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Posts posted by adridude

  1. Hi,


    After 16+ months of fighting for PIP, I finally went to court and won my case. From there, DWP did backdate my PIP award to the date which I applied but they haven't applied any of the "cost of living payments", "warm home discount" etc....


    I do ralie that WHD might not come under them, but I've literally spent hours trying to speak to people about this and:


    1) About the Cost of LIving payment, the Diability Line (as per the gov.uk website I should contact them for missing Cost of Living Payments), have no idea what to do. They've asked around, they've sent me back into the phone menu and told me to go to the "cost of living" section.. Which is literally a "message" which hangs up after it has spoken. I'm literally getting nowhere. 

    2) About the warm home discount: nobody seems to know where to go for this. I was with British gas, but they wont help me as they said that it's up to the govt. I've spoken to the DWP and they keep pointing me all over the show, on occasion getitng hung up on (or disconencteD).. I have no idea where go for this... 


    Can anyone give me any pointers for the above?


    I'd really appreciate it.




  2. Hi,


    I was just wondering if you guys n gals could help me. A year ago, I joined the company I'm at as a low level position. Within a month, I was offered a promotion to a better position, higher salary etc... I was performing this duty for the past 11 months, but recently, I was offered yet another promotion to a more senior position and more operational one, I was given the choice to not accept it if I didn't want it, but ofcourtse I chose it as it fitted my skillset perfectly.


    The MD even sent me messages over teams to ask if I was "happy with my new position", which ofcourse I was extatic about.


    The company found someone to fill my position, so it was all go, but had to wait a few weeks until they started.


    2 weeks to go until the "go date" for the new position, I get told that it's no longer available due to "operational problems". This only arose as I insisted that I get a contract or at least a letter of intention along with the offer.


    I've now found out that the company can't afford the position, that they've lost alot of business (in the last 2 weeks) and that they are unable to break the new contract with "my replacement".


    The only offer on the table was to go back to my old rudimentary position, albeit at the same salary. So basically a totaly demotion and back to square 1 with 0 professional progression.


    I've only been with the company for a year so I was wondering:


    1) Do I have to take the "lower" position? My feeling is that the oversight of hiring someone overzealously when the role wasn't vacated, isn't a me problem. its a company problem.

    2) The old position required me to come into the office once a week, which has 2 caveats. 1) being medical as I can't make it in as circunstances have  chanaged since I was in that position, 2) financials don't allow for travel to work every week.



    I met with the MD, Ops Director and my own Director to dispute this and stated that I'd happily filfil the role required to "assist the company temporarily to tide things over", but it appears that they aren't playing ball. I explained why I can't come in weekly, but they again, made it out to be a "me problem", which I explained clearly wasn't as 48 weeks / 52 working from home is a clear indicator that I'll be working from home. The 4 weeks were the intial 4 weeks when I joined... 


    I don't quite know how to approach this as I have absolutely been scre**d here, but I still need an income whilst I look further. But until then I'm concerned that they'll insist that I come in "whether you like it or not" and if I can't mark me as "absent" etc... After the way this has all panned out, I wouldn't put anything past them as trust went from 200% to below zero in the space of one meeting.


    Any pointers would be handy.


    Thanks in advance,




  3. HI,


    I moved into a new property  early 2021. Upon moving in, I was greeted by a company called Ginger Energy who stated that the building has a Neat Network (basically one central boiler, which pushes hot water around to the properties BUT), the hot water doesn't go direct to the taps, it runs through a HIU (Heat Interface Unit). SO they charge us for whatever energy we take out of the network, fair enough.


    As the months went on I noticed my bills creeping up at an alarming rate (Despite the whole building - the network - running on gas).


    Upon approaching Ginger Energy, they stated that it's correct and that they were charging me:

    0.2850 standing charge

    0.2800 / kWh of heat usage


    I queried this as I didn't see any of the £400 the govt was supposed to help Heat Network users with.


    There is a grey area in the law which allows the heat network to "pass on a fair amount" of the EBRS which they get to the tenant, so we get 1p / unit (thats it). I have since come to find out that they infact are the ones benefiting from it as they are claiming EBRS whilst we're capped at a low rate.


