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Posts posted by maxine989

  1. Hi All


    I received a letter from ZZPS of Surrey this week, dated 3rd February.


    Letter begins:




    "We invite you to contact us on 01932918916 to discuss the options available for you to comply with the terms of the judgment.  Please be assured that if you fail to contact us within 14 days of todays date, we shall seek our Clients instructions on how they wish to proceed to recover all sums due under the terms of the judgment without further notice to you; we look forward to hearing from you".


    Trying not to kick the pram wheels...

    Shall I contact them?  Should I offer to pay a reduced settlement amount? or just sit tight?  Any advice is much appreciated.




  2. @FTMDave

    That is a very good idea indeed!!!!  Like you say, it's been there for almost three years anyway. Would CEL be able to reapply for another CCJ or further chase me for the penalty once the current CCJ has expired though?  I am not looking to remortgage for a few years, so I guess I could leave it sitting there despite my credit rating being shot.  Thanks for the heads up. :)


    @dx100ukI dumped all the old paper work sadly... but how about what FTM Dave suggested and leaving the CCJ to expire in a further three odd years?  I am not looking to remortgage just yet, so could perhaps leave it sitting there until it's automatically wiped off my credit file?  Cheers

  3. @FTMDaveHi... thanks for response.

    I've been at the same address for 16 years.  I am assuming any court paper got lost in the abyss when I was ignoring their demands after already trying to resolve it... to be honest, a lot of their threats didn't seem real, so my own fault for not being more astute about what they were sending me.


    @dx100uk I hadn't been on here for a long long time... and I don't know why i didn't come here first as I have always found it a top notch site, I guess I wasn't sure I was still a member. But after trying an old log in log in I found that I was... yay! 


    CEL got me a bit panicky when I checked my credit file and saw that there was actually a real CCJ on there.   I initially used some advise from someone who'd had a similar problem... my bad!... but hey ho... after sitting and thinking properly about how to tackle the problem, I knew the best place to come was here.

  4.  Date of the Incident 13/06/2017

     Date CCJ received 13/04/2018


    Amount  £325.22


    Is there any photographic evidence of the event?Unsure

    Have you appealed? [Y/N?] N - Have written many times

    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] N - Just more demands for payment

    Who is the parking company?Civil Enforcement Ltd


     Where exactly [carpark name and town]Metro Inn, Birmingham Road, Walsall, WS5 3AB

    Hi Everyone.  I am in a pickle and seeking help and advice about how to tackle CEL.  


    My partner used to run a weekly open Mic night at the Metro Inn Hotel ( where I incurred the PCN).  I used to drop his music equipment off each week... literally drop and go.  


    Then the hotel had a new parking system installed, which I did not realise and after dropping off the equipment one of the weeks I incurred a PCN from CEL.  

    I took the letter to the Hotel Manager and he said he would call them up and get it cancelled, as he had received a lot of complains from people about the new parking system and people incurring unnecessary PCN and had called them a few times already to get the charges cancelled.   There was only one sign that I noticed afterwards and that was an A4 piece of paper stuck to the Hotel Reception door.  


    My PCN did not end up cancelled, it just escalated more and more.  

    I wrote to them several times trying to explain that I was merely dropping equipment for someone who worked there.


     It went on... and on...  eventually I began to ignore the letters as believed that the PCN could not be enforced.  

    My partner also stopped working at the Metro Inn Hotel open Mic Night as the car park issue stopped regular attendees from coming to the weekly event, after many of them had fallen foul of the PCNs too and the Open Mic night died a death.


     Much later down the line and after a call to CEL I went back to the Hotel Manager to see if he could try and resolve it once more, only he had ceased working there and had been replaced my a new manager who said it was nothing to do with him and shrugged his shoulders at me.  The hotel has changed management several times again since then.


    Now I find myself with a CCJ which I noticed when checking my Experian Credit File.  

    I was shocked it had got to that stage without me realising.  

    I may have had a letter, but like I say I began ignoring the demands after thinking they were just a scam company pushing their luck to get money out of me.


    I recently called Northampton County Court to discuss the CCJ I had been issued, where I was told that I can write to CEL once again and ask them to remove the CCJ or apply to have the judgement Set Aside.


     I began looking into requesting the judgment be set aside, but found that it is quite a costly route to take.

     I also checked a few forums where I got bits of advise as to what to say to them in my next letter.


