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Posts posted by tigga_1961

  1. thanks for that andy, i havent been on here much but your post makes sense as i too was wondering when my loan will end, its 3 yrs is up dec but looks like due to interest will go beyond that with no missed payments, think i need copy of cca and will send it to fso and fsa for clarification

  2. hi thanks again lr, although i have 2 teenage daughters, the youngest is 14 and waiting to go for heart surgery, hence my need to move i cant get a grant from the family fund as she is not "severely disabled" im really appreciating your help here guys you keep giving me something to aim for,

  3. hi guys please dont fight on my behalf lol, i live in a housing assoc flat and have been offered council housing, im greatfull allwood didnt know anything about the above and as my local council was mentioned in there,, ive applied to their floating support services before i curl up and die.:sad:

  4. im so tempted to say just jump on a train and come home


    its just the motherly thing in me


    i hope you can sort things out


    thanks for the reply jack i wud so love to jsut jump on a train but as i only get £65 quid a week i cant even afford 2nd class ticket. i dont have any family that cud help me out the removals are going to cost in the region of £500 +, and as erika states im not on a qualifying benefit for a community care grant, been in touch with council welfare and health in mind who im under to see if they can offer me any help but so far cos ive worked all my live im 48 now and worked since day i left school i cant get help yet i get the same to live on as people on income based but have to stretch mine further,:confused: think i may as well give up...

  5. hi thanks for that sod-em means cos like i thought im contribuation based esa i cant get any help with anything, oh :-x:-xthe joys of working all your life and paying into the system, that dont help you when u need it makes me angry:-x

  6. Hi can anyone offer any help please im currently on esa, contribution based and live in essex ive been offered housing back in my native north east which i desperately want to take but the cost of moving is restrictive to say the least i only recieve £65 pw esa and no other benefits and im not entitled to a budgeting loan or community care grant because im contribution based esa does anyone know of any help i may be able to get to help me move? would i be able to get a crisis loan for this? all help appreciated thanks:(

  7. update today recieved whole waft of dwp papers as its been sent to truibunal service :eek:, i sent off extra letter 2 weeks ago as im awaiting xray results and now on very strong painkillers for my back and dwp havent recieved them even tho sent recorded delivery,,, as its now gone to appeal can i send these again, they also state i didnt send any infor from medical professionals i have been waiting 3 months for my referral to health in mind so dont have a therapist until 5th may and would of thought my dr signing sick notes would of been enough, any advice appreciated thanks

  8. just want to offer you my support to bendy, been depressed and suicidal because of debts and dca's calling forcing me to pay more than i could ever afford, but with the help of the guys n girls on these forums dca baiting is now a hobby, they ring me ask to confirm my details, so i ask them theirs and refuse to discuss anything on the phone, i would send the letters back marked not at this address then they gotta find you again by which time the debts will be statutte barred as already been said get your housing situation sorted even b&b is a start, have you been to the local council to register as homeless? if i can help you with anything shout or message me once u have a roof over your head u can start to tackle everything else one step at a time and dont worry bout standing on the snails (dca's) chin up chick

  9. Tigga - If your circumstances are still the same simply write to them explaining the situation and send it recorded. If they insist on taking you to court it will again be dismissed. The court will not make an attachment of earnings order against you if you are simply unable to pay.


    sorry for the delay in replying ive not been too well is it worth my while do you think in sending off cca to oung & pearce,as well as a letter explaing my situation, the agreement was signed in oct 2007 with a re-write in feb 2008 both signed off the premises as they came to my house. any one had any dealings with young & pearce,? help pleasse as received 2nd threatening letter this morning and im trying to get a clean slate after having a very bad year with ill health

  10. Watch Carter, tigga. Hes got a habit of sending court papers to a previous address you will have had. The first you will know about it is when you get letters telling you that you have got a CCJ against you.

    If that happens you need to get hard with him and report him.