    The building gets charged:


    0.079p / kWh of gas

    £12 / day standing charge (for the building


    None of these savings are passed onto us at all.


    Last december, we noticed a big spike in our heating bills (the whole building), but oddly on one particularly cold day the central boiler stopped working for a good 18 hours. I took advantage of this and straight away turned on my boiler, opened my hot taps (which were obviously stone cold and heating just ran cold water around the radiators).


    I did this to see if they would bill us as I wasn't convinced that its being done correctly. Come my bill, I got charged £16... yes, 16 for that day.. As my boiler was left running and was literally taking 1 degree out of the network. They work this out as follows:


    Main flow = Hot water from the building is measured in m3

    Main flow temperature MINUS the return temperature = what I've taken out of the network obviously


    Which seems fair. They stated that the meter takes a reading once every 15 minutes, so I asked for my enture years worth of readings, shoved them through Microsoft BI and came up with a chart that literally shows that the network under-supplies the heat units to keep them drawing heat.


    By this I mean that on the heat unit itself, it states CLEARLY that minimum flow temperature is 65C, but looking at the last years worth of readings, 50% of the money I've lost goes towards that inefficiency. This is happening purely because they're turning it down to minimize on has expense and maximize on income through sly trickery...

    Keeping the HIU's below an optimal temperature would cause them to constantly try and pump heat around, resulting in extra high bills. I personally keep my house at 17C, its really well insulated.


    Furthermore, I've noticed that even when my water and heating is NOT in use the units tick up... Ginger energy stated the following:



    To even further explain, in the below screenshot you have taken, the water event occurred sometime between the snapshots at 10:45 and 11:15. As the water event wasn’t at the instant the data snapshot was taken, there isn’t a read showing a high flowrate or power draw. However, it is clearly visible by the flow and return temperatures. At 11:15 the flow temperature is up at 51°C, due to a hot water event which has recently occurred, and the water in the HIU is now cooling down again to ambient.


    Here is a pic to a screenshot of the excel spreadsheet: 


    Image Untitled hosted in Freeimage.host


    There's no explanation on there at all other than a temperature change, but basic (Heat transfer through a medium of x heat capacity, in this case water) physics:

    kW = kg /s (of water)   x   (kJ ÷ kg ÷°C)  x °C
    kW = kg / s   x  (4.186 ÷ °C) x °C

    Anyway works out nothing like what they're throwing at me.

    No where do I see a flow either. 


    I've approached them about this, but nobody will entertain it. The building management really don't care and point me to Ginger ENergy, ginger energy state they "only handle billing" and that I need to get hold of the landlord (building owner), which happens to be a shell company based in the Barbados. The actual address of the owner (this shell company) is some cottage out behind a farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere. 


    Can someone give me some advice? As this Ginger Energy is chasing the bills, but there is literally nobody to handle this.




  4. Hi,


    Last year I started at a company, full time, okayish salary and was just making under the benefits cut off. Since the govt changed the thresholdd for NI. I did some looking around and I remembe seeing somewhere that if your company doesn't reimburse you for everything e.g. you pay for various artefacts out of your own pocket, that this can be taken off of your net income.


    The DWP don't agree with me, but I'm not 100% sure.


    Could I ask them to regard the money I spend on printer paper, toner, notepads, the second internet connection for work (secure for VPN etc...) as a direct work expense?


    The company doesn't have any offices, as all of us work from home, across the world, so there isn't an office to go in to at all.


    On that note, failing the DWP route, would I be entitled to anything from HMRC as my place of work is home, it's not a choice to go in or not, we just don't have a colelctive office.


    ANy pointers would be handy :-)





  5. On 16/10/2022 at 13:02, unclebulgaria67 said:

    So go back to DWP debt management and register a dispute that the debt record is erroneous on the basis that repayments were made from benefit deductions. Ask them to prove the debt is still owed.