    I received a 'without prejudice as to save costs' letter from CEL on 24.11.20 stating that they now intend to apply for an order for me to attend before a Court Officer for questioning about my financial status.


    I wrote to CEL once again, 3 plus years on asking them to remove the CCJ and stop demanding money from me.

     I also enclosed a letter from my partner who confirmed that he was running the open Mic and that I was dropping off equipment and had not parked as such.  


    I included the following in my letter to them:



    "This ongoing issue has become distressing and your persistent demands for payment for a PCN that was never justified. 


    On that night in question I drove into the carpark, pulled up outside the main entrance where we unloaded the car of musical equipment and I drove away. 


    I am not liable for these demands of payment and I am disappointed and frustrated that despite my attempts over the years to resolve this issue I am still been harassed.  if you check any photo or video evidence you have for that date, you will see that I did not even park in a parking spot.


    I have taken some legal advice and have been told that this fine is not enforceable and that this harassment is in breech of my rights under the Data Protection Act.


    I have been advised to write to you to request that you stop sending me these demands, cease writing to me, destroy my data and not pass it on to any third parties. I also request that you inform Northampton Country Court that this debt is settled/null and void.


    If you do not inform Northampton County Court that this debt is settled or void and continue to harass me by pursuing this claim, I reserve all my rights to make a claim for damages for your harassment of me pursuant to the Protection from Harassment Act and for your breaches of my data protection rights. Also, if proceedings are issued then I will apply for costs under Rule 27.14(2)(g)."


    No response to my letter as yet.

      Is there anyone out there who has any advise on how I should move forward with this?  


    it grieves me to pay it, as they company seem as though they are purely a money making scheme, hounding innocent people and scaring them into paying.  

    Hoping someone can help or advise, thank you.


    Best wishes




  5. Hi there


    I have a fine with Staffordshire county council which has escalated to £398 and now at the stage where bailiffs are due back tomorrow (with the addition of another £110). I had an agreement which I broke. I was paying weekly but fell behind.


    I am guilty of burying my head in the sand. I have a few mental health issues and claim ESA at the moment. I have 4 kids and am a single mum. I sometimes get anxious about opening my mail and ignore and forget things. I know it's the wrong thing to do, but sometimes I can barely leave the house or get out of bed.


    Just a few years ago I was working as a full time teacher. Everything has changed since my divorce and now my life is out of control.


    I have called Jacobs and the council today and nothing can be done but for me to pay the full balance or he'll be back tomorrow. I offered to pay £50 today and rest in instalments, but the bailiff said the best he can do is 50% today and the rest in 10 days.


    I'm sitting here feeling so anxious and worried. It's my son's 9th birthday in 2 days and christmas around the corner. What a mess!! I have no idea what to do next... I know he has no right of entry and so will ignore the door tomorrow, but then the 110 will be added and so on.... there seems no way out. Any advice will be much appreciated.

  6. I have just renewed my membership with Experian... ironically using the credit card I am about to default on... hard times or what!!


    My score was 'fair' at the moment. As i said, I have been trying desperately to pay EVERYthing that needed paying at the cost of other necessities.


    I am now going to spend some time going through my file, checking everything is as it should be. Is there anything I should look for in particular?

  7. first port of call is get your cra file.


    any debts that dont show need to be investigated as to WHY you are paying anything


    next is list your debts here please

    and whom you are paying.




    I obtained a CRA file a few months ago and took some time to go through it all. I cancelled the subscription though as once I had used it for a few weeks, didn't see the point of paying monthly to view it, as I know it will just get worse and worse and more into the RED BAD CREDITOR part of the dial. Is there a need to obtain it again?

  8. Hi, this so resonates with me.

    I too have hid my head in the sand,

    continuously telling myself I can do it,

    I will manage - somehow.



    Hi. Thanks for posting. Yes.

    .. we'll get it sorted I'm sure..

    . but it is all quite scary.


    I sorted the first stage today and that was to send the letters out to credit card companies explaining my circumstances and asking to accept a token payment.


    These we're


    Debenhams card (Santander) and



    Ironically Vanquis was a credit card I obtained to try and improve my credit score when I though I was going to have to sell my house and get another smaller mortgage.


    It turned out my house has no equity in it at the moment, so I am staying put..

    . which I am glad about because my credit rating is so bad I doubt I would get another mortgage.


