and some serious debt issues as they received several debt letters –which we passed to our estate agent. This was at the time of the UK census soobviously I was registered at the address. Could SRJ be chasing me about someone else’sdebt because we were at the same address but completely unconnected? 2) Sept 2004 – July 2006 rented with 4 othersin a student house. I had electricity bill in my name along with a housematewho also had gas, water & SKY (in his name only). All 4 of us gave him themoney which it turns out he did not pay. We found out when we tried to get our deposits back. I contacted the letting agent asked for the all ofthe tenant’s deposit to pay the bills to which they agreed. I paid the one inmy name (but not the gas) and gave everyone their share of the money. Both elec& gas were with the BG. When I paid the elec I checked the gaswas in his name only they confirmed and I provided a forwarding address forhim. Never heard from them again (they had my forwarding address forconfirmation of elec final bill). This took months for me to sortout, the elec was paid before mid Jan 07. I know 100% that the gas bill has still notbeen paid. The rest I don't have a clue if there was an outstanding bill or ifit has been paid or whether they were tranferred to his new address... Could they be chasing me about this bill?Surely this cannot be transferred to me, I am not on the contract? As far as Iam aware none of my former housemates have had someone call them ever. I refuse to call them back as I do not knowwhy they are contacting me, it just says to call them. I don’t want them takingit as debt acknowledgment. I doubt it is mistaken identity as I have a veryuncommon name and the address the letter is to is my parents house. Any advice? Thoughts?
  24. Hi I had a massive council tax bill and due to council incompetency (ignoring repayment plans, not making a decision on figures and charging me three times etc) they sent our account to Rossendales without giving us notice. I phoned the council after the first visit from the bailiff and paid the amount to the council in full for the tax, I asked them to call off the bailiffs and they refused. I have my doors and windows locked all the time, I will not let them in. The council took a MONTH to let Rossendales know that I had paid the debt to them in full so was charged for another visit. We now have bailiffs calling to remove goods for a debt of £40. I am finding this stressful and ridiculous. Yesterday was Rossendales third visit, this time they (embaressingly enough) spoke to my neighbours to find out if I was even home! thankfully we are on good terms with them and had already bitched about the councils treatment of us. I am beginning to get concerned, I am worried they will take everything we have (which isnt much) for the sake of a tiny debt that I don't think I should pay.
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