    Thats what they sent me, a statement (a week ago) which shows whats outstanding, whats paid. I dont believe any of it as I'm sure as heck that they're paid off.

    12 hours ago, The GodMother said:

    Do u have bank statements dating back thst long. 

    A pre deductions and during deductions. Only ask as if you can work out what you should have been getting and any deductions  taken off can be added up and see if tallys. 

    No, my bank only has statements back to 2010 :-(

  6. I might have but that was so long ago. Because I was on JSA a number of times, all varying amounts until it all eventually stopped years ago, I was under the impression that they were paid. For at least the last  8 years I was on JSA and UC enough to pay them over 6 fold so had no reason to think they weren't paid off.


    Furthermore they said in 2017 that I didn't have the right to work here as a EU citizen but said that their records going back to my HRT in 2005 were no longer available. If so how come these so called debts are available and other paperwork isn't. It's all very cloak and dagger.


    On 14/10/2022 at 17:58, dx100uk said:

    gov't debts cant be SB'd.


    so their statement proving the loan was given to you in 2009? is correct?





    Yes it's a statement showing partially paid back loans. But I disagree as these were paid off as JSA evened up and deductions stopped a few years later. I got the statement a week ago, I no longer have paperwork dating back that far, I keep 6 years on hand.

  7. HI All,


     it's taken near to a year for the DWP to get to send me a statement with dates on it. They've avoided all ways to send me this, but a complaint sent to them and ICE got them in gear


    These debts are old social fund loads dating back to 2009?!

    I've been on and off of benefits a few times between then and now and not once have they mentioned this and I never thought of it as they were all paid out of JSA.


    Inexplicably they  began taking £80-90 off of me a month, and it's a year later...


    Can I challenge this as they are statute barred.


    I haven't heard about these debts in near to 12-13 years and they've had more than ample time to raise them with me. Obviously nobody has paperwork going back this far so where would I stand on this?


    Can I get back the money they took without asking despite me disputing it when they first wrote to me in 2021? Officially speaking they've avoided to do everything but address my dispute, until a over year later.


    On a comical note, they offered me £30 compensation for all of the agro I've endured. I think I've used about that in paper and ink alone, let alone the hours on the phone waiting, the finger pointing between departments and the rest. Rather petty really.


    Any advice?





  8. Ah cool. 


    I thought I'd show some compassion first and applied for an Order One requesting 14 days extension to my deadline to give me time to unravel this mess, but in the same breath, my reasoning outlined all of the issues such as non adhesion to directions, non adhesion to bundles etc...


    I didnt want to come across as a heartless money-grabbing tenant but on the other hand I did want to show that I did notice her complete lack of respect for the system.


    Could go either way, but looking at her complete insanity in her "defence" which I since noticed had TWO statements of case, but they were called "explanation of eviddence" and in some random format, so it'll be interesting to see what the outcome is.

  9. Oh and forgot to mention that 3 of the directives which were issues by the tribuunal service were blatantly ignored by her and not addressed:


    1) Stated that she had to provide evidence of benefits/rent received in relation to the property

    2) Stated that she had to provide evidence of expenditure in relation to the property such as utility bills

    3) Stated that she had to justify whether the RRO amount should be reduced


    None of these directions were addressed.


    The PDF bundle she sent the tribunal servuce was 163 pages and is literally indexed by the "email subjects". She literally printed off ALL comms between her and I over 2 years and basically stated "here is the evidence" without any references to particular parts of the evidence. Literally a "do it yourself" when it comes to understanding her evidence.


    Finally the english in her response is apauling and in multiple occasions she refers to people by the wrong names, he called me "she" (whereas I'm a he) on a number of occasions, spelling errors galore and the grammar is horrendous. Dates are incorrect, etc...

    None the less, everything she stated in her response has nothing to do with any of the items in my statement of case? does that mean I can literally just state that the repsondent hasn't denied any ofmy allegations nor has she addressed them.

  10. It wont let me edit the OP but here's the statement of case. all statements are backed up with evidence in teh bundle as either email messages, text messages, police reports, etc....