    I have kept the Vanquis card up to date and all in order so do feel a bit bad about ceasing the higher payments..

    . but it is something that has to be done in order to be able to eat!!


    I have to face the fact that my credit rating will get to an all time low once these creditors get the news I am no longer paying them in full.


    I have some other old debt with


    EOS solutions and

    First credit direct, where I just pay £10 per month.


    They were companies that bought on old debt from other creditors years ago.

    It's been that long that I can't even rememebr what the original debt was for,

    who it was with or how much I owe.


    I've been paying £10 per month to all of those for a very long time.


    I guess I should contact them too and ask them to send me a statement of what I owe.

  9. I have used these forums over the years and always found CAG to be a brilliant support.


    Debt can really get you down..

    . it can cause one to hide their head in the sand..

    . it can cause families to fall apart. All of these apply to me,

    but I am happy to say that I always feel I can step up to the challenge when I come on here. CAG is a life saver!!


    I am finally dealing with my debt.


    I'm making the first step, which is to stop paying out money to non-priority creditors and request they accept a token payment.


    I've lived with debt for many years and have gone through many stages of coping and not coping with it.


    In the old days I claimed my bank charges back and managed to get on top of things for a while.


    But alas...

    life is tough..

    . especially right now.


    I work full time as a teacher and am a mother of 4.


    My husband was made redundant a few years ago and since then we've been slowly falling back into the debt pit.


    We just don't have enough income to keep ourselves going properly.


    I try to make all my payments on time..

    . and live on what's left,

    but there is never enough money left for the general necessities in life.


    It's getting to the point where I have no fuel in my car on a Monday and I have to use the kids dinner money to get petrol,

    then write a cheque for the dinner money instead...

    then the cheques bounces...

    yada yadda...

    and lots more other stupid money juggling antics that are just getting us into a HUGE mess.


    My husband has not been able to get another job as yet,

    and although he is still looking...

    he has returned into education in the hope of improving his chances.


    So although he is trying to do something about it, i

    t causes more stress and worry.


    More travel expenses, parking expenses..

    . Some days are just so depressing where we are counting 2ps to try and get enough for milk... SO BAD!!



    . coming on here tonight has made me feel better.


    I was kick started into action after a dream I had in the early hours of Monday morning.


    I dreamed I was using my on-line baking, trying to make payments.

    .. but all the passwords were wrong and nothing would work..

    . in my dream I was struggling on the lap top with a massive pile of bills to pay..

    . trying over and over to pay them.


    There was money in the bank to pay them and the feeling of being able to pay them was great.

    .. but I just couldn't make anything work.

    .. it was all so confusing..

    . then I woke up!! And thought..

    . This is silly

    ... these debts are even eating me alive in my sleep!!!


    I HAVE GOT to do something..

    . So I am...

    And this is the start of my thread.


    Fingers crossed I make a positive change.

  10. Hi


    I received the following message from the seller:


    "The fact remains you have entered into a legally binding contract through ebay to purchase the tickets at the agreed cost.

    As I stated I will be commencing full legal proceedings against you on Monday morning to recover the full amount plus court and legal costs.

    You have until Sunday evening to make the agreed payment by paypal or offer me a suitable and agreeable compensation figure.

    As a regular user of ebay; no doubt you are fully aware of your obligations to complete the transaction you have entered into."



    I checked out the rules for selling tickets on ebay and I replied to the seller:



    "Here's some information about: eBay rules - items that are restricted or prohibited

    Tickets are generally allowed to be sold on eBay, however you should carefully read any contracts that you have entered into that may limit your right to sell your item on eBay. Also, tickets have to be available for dispatch within 30 days from the date of purchase.


    Your claim would not stand up in court. You do not have the ticket to send within the 30 days which means you have breached ebay's selling policy.


    In addition you have not posted the terms and conditions of the ticket sale in your listing, thus making your listing and consequently the sale of the item void.


    Please may I have your name and address so I can begin to create my defence and also pass this information to my legal adviser who will be able to look you up on the Barristers' Register (as you stated you were a qualified barrister in a previous correspondence, which may constitute a verbal threat in written communication, if you are not actually a barrister... which again will add to my defence).


    I am a regular user of ebay. I have been a user since 2003 and have 100% feedback


    Many thanks"




    I haven't heard back from him yet.


