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Posts posted by saint-luco

  1. totally forgot to send a letter of approapiation, so we have struggled through with the help of close family A&L have charged me approx £250 per month, so now i will have to try and get those charges back or i will be forever in debt, 4 years ago i won against nat west so i have a good idea of how to go about this,but has it changed since that court case. i have tried to read my way through the success threads but i have trouble concentrating now, so any pointers will be more than welcome please

    sar is printed and ready to go. thanks in advance


  2. having got my charges back from nat west 3 years ago i now find i need to do the same with a& l, so any advice is welcome please.

    on 12th feb this year i had quite a bad stroke i get ssp monthly, i knew i had to cancel all my direct debits but i forgot to do it last week a& l phoned me to tell me i was £280 overdrawn and could i pay this off now i explained the situation to her but all she said was we will continue to charge you £5 a day untill you clear the debt. unfortunately i cant follow this through so my daughter will take over this thread and finish it for me'hopefully she will get back all the charges they have taken. tonight we have drafted a S.A.R ready to be printed and sent. please can you give her all the help and advice i know she will need



  3. wow that was quickjust got a reply to my mail.

    Thank you for your email.


    There is a balance outstanding of £24.50 for bailiff costs. This is for call made to you on 7/12/2009 prior to you making a payment direct to Medway council. As a good will gesture I have removed the costs for the 2nd call on the 11/3/2010.


    Please make payment of £24.50 on our website

    www.whyte.co.uk so that can return the case as fully paid. If this fee remains unpaid and further bailiff calls are necessary you will incur further costs for this action.


    Kind Regards

    Whyte & Company

  4. saint -luco

    1 luco mansions




    thank you for your letter dated18march 2010 warning of further legal action

    could you please confirm the amounts owed and who they are oswed to also could you please detail why these amounts are owed.


    i look forward to hearing from you



    have just sent this mail to whyte and co, i think it could have been worded better but it tells them what information i would like. normally i wouldsend a, recorded delivery,letter.is iyt ok to use email. any thoughts on this please. after my telecon with thrm on tuesday i am expecting a visit any time now from their man

  5. We need a lot more information here. How long has Mrs Luco been employed for, what does she do for a job. What do her terms and conditions say, what process (if any) did the employer carry out before dismissing her, how much was she earning, has she found new work since?

    sotrry i should have up dated this yesterday she spoke to her boss and he said her jobwas safe

  6. and now its my turn,i have benn off work since i had a stroke on feb 12th. i am expected to make a full recovery an d am looking to go back to work as soon as i can, but i have just been told 2 people have been offered my job i have always told my boss i would be backas soon as i can he phones me every week to see how im doing the phisiotherepist says i need to go back to normal as soon as possible the only thing stopping me at the moment is i need an automatic car as my work is 25 miles away the other side of the dartford crossingb and the is nopublic transport that goes there. do i have any rights to prevent my job being given to someone ele

  7. have todsy recieved aletter from said bailiffs

    warning of further legal action, it says amount if paid today£42.50; levy fee£42.00; total due£82.50. i phoned them and asked what theses fees are for especially as no levy has been taken she said pay by thursday or the bailiff will visit. i told her 4 weeks ago i had a stroke so surly the bailiff shouldnt visit my home, her reply was weve been dealing with you since december so your illness makes no difference she then said i have made a note that i have told you that you could get more fees if you havnt paid by thursday oh by the wat the£42.50 is becuse they have sent me a letter

  8. on the 12 th of mafeb i had a stroke and was in hospital for a week, mrs luco visited me every day bless her, when i was discharged the physiotherepisi asked her if she could take a week off as he didnt think i would be able to cope on my own. mrs luco asked her boss and he made it understood thay hr was not happy with her taking time off as whoever covers her needs a crb check done. any way yesterday morning i got up and was coming downstairs when i fell and had to be taken to the hospital,she tried to phonr her boss but no answer so mrs luco's mother phoned for her ,this after noon mrs luco got a phone call from a friend to tel her , her job was advertised in the jobcentre and on the job centre website. mrs luco is devastated that she has been sacked especially as apart from my statuary sick pay that was the only money coming,


    can thy do this to her

  9. cannot believe it, thouht i had said goodbye to this thread in december. but this mornin a bailiff from this company turned up i spoke to him out of the window he said i need to contact the council as they still say i owe tax despite paying it in full, before christmas,when i pointed out i was ill and he shouldnt come to my house any way he said that was my fault for not making sure the council had marked my account unfortunately i cannot find my account number so i have emailed the council asking if they csn send it to me, i would fone but the last timr i did i was on hold for 45 mins

  10. last update for you, have seen the doctor and am getting a letter to give to the council, went to see my boss, the tax will be paid tomorrow morning also when i saw the doctoor she said this has gone on long enough and has got me an appiontment with a vascular surgeon before christmas, so hopefully an operation soon after. once again thank you all for the brilliant advice and support given



  11. I am sorry to hear of your illness


    HOWEVER...it would apear that your circumsrtances are classed as "vulnerable" according to the National Standards for Enforcement Agents and accordingly consideration shoulf therefore be given for the bailiff company to return the debt back to the local authority.


    You need to ensure that a letter is send by e-mail to the company TODAY.


    have you a link please

  12. p7 Protected goods

    Since the writing of the code statute has been amended to specify those goods

    which may not be seized in levies for council tax (S11993/773 amending reg.

    45(1 )(a)). These are:

    ♦ such tools, books, vehicles and other items of equipment as are necessary for

    use personally by the debtor in his/her employment, business or vocation; and,

    ♦ such clothing, bedding, furniture, household equipment and provisions as are

    necessary for satisfying the basic domestic needs of the debtor and his/her


    The latter category of exemption also applies to distress for NNDR.

    as i start work at 5am and the only other way for me to get there is to get a train at 11pm the night before, arriving at work at about 2am, with a 1 hour walk at each end, would my car be covered by this

  13. telephoned the council this morning and spoke to a very nice lady who explained that i had to deal with the bailiffs not the council but after a while agreed to mark my account with the payment scheme i had suggested. the total owed is £515, she was actually quite sympathetic as we have allways paid on time, she wished me luck and said "whatever you do dont let them in".

    so ithen fired off an email to the council and the bailiffs, printed them and sent them recorded delivery. this is the copy of the letter/mail


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Re: Your Reference


    I understand ***** Council has appointed you to recover my Council Tax Liability arrears for 2009 of £515.00.


    Firstly I would like to make you aware that I am fully aware of my rights and you will not gain entry to my home under any circumstances to levy goods and I know the fees allowed under statute and when these fees can be applied.


    Due to my circumstances I am unable to pay this in one payment. Today I contacted the council and informed them that I will be making direct payments to the council of £100 on 30/12/09, £100 on 27/01/10, £160 on 01/02/10 and the remaining £155 on 01/03/10 or nearest working day after these dates


    It should be noted that I am not at any point refusing to pay this debt..


    Please also send an itemised statement of account that clearly shows what charges have been added and what for, you are required in statute to supply this information and I look forward to receiving this within 14 days.


    I am sending the council a copy of this letter and requesting that it be filed with my account for further reference.


    I hope the above meets your approval and I look forward to your timely reply by letter.

    Please ensure all future correspondence is to be by mail only.


    Yours faithfully,

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