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  1. Greetings fellow citizens, nanu nanu (mork and mindy in case your left wondering?)... The short of it, Vodafone contract couldn't afford the monthly bill so buried my head in the sand which ended up being disconnected. Eventually passed onto a few DCA's (I believe) and now ended up with Lowell Financial. Fail to remember all the details (mainly attributed to alochol) and having discarded pretty much all of the Vodafone/DCA correspondances (is there any way to retrieve them?). Lowell gave me a quick breakdown of the debt... Original company name: Vodafone You owe: £814.14 18 October, 2012 Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxxx Thank you for your recent correspondence, the contents of which have been noted. Please be advised that Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd through its collection agent Lowell Financial Ltd is exerting a contractual right to pursue payment of the debt following its purchase from Vodafone by Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd. Notice of the assignment of debt was given to you in writing through our letter dated the 14th September 2012 in accordance with Section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Please be advised this account was opened on the 5th May 2009 and the last payment date on the account was the 9th August 2010 for £25.00. We can confirm the remaining balance is made up of airtime debt of £582.30 and an early termination fee of £231.84. We ask that you please contact us with your proposals for payment. We look forward to hearing from you. ****************************************************************************************** The Vodafone contract/account was disconnected on the 25th of September 2010. Not sure of the options available to me as this will be scantioned to ScottCall from 01/02/2013 (don't ask procrastination) but I did call Lowell up today (31/01/2013) and advise them that I disputed the amount and will be in touch with a reason, to which I was told 'will be noted'. Currently unemployed and living with parents. Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello, I am in need of help, advise and guidance because I now feel helpless. I signed up to do a computer course back in 2007 with skills train. The sales person came to my house and I stupidly signed the contract with career development finance without doing any research. I realized after two months that I could not do the course at all as the course material was not very easy to understand plus I realised that the company had a bad reputation. I contacted skills train and they said they couldnt help me. I continued to pay 75 pounds monthly for a while, however I could not afford that amount when I fell pregnant and had to live off statutory maternity pay in 2008. During this time, the debt was passed on to Cabot Finance, and they agreed that I make minimum payment of 10 pounds a month. I carried on paying the 10 pounds. However, I received a letter from a company called The Credit Information Bureau on friday. The letter stated that account has been recalled by Cabot Financial. I have also received a letter from Cabolt today who are now claiming that they (Cabot) have recalled my account and the letter states that ''the most important thing for you to now is contact us to discuss way of payment'' I honestly do not recall ever speaking to anyone from 'The Credit Information Bureau' and I have paid the agreed 10 pounds since 2008. I am absolutely terified of contacting these DCA especially now that I am out of work and a full time student and single parent. I would be grateful for any advise given. Kind Regards, Leesha
  3. Gonna be quick with this people, had a business barclaycard. Because of personal circumstances have not been able to deal with. Been written to by TBI with a notice of assignment in same envelope from BC. Had rung BC today to get this crowd off my back and offer a full and final, but they say I have to deal with TBI. Any ideas on this, was shafted left right and centre with Barclays Bank on business banking and lost 4.5k in 18 months in charges taken from account before our own funds were clearing down for us to use. Gonna stop on this or I will start ranting!!!!!!
  4. Can i get an financial assistance with retraining? specifically training at a construction skills center? i have heard of the ILA -Individual Learning Account- £200 towards courses for low income/unemployed but it is apparently only avaliable in scotland. The £200 would not cover the cost of the course but wlil cover my accommodation and food. Can anyone point me in the right direction or will i get laughed at if i ask about any financial support? i will not have a guaranteed job at the end of the course but i will be able to apply for work all over the country.