    1.    The Applicant brings a claim for harassment under Part 1 - Section 1(3A) of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977.

    2.    The Applicant originally moved into the property on 1 November 2019, which after expiry was renewed as per 1 November 2020.

    3.    At all relevant times The Applicant was the tenant of The Property under Part 1 – Section 1(1) of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 by virtue of being the named Tenant on the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement between himself and the Respondent.

    4.    The named Financial Guarantor of the Applicant on the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement is the Applicants father, Mr. XXX who at the time was 73 years of age.

    5.    The Applicant was in a support bubble with is parents during the COVID-19 lockdowns as he lived on his own.

    6.    The applicant was diagnosed and treated for ADHD and comorbid Depression and anxiety from an age of around 12.

    7.    The Respondent lives in Basingstoke and has 5 properties let on the OpenRent website, including the property that the case is in reference to.





    8.    I sent the respondent 10 Digital Photographs via email as a form of Digital Viewing of the property for inspection purposes on the 25th February 2021.

    9.    The Respondent accepted the digital photographs via email, explained to me that she needed them for her insurance and mortgage on the 26th February 2021.

    10. The Respondent stated in her email dated 26th February 2021 that after the COVID-19 lockdown, inspections will be done regularly giving sufficient notice.

    11. The Responded stated in her email dated 26th February 2021 that she would also be sending electricity bills monthly after being constantly late (up to 6 months).

    12. I explained to The Respondent on 27th March 2021 via email that is late, again with electricity bills despite (11) above.

    13. I explained to the Respondent that she is passing charges on to me shown as “Total Capacity Charge” which is not allowed as per the “The resale of gas and electricity guidance for resellers” guidance by OfGem nor is covered by the OfGem Maximum Resale Price. Over the 26 months I was there, the Respondent issued me with a number of charges similar to this such as Meter Reading Fees and New Connection Fees.

    14. I contacted the Respondent and notified her of all the OfGem guides and rules around reselling electricity.

    15. Whilst the overall amount was in dispute, the Respondent was constantly chasing and pushing for payment of the electricity which I paid as an attempt to keep the peace until it was resolved.

    16.  On 09th May 2021, in response to an email exchange regarding the above issues, the Respondent asked for my availability for a June inspection, which I was under the impression was for an electricity and heating annual inspection.

    17. As it was mid-COVID lockdown I asked that the electricians supply proof of vaccination and have the appropriate protective equipment for COVID-19. I made it clear that I was in a support bubble with my family.

    18. On 17th May the Respondent Replied that someone would be inspecting the property in general and that they should have PPE and hand sanitizer but she cannot ask them for proof of vaccination. In the next paragraph she then changes focus and states that she would be attending.

    19. On 22nd May 2021 as COVID-19 cases were rising and as I was still shielding and social distancing, I asked the Respondent to have the NHS App handy as I need proof of Vaccines, proof that she hasn’t been told to self-isolate by the NHS as well as PPE.

    20. On the 22nd May 2021, The Respondent replied via email and refused to supply any proof that she wasn’t told to self-isolate or of vaccinations and will only use PPE.

    21. On the 22nd May 2021, I contacted The Respondent with a formal email explaining that she can have unrestricted access to the property to view it, but only if she complies to what I feel are reasonable measures. I explained in the same email that unless my reasonable health and safety conditions were met that I do not consent to her or anyone else accessing the property at all.

    22. In the email in (21) above, I asked The Respondent to stop contacting me via social media, Email and all other digital means of communication and asked her to only contact me in writing. I explained that all digital communications channels had her blocked from the sheer quantity of messages and emails she was sending me.

    23. On 22nd May 2021, The Respondent stated that she would get The Financial Guarantor involved in the matter bother over the phone voicemail and via email. She also stated that the photos sent in (8) above were not adequate despite already having accepted them in (9) above.

