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Posts posted by TANZARELLI

  1. The FOS will also only look at complaints against loan providers that were previously members of GISC prior to becoming regulated by the FSA in Jan 2005 also.


    An example of this is Welcome Financial Services. The were members of GISC from around July 2004 and then went on to become regulated by the FSA in Jan 2005. Prior to July 2004 they were not members of GISC. I had two loans whith them which I was mis-sold PPI on both and the FOS wont touch the first one but as the second was Sept 2004 they are now looking at this one.

  2. I had an Orange phone via Phone4U and was told that if I didn't wan the handset I had 14 days, I had nothing but probs with reception from Orange pile of sh@t so took phone back and the contract was cancelled. However Orange have since sent me a bil for about £12 for calls made on phone. They can whistle for this as the only calls I made I had poor connections and ended up loosing the connections also or couldn't hear the other party.


    Lets see them try and enforce this debt.



  3. Happy to agree to disagree - differences of opinion are welcome here, after all. (OTB's thread proves this very point)


    Who knows, maybe OTB's next installment will include what DCA's do (or do not do) with Redirection information gleamed from Royal Mail - in which case I'll get back in my box and shut it. ;)


    I'm all for maintaining the quality of the thread, but sometimes posters go so far off topic that the thread requires moderation (or a "little poke" in the right direction from those without moderator obligations) to keep it on topic.

    To be fair who gives a monkeys spud???


    I dont.


    You deal with the DCA when they are having a pop at you , most of them have watched the muppet show as I have LMFAO. Thing is I am not scared of kermit:eek: :grin: And if you get that you know what I mean;)

  4. Janesy, I would suggest that you start a thread on this in the General Debt Forum. I would imagine that most of the debts are now statute barred, but it doesn't stop them from searching. I would suggest not responding to any searching letters, although others may disagree.


    I doubt that current facilities would be withdrawn, especially if they have been properly run. I suggest same regarding her bank account.


    I really do think that you ought to start a separate thread on this and provide some further information. I hope this helps.




    Corn x:)


    A good call Corn :-)



  5. also as you have said you assumed the loan would not be paid without it then that is miss selling.


    see what they say but u have to haggle.


    I am currently working on my welcome claim myself and it was standard practice for them to state they could offer a loan if you took out PPI. Therefore due to your financial difficulties you were forced under duress to accept this PPI policy IMO.

  6. I have been on the phone about the discrepencies in the amounts quoted. I ahve also written a letter asking for a refund of the PPI which they told me they would not be adding but did add on. I was quiet intimidated at the time when I think back to the agreement date 6.5.2005

    There were three of them in the office when I went there.

    At least I'm going to fight this one with them and get what is mine of them.


    Are you aware that judging by the date of your agreement Welcome were regulated by FSA. Also that due to this fact the FOS will take on your claim for mis-sold PPI and will look into it for you. Its a slow route but stress free pretty much.

  7. My post was deliberately couched in general terms. I'm not sure how you have managed to construe it as aimed at you and been offended by it.


    Whilst I'm sure some people think carefully before having children, there are many who do not, and we all pay for the consequences.


    I agree with this SP, and also the fact that people often see it as a way to sponge off benefits and avoid working. But this is not what I am on about here.


    I am on about the government putting its money where its mouth is and supporting those parents who wish to work (therefore not claiming other benefits) and contribute to tax and NI payments, by providing suitable childcare facility so that they can move out of the poverty trap and therefore wellbeing and more than likely there health is increased meaning, if your looking at the bigger picture less of a drain on other resources such as the NHS etc.

  8. Hi


    Can I just say that whilst I totally sympathise with your situation I feel what is really needed is for the government to truly be family friendly and offer the sort of support that other countries such as Sweden and France offer.


    Our children face becoming instatutionalised because of the financisl restraints put on parents who would much rather have the important role of being a parent supported and recognised.


    Perhaps if parents were allowed to do their job properly then we wouldn't have so many detached and troubled teens without a proper belief in theirselves.


    This is not aimed at you Tanz and not aimed to offend just a point of view.


    I'll let you into a little secret, I believe in being reponsible and also for taking responsibility. I am fully aware that parents need to spend time with their children not only when they are young but when they go throught the transition into adulthood.


    I am actually a full time senior youth worker and know from experience a fair bit about so called "troubled teens" I work with them a minimum of 4 evenings a week and some weekends.


    I also totally agree that parents need to take responsibility for their children and agree that this is partly to blame for the way that some societies are functioning.


    This is not about that though. This is about choice and about the freedom to return to work but without the pressure to if you choose not to. Its about positive use of taxes and also its about developing societies/communitites if we can look at the bigger picture.

  9. I do not feel able to sign such a petition. These will not be 'free' places, they will be paid for by funds raised by taxes.


    The decision to breed should be an informed one, taking into account the financial and lifestyle restrictions imposed by small children, as well as the responsibility for caring for them.


    Your point here is?


    Are you trying to say that I didn't consider this before having children, because I find this offensive and you know absolutely nothing about my lifestyle homelife or anything else about me, also if you are insinuating that I don't choose to look after my child and would rather pass them over to someone else instead of looking after them myself then you are also sadly mistaken.


    Situations arise and financial restraints also impact on peoples lives. Its all very well saying people should have thought about it before breeding LMAO how narrow minded is that.


    The point is, I have a responsible job, I earn a fairly decent salary now, I have financial commitments, and I provide for my daughter. I do not own property and have to pay what I believe to be excessive rent, utilities, running a car which I need for work as have to comute 40 miles each day. My partner also works full time and my daughter always comes first with her also. We don't live extravengant lifestyles by any stretch of the imagination, however when all is paid we are left without much as the majority has gone on putting a roof over our heads £650 per month and childcare £480+ a month.


    Whether or not an informed decision has been made the fact of the matter is that the price of childcare has rocketed over the years.


    In an ideal world I would love to (as would my parter) stay at home and full time look after my child who incidently is 2 in June so this is not something I am doing for her/our benefit.


    Things are not like this.


    No offense meant in this post.

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