  5. Hi, I have an ongoing dispute about an investment with Natwest/RBS. In the correspondence they've always said I should refer to the Financial Ombudsman Service if I'm not happy with their replies. In the latest letter they haven't answered any questions because they believe they've already looked at the matter enough and simply point towards the FOS (stating that my right to use FOS runs out soon). Firstly: can I rebut the deadline given to me about my right to use the FOS? Surely, I can decide if and when I need to use them? Secondly: I'm wondering if going to the FOS weakens my case against RBS? I'm aware that the decision from the FOS isn't final if it's in RBS/NatWest favour, but I wonder if the small claims court will think my argument isn't as strong if I went to the FOS first as opposed to straight to the small claims? I also wonder if NatWest/RBS are aware of this?
  6. Just to show the folly of using a claims company, Key Financial Claims charge 33.9% of successful claims and a fee of £295 + vat if you withdraw. These fees are at rip-off rates. It cost them no more to claim back £10,000 than it does £100 but they take on hell of a lot more of 'your' compensation. If you think you have been missold ppi, then claim it back yourself for the price of a couple of stamps and keep 'all' the money repaid.
  7. We have been involved with 4 identical complaints against Skandia for the past 18 months. They FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY GAVE INCORRECT ADVICE and which led to a loss of just over £5k. They offered £600 (4x£150) compensation which we rejected and presented our case to the FOS. After the usual huge delay the Adjudicator ruled that despite the wrong advice, buried deep (and I mean VERY deep) in Skandia's terms and conditions, was the correct information [and even that was far from clear as to its correct meaning] so, based "on a very fine balance", he ruled in Skandia's favour. We appealed to the Ombudsman pointing out that the Adjudicator had made some incorrect assertions and assumptions in his judgment which adversely affected the decision. When we eventually received the Ombudsman's reply he failed to respond to four of our points of appeal and then again ruled in Skandia's favour based upon a totally incorrect assumption that we would have taken a particular course of action even if we had had the correct information - and despite the fact that there was factual evidence to the contrary. We pointed this out to the Adjudicator (from whom the Ombudsman's letter had been sent) and asked for the Ombudsman's comments; this was rejected as "the Ombudsman's decision is final". We were then required to accept or reject the decision within four weeks - the post was delayed by a week and we then had the Christmas period when our advisors were unavailable! We asked for an extension which was refused. My advice is that the FOS are a waste of space - we'd have been better threatening legal action in the first place and maybe Skandia would then have seen the light. I wonder, too, what percentage of cases which are referred to the Ombudsman on appeal are actually reversed in favour of the appellant- maybe it's a case of supporting the decisions of your staff (or is that just me being cynical?).
  8. Can someone give me some direction on Barclaycard debt, cant keep up with minimum payments. How is this going to pan out. How shall approach this, shall i negotiate with them and offer to pay by instalments. Thanking you in advance.
  9. I've just come across a very faded credit agreement for a secured loan from the above, they must have something to do with TSB as their logo is on the bottom of the page. It looks as if the ppi is front loaded to me, but it is from 1991. Does anyone think it is worth pursuing?
  10. Can someone please help. I have received a letter this morning from Lowell Financial, claiming I owe £165.83 for a debt to HSBC. I haven't had an account with HSBC since it closed it 2000, so 12 years ago! The letter states they have been examining my credit file and it tells them what other accounts I have and the amounts i pay to them, and the address i am at. i dont even know what this debt is for? any advice??