  11. A little update:


    I have contacted ebay regarding the seller not having the item to send me within the 30 days of auction end (as stated in ebay's policy) and the fact that there are no terms and conditions regarding the original ticket sale mentioned in the listing... so am waiting for them to get back to me with a bit more information regarding this.


    I am hoping that my 'legal obligations' will be irrelevant due to the fact that the seller has not complied with ebay selling policies when listing the item.


    I have also begun a case in the help/resolution cntre regarding the sellers persistnat threats of legal action via email before the unpaid item case has ended (theoretically, all contact should be through the resolution centre).


    He is only pursuing me because of the inflated price of the ticket when the auction ended. Any genuine and reasonable seller would reach an agreement amicably. I admit that I was in wrong for bidding on the item, but I din't think for a minute that his listing was honest and law abiding. It would be interesting to know if any of the other ebay members that retaliated in the same way as me are experiencing a similar scenario. As I said in my first post, pages and pages of completed listings on ebay are showing to have sold tickets from thousands to millions of pounds.


    Aside from the possibly impending court case, there must be something stirring in the offices of ebay what with all the recent activity regarding stone roses tickets.


    Thanks for reading

    Maxine :-)

  12. From the ebay seller:


    Hi Maxine

    Thanks for your kind comments

    as you have bid and won the auction I fully expect you to honour your legal obligations and purchace the tickets at the agreed price of £1,353.

    Im sure you are fully aware of Ebays rules and regulations including the fact you have entered into a legally binding contract.

    As a qualified Barrister I will certainly look to enforce collection of the payment plus legal costs if it is not paid by paypal by monday morning

    Thank you

  13. I looked on the ticket line website... there is no mention of the rules about selling the tickets on. Here's what they list in their T&C:


    Your use of and access to the Ticketline Website ("Site") and any transactions you may make are subject to the terms and conditions which are set out below. By using this Site you agree to accept these Terms. If you do not, you should exit this Site.


    About Ticketline and this Site


    This Site is intended to be a source of useful information relating to concerts, shows or other productions ("Events"). The Ticketline Network Limited ("Ticketline" or "we" or "us") shall use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained on the Site is accurate and up to date. We may update the content and make improvements or changes in the information, services and other materials on this Site at any time without notice.

    Ticketline is a ticket agency. We do not host, promote or produce any of the Events details of which appear on this Site and for which you might wish to buy a ticket. We do not control the Event nor do we set prices, we only charge a booking or handling fee and these may be set by the promoter or organiser of the Event. We do not accept any other liability for any ticket purchases made via this Site save as set out in these Terms. There may be other terms and conditions applicable to any Event and you should check the venue or the promoter's website or any site advertising the Event before committing to buy a ticket. Most will have clear statements of any applicable policies, (such as age restrictions) on their websites.

    All intellectual property rights in the design of this Site and the contents, selection and arrangement of all of the material which is available on this Site belongs to Ticketline. No material from this Site may be commercially exploited in any way, without our prior written permission.

    We cannot guarantee that this Site is error free, uninterrupted, or virus free.

    This Site contains links to other websites which are independent of Ticketline. We have no control over such sites and any links are provided as a convenience to you as a user of this Site, and do not imply our endorsement of the linked websites or association with their operators.

    Buying Tickets and Returns


    Once you have purchased tickets, they can only be exchanged, refunded or returned in the circumstances described below:

    If we fail to fulfil an order as a result of any negligence, or similar act or omission of our own or in breach of contract the customer will be entitled to a full refund including any booking fee charged.

    If the event is cancelled, postponed or material changes are made to the Event, namely a change of the venue or the headline act, the original tickets that you have purchased will remain valid for the revised event (except for in the case of cancellation) unless otherwise advised. However, in these circumstances, only the face value of the tickets will be refunded as these are circumstances beyond our control. If the tickets have not been posted out, the processing fee will also be refunded.

    There will be no refund for lost, stolen or damaged tickets (save that duplicate tickets may be possible, however a duplication fee equal to the original despatch fee may be charged) or if the venue or Event organiser provides different seats to those specified on the ticket.

    For any refund of face value you will be required to return the tickets, on receipt of which we will make the refund. The refund will be made using the same method of payment that was used to purchase the tickets. Tickets should be returned to Ticketline, PO Box 4061, Manchester, M60 1YT.

