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Posts posted by roboraver

  1. Have only invoked breathing space with the Natwest loan and Aqua have allowed me to defer payment until next month on the 6th.


    All of the debts are recent (Well the last 3-5 years really) but will have to check tomorrow for the exact date.



    The loan was taken out in dec 2017 am not sure when the others were taken out but not more then 5 years I would say and the last was the Studio account about 4 months ago (Should I just clear that account at least ?)



  2. Hello 

    Like most on here have got myself into a pickle and having been giving different advice by stepchange and payplan on which route to take am coming here for advice.


    I work from home (Job is secure for now but with covid / brexit it could change in a years time), have around £14k of debt and bank with natwest (I have just opened a very basic account with another bank so I can get my wages paid into it).



    Natwest Loan  / £3,407,03 left to pay / Currently paying £197pm (Have just missed 1 payment and now using breathing space for 30 days)

    Argos store card / £2,018.67 left to pay / Currently paying £86pm

    Capital One card 1 / £508 left to pay / Currently paying £50pm

    Capital One card 2 / £2,950 left to pay / Currently paying £212pm

    Aqua card / £3,600 left to pay / Currently paying £212pm

    Studio24 / £152 left to pay / Currently paying £40pm

    Very / £1,315 left to pay / Currently paying £100


    Then I have other expenses (Rent 575, council tax £175, Utilities £175  etc) am just left with nothing and that is just by paying the bare minimum. 


    What would you advise ? my credit file is trashed now as have been gone over my balance on the credit cards and paying back the minimum to clear them.



  3. Well, for the computer gadet company that I work for the warranty is 2 years (As long as proof of purchase is provided). But am not certain if this is just our company policy or if it is some EU regulation (Something about electrical components being fit for purpose for up to 2 years).


    Who is the manufacturer of the netbook ? sometimes contacting them directly (With the proof of purchase) is the better way forward, rather then contacting the retailers who you purchased it from.

  4. Sorry, the MCOL is a online HMCS site that allows you to file for damages and other claims in the courts: Her Majesty's Courts Service. But before filing I think you should wait for some advice from more experienced members (aka planner) as I am not sure what you should put down on your particulars of claim (Well it would be something like "So and so company signed a no break claus contract to rent out my property and then changed the terms of the contract without my permissionand against the terms of the contract".

    But is this a well known estate agents or a local one to your area ? only reason I am asking is that I know of quite a few in my area that have gone to the wall with the current market conditions, so maybe they will as well, so if you do sue they may wind up before judgement, maybe asking them to pay compensation for half the term amount for breaking the contract may be the next port of call (e.g. they want to stop 4 months in, you want payment for 4 months).


    Just my 2 cents worth, as I said, wait for a more experienced member to come along............

  5. Hi Sorry

    Was rushing my reply before, here is the more info


    The notice is from their mortage company seeking re-possession (Which it looks like they have got).


    We didn't get any correspondence at all (There have been letters coming for them but we didn't open them at all) so we have not even been in contact with the courts.


    This letter however had their name and any other occupants so we opened it and there you have it.

  6. OK kind of a Final Update:


    Got a letter today: "Notice of Eviction" dated the 8th of Jan from the local county court !


    Looks like Elvis will be leaving the building ! LL has not collected their letters for the last 2 months, so I am assuming they dont care and would rather be rid of the property (It needs the boiler changed, nogas safty certificate, damp etc).


    So it looks like I need to get out ASAP........

  7. I am by no means a expert ! so take everything I say with a pinch of salt (Am sure a more experienced member will come along) but from my own situation I think you need to contact the Environmental Health first of all and ask them ASAP to come and Visit your property, they do have the power to up you up the housing list.

    If the property will be re-possesed (Which does seem likely unfortunatly) thenyou should start looking for another place, but do not move until you get the court order and a date, if you do move before this then you will have made yourself intenionally homeless and the council will not have a obligation to re-house you.

  8. Thank you all for the advice (Planner, jackandwayne and surfaceagentx20 !), but I am struggling to understand their (the landlords) next move as such.

