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Posts posted by davethorp

  1. 1. Commercial links are not allowed on CAG. So stating Amazon is fine, but linking to it - from what mods have told me - is not allowed.

    2. Your guess is wrong. Play.com sells it for £59.99. The cheapest on Amazon is £78.95 (with no postage - the cheaper prices have postage on so are more expensive).

    3. Even if it was bought on Amazon, it still isn't cheaper than Truecall direct if using the CAG offer for the recording part, as Amazon £78.95 + recording kit @ £21.27 (cheapest I could find, but from a company I'm not prepared to use) = £100.22. But from Truecall it's £97.50 + CAG free recording kit, is cheaper. But Play.com is still cheaper.


    Well it was just a guess but then I knew there was a reason I'd stopped coming on this site quite as often as I used to.


    Nothing wrong with my maths.... I do have 2 A-Levels in it which is more than most people!!! Not that my post contained any form of mathematics anyway

  2. Sorry to bump a thread where I've been talking to myself but thought I'd update people.


    Following the last letter I got a reply from LTSBs solicitors today. They've removed the default as ordered and made a compensation offer which whilst less than the figure I asked for I have accepted.


    So after nearly 3 years it looks like this is finally over

  3. Oh that is annoying. Reading text like that makes me think of James Kirk speaking, but anyway.


    A Tesco till operator a few days ago told me I could only have one plastic bag because they were being withdrawn. Having more shopping that one bag could hold did not impress. However, one could easily go to the self service checkouts and help onesself to as many bags as possible.


    You can't do that in asda. Our local one didn't have any bags on the self scan either apart from the bags for life for 5p.


    The environmental issues are all well and good as is saying that you should take your own bags but what if you pop in for just a couple of bags worth but end up buying a trolley full. Presumably you then have to cram the trolley full of shopping into the two small bags, then have them split as soon as you leave the store. And what if you weren't planning a shopping trip but then remembered you needed some things whilst you were out?


    Asda are more than willing to use bags on their home delivery service despite all the goods being in crates anyway. We frequently have just one or two items put in a bag that wasn't needed anyway. We also have the opposite where they jam 60 tins of beans into one bag which has then split and can't be reused anyway. Really saving the planet there!

  4. They're not daft then ;)


    I seem to have been lucky with the ones I've used so far. I just seem to have to do a lot of searching to find a code that works.


    Nah they aren't. I had one code that had actually been e-mailed to me deactivated because someone else who had received it had posted it on a forum. Had to call customer care to get another one though as I'd received the original one they had no problems with this.


    Codes are getting very hard to come by these days though. Tesco started to clamp down on theirs months ago and now it seems asda are following suit


    EDIT just added the code you posted to my asda account and so far it is still working. Will see when we come to do next weeks big shop!

  5. In the absence of any response, I've drafted the following letter which will be going to Lloyds TSB head office first recorded tomorrow


    Dear Sir/Madam,


    I write regarding my old current account that I held with you at my previous address of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX referenced above and the court proceedings you issued against me, also referenced above, that I defended and successfully counterclaimed against.


    In that judgement, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference, you were ordered to pay me £200.32 which I am pleased to say you did (eventually and after I had to obtain a warrant of execution). However you were also ordered to remove any default notices you had registered with the credit reference agencies.


    It has come to my attention, that there is still a default notice on my credit file which has been updated each and every month since the court hearing. I enclose a screen print from my credit file for your reference.


    What I now require from you is as follows


    1. The default notice is to be removed from any and all credit reference agencies to which you report as per the orders of District Judge XXXXXXX of the Preston County Court. Please note this record is to be removed from my credit files and not merely amended or marked as satisfied.


    2. As the presence of a default notice on my file for a period of 18 months following an order for its removal has no doubt had a detrimental effect on my ability to obtain credit or indeed a current account equivalent to the one I previously held with yourselves I require a compensation payment of no less than £250 from yourselves for the defamation I have suffered


    You have 14 days to comply with the above otherwise I may be forced to file a further claim in the county court to enforce the original judgement and seek compensation. I will also report your non compliance with the judge’s order to the information commissioner as well as the court who may view your actions as contemptuous. I trust this will not become necessary.


    Please note that as I have moved home, any correspondence on this matter as well as payments of compensation should be sent to the address at the top of this letter (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) and not my previous address.


    Yours Sincerely

  6. Well it was a while ago but here's the basic story so far


    Lloyds filed a claim against me for £312 back in December 2006

    I defended and counterclaimed for my charges

    Lloyds failed to attend the hearing in May 2007

    I won and was awarded my charges, lloyds were ordered to remove any default notices from my credit files

    Eventually lloyds paid up and I thought the matter was closed


    Fast forward to now and I've just checked my credit file for the first time since the case and guess what... default notice still there and has been reported every month up til November 2008.


    So my questions are


    1. Presumably I am best taking this up directly with Lloyds rather than going to their monkeys at [problem]

    2. As a default notice has been plaguing my credit file for the last 18 months when a judge ordered it's removal would it be cheeky to ask (or demand) compensation from them. Any reasonable amounts?

    3. If Lloyds refuse to pay ball is there anyway I can get the court to enforce that section of my judgement against them?

  7. Well both me and my OH got letters off Freddy international today in response to two separate accounts after sending them the "prove it, don't think about calling and certainly don't think about popping round for tea letter"


    Both letters say the exact same thing that they are closing their file.


    For some reason they didn't quote my reference number I asked them to quote on all further correspondence which was:


    My Reference: S0/D0FF/AN/DGETA/PROPE/RJOB

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