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Posts posted by fuzzgun19

  1. I have not hidden the duration of stay time (23 mins), which is over the 10 mins 'grace' they allow.


    There didn't seem much point uploading a pic of the signage, because my car got the wrong car park, and the signage does not state 'free after 6pm' (just took takeaway's word for it) and signs are clearly placed at the entrance.


    I have until the 17th Aug to pay this at the reduced rate, which I'm seriously considering doing just to get rid of it. Going by advice on MSE and here, I feel if I was able to go any further with appealing I would have a very slim/zero chance of success, and also ruin the chance of the reduced rate or even incurr extra 'fees'.


    I fear I will just have to pay and keep paperwork in the hope one day people can claim these back.

  2. Thanks for the responses. If there's a 0.1% chance of a successful appeal with the IAS.. surely i'm wasting my time?






    For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture]


    please answer the following questions.


    1 Date of the infringement 09/07/18


    2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 17/07/18

    3 Date received 20/07/18


    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No, but appeal rejection letter does.


    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes


    6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] Yes - I appeal and dispute your 'parking charge', as the keeper of the vehicle. I deny any liability.

    There will be no admissions as to who was driving and no assumptions can be drawn, nor was there an agreed contract. Your signage terms fail the test of 'large lettering' and prominence of the parking charge, as established in ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis, which is fully distinguished.

    Should you fail to cancel this PCN, I require with your rejection letter, all images taken of this vehicle & the signs at the location that day. Do not withhold any images or data later relied on for POPLA/court.

    Firms of your ilk were unanimously condemned in 2018 as operating an 'outrageous [problem]' (Hansard 2.2.18). The BPA & IPC were heavily criticised too; hardly surprising for an industry where so-called AOS members admit to letting victims 'futilely go through the motions' of appeal and say on camera 'we make it up sometimes' (BBC Watchdog).

    I will be making a formal complaint about your predatory conduct to your client landowner, as well as complaining in writing to my MP and ensuring that they are appraised of the debate where Parliament agreed unanimously: ''we need to crack down on these rogue companies. They are an absolute disgrace to this country. Ordinary motorists...should not have to put up with this''.

    Formal note:

    Service of any rejection letter/POPLA code and/or legal documents by email is expressly disallowed. All responses to me from this point on, must be made by post. Regardless of any MCOL online/email system, service of any court claim must only be made by first class post to the latest address provided by me.




    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] Y. See below.


    7 Who is the parking company? Excel Parking.


    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Feethams Darlington

  3. Hello all, I've received a PCN through the post from Excel Parking, here's a brief explanation.


    My car parked in an area it had not parked in before and was not familiar with any of the parking. This was simply to pick up a takeaway.

    My car was advised by the takeaway that there was parking behind that is free after 6pm. So my car went after 6pm, only saw one car park behind and parked there for just over 20 mins.


    I (the keeper) have received a PCN from Excel Parking. Once this was received I had a look online and it seems they have been rather sneaky in this area. It looks like there's another car park behind the one I parked in that is not very noticable, and according to their website this is the one free after 6pm.


    So, my car being a newbie here and not knowing the area assumed the car park immediately behind the takeaway was the one free after 6.


    I bet this has caught a lot of people out.


    I appealed online, but have had a letter of rejection. They state in the letter about the signs at the car park being clear, and say they issued the charge correctly.


    Is it worth pursuing? as it was a case of mistaken car park and the car parked in the wrong one.. would my car have a leg to stand on?


    Also notice the letter says if I appeal again through IAS the reduced charge offered will no longer apply.

    Should I pay the £60 (reduced) now, or appeal.. is there ANY chance I would get a successful appeal?


    Has anyone ever won against Excel parking?

  4. Received a letter from Cabot stating Barclaycard are unlikely to be able to provide the requested documentation, and can confirm Cabot have decided to no longer pursue collection of this account. unless the info from Barclaycard is obtained in the future.

    They state the decision is not a write-off of the debt, and they will continue to report to the CRA's accordingly.


    So it looks like I'll have to ride this out until it drops off my files next year.

  5. I've received the 'SAR' from Santander, there is not much, and there is info on 3 store cards: Evans, Dorothy perkins, and QVC.


    The info shows application forms, and some lists of transactions. It looks like only the Evans card has the PPI section ticked when the assistant filled it in.


    I don't really understand the transactions lists (see below photo), and the other only seems to list payments and interest from 2005-2006 in which case the PPI would have been cancelled by the debt management company by then anyway.


    So it looks like I wasted £10 on the SAR.


    I would still like to go ahead and try to claim for the PPI (that is not showing on the SAR) on the Evans card.


    Is this still possible with no charges info?

  6. Received letter from Santander around 19th Apr stating they had received my SAR request on 15/4/15, and a response would be posted within 40 days (I make that around the 25th May).


    Received letter from Santander today regarding the questionnaire they sent and as I hadn't returned it, they are unable to review my complaint and have closed their investigation.

    I assume this can be ignored, and I can still go ahead as planned with (waiting for) my SAR, then claiming any PPI?

  7. Hi DX,

    Yes it was fee paying (Baines & Ernst) which I binned when I came to my senses lol ..although this was in 2004, so surely they can't have tried to claim in 2007 if I wasn't with them anymore, can they?


    So, you would recommend I SAR them, but what if they come back and say they don't have anything that far back?

    And what about the 28 days Santander have given me on the letter to send the form back?

  8. I've just received a letter from Santander regarding PPI on an old Evans store card I took out in the late 1990's.


    I'm not sure how they found me as the account has been closed since about 2007

    and I've moved address a couple of times since then, anyway this letter was a surprise to me,

    i've didn't think a company would tell you they might owe you money!


    Sin the late 90's I was young, and think I was in my first job when I took 3 store cards run by GE capital?

    They were all taken out in-store with the assistant filling in the form for me.


    In about 2001 I got into financial difficulties, and ended up with a debt management company,

    who (I'm pretty sure) stopped the PPI payments, so I may have only been paying the PPI for 2-3 years at £2-3 a month (this amount is a guess).


    I do have some statements for this Evans account, but only from 2004-2006,

    and randomly one of them shows 'account cover premium' at £2.15,

    the others only show 'interest', the balance at this time was in the £200's.


    The letter I've received from Santander, says that the FCA has requested all banks to review PPI complaints that were investigated and rejected prior to Dec 2010.

    It says I raised a PPI complaint in 2007, but it was rejected - I don't remember doing this at all!


    apparently Santander have started to re-asses it, and they need more info.

    They have enclosed a form to fill in and return, with lots of questions like:

    How was the policy sold.

    Did anyone recommend I took the policy.

    Did I ever claim on it.

    Was I working.

    Did I have any health problems.

    What happened when I took the policy.


    I've never Sar'd Evans (GE Capital) or Santander, so don't know any figures.


    Should I just fill in this form and return (any tips?), or will I need to SAR them?

  9. I think because you stated that you had done nothing about this, and would the previous advice still be the way to proceed.


    So this is a second account and debt you have with them?

    Yes. The NDR thing was an Index card in hubbys name.


    This one is not a debt, I'm trying to claim charges back.

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