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  1. Hi recieved a letter today from redstone saying that due to an administrative error information about my mortgage account was sent to a private indivdual by email on the 3 August. I have had a lot of trouble with restone and recieved no help from these people in hard times , is there anything I can do regarding there error ? many thanks
  2. Hi all, My bank (Abbey) began repossession hearings against us (£4500 arrears), we pay £727 per month. Attended court 3 weeks ago and Abbey representative failed to show. Sat in front of the judge on my own and he ordered that "the matter be adjourned generally with liberty to restore", also advised that we make a written offer to the bank to clear the arrears (which we did immediatley). Bank wrote back and stated they would continue with repossesion claiming that they HAD attended and the judgement was made in their favour. I rang the court and asked how this could be, woman was not helpful, said she couldn't check and besides, the judgement had not yet been written out as they were "overworked". Advised that I wait a few days for the written order in the post. Waited 1 week and still nothing. Called the court again and explained the urgency (20th June deadline!) She confirmed the case had been adjourned! And faxed me copy of the judgement to that effect. So I thought I had a case for malpractice against the bank, until I received a SECOND judgement letter on Saturday ordering the repossession!!! Same Claim Number, different Judge. What should I do given that I now only have 2 days to sort this out? Can anybody help!!!!!
  3. Hi I have pasted a letter that I have written. Basicly I am not sure if this is the norm but my Mortgage company are charging me £50 for each month that i am in arrears. I have currently got an agreement set up with them via a court repo hearing and it turns out that I will apying the arrears for 5 years and the whole time they are charging £50. So I have decided to complain to the FSA for unfair contract terms and if they have a go at Kensington then I can apply to Kensington to stop charging. Well thats the plan anyway. Can somebody look at my letter please and see what you think before I send it Also if anybody else is in the same position feel free to send it aswell. The more the merrier. The Olives Our Street Our Town ESSEX AC12 3CD 1st March 2008 Dear Sir/Madam I currently hold a mortgage with Kensington Mortgage Company. I am writing to complain about one of their terms and conditions. I have enclosed a copy of both the terms and conditions of this mortgage and a copy of the loan agreement. In section 4 Key information it states the default charges. The first charge is a £50 monthly arrears fee. On both the agreement and terms and conditions this is the only place it is mentioned. At the time I felt this fee was for missing a payment. I am now in arrears and have since discovered that in fact this fee is charged for the total length of time you are in arrears I feel this is unfair because this is still charged to the account even if you have come to an arrangement to pay the arrears. For example if I owed my mortgage company £500 and I offered them £50 a month for 10 months to clear the arrears my mortgage company would be continuously adding £50 to the account for those ten months. Therefore the payments I had been making would not have really cleared the arrears and it would take me a further 10 months to get the mortgage to what it should be. By adding this charge to the account they are also receiving interest from their own fees. I also see this as unfair. I asked an advisor from Kensington about this charge and she said it was for the additional work involved in running an account that is in arrears. Even if the account with its payment towards the arrears is being paid on time each month they still place this charge making it very difficult to clear any debt. Myself and many more feel like this is a penalty. Therefore I would very much appreciate it if the FSA could look into this matter. Yours sincerely
  4. Hi Folks, Its been a long long while since ive been on the site but been spending most of my time keeping my business a float!. I will be taking on Natwest to recover charges against my business account soon but have to deal with GE Money first. After a long hard struggle we have finally had to sell the house and will end up paying the usual raft of fees including ERP etc to GE. On the one hand i would prefer to simply deduct the amounts from the final cheque but i would be at risk of them rejecting the payment, holding up the sale and then the NR will reposess it. So my action will be settle, regroup and attack!!!. The brief history of the loan is: initailly borrow £44K Pay £4K insurance - have now ascertained that i will get a cheque refund for the rebate on this after full settlement. Pay broker fees of £1500 and legals of £500 so final loan just over £50k. at 12% Went into arrears 26 months ago (interestingly the first month in arrears i had a letter stating that they had charged me £2 admin, have charged me £40 per month ever since.) Their settlement figure is £56k including 26 months arrears, £3200 ERP some brokers fees (hang on didnt i pay them?) and the insurance. I have very politely asked for a detailed breakdown of this figure but reckon that i will be looking at aprox £4300 plus £3000 for the rebate on the insurance. I dont like to pay first then claim back but my solicitors think that its better to secure the sale, retreat and live to fight another day. Hope to begin early FEb if all goes well. will keep you posted. Guy
  5. I have applied for a secured loan with Welcome (I know, I know but i'm desperate and my credit score is pretty awful!) I have received my final pack but there is a form in there for Authority to Contact Employer. Now i'm really not comfortable with Welcome contacting my boss, will they decline my application if I do not complete this form?
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