    Refund requests will be accepted up until 1 week before the date of the revised event or 1 week after notification of the change (whichever is the later) unless otherwise advised. We are unable to refund tickets that are received after this time.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that tickets returned are received by us. It is therefore advisable to return any tickets either by secure post or in person.

    When events are cancelled, postponed or the venue or content is significantly changed, we will do our best to inform all purchasers using the contact details provided when the order was made. However it is the responsibility of the purchaser to check whether the event is going ahead at the scheduled date, time and venue. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to make contact with you.

    It is the responsibility of our customers to inform Ticketline of any change of address, contact telephone number or email address both before and after receipt of your tickets.

    Always check your tickets on receipt, as mistakes cannot always be rectified later.

    Although Ticketline will use reasonable endeavours to indicate any age or other restrictions that apply to events, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that they are eligible for entry to the event that they are purchasing tickets for.

    Promoters and Venues always reserve the right to refuse admission to an Event and tickets are issued subject to the rules and regulations of the venue. We will therefore not offer refunds to any ticket-holders who may be refused entry. The unauthorised use of photographic and recording equipment at venues is usually prohibited.

    We will not be liable to you for any loss of enjoyment or profit nor any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages.

    We will not be liable for any misrepresentations, negligence, contractual or tortuous loss of any kind suffered by you from the products, or services, or actions of any venue, performer, promoter or others.

    If you are collecting your tickets rather than having them posted out, please be advised that the tickets must be collected by the cardholder in person, and that the credit card must be presented on collection. The cardholders' signature will be required on collection.

    There is no standard despatch time for tickets ordered through this site as tickets for different events have different despatch times. However, all tickets should be received at least one week before the event, unless they are being collected from the venue. Tickets booked within 10 days of an event that are being posted, may be received slightly later, but should be received at least 2 days before an event.

    If it becomes impractical to post tickets out due to proximity of an event or circumstances beyond Ticketline's control, we reserve the right to make the tickets available for collection at the venue and will inform you accordingly.

    For certain events there may be a restriction on the maximum number of tickets that may be purchased. We will use our best endeavours to publish this information on the Site and at the point of ticket selection for the event. In such case, we reserve the right to only offer for sale the maximum number of tickets available and to cancel any orders made that exceed the maximum authorised tickets per customer without notice.

    If tickets despatched by special delivery are returned as 'addressee unknown', we reserve the right to cancel the order.

    We reserve the right not to despatch tickets to you if the tickets were listed at an incorrect price due to a typographical error, which sometimes happens, or an error in the pricing information received by us from the Promoter or the Venue.

    If this occurs we will notify you by telephone or e-mail as soon as we become aware of the error and if you do not confirm within 14 days that you wish to purchase the tickets at the revised price we will re-credit to your account any sum deducted by us from your debit/credit card in full as soon as possible but in any event within 21 days of your order. We will not be obliged to offer any additional compensation for disappointment suffered.

    For the purposes of these Terms, Force Majeure event means an event beyond the reasonable control of Ticketline including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of Ticketline or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors.

    Ticketline shall not be liable to you as a result of any delay or failure to perform its obligations if an Event is cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure Event.



    If these Terms are not complied with, we reserve the right to terminate access and use of the site.

    These Terms represent the entire understanding and agreement between you and us and shall have priority over any and all prior statements, understandings or agreements whether oral or in writing.

    We may modify these Terms at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Terms on this Site. Your continued access or use of this Site shall be deemed your acceptance of the modified Terms applicable from time to time.

    These Terms are governed by English law and any disputes subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts and, by using this Site, you hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such courts for such purposes and waive any and all objections to jurisdiction or venue in such courts.

    If any court finds any provision of these terms to be void or unenforceable for any reason, then such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of the courts finding without affecting the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

    Any queries regarding tickets or any other services associated with this site should be directed to Customer Services. Please follow the link for contact information.


    Despatch of Tickets: Your tickets will be posted to your address

    You will receive your tickets at least 1 week before the event or 5 days after you have made your booking if it is booked within 12 days of the event.

    In exceptional circumstances where this is not possible we will contact you to advise you and make alternative arrangements where necessary.


    Im not sure what further advice I could give, it is possible to delete bids if you made a genuine mistake, (i.e you ment to bid £135.00 not £1350.0)


    Also Barristers are highly paid professionals and I doubt they spend their free time as part time ticket touts !