    24. On or around the 22nd May 2021 is when I contacted Kent Police to report the situation. The case reference for this is XX/xxXXxx/XX and is/was handled by Michael Baksh. Every attempt The Respondent made to contact, harass and/or intimidate or unnecessarily overwhelm myself or my guarantor was reported to the police under the same Case Reference number. PC Michael Baksh contacted me after several reports to find out the facts, explained that he would speak to the Respondent to ask her to leave me alone and only contact me via royal mail. Mr. Baksh contacted me back and confirmed that he asked her to do this and wasn’t going to take further action as the Respondent lived too far away to pose a threat. He explained that this would be revised if the Respondent had lived closer.

    25. On the 22nd May 2021, The Respondent contacts my Guarantor, forwards my email messages to him, and in the same email tells him that she has decided to sell the property.

    26. On 23rd May 2021, my Guarantor forwarded the message sent in (25) above to me. I explained to my Guarantor that he must not respond to her and just forward messages to me to keep as evidence.

    27. On the 24th May 2021, the Respondent states that she will send an agent to perform a “Safety Inspection”. This agent was called Mr. Dave, and the only contact details I had was an anonymous email address: jdave@live.com.

    28. On the 24th May 2021, the Respondent sends myself and my Guarantor a check for immigration status for Right to Rent. This was done at the beginning of the tenancy by OpenRent as they asked for my passport details, furthermore my Guarantor has a British and Dutch Passport so this is not required.

    29. On the 24th May 2021, I promptly responded with the Share Code which was supplied by the Home Office as proof being an EU citizen with settled status and indefinite leave to remain.

    30. On the 24th May 2021, The Respondent only uploaded and made the EPC and EICR via the OpenRent website.

    31. On 1st June 2021 the agent in (27) above emailed me stating that he was a freelance real-estate agent and wanted me to confirm a date.

    32. On 4th June 2021, I responded to (31) above and asked for Proof of Identity, Their Address and Telephone Number to pass on to the police. I asserted that they are to contact me in writing only, which never happened.

    33.  On 1st June 2021, I received another email from an agent at a company called Hunters to do a Market appraisal.

    34. I completely ignored the email in (33) above and never responded.

    35. On 11th June 2021, I received two separate Section 21 notices which were incorrectly formatted as they did not include the correct notices for the COVID-19 period.

    36. On 13th July 2021, I sent the Respondent a Letter Before Action because she was threatening to come into my property via Royal Mail Recorded/Signed-For Delivery.

    37. On the 13th July 2021, I sent the Respondent as Subject Access Request for my personal data via Royal Mail Recorded/Signed-For Delivery.

    38. On or around the 29th July 2021, I received another two Section 21 eviction notices, this time corrected using an acceptable format.

    39. Between the 2nd and 16th August 2021, I was signed off sick by the doctor due to not being able to handle this constant harassment.

    40. After returning to work, my mental state began to decline as I was constantly worried about my home being entered without my permission, the eviction, finding a new house, dealing with probation at my job at the time.

    41. I lost my job at the company as my ADHD and comorbid conditions were kept in a state of constant stress. I wasn’t able to unwind at home as I was constantly worried about The Respondent continuing her steady flow of harassment via any/all possible communication channels.

    42.  My guarantor told me that he no longer wants to be my guarantor as he cannot handle the stress that he was receiving.

    43. On the 29th May 2022, the guarantor sent me a witness statement stating how he was affected by these events.

    44. The Respondent has contacted the guarantor unnecessarily on a total 5 occasions.

    In short, as I wouldn't allow her in the property because she refused to adhere to covid safety measures, she went off on a harassment mission and started to contact my guarantor. She told my guarantor that she was going to sell the property. She got multiple agents to contact me (even dubious ones with iffy email addresses @live.com for example), the police warned her off but she ignored this and carried on. She even lied about the police and stated that they told her that I didnt have a case, which the police report from the Public Disclosure documents confirms.

    Literally shes backed into a corner and throwing totally ficticions allegations around with no evidence.

    Not only that, but her respones to my statement of case literally addressed none of my allegations in the statement of case. SO can I regard her answers as "out of scope" as they have nothing to do with the case I've brought before the tribunal.

    I dont care if the courts catch her out lying, infact I'd be pleased if she gets in trouble as he's been skating a thin line which literally buoycots actuallly getting into trouble.


