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Posts posted by rosybunny06

  1. Hello Folks

    Just to let you know I sent a letter under the CCA to HFC Bank in July and they have failed to provide me with a copy of the original agreement. I have stopped making payments after they failed to comply with my request. They tried to make me continue paying by threatening extra charges etc. and have now passed my details to a debt recovery company. I rang the debt company this morning to explain my position and they have put a hold on my account until further notice. I have written a letter to HFC stating "letter before action" explaining that they have failed to comply and that if they continue to pursue me for money I will report them to the relevant authorities.

    You can all keep you fingers crossed that this will do the trick and they will close the matter.

  2. Hi Karnevil

    My issue is that some guy rang me up unsolicited and conned me into taking a loan out at an extortionate rate of final amount payable. I was 27 years old, ignorant and totally unsavvy with finance and even though I tried to ask the right questions I feel he lied to me. When I rang HFC approx 2 years ago to get a final settlement fee and explain I felt I had been hoodwinked about the amounts, the guy I spoke to said he was sorry if I felt that way but there was nothing I could do but keep paying and that it was an old agreement and that they wouldn't even have any records of it anymore other than I still had payments to make - he said that they didn't do that type of loan anymore (I wonder why!!!). So I feel justified in contesting paying it and if they don't even have an original agreement on file anymore which doesn't surprise me tough for them. Sorry if this sounds naive but I'm pretty desperate and really cross with these big companies targeting the most in need and vulnerable with their hard sell/dodgy tactics.:eek:

  3. Hi Lickthewallfatboy

    I have my fingers crossed for you that would be a nice little sum to get written off.:D

    I sent my letter off to HFC Bank on Saturday requesting my credit agreement so their 12 days are counting down!! I also received a letter from the Northern Bank saying they will gather my account info as per my subject access request within the 40 day time period - no stalling tactics as yet but I won't hold my breath.

    My hubby and