    Aha..Now having read your first link..it appears that the tickets T &C's forbid them being re-sold, so your defence would be that you bid a ticket then found out that they cannot be re-sold and that the ticket you would be getting may well be invalid and therefore you wish to cancel the bid. The fact the seller didnt mention these T &C's and that he is no doubt NOT an authorised seller should help you.




    Thanks very much for advice. I think that once an ebay auction has ended it is not possible to change a bid by stating a genuine mistake had been made... besides that, the seller knows that the inflated price of the final value was due to me and other frustrated members rebelling against him. We have exchanged messages that speak of this... and so if the emails were used in court he could prove that I knew how much I was placing a bid for.


    I am just trying to prepare myself for what may happen. I hope I might be able to win any court action he throws at me. I am hoping he is all talk... but he might have pound signs flashing in his eyes with the inflated price of the ticket.


    I have been an ebay seller/buyer since 2003 and have 100% feedback record. Placing bogus bids is not something I would normally take part in. It was just the whole Stone Roses Ticket situation... if you read the news related links on my first post, you'll see that it was easy to get caught up in it.


    Do you think I should discuss things like the T&C of ticket sales, not having ticket in hand and all that with the ebay seller?... or just leave all that for the defence?


    Also... is there a way of changing a user name here on CAG? I have used my real name (didn't think about that all those years ago when I first joined CAG) and am starting to feel paranoid about the information people can access about people through the internet.


    Thanks agin folks... it really does help to discuss things with others. :-)

  15. just to add... details of the listing:


    Ended: 21 Oct, 201117:02:21 BST

    Winning bid: £1,353.00

    [ 18 bids ]

    Postage: £6.00 - Standard Delivery

    Item location: Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

    Post to: United Kingdom


    Estimated within 2-3 working days


    | See payment information


    No returns accepted


    2x The Stone Roses Tickets


    The Ultimate Reunion


    Heaton Park, Manchester


    Friday 29th June 2012






    These tickets are GENERAL ADMISSION/STANDING - Get as close to the front as you like for THE gig of 2012 !!


    !! DO NOT MISS OUT !!


    Tickets are not yet in hand but I have confirmation email to send to the winning bidder on request. Tickets will be posted to you as soon as i receive them posted by Royal Mail Special Delivery !







    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me otherwise, good luck & happy bidding !


    !! UK BUYERS ONLY !!



  16. Hi everyone.


    I've got myself in a bit of a mess and need some urgent advice regarding an item I bid on on ebay.


    I bid on and won two concert tickets (for The Stone Roses in June) on ebay which I did not wish to pay for and now the seller is taking me to court. The day the stone roses tickets went on sale, they were virtually impossible to purchase through the tickets master type sites before they were already sold out. Within minutes, tickets were listed on ebay for at least double the price.... then triple then soon after some sellers were listing tickets for ridiculously high prices.


    Ebay members who were also Stone Roses fans were outraged by this (me included) and begun placing high bid on listings in an attempt to rebel against the ticket touts who had contributed the the unavailability of tickets. I know it was a little silly, but I got caught up in the moment and joined it with the activity. Pages and pages of tickets were soon going for millions of pounds on ebay and people were discussing their disapproval with ticket touts on facebook and joining in with the rebellion by placing bogus bids on ebay.


    Here's an example of buyers plaing bids and inflating the price to 10,000,000.00:



    I placed a bid on some tickets and won the auction at £1353.00


    The seller and I exchanged a few messages, me being a little cocky to begin with saying I did not agree with ticket touts etc... then I apologised for taking my frustrations out of the seller and begun following the process of cancelling the transaction through the resolution centre. The seller filed and 'unpaid item' case against me, but is also sending me messages stating that he is a barrister and will take me to court for the full amount plus costs.


    Ebay help centre states that: [B]I won an item but no longer want to buy it. What should I do?[/b]

    A bid or purchase on eBay is considered a contract and you’re obligated to purchase the item. However, if you feel that you have a legitimate reason for not buying the item, you can contact the seller and explain your situation. Many sellers are willing to work with you if you communicate with them openly and honestly. If you haven’t done so already, request the seller’s contact information. Possibly, things can be worked out to everyone’s satisfaction.


    If the seller doesn’t respond in the way you hoped, keep in mind that failing to purchase an item you have won can result in an unpaid item being filed against you by the seller. If you get too many unpaid items in too short a time period, your account may be restricted or suspended.