    Have a read of Carter threads on here.


    thaks jed im sending prove it off to him asap, not even sure if its my debt as cc was only for £200 i maxed it never used it or paid anything since 2001:shock:

  11. Hi, im after a little advice please, ive recieved a heavy handed letter this morning from bc stating that i have to pay £643.61 by 25th march or they will take me to court blah blah -the letter was addressed to a surname i havent used in years and as it doesnt have my full name i cn only think its for a crap one credit card that i took out in 2001 and havent had anything at all to do with since, so it will be statute barred that i can guarantee. as its a surname i no longer use, it was my ex partners name we aint been together for 7 yrs, i have no idea where they got the address from shall i send cca request statute barred or admit the debt,or ignore any help appreciatated i dont want to go to court i now have new name new partner and trying to keep a clean slate, thanks in advance:-?

  12. hi, i understand exactly where ur coming from i was in the same boat went from working f/t to fighting cervical cancer and they still wouldnt listen, i did ask them to change my payment date which they done, but got in the final say that they would only do it 3 times in 12 months. have you tried speaking to a manager rather than a fone basher, i emailed james benamor the md and he got adrian harrison to ring me. still didnt get anywhere so i had to re-priorotise my debts, you could try cab, see if they can suggest anything but they hold the ace card-guarantor unfortunately.if i can offer any more advise just shout

  13. hi, sorry your having a rough time with flm but there isnt anything you can do as your son is guarantor and if you dont pay they will chase him for the payments. I was in a similar situation to yourself and can sympathise with you, but then u ask what about responsible lending? what about responsible borrowing if you took out the loan and were already up to the hilt in debt you cant really blame flm, and you son knew the risks when he agreed to go guarantor, unfortuately you will have to treat flm as a priority debt ie same as mortgage/rent and pay them as they will no doubt take you to court..As regards the text messages if you have a landline and they have that ring them and TELL them to remove the mobile number they dont need it and the amount of texts amount to harrasment and you son can ring and do the same. sorry i cant tell you what you want to hear but as you can see by the previous posts they lent you the money and they expect paid back.

  14. hi can anyone help me please post i pm'd you but understand you cant answer to everyone, welcome had a attachment of earnings against me, but as im on long term sick i replied to the court and it was dismissed i only get £64.30 per week to live on, but today ive had a letter from Young & pearce solicitors stating upon review of my income and expenditure i have £59.20 a month disposable income, yeah right i wish then i wouldnt be starving, and welcome will accept £40.pm, and to confirm this with them by monday 1st march2010 our client may instruct us to proceed with action against you, i need a letter to get this set aside as when it originally went to court i never recieved any original orders so couldnt go to court to defend myself, not sure what to do next any help appreciated

  15. hi ruskie no word from post regarding this but as im unemploeyed and now on benefits the courts issued a statemetn of means form to me which ive returned and the attachment of earnings has been dismissed, i now think welcome would have to reapply to the court if i find a job, hth, if anyone can advise it would be appreciated, thanks

  16. hi guys flm have taken me to court today even tho the citezens advice tried to come to a compramise over my loan repayments,i was unable to attend the hearing due to a job interview and was wondering if they could place a charge on my property and how long this takes to happen,as i am going through the goverments mortgage rescue scheme and i dont want this to ruin the chances of it being completed

    hi rye1980 sorry to hear bout ur run in with flm any news on the outcome yet, they realy are :twisted:barstewards and wont listen to any reasoning

  17. hi thanks for the replies, i dont know how many points i got, they only managed a small sentence in the middle of 3 pages to say as result of atos medical my payments would cease, appeal going off first thing monday as this is the only income i have, no savings or anything else.

  18. hi i had an atos medical (use the term loosely) last week and today found out that my esa has been stopped, obviously i am going to appeal the decision but my question is, i am aware i can keep getting esa while i appeal but do i have to re-apply or will this continue when dwp recieve the appeal form, this is my only form of income £64.30 per week so not sure what i need to do next any help appreciated, also what will happen to housing ben/ct do i need to inform housing office.

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