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Posts posted by rebel454

  1. I have had debt problems really for the last 20 years but always managed to avert what I always called 'Tragdy', what this meant was robbing peter to pay paul and when that was sufficient borrowing more money to stave off all the bills and to keep going. Looking back I was utterly depressed then, but didnt acknowledge it, I just kept going beleiving that somehow a miricle would happen and all would be right. How wrong I was, back then you see there were no web sites like this as I remember there was no computers, so I only had myself to blame, worry, pick myself up and then worry again, sleeping tablets, this became a routine for me for many years. I couldnt talk to my husband, he had his own worries keeping a job that the governement was determind to take away from him. He was a miner and had been for 30 years, in 1990 he turned up for work on the morning shift, to be told at 10.00am that morning that he was no longer required. Yes he got his lump sum which a lot of the public out there stated that the payouts were over the top. But let me tell you it does not cover life when there are no jobs to move into, in fact it took 18 long months to get him back into work, then he was working for £2.50 per hour, 60 hour weeks as a security guard, plus he was travelling 50 miles each way to work, it doesnt take Eienstein to work out that most of his wages were being taken up by petrol costs.


    Well the final blow came 2003, I coudnt keep going any longer, no more creditors would lend. I by that time had updated my qualifications as I new also that I would soom be made redundant, so I thought I planned ok and in plenty of time to carry on paying the bills, the creditors and hopefully get a better job. I pushed myself mentally and physically, working full time, running a home, taking care of our children and supporting my husband who by this time had , had a nervous breakdown, and was in and out of the local pyschiactic unit at the local hosptial, and doing a part time MBA at the local univeristy. For 3 years this was my life, pushing my own fears and depression, to the back just to keep going and keep my family together.


    2003 was when I signed up to a debt management program with a very well known Company, over the next 5 years I paid £65.987 back to my creditors, yes I get a better paid job, my MBA definatlly helped with that, I was working in London and commuting everyday. I spent 35 hours a week on the motorway travelling to and from work, 2008 came after what seemed like a thousand default letters, Phone call threats I couldnt even list, the final blow came with a CCJ from Lloyds TSB for a sum I had no knowledge of owing, £37,000, I turned up to court, asking for a breakdown of the figures, as I honestly didnt know where this figure had come from. The judge agreed with me and Lloyds TSB were given a fortnight to provide the information, well when it came I new something was wrong, it was not a proper statement, I couldnt make heads ot tails of the figures. I then went to see a solicitor as the judge had advised me to do, well 1st hour free, 2nd hour £175 later, the solicitor informed me that they couldnt make heads or tails of the bank fodder, that it would need forensic analysis by a qualified accountant, which would cost another £600-700 pounds. Well I just gave up, I couldnt go on any further. My job disapered right in front of my eyes due to downsizing of the firm, I had recieved a dreaded CCJ, last count 32 default letters, some of them double for the same debt. I couldnt keep affording the payments to the debt management company, so yes I did the most awful thing of all, the central reservation of the M1 was the answer to my prayers. God must have had some ulterior motive for my stupidity, anyway I am here to tell my tail. I am now in an IVA, I am pain riddled, on anti depressants, sleeping tablets. Have had two years of regular psychological intervention, I lock myself away from the world when I dont have to go out. I dont speak to anyone from the past, and I have no one to talk to in my present or in my future.


    I feel extremely bitter, frightened, stupid, alone, even the light at the end of the tunnel with the IVA is a hollow triumph as we are still paying off our joint debts through a debt managment company again as my husband cant get an IVA as he is now retired and extremly disabled.:!:

  2. 1970


    You are dealing with people who treat you (everyone) as a complete an utter nuisance, they talk to you as if you are something on the bottom of their shoe, rob you blind with concelment of charges, insider dealing with your accounts, then put you in default because you havent read their thoughts. This company has nearly took me to the grave and back, I am in the county courts process fighting a CCJ which I have been told by a judge I have a good case of fighting, due to LLoyds inept practice.


    Good luck and keep fighting


    My story is long bu I will try to keep it short and sweet.