    Now... to begin with I thought the seller had no legal grounds to actually take me to court, but now I am beginning to worry that he may actually have a case and I could be forced through the courts to complete the transaction and pay this ridiculous high amount for tickets. There must be others experiencing the same thing, as literally hundreds of bogus high bids were placed on that day (Friday 21st October).


    I read another thread on here about a person who bought a caravan on eBay and decided they didn't want it because it wasn't as described, was taken to court and lost because they wasn't very prepared int their defence. I want to make sure I am well prepared in my defence if this seller does do as he said he will.


    So... sorry it was a long intro... but what do we think people.


    Thanks in advance... Maxine :-)


    News related stories:




  17. Thanks for posting....


    I have had a bad week really and haven't done anything about it. I keep hiding my head in the sand. I was supposed to send in an income and expenditure info to the solicitors, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. In the day time I am distracted by noisy kids... and then on the evening I try not to think or worry about it all and so a vicious circle is beginning. I really should get it done... but I am worried they will see we can't afford the mortgage and just reposes the house.

  18. Hi Ell-enn


    Thanks for your post...


    I did ask the lender once before if we could pay interest only... back last year before I went back to work... they sent an assessor round to see us who looked at the house and discussed our income and expenditure with us. Because I had proof that I had applied for jobs and had interviews coming up, they allowed us three months at a reduced amount of £300 (which was lower than interest only)... the shortfall between that and the usual payments, the interest and the charges were all added onto the arrears with an understanding that would have to be paid back when we were financially better off. My job began in January and we were better off for about 6 months until hubbys job ended.


    Arrears fees are listed below:

    27 Apr 2009 £35

    18 Jun 2009 £35

    07 Jul 2009 £35

    02 Nov 2009 £85 (I think was a higher amount because of the fee for the assessor coming round)

    19 Jan 2010 £35

    05 Jun 2010 £35

    14 Jun 2010 £35

    05 Jul 2010 £125 (again, I think this fee is high because of the court proceedings).

  19. Hi there


    I am looking for some help and advice with regards to the pending possession proceedings I've got going on with my mortgage lender at the moment.. hearing date 6th September.


    I have a large amount of arrears (£6,615.25)... which build up towards the end of last year when my husband roofing contractors started laying him off due to lack of work. During this time I was a stay at home mom and so didn't have an income, we had to rely on laid off days/half time wages. I got a job January and went back to work as a teacher in order to prevent us from going under... since then we have been paying the usual mortgage amount with just an extra £20 towards the arrears... this was fine until we missed June and July's payments completely after hubbys job completely died a death and he is now the house husband with no work. So... we relay completly on my salary which we can just about survive on with a few tax credits to help.


    My dilema is that my mortgage lender... Birmingham Midshires have bought in the legal services of Shoosmiths and are now taking me to court to try and secure a payment agreement to clear the arrears... at the moment clearing the arrears in near impossible with just one wage coming in. Shoosmiths have asked me to fill out an income and expenditure form to show what we can afford to pay.... but I am worried that if it looks like we are too skint and cannot pay back any arrears yet... then the possessions proceedings will continue and we will loose our home.


    Can anyone advise please??? Do I fill out the income and expenditure sheet and show just how skint we are... or do I play my cards close to my chest and make it look like I can afford to pay a bit more... therefore having to sacrifice days out for the kids and chop a bit off the food budget.


    we are a family of 6... me, hubby... 14 year old... 5 year old, 4 year old and a 2 year old....


    I earn £24,000 a year and we owe about £125,000 on the mortgage. We have no option to down size as we are already over cramped in the house we live in...


    Another thing that I wonder about... is the high interest rate I am paying on my mortgage... my mortgage is currently set at 6.05% until November next year... Is there any likely hood that a judge may request that the lender reduces the interest (when they see we can not afford to pay off the arrears)... being as rates have come down so much in the last few years??? About £600 a month I pay is purely interest... I pay £770 a month... so hardly anything actually gets paid off the loan... and they keep adding on arrears fees and £35 a throw which have mounted up, so much so (including the arrears) that although we are paying the mortgage... we actually owe more now then what we borrowed.


    Sorry to go on... I am in a bit of a panic if I am honest. I am not sure which approach to take in preparation for the court hearing on the 6th September.


    Any help/links/advice is greatly appreciated... many thanks, Maxine :-)

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