  11. Hi there Can anyone tell me if I have to fill in a financial statement to a DCA? I have been making reduced payments for 4 years to DLC and the debt was moved to Moorcroft. As I became unemployed I negotiated payments with them of £1.00 per month starting 8th March 2012. The debt has now been passed to Allied International Credit who want to renegotiate the payment and for me to provide a financial statement. I have since found out that Moorcroft did not collect the £1.00 from my account as arranged. I keep getting calls from Allied. Many thanks SusieQ33
  12. Experian planning to add payday loans to CRFs but will be recording data differently to other FSPs Banks admit that having or applying for Payday loans isl likely to see rejection for loans even years after. Mortgage applications are likely to be affected. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  13. Follows the Southern Cross closures and others. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20564151
  14. FAO The Brig I am having a small prob with the above, After yet another call from these muppets, they seem to be chasing a SB debt They have been told that it is SB'D, they then claimed a 'Payment was made', as per a template letter from here requesting detail's, they have not responded, having just checked all 3 CRA'S the alleged debt does not appear !!!! Can I safely ignore from now on ? Many thanks Anon55
  15. Hello everyone, i am a newb here so please assist me if this post is in the wrong place? I genuinely do not mean for it to be :/ Anyway long story short...... Around 4 years ago my wife took out a loan through the dreaded welcome finace company. Shortly after i (her husband) was made redundant and since then we have hardly paid any monies to Welcome. The loan was for £3000.00 and was "unsecured" which we used to clear £2000.00 of mortgage arrears from when i was out of work. We had honestly tried all avenues to maintain at least some sort of payments but subsequently fell way behind to the point we just didn't have any money to offer them. recently (last 4-5 months) we have been getting letters from Lowell Portfolio and the most recent one today 31/10/2012 stated they had done a credit check on my wife to find we were homeowners, and that they would take us to court for a charging order on the house for the outstanding amount £5300.00. They have said they will start proceedings to make my wife bankrupt and i/we are terrified of this as we have 3 school children at home. Our mortgage is in arrears of £6000.00 but we are in a payment plan with them and they are happy with the arrangement at the moment. We reduced our mortgage to interest only of which the monthly figure is £315 but we agreed to pay £450 pm. I don't know what will happen with our home as it's all we have kmown (been in) for 16 years. The current market value of our property is approximately £75000.00 and yet our mortgage still owed is £88200.00 Can anyone shed some light onto what will/may happen as we are absolutely terrified. I emailed Lowells to explain our situation that there is myself out of work my wife on minimum wage and 3 children at home and we are truly on the breadline :/ I am totally sick to the stomach with worry. Thanks in advance people
  16. Has anyone got a postal address for lowlife Lowells. I'm attempting to send them a CPR - but they don't put a postal address on their letters
  17. Hello I recently had the misfortune of having a car accident early one Sunday morning. I was on my way to Leicester on the A46 and joined a round about at a reasonable low speed (traffic lighted) my car spun out from underneath me as the back wheels lost themselves, I managed to keep the car on the road for a couple hundred meters before hitting the curb side on and flipping the car across the grass and down a ditch. I was suspended upside down for 1 hour before emergency services could cut me but but thankfully I could walk away to the ambulance. My insurance on this new car was third party only (no one else was involved in the accident) Witnesses confirmed I was not speeding and as I didn't not travel far from hitting the curb, this also showed I was not speeding either. The police confirmed this and also commented another 2 accidents in the same week on the same spot had happened, plus a phone call last weekend confirmed 3 more accidents on the same spot, same circumstances has arisen and they are reporting on the road conditions (possible adverse camber) I was quite shaken up after the accident and mildly concussed, so I was collected and taken home (ambulance did not take me to hospital) The police arranged for the car to be moved and took my details. I was then presented with a £250 bill for the pick up of my car, plus £25 a day charged for the week inbetween. The garage will not budge on charges, or take my car in scrap value. I did not agree to charges and I was not instructed in this possible cost? Does anyone have any advice for me, I have no money at the moment, due to moving house the day before the accident and I have been advised by others to just post off my log book in payment?