  11. Hi,


    I'm currently engaged with a previous landlord as I applied for a RRO. I've already put my statement of case in, but when she responded to it with her "response" ad PDF bundle it literally:


    1) Didnt address one issue in my statement of case. It literally moaned about all sorts of non related issues which were not listed in the statement of case I presented.

    2) There's allegations in her response that i "made advances on her to make her my girlfriend", which quite frankly, there's more chance of elvis returning from the dead. Non of these so called advances have any evidence, there's no emails, texts, calls, voicemails... So I have no idea how to address this if at all.

    3) There's allegations that my guarantor contacted her on a number of occasions, and I've confirmed that this isn't true. She literally mixed up me and my guarantor as well as the tenancy reference agency and blamed the guarantor. I have no idea how to address this.


    Despite most of the above being outside of scope of what I listed in my Statement of Case, and all of her points in her "explanation" being moot as they also dont address any of the points in my Statement of Case, how do I respond to that?


    Do I literaly list my statement of case items and so something like::


    My Case Item 1: Issue not addressed

    My Case Item 2: Issue not addressed

    My Case item X: Addressed and my response here


    The applicant would like to make it known to the Tribunal that all other points listed in the respondents Explanation Document are not valid, unapplicable and have no relevance to the items which have been listed in the applicants statement of case.



    etc... Or do I activly need to respond to her points in her case? As much as I feel that would be the right thing to do, surely she needs to address my items listed in my statement of case. Otherwise we might as well pick and choose what we address lol


    Anyway any help woul dbe really appreciated.





  12. 6 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    you mean a DEA?


    clickme ^^


    Yes, this is what was threatened back in September. I had to contact them before a certain date or they;d just go ahead and do it. I sent them a letter, special delivery, it was confirmed as received, but they ignored it and literally took money out of my UC which left me £100+ short on rent.


    Now that I'm working full time again, last thing I need is them to contact my new employer and make a scene... Especially as I'm trying my damndest to contact them and get to the bottom of this.

  13. They come under "Budgeting or crisis loan repayment", but I know these were paid off years ago through my JSA.


    This is why I've asked via phone, email and writing for a written statement of what these so called "Budgeting or crisis loans" are, but I just get silly answers back or they just literally ignore my letter.


    The recorded-signed for letter I sent was literally ignored despite me having record that it was received by them.


    Is there an ombudsman or 3rd party watchdog which I can complain to? I think they're taking my passive/calm anture as a weakness and are literally taking the mick.

  14. I'd love to but they've threatened to contact my employer and enforce an earnings attachment or something like that. I've only just found this job, really enjoy it and really can't be doing with anything jeopardising it.


    This is why I've gone all-out in trying to contact them. On top of that, my monthly income just falls short of the UC threshold so I should get £100 each month back, but that'd gone down the pan due to these "so called" debts.





  15. On 25/02/2022 at 14:33, tomtom256 said:

    Did you claim Tax Credits prior to claiming Universal Credit, as it's probably a part year overpayment, which is a standard issue that arises.

    However Debt Management is the only team that will have access to what the debt is for. Raise a complaint online and ask for an escalation. The rest of the DWP have no access to the debt system, so will never be able to help you.


    I did but that datesback to 2015 or so?


    I sent them a letter AND SAR, and all I got back is


    Dear zzzz

    We are writing in connection with your request for outstanding SocialFundLoans.\Ne have 24 Social Fund Loans outstanding totalling to £1073.89.

    Please accept our apologies in the delay in respondingto your letter 28/09/2021.

    Help and Advice If you need more information aboutthis matter, please contact Social Fund Helpline on 0800 169 0140.

    Yours sincerely



    Now my letter to them was clear, I can't have put it any clearer:



    Dear Sir/Madam:


    Many thanks for your letter received XX September 2021 regarding an outstanding amount of £1443.54

    I do not recognize this debt nor have you provided any breakdown or evidence of this debt. I have also been in touch with the Job Centre work coaches and they too are unable to find evidence of this debt.