    Lloyds TSB succesfully won a CCJ against me in June of this year. The fisrt court forms came through last October, I am with a Debt Management company who told me not to worry to send everything of to them as I received it and they would deal with it for me, but they coudnt go to court with me as I wanted to dispute the case, due to bank charges. In December of last year I was notified that the case had been transferred to the local county courts for me to attend,I also received an allocation questionaire which was duly sent to Payplan. I didnt hear anything more for months, I honestly thought that LLoyds TSB had not won the case as I had heard nothing until June of this year when I was notified of the CCJ.:evil: I contacted Payplan who just logged up the debt of £38,000 without any more questions asked. I then decided to fill in form N244 and paid my £65 to the courts to try and have the CCJ put aside. I asked Payplan for copies of the paperwork thay had submitted to the courts, on recieving the copies I noted that the allocation questionaire had not been filled in by them. I then had 4 days before being able to speak to them, still no answer to my calls so I went to see them unannounced which took them by surprise as I asked to see the MD. I got to speak to the head of the legal team and also head of customer services who nether of them could explain why the allocation questionaire hadnt been filled in and returned to the courts. This is why the CCJ has been done. After 2 hours of discussion with nether an apology or reason, they said that they would contact LLoyds TSB to try and sort out why the amount was extremely high. The same day I got a phone call back from the head of customer services to say that they has spoke to Lloyds TSB whom had admitted that £15,000 which had been paid to them via Payplan had not been deducted from the total. It also appears this amount of £38,000 is two loans put together with interest added on. I have not been notified of this or signed any paperwork from lloyds to say that I would agree to do this. I also submitted a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to lloyds for copies of bank Statements, loans agreements T&C's and credit card statements enclosing a £10 PO, a letter came back within 10 days with my original S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)'s letter plus PO stating that the amount was a loan.I had my court hearing on the 13th of this month Lloyds solicitors didnt turn up, just wrote a letter to the courts stating why the CCJ shoudnt be put aside. The judge listened to what I had to say, and has set aside the CCJ for 28 days to allow me time to get a solicitor as he said that I had a very good chance of persuing this to a win. Problem I cant get legal aid as I am £250 am month over limit, Judge has told me that Barristers will be involved I cant afford a solicitor myself due to the Debt Management, Althoughh the judge has said that I have a case, a private solicitor has said that I have a case against LLoyds and also Payplan and yet I cant afford him. Any ideas how I can get this sorted or is it worth is as I am thinking of either an IVA if I can get a job ( I am self employed at this time however this is finishing next week) or sell up, divorce and go bankrupt.:sad:




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  4. Hi


    I have contacted you as you were kind enough to post a reply to my thread.


    My story is long bu I will try to keep it short and sweet.


    Lloyds TSB succesfully won a CCJ against me in June of this year. The fisrt court forms came through last October, I am with a Debt Management company who told me not to worry to send everything of to them as I received it and they would deal with it for me, but they coudnt go to court with me as I wanted to dispute the case, due to bank charges. In December of last year I was notified that the case had been transferred to the local county courts for me to attend,I also received an allocation questionaire which was duly sent to Payplan. I didnt hear anything more for months, I honestly thought that LLoyds TSB had not won the case as I had heard nothing until June of this year when I was notified of the CCJ. I contacted Payplan who just logged up the debt of £38,000 without any more questions asked. I then decided to fill in form N244 and paid my £65 to the courts to try and have the CCJ put aside. I asked Payplan for copies of the paperwork thay had submitted to the courts, on recieving the copies I noted that the allocation questionaire had not been filled in by them . I then had 4 days before being able to speak to them, still no answer to my calls so I went to see them unannounced which took them by surprise as I asked to see the MD. I got to speak to the head of the legal team and also head of customer services who nether of them could explain why the allocation questionaire hadnt been filled in and returned to the courts. This is why the CCJ has been done. After 2 hours of discussion with nether an apology or reason, they said that they would contact LLoyds TSB to try and sort out why the amount was extremely high. The same day I got a phone call back from the head of customer services to say that they has spoke to Lloyds TSB whom had admitted that £15,000 which had been paid to them via Payplan had not been deducted from the total. It also appears this amount of £38,000 is two loans put together with interest added on. I have not been notified of this or signed any paperwork from lloyds to say that I would agree to do this. I also submitted a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to lloyds for copies of bank Statements, loans agreements T&C's and credit card statements enclosing a £10 PO, a letter came back within 10 days with my original S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)'s letter plus PO stating that the amount was a loan.I had my court hearing on the 13th of this month Lloyds solicitors didnt turn up, just wrote a letter to the courts stating why the CCJ shoudnt be put aside. The judge listened to what I had to say, and has set aside the CCJ for 28 days to allow me time to get a solicitor as he said that I had a very good chance of persuing this to a win. Problem I cant get legal aid as I am £250 am month over limit, Judge has told me that Barristers will be involved I cant afford a solicitor myself due to the Debt Management, Althoughh the judge has said that I have a case, a private solicitor has said that I have a case against LLoyds and also Payplan and yet I cant afford him:evil: Any ideas how I can get this sorted or is it worth is as I am thinking of either an IVA if I can get a job ( I am self employed at this time however this is finishing next week) or sell up, divorce and go bankrupt.:sad:




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  5. Hi


    Has anyone got any experince etc with CCJ's Lloyds TSB has just finally won there case against me, even though I was not given time and dates of the County Court hearing and stating on the court papers that I would be defending my case, due to excesive bank charges, etc which I believe amounts to thousands of pounds. I hope there is someone who can really help me, as I have been told to go to the CAB, Trading standards and also the finacial ombudsman, plus wriet a letter of complaint to the court?

  6. Hi

    I have now received the bank statements, and am stuck on interest and the schedule I have to fill in. IE what is Compound interest? I was busy adding up the interest that has been charged on my Nat West account for the last 6 years, is this wrong? I have seen that a schedule listing the amounts claimed is to be used but unfortunatley cant open the links. IM on my dads PC which is not allowing the attachements to open.

  7. Hi


    I am totally confused. I have recently received my bank statements from Nat West and also Nationwide. Nat West I have totalled the interest that has been charged to my account for the last 6 yrs which comes to £467.00 the charges are separate and come to £2,388. I was going to add these together to get an accumulating figure. Nationwide have not sent any figure work out for interest and only the figures for excess charges. I was due to go into my internet bank and print of the interest that has been applied to my account since it has been opened. Now I have printed off my letters requesting this money and looking further into the website I am being told to print out a schedule itemising the amount being claimed , and compound interest as opposed to I assume ordinary interest, can any one tell me if my original way of doing things was correct, if not I am totally lost on calculating interest charges, which is a lot of money to loose between these two accounts



  8. Hi


    Just to let you know, letters have gone to Nat West, Nationwide, Citibank, and Lloyds, I cant wait now for the next 40 days to see what materialises. I started to look at the links that you sent regarding Credit Cards which loks really in depth and I really got quite confused with the amount of legal jargin that was being discussed by other members, please ttell me has anyone fought the credit card companies regarding this. I will obviously keep reading, but I hope I dont loose track b4 I get to page 104

  9. Hi Rippedoffagain


    Yes they are all credit card and unsecured loans. MBNA, Capital One, Barclaycard visa and master card, TSB Visa and master card, egg, Cahoot, Marbles, HFC Bank Loan, Lloyds TSB bank loans x 4 RBS loan, some loans only have a couple of hundred pounds left to owed but with the DM programme the less you owe the less you pay back, I had a very nasty phone call from Cahoots third party collectors for 33p under paid last month via the DM company. Talk about wanting to murder, the stuffed shirt really got under my skin.

  10. Hi


    Many thanks for this, I will send this tomorrow. Do I send this to the other 3 banks also, as I believe NAt west owe me approx £3,000 bank charges, Nationwide, £1.500approcx and Citibank £400 approx, plus they took £500 out of my account in one month to repay my overdraft without telling me hence leaving me with no money to live on for the month.


    Also could you advise a decent bank, I will need to change banks, but who do I trust in my circumstances, at this time I cannot afford these bank charges as the DM take every spare penny I have to cover my debts which occured through my husbands illness 10 years ago. Every bank charge means less food for the family.

  11. Hi


    I joined the forum towards the end of last year, and have been putting everything on the back burner for too long now. So I am here to pick up the gauntlet and start the process of reclaiming my bank charges back. I am not a usually stupid person, but I have been through a lot over the last 4 years financially. I have been in a debt management program since May 2003 and am still. This has had a severe impact on my health and well being and have been on anti depresants for the last 3 years. So I am a little aprehensive about the whole process regards to getting it wrong etc.. My main target should be Lloyds TSB whom state that I ow £32,800 and have started CCJ proceedings, although my debt management company say I only owe around £20,000, this includes overdraft charges that were increased without my knowledge, late payment fees, etc..etc..


    I also have bank charges issues with Nat West, Nationwide, and Citybank. After I joined the DMP i as told to open a couple of accounts and transfer my wages etc... which is why I have joined the other banks.


    I want to persue LLoyds TSB but cant afford bailiffs if that is the way they are fighting back against customers reclaiming bank charges which Is what I have heard they are now doing? Is this true?




    I would welcome contact with anyone who can help me further.


    Rebel 454

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