  18. Very disturbing http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  19. I've recieved a letter from Link Financial Outsourcing Limited (hereafter LFO) who now state that 'Link Financial' own an alleged debt from MBNA from 2006 for £5900.00 and that LFO have been instructed to attempt collection. My research this far has suggested that LFO seem to collect on debts which are pretty much uncollectable and without paperwork. Would this seem a fair analysis? I'm just going to wait for something more concrete before responding as I think this is just a stab in the dark for them,
  20. I took out a loan with the AA Financial Services back in 2004. I don't have the paperwork any more and want to write to them to get details. Can anyone advise on the correct address to send the SAR to? I thought that PO Box 548 in Leeds was the one. Thanks
  21. Hi Guys Wondered if anyone could help me out... ...my husband and i and our 3 children are struggling to make ends meet at the minute as you all know times are hard we both work my husband full time and i do 14 hours a week saturdays and sundays to try and help i can not do anymore hours because it will affect my carers allowance sorry i should mention one of our children is Autistic he is 11 and my angel we have a 16 yr old daughter at college and a 19 yr old on a apprenticeship in childcare we recieve no financial support for the 19 yr old and for board we ask that she pays the monthly water rates of 33 per month as she only works 25 hrs per week earning 3.50 per hour we are struggling with bills and with xmas coming up i am wondering where the money will come from does anyone know of any charities or organisations that may help? i am in touch with the family fund i have been for some years but it hasnt been a year yet so i am unable to apply again for help none of us have very good credit my husband is a ex bankcrupt from before he met me so we have nowhere to apply for a loan or anything i would be grateful if anyone has any ideas to help us out thanks so much
  22. Hi all I am new to this forum, so I apologise if this is in the wrong place. I am after some help/advice if anyone can please help me. Back ground to my problem In 2005 I joined a debt Mangement company to help with my debts as I was struggling to pay them, this was quickly sorted out and I was paying £400 to 5 companies I owed money too. 2 credit cards, 2 unsecured loans and a store card. No further problems with this and I continued to pay till 2009. In 2009, a rather bad run of luck left me in a financial mess, firstly my long term partner left me (out of the blue), then 4 weeks later I lost my job, then a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. In May 2009, I packed up all my belongings and went back to my Parents, and I never paid to these debts again from this point. I never intended to ignore them long term but it was the least of my worries at the time. Up until week, I have not heard from any of them, but last week taken completely off guard, I received a call from Link Financial who conned me into confirming my identity. (they told me they had some mail for me and could I confirm my name and previous address, which I did, stupid maybe?) I received a letter from them a few days later, I knew who it was from, as I checked the return address on the envelope, so I sent it back, as "not known at this address". Silly thing to do but I guess it was panic. I have re-built my life from the mess I was in in 2009, and now have a part time job working 16 hours a week, I am not financially well off and struggle to pay my bills but I get by. I cant see a way that I can pay much more than a few pounds to re pay this debt, and I have no savings to even consider bankcrupcy. Please help, what is my best action to take here??? Also, I will add its only Link financial that are in contact with me for 1 credit card. Many thanks in advance
  23. Partner received Default notice from TBI last week after many amusing emails from ken there Seems rather odd as Lloyds would have issued default notice originally The Notice gives until 5th of November to remedy the breach, yet it will be statute barred in around 2 weeks Sent of CCA request to TBI today...... Then they said if didnt remedy the breach they would issue county court papers! Happy days!
  24. hi everyone.hope we can get some help here i lodged a complaint with above back in 2011 with regard to extra charges and a balance that blemain claim is outstanding. we had a secured loan on property over an 84 month period.we made payments every month but when i was made redundant we had to pay on a different date from the original one.blemain kept sending letters at £35 a time and this was a separate issue and they have now agreed to re credit these once ombudsman was involved. however they will not answer as to why there is a large sum outstanding on the loan when we have made all the payments.we now have a deadline to accept the final decision or lose blemains offer of charges refund. i have emailed fos but they keep saying they cannot do anymore. please can anybody help asap??? regards mark
  25. Hi. all I had a store card with style financial services which was taken over by RBS in 2009. I am still paying the balance although style cards were suspended when RBS took it them over. I have recently been told that my account balance should have been frozen at that point and no interest should have been payable on the balance. Is this correct? and can I reclaim all all the interest that has been charged on the account for the last three years. Regards. adamski01
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