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Posts posted by ozzywizard

  1. Apologies to all for the late update, and thanks Ims21 for awaiting my response. . .


    Jason is correct this is now resolved,

    but certainly not at store level as it was an area manager

    that contacted me after I sent the complaint email,

    the area manager was not from my local store..


    I agree with everyone here and what RenegadeImp said that it should of been sorted a lot sooner.


    The end resolution was one I suggested months ago,

    that I keep the loaner washer that was supplied when mine went for repair .


    . the amount of phone calls I had with the local store was unacceptable

    and the only resolution they originally offered was to sign a new contract

    which would of led to me paying a further 700 pounds. .

    . . so yes now resolved with a resolution that could of been done 6 months ago

    with the correct level of customer service.

  2. After Jason's above message,

    I did send an email as advised to customer relations. .


    I don't think it was Jason himself who replied

    although in his above message he stated HE would like to investigate this for me..


    I got a reply saying somone will contact me today. .


    A few hours I did get a call off a manager asking me to go in store tomorrow

    as he has spoken to the store and they will deal with this to my satisfaction . . .


    Shame I got to get a babysitter to go all the way into town to resolve this as they couldn't offer a resolution over the phone

    which tells me they want me in person to sign a new agreement, but lets see what is said tomorrow..


    I will keep you all updated and then proceed to my own escalation process ;)

  3. Thanks DX, just done that. .

    . need to put the letter together now but this is the general idea.


    I have a contract with yourselves for a 9kg washing machine

    which about 8 months ago became faulty causing the door to shatter

    and smash all over my kitchen and my clothes that were being washed at the time had to be put in the bin. .


    As your products have insurance included

    it was arranged for the broken washer to be taken away for repair

    and a loan washing machine to replace it for the time being

    at which time I was estimated a time scale of about 4 weeks.


    After about 4 months I phoned up the store as it was a struggle with the loan machine being only 7kg

    and me needing a 9kg,


    I was advised that I could just keep the loan model as mine was not fixable.


    About a month after that I was contacted by Brighthouse telling me that they are going to deliver

    my old machine back and take the loaner,


    I then raised the issue that I was promised I could keep the one I had currently had for 6 months

    and become used too although not big enough,


    The store said I can only do this if I sign a new agreement

    which would of cost me a further 800 pounds as my contract is not far from finished

    so I refused to sign a new one from the beginning again.


    When your engineer came with the new washing machine he plumbed it in

    and he then tested it to check if it works and it started with a big bang

    and the drum turned with the noise of scraping glass

    and it then flooded my kitchen

    so the engineer then took the machine back again leaving me with the same loaner. .


    So I have had the loan machine now for about 8 months

    and I am told that my old washer has been fixed again

    but to be honest I have no faith in my old washer again

    after it damaging all my childrens clothes on the first occasion

    and flooding my kitchen on the second,


    I feel when I speak to the store they are dogmatic on returning my old washer

    instead of replacing it like for like.

  4. I have not a clue DW, only spoke to her briefly. this is what ive just quickly typed.


    Dear sir or Madam,



    Penalty Charge Notice number: 12334444

    Date of issue: 02/06/2012

    Warden number: 111

    I am writing to formally challenge the above Penalty Charge Notice.


    On the 02/06/2012 my vehicle was issued with a Penalty Charge Notice for thereason of parking on double yellow lines on a restricted Street in prescribedhours.


    In accordance with the Road Traffic Act 1991, my challenge is on the basis thatthe vehicle was only observed for 2 minutes by the issuing warden as I wasassisting the house removal of my sister who was forced to move quickly due todomestic violence only giving us 48 hours to complete the task.


    Furthermore we were informed that the double lines in question can be removedas not necessary in that area on Darlington Street, Tyldesley.

    For this reason I look forward to receiving notification that the Penalty ChargeNotice has been cancelled within 28 days.


    Yours sincerely,

  5. A friend of mine has asked me to do them a letter to the parking services wigan council. I personaly think she got no chance of getting off but wanted to see what you all thought.


    parked on double yellow lines for a few mins while helping a friend to move house, unloaded her car with a computer desk and went into the house to put item in and came out to find a parking ticket from a warden. . couldnt of been more than 2 mins in house. . .


    house move was due to domestic violence and was a rush job to do within 48 hours, also was told from a neighbour that the double yellow lines can be removed (i dont understand this bit ) .....