    I ask that you please:

    1.      Provide a FULL breakdown of the so-called debt(s), along with the exact dates the debt(s) were incurred and any reasoning behind the debt.

    2.      Kindly hold off from any action whilst I work with you to resolve this matter. I am extremely concerned that a debt attachment may result in my dismissal due to still being in probation as well as lead me to being unable to feed myself.

    I trust that you are able to assist me in this matter as I have tried calling you on the number provided on your letter, but every menu option I get through to, results in the call being terminated with a message urging me to “contact the department where the debt had arisen”, which wasn’t provided.






     I'm lost as to what to do as:


    1. I've tried phoning
    2. I've tried asking whoever my workcoach was when I was unemployed for help, but they were in the frame of "not my job".
    3. I've complained to the processing centre (Canterbury BDC for me)
    4. I've literally found my case managers personal DWP email address thanks to them being a little loose on social media, asked again for help but was told off and assigned a new case manager. (Interestingly the new case managers talks as-if he's the manager of the call centre)
    5. I've explained to 5, yes 5 (and multiple times to the same members) that I can't get through to the debt line. They provided me with a number, 0800 916 0647 which EVERY time gets "disconnected" when I mention anything like statement, list of debts.
    6. I've asked 3 times to start a complaints procedure, in writing, but those too are just ignored.
    7. I've asked face to face for a complaints procedure to be initiated through my old work coach, that too went by the way side.


    Literally, I've exhausted EVERY avenue.. To the point where they won't even accept my letters to post internally any more. I was told that it's not their problem at the local Job Centre last time.


    Any help here would be great as these debts, I'm pretty sure ARE paid off as they came out of benefits YEARS ago. The hesitation to send me statements is getting odd though.






    I'm diagnosed and treated for ADHD too.
    Your first port of call is your GP. They're the people who need to refer you on. Based on where you are, you'll be assigned to a facility that handles adult ADHD. They will send you some forms that ask what seem to be repetitive questions, and this is where they get their baseline from. This paperwork has no right or wrong answer, so fill it in as you feel fit.
    I'm personally with Psychiatry UK, which I find a fabulous service as it's completely online, the staff are amazing and they actually really do over and above what they should be doing. Tell your GP about them. This is their website: https://psychiatry-uk.com/
    In terms of aftercare, it's all down to assessments. You need to be seen by someone who specialises in adult ADHD as it's pretty specific.
    If you're in the London area, another option is SOuth Longon and Maudsley ADHD and ASD Services (outpatients). In short, they're called SLAM. They too are good, so another option is that you can get to your GP.
    My advice is, coming from someone who has been through and is still going through the system, is:
    1) Diagnosis: This confirms that you do, in fact, have ADHD, as another condition masquerading as ADHD could exist.For example, ASD can manifest as ADHD.
    2) After receiving a diagnosis, you must request long-term care.This is a hard one, which I'm fighting at the moment, as the NHS trust will only fund medication OR therapy, not both. But you can ask your GP to apply for an IFR (Individual Request for Funding). And no, I didn't get the IFR round the wrong way. I think it used to be called an "Individual Finding Request." You need to build up A LOT of evidence as to why you need continued care, so get the notes from your wellbeing team at your ADHD support service, keep diaries, make notes, get all the firepower you can muster to present to your GP to pass on for consideration.
    From there, I have no idea as I'm waiting for more paperwork to add to my ammunition to give to my GP.
    ... Long-term care will help you with things that throw you off centre, like overwhelming amounts of paperwork, inability to
    read, hardships when reading, problems when speaking, etc. When the long-term care starts or is approved, whoever is your case worker can get the ball rolling.
    3) Another option is to get in touch with your local social services.I can almost guarantee that you need to jump through the first two hoops before social services will even talk to you. I hope this
    helps. It's not much, but it's a load of info that's not well documented on the web and took weeks to research!



