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Sue Loftus

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Posts posted by Sue Loftus

  1. Awww thanks >>> - you give a great hug!! I bet Portugal was lovely - sunnier than Bow in any case lol I'm enjoying spending my money and interesting in my head but am getting used to the idea that it may be less than I was hoping for if the banks/OFT come up with a fair figure that should be charged - at least it won't be sitting in the bank's coffers :)


    I'm going to get some nice wool and join the knitting circle - knit one, pearl one, drop one hehehe



  2. Hello all


    Sorry for not reporting back sooner but I was disappointed and didn't want to put a damper on things.


    Was seen by a really lovely Judge at Bow County Court (Abrahams) who stayed the claim (no surprise there) but was actually very pleasant and fair. The gist of what he said to me really was that if I had another argument other than the Unfair Terms he might be able to make another order but unfortunately everything I said he took to come within the Unfair Terms action with the OFT. However, I did make him smile when I told him I was angry with the Abbey for sending me 8 letters on one day at £32 per time and did not give a monkeys that I was on unpaid maternity leave at the time!


    Judge Abrahams did make an order in the case before mine though that the Abbey should stop charging a claimant the fee of £32 until the OFT case was settled in case it was deemed illegal - result for that chap even if he did stay his claim!


    Hey ho, it was worth going to court just to oggle the Judge! I'm going to sit back now and wait for the OFT case to sort itself out and enjoy the interest accruing on my claim. Thanks for all your support leading up to the hearing folks.


    Sue x

  3. Well all got my hearing today at 2pm and shall be leaving to get to Court in a few minutes. Am quaking in my boots after reading of a couple of bad experiences on here regarding the treatment from the Judge so am keeping my fingers crossed that the Judges in Bow will treat me gently. Taking mum along to hold my hand as at 41 years old I can't do anything on my own :) Hey ho, am prepared as much as can be. Will report back later folks



  4. Hi PSM


    I hope you don't mind but I have PM'd you. I'm delighted at the order you have received and am so pleased that there is a Judge out there who will look beyond his/her letter or recommendation from Judge Moore-Bick, Hurrahh! There is hope for the rest of us.


    Well done again and if your hubby feels like a little tripette to East London tomorrow afternon please let me know :D


    Sue x

  5. Awww I am so sorry lovey that Judge sounds like they were a complete arse! It makes my blood boil that some of the judiciary can be so superior in their attitudes and so off hand to people who they may consider to be inferior - come the revolution!! It makes you want to lodge a complaint! He'll get his comeuppence in the end and you'll get your money back even if you do have to wait a little longer. Take heart from PSM's thread - things look more positive there and perhaps we can all utilise the information she is kindly providing we can persuade Judges not just to grant a stay.


    I hope you are feeling much better today and that you've put Friday's experience behind you.


    Sue x

  6. Thanks John - can your other half and my mum get together and scare the Judge before we go in??? just a thought :p I've PM'd you by the way John in response to yours.


    Now peeps, I have a sick child here and am trying to sort myself out for Monday (nothing like leaving this to the last minute). I haven't been able to use the link to the OFT POC's as my computer is too sensitive! Does anyone have a copy of them that they could send me or an alternative link please? I'm also wanting to enclose a copy of the revised Abbey Defence. Do we have a link or copy of that please?


    I had wanted to have all this out of the way so I could relax today and prepare for my 15 minutes in Court but it doesn't look like that's going to happen - I'm even going to miss the footy when my boys take on Newcastle today - oh woe is me!


    Do we really need to do a witness statement or would a summary of objections suffice? Just a thought.


    Any info or advice always gratefully received


    Sue xxx

  7. Oh my gauld, lets hope I get a sympathetic Judge! I am going to work on my points regarding the stay over the weekend as I've been so busy but I have been collating notes so hopefully it won't be too horrific.


    Thanks so much for the sound advice, I have been keeping an eye on your thread and only wish your hubby could come to Court with me!! I'm taking my mum instead for moral support :-)


    Thanks to you too Kia for trying to keep me more optimistic but as we all know we are just a small voice and the banks seem to be getting their own way - at the moment!


    Anyways, will keep an eye on all threads over the next few days and shall report back to everyone on Monday.


    Sue x

  8. Hi Kia


    Its the formal hearing on monday and the court have listed my application to strike out at the same time. I haven't even done jury service so you are one step ahead of me Kia!