  6. Sorry to of been a little vague, I have full custody of 5 children and their mother who is on jobseekers has them for one night a week . I transfer 15 pounds to her every week for having them .... can this be used against her in her jobseekers allowance.

  7. Just been lifted, dont know if this is coinsodence or divine intervention but ive not been on this site for months. . i was in court on the 29th March (same day as your first post) and I now have full custody of all my 5 kids, its been a hard road but 100% worth it.

    I only came on here to let the good ppl on here know the outcome and I find this thread has been posted on by you. .

    If you need any help or support Im here to talk to you. . Ive been on my own with 5 kids ofr nearly 2 years and know all the ins and outs, they attend 4 differant schools and have a really happy life with me and now have a good contact deal with their mother.


    You need (as im sure you are doing) to put your kids first and prioritise their welfare, go to the respective schools and introduce yourself as the current main carer and explain your situation they will offer support etc. will post more later when more time.

    • Haha 1
  8. All they will tell me over the phnoe is it was in 2009. . further to this I have to appeal aGAINST THEIR DECISION. if I do this I could be opening a can of worms and leaving myself paying the 900 pounds off . . . but I really did need a budgeting loan.

  9. My ex walked out of matrimonial home 12 months ago, I was left in their with 5 kids. . this month I got a council house . . moved out of family home. . . now it is just left empty . . mortgage not eing paid and neither is secured loan. . ex and I dont talk and none of us will deal with house cause she dont care and im too busy with 5 kids. . .it is defo in neg equity. . . so what happens next. . .

  10. Hope you all well, come across a prob. applied for budgeting loan and was declined, reason given is : they state I allready have a budgeting loan debt. I was shocked to receive this decision as only been single parent for about a year and before that employed.


    I phoned and they stated it was for a previous loan in 1999 ? I have no knowledge of this, is their a way i can apeal this. . . also now they are aware of this can they start collections of the alleged amount. . . wouldnt it be statue barred under the limitations act 1980. . .

  11. Hey, quick update to you all . . my situation has not changed but the kids and me are doing fantastic. In a good routine and kids really enjoying life, it is hard being a single parent to 5 kids after their mother left them but its also really rewarding and knowing the kids are way better off now than they ever have been .

  12. Hiya you all . . hope we are still all fighting the good fight and keeping one step ahead. hehe. .


    Sorry not been around as ive been quite occupied with a lot of family issues but all good now and im in a great routine and know eactly were my priorities lie so to speak . .


    I do have quite a lot more time now in comparison to the previous 3 months etc . . hopefully will be around more to catch up with a lot of you ..



    OMG I feel like a newbie around here . . .it has all changed and ive no idea how to do anything or find my way about haha .. so if any of ou see me walking lost in the CAG corridors give me a nudge in the right direction haha. . .



    talkee soon. .

  13. Hiya you all,


    My sister is having a nightmare with good old bhouse and ive offered to help her with you guys help lol.


    Ok she missed a payment on her 3 items for a week and received a call asking her to come into the shop.


    So she went into shop to discuss and they informed her of the charges total being 9.00 plus week she had missed plus the current week. This was not affordable to her so she asked to spread the charges which was declined.


    They advised there was no help they could give unless paid in full, my sister in despair told them they would have to collect the goods as there was no way it was affordable.


    One of the items is kids bunk beds with 18 month of payments made on 3 year contract.


    After speaking to me I have advised her to not let them into the property as they cannot force entry and cannot force entry without court order.......



    her questions are :


    1) Will they apply for court order and how long will it take and charges from the court etc. .


    2) what will happen with the debt if not paid (passed to DCA etc). . .


    3) can we possibly help with a letter to branch or head office to remove charges and continue with payments. . . .


    please help out and freely advise. . . . . .


    cheers. . ...............

  14. Thanks guys, im getting there, I really am for the kids sake. I have set them all a routine and they know what is happening and when, it is the hardest thing I have ever challenged myself to do but if I dont do it then they will go in care as their mother does not care.


    Its been 9 days now and mum although has seen them a few times at the house has not once asked how they are doing or even offered a contact phone number in case of emergency, I know she is shacked up with thi guy which to me is wrong when she has 5 kids there that miss and need her .


    Anyways got the kids all nerw uniforms and clothes and sorted all their rooms out etc, it still bothers me that she can collect them at anytime and she has allready said that when she gets an huse she wants them back.


    how can she ask for them back after leaving them so long, crazy if you ask me. . .

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