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  17. I did write to them initially and it was blatantly ignored. The exact letter read:




    Dear Sir/Madam:

    RE: refno - Inexplicable Debt

    Many thanks for your letter received 21st September 2021 regarding an outstanding amount of £14xx.xx

    I do not recognize this debt nor have you provided any breakdown or evidence of this debt. I have also been in touch with the Job Centre work coaches and they too are unable to find evidence of this debt.

    I ask that you please:

    1.      Provide a FULL breakdown of the so-called debt(s), along with the exact dates the debt(s) were incurred and any reasoning behind the debt.

    2.      Kindly hold off from any action whilst I work with you to resolve this matter. I am extremely concerned that a debt attachment may result in my dismissal due to still being in probation as well as lead me to being unable to feed myself.

    I trust that you are able to assist me in this matter as I have tried calling you on the number provided on your letter, but every menu option I get through to, results in the call being terminated with a message urging me to “contact the department where the debt had arisen”, which wasn’t provided.



    This was confirmed as recieved by royal mail on Sept 30 '21, and since then I haven't heard back from them. My letter was literally ignored. I'm happy to send a SAR, but looking at the run-around I'm given, a SAR will just make things worse won't it?


    Problem is they've nailed the money before I even got a chance to dispute it and now am in a horrible situation thank to that. I agree there's no debt, as I know they've all been paid off in the past from years ago. THey don't see it that way.


    WHo would I write to then if the departmet dealing with the debt dont respond at all? THe address they gave me was:




    Debt Centre Trafford

    Debt Management (C)

    Mail Handling Site A,


    WV98 2DF





  18. Hi,


    In september 2021, I received a letter stating I magically owed £1400 to DPW.


    So I straight away:

    1. Called the number on the letter, eventually got through to a message which read "we are unable to take this call, goodbye", 30 mins later!
    2. I messaged my work-coach and said I was getting nowhere, they too found that they weren't able to get through.
    3. I then wrote to the department as addressed in the letter sent recorded signed for, confirmed as received too (signed for). In the letter I disputed the amount stating "I dont owe that".
    4. I never heard back from them at all.
    5. In december I was charged £81 for a random debt recovery action, so again, called.. No joy
    6. Again, work coaches both on the phone and whoever else is behind the UC system, totally unhelpful.
    7. Today I called the UC general enquiries up, and they passed me on to a @management@ number.
    8. Called the LOL management LOL number and they told me to all the general enquiries. They didn't know what to do, they tried to get me to call the "we are busy, goodbye number" which I corrected them on.


    I asked them nicely in September in the letter not to just "attach an earnings thing" as I'm disputing it as I have zero idea what it is, and now I'm literally one month into a new tenancy, so the landlord will LOVE the fact that I'll be late with rent 2 months in. 


    If I'm late, this will burn me in 10 months when my rental agreement needs renewing.


    My question is:


    If the UC helpline dont deal with it, the debt management department don't have a phone line that works, that nobody who's at the end of the letter they sent me can receive a letter and respond...


    What do I do now?

    hey've got me jammed up for some amount I don't even owe.


    Is this some random stealth tax we weren't warned about?






  19. Hi,


    I moved from my old property to this one on 1 Nev 2019. It's clear I've been here since thanks to bank statements and other accounts, but my old council are trying to get extra money out of m stating that I stayed an extra few weeks here.


    They reason they came up with their date is because the ONLY time I could return the keys to the landlord was by letter as he wasn't even available, so ultimately, I wrote a letter, taped the keys to it. Took tis weight, and a photo for brevity and posted it though his door whilst being recorded.


    The old LA ook THAT date as my move address where as the new LA have me in as from the 1st of the month as expected. I've sent them copies of:

    - Utility bills

    - Council tax bills

    - Copies of me picking up packages around the 1st of the month


    The two prperties are nowhere near each other, if anywhere a few hours apart so I would have thought that I provided enough evidence. Anyway, now that covid is over, i reveived another chaser (no court threatened yet) but we're at logger-heads about this move date.


    Even my content insurance dates weren't enough for them. THose have to, by law, always be up to date to keep in line with the contract, but alas, here I am. Being chased for more money that someone else imagined up.


    Any ideas as to how to approach this?




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