    I mean it seems they know that they served a incorrect s21 (As the dates were clearly out), they also know that they have failed to to get the gas safty certificate and investigate the situation with the damp (Even though the Environmental Health has been trying to contact them).


    I do have everything documented, but I am thinking what if they decide not to pursue going to court and decide not to continue paying the morgate (As they were in arrears), how soon would the mortgate company try to re-possess the property ? would it be in the next 3 weeks over xmas ?

    Could I posssibly contact the mortage company to see if I can pay them directly ? (Am just trying to cover all bases, then after xmas and ny and moving for sure).


    p.s Went to home base to buy some safty gadgets (Carbon Monoxide and fire alarms) just in case.


    Thank you all so far

  9. OK a slight update, a friend who lives oppersite called me yesterday afternoon that the landlord came around yesterday while I was at work and tried to enter the flat (We had the locks changed as my partner lost her key and as we don't have his address we could not send the spare set to him).


    I was under the impression that he had to give 24 hours notice if we wanted to visit ?


    Anyway he then waited until my partner came back from work after collecting our son from nursery and precedded to give her jib in a very menacing way, she politly told him to contact me as I am dealing with it.


    After I finished work I called him to remind him that the rent is in a savings account and asked when will we get the boiler checked and gas safty certificate and when will the bathroom / tab / damp be addressed (I must add in a polite manner).


    He then started to accuse me of living "rent free" and changing the locks on purspose and going behind his back (e.g. contacting the environmental health)


    I pointed out that I am more then happy to pay the rent if he can provide an address as per s48 and a bank account details where I can transfer the money into, at which point he said he will speak to his laywers and then hung up !


    I have a feeling when I get home today I might find the door smashed in and everything nicked :(

  10. Well the 1st has come and gone and no contact yet, will print out the information about the s48 & s21 for when the date on the s21 which he served (Which I suppose is then he will come around for the keys).


    Still no Gas Safty check yet and the damp is still bad (Leaving the windows open during the day when I am work is not really a option on a ground floor flat where I live !, I might as well leave the door open).

  11. Well things have moved on a fair bit.


    I contacted the council who came around and were shocked about the boiler took his telephone number and said 'dont worry we will contact him'.


    A few days later a odd job man appeared and said 'this pipe and that pipe need to be changed, will be back in a few hours with the bits'. Still waiting and no Gas Safty Certificate.


    Called the Health & Safety people who came around and found mould / dampness in one of the rooms. Again they said 'dont worry we will contact'.


    Roll on to today and just found a letter put in via the postbox from the landlord serving a S21 notice !! giving us until the 15th of Nov to move out. I though that it was at least 2 months ? and why do I get the feeling they are being rather bitter because I contacted the council about the gas safety check !

  12. But doesnt with holding rent mean we could be evicted as it is a offence ? bearing in mind we are already 1 months rent in arrears (But have a verbal agreement to pay off) but he could use the 2 months of not paying rent t get us evicted ?


    I mean does the section 20 take prefernece over a section 21 (I think, not sure if thats the one about landlords being able to evict tenants that have not paid rent for 2 months)

  13. Hi All

    Need some urgent advice as not sure what to do. Our landlord of 5 years has not carried out a gas safty check at all and although we have mentioned this to him on a number of times (As the boiler is making very loud banging sounds when in use) he has not done anything to date about it.

    Further more we discovered over the weekend that the bedroom wall that is backing onto the bathroom has mould all over it so it looks like there is a leak from the bathroom somewhere. Bearing in mind this is a 1 bedroom property we have moved in the the main living room (myself, my partner and 3 year old son !)

    We still do have the original tenency agreement but this ran out years ago and we have not signed another one in at least 3 years ! We are 1 month behind on rent, but came to a verbal agreement that this will be paid back once my son finished nursery (As the fee's are extreamly high !)


    We are also on the council waiting list and have been for the last 3 years but are in a very low band. If we could afford to move out we would tomorrow !


    Now before contacting the council can anyone offer any advice ?

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