  9. Hi John/Kia


    Thank you both for trying to help. I did call the Court in the end and got two different answers would you believe. The first time I called I was told I didn't have to do anything seeing as I was reducing the claim however, seeing as I'm panicing like crazy at the moment I called back again later in the day and was told that I should really do a new POC and submit it to the Court and Defendant!! Well, I thought, FFS! So I emailed Inga and asked if she would agree (by email) to accept the figure in my AQ as the amount in dispute and the figure that I would be claiming. I put a read receipt on it too for good measure. She opened my email but didn't respond. The next day I emailed her again with the same question and again put a read receipt on the email and again she didn't respond. So, thought I, I'll send her a copy with my new POC (just in case the Court/Judge want to get me for not following procedure) by special delivery and I'll fax a copy to the Court. Checked with the Court that they had received the POC and covering letter, which they had, and I feel much happier now. However still not happy about going to Court but hey ho, I'll get to meet John!! Have been informed that there are two judges sitting (Millard and Abrahams) so who knows John and I could get different judges with differing outcomes - who knows.


    Anyway, am completely convinced that Abbey will get their stay and my application to strike out will be dismissed but having worked for solicitors for years I've never been to Court so at least I'll get to see what its all about.




    Sue xxx

  10. HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED PLEASE. Hearing on Monday and I think I have messed up big time!! I reduced the amount I was claiming in my AQ as I wasn't sure what I could actually claim back so limited it just to charges for bounced dd's and cheques. I have now found out that I may have had to have served an amended POC or N244 application. I have emailed Ashursts twice to see if they will accept the sum in the AQ as the sum in dispute but they are ignoring me! What should I do????


    All advice much appreciated.


    Sue x

  11. Thanks for that Lula I'll make sure I get that off by courier on Monday as Ashursts are just round the corner from my work. One of the emails I got from Inga today wasn't marked "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" and she actually had the audacity to say in that letter that they wouldn't be sending me documents as they would be applying for a stay!!! I told her I was disgusted that such a large firm did not think they should comply with a Court Order. She may have twigged by now that as I am emailing her from my work address I work for solicitors! I'll be printing off the email to attach to the letter to the Court!


    I'm beginning to calm down now though as we are all in the same boat and are being actively discriminated against by Abbey as hearings were listed for after the announcement of the OFT case.



  12. Grrrrrrr I'm so angy I have to post this message. I am seething at the utter contempt Ashursts have for orders made by the Court and then adhering to them because the Abbey are going to hide behind the OFT case. I have had an email exchange with Inga this afternoon whereby I wanted to open up settlement negotiations and pointed out that I had not received their bundle for Court which I should have had as the hearing is on 24 September and the Judge ordered that witness statements should be filed no later than 14 days before blah blah blah.


    She informed me that they would be applying for a stay on the day but if I would consent to the stay she could email me the consent order!! WELL I told her there was no way on earth I would be consenting to a stay and that it was very presumptutous of them to believe they would be granted the stay especially as I have an application to strike out being heard at the same time! I'm so angry. Inga's reply was "your comments are noted".


    Words fail me now as I'm so angry I could cry.



  13. Hi John


    I have finally got my bundle together and sent it off special delivery today to make sure my bundle was in Court with plenty of time as the Judge ordered it in my case. I also courier a bundle to the Ingaj so they know I mean business - it was signed for at her offices at 17.01 today hehe.


    Still concerned about appearing before a Judge and am very nervous about putting my case - especially the application to strike out their defence. Also, in my POC I claimed for a higher figure than that recorded in my allocation questionnaire - I reduced what I was claiming because I wasn't sure how much etc I could claim so decided to write it off.


    What time are you in Court John? I am trying to think of some good arguments for a stay should they Abbey apply for one on the day which no doubt they will.



  14. Clippy I'm appalled! It really does seem as if the judicial system doesn't care about the little guy. The fact that the Court can't even contact you by post is awful. I'm sorry your trip to Court was such a waste of time. I've got my hearing on the 24th and as yet it isn't stayed (maybe because I have an application to strike out their defence being heard first) but I fully expect the Judge to allow their defence to stand and then stay the case:mad: Makes your blood boil when you think about it.


    The interesting is accruing though eh?



  15. Hi


    I emailed Inga directly and told her that I'd received the letter and that my understand was that both parties had to agree to a stay (not sure if I got that bit right!) and said that I wouldn't be agreeing and would strenuously object to stay. She responded saying a note had been placed on my file! Laughable really, hey ho.



    • Haha 1
  16. No discrimination there on the Judge's part then PSM! Seems most judges are playing follow the leader then rather than being bold! Thanks for responding though and no doubt I'll post the outcome of my hearings here



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