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Posts posted by WILKINSS208

  1. Hi

    I am trying to reclaim PPI on a credit card which was taken out in 1996.

    Card was taken out 30/7/96 and MBNA later rang me 25/8/99 selling me PPI. They pushed me to have PPI and did not give me all the information, ie. did i already have a policy? what would happen if lost job? I could of got policy elsewhere etc etc


    I have received a letter from MBNA stating the below:


    You have said that the policy was not suitable for your needs. Since no advice was given our associates were not required to ask whether you had any existing insurance in place, collate any information about your demands, needs and circumstances and nor did we have a duty to ensure that the policy was suitable for you. However, we were required to give you information which was adequate for you to make an informed decision about whether or not you wished to purchase the policy.


    They set out the terms and conditions of the policy, eligibility details, the main exclusions and details of the 30day cancellation period. In addition, you were sent a policy summary and full policy terms and conditions after the call.


    After considering all of the information I have about your complaint, I note theat you would still have received significant benefit from this policy in the event of disability or unemployment, as the benefit more than covered your minimum payments each month. Furthermore, your sick pay and other benefits would not have prevented you from making a claim under the plicy and there was no other terms, limiatations or exclusions which were likely to have prevented you from making a claim.


    I took the card out, they later sold me policy informing me I had to take policy out to run along side my card, with added benefits for unemployment etc. When I was unemployed and tried to get help off MBNA, they failed to help, failed to inform me I could claim on policy. They advised me to cancel PPI off card to reduce my payments and thats all they could do.


    Where can I go from here?

    Please give advice

  2. thanks, but in my honest opinion I sold as not knowing there was or if there was damp in the van.......the van never smelt, wasnt wet or had mushy walls like he said. now he has damaged walls, i am hardly going to accept it back after he has damaged it

  3. Hi

    Can anyone help?

    I sold my caravan on ebay as an auctionlink3.gif. The highest bidder won and came and purchased it last Sunday. They fully inspected the van. I had noted some points on my auction of things that needed work doing to it or was damaged.

    Now they rang tonight to tell me the caravan has damp. They removed a blind (not sure why as fitted on wall) and they claim the wall is 'mushy' and their finger went straight through the wall.

    What are my rights here??

  4. Hi

    Can anyone help?

    I sold my caravan on ebay as an auction. The highest bidder won and came and purchased it last Sunday. They fully inspected the van. I had noted some points on my auction of things that needed work doing to it or was damaged.

    Now they rang tonight to tell me the caravan has damp. They removed a blind (not sure why as fitted on wall) and they claim the wall is 'mushy' and their finger went straight through the wall.

    What are my rights here??

  5. Ok, fair enough, I see where you are coming from but generally, the folk in the bank forum inc mortgages will have a knowledge of the current legal issues.


    Are you clear on what to do now?



    well no one knew an told me to put post in legal bit as not sure how i stand with signing consent form. thats what puzzles me, will it be thrown out because of this

  6. Its not a problem.


    You need to exhaust the complaints procedure with GMAC first. I think they will give you what you want during that process, and they have already made a first offer, take encouragement from that. This is just stalling.


    Keep copies of everything in case its needed for later, everything in writing.


    If you are unsucessful, then refer it to FOS. FOS will need to see you have exhausted complaint procedure.


    Court requires that you have exhausted all available routes. I don't see it getting to that stage. Be firm and remember you are in a strong position. The Supreme Court decision did not affect charges on mortgages, loans, credit cards, catalogues etc.


    i have done everything, sar, lba etc....they have contacted me several times via telephone to try and brush it off with £180.

    i didnt know how the court or fos would see the signed form if i reclaimed again.

    will i contact fos now then? can i do online

  7. Hello


    Were your first charges reclaimed in 2005?


    Is this a different mortgage you are reclaiming charges against?


    Did you sign a consent order saying you would not pursue further claims?? If so, why are they offering £180?



    thank you so much for replying, was giving up!

    yes my first charges -failed direct debit fees, late payments, etc etc were reclaimed in 2005 after going to court. offered me full settlement day before court!

    this is the same mortgage as i didnt pay the mortgage off till 2007, therefore, had further charges 2005-2007.

    i did sign consent form to state i would not pursue further claims with gmac. however, feel the £370 in charges during this time is unfair and i have a right to reclaim. they are offering me £180 as gesture of goodwill NOT admitting error.

    I just want to know whether worth pursuing or if signing that paper goes against me fr court.

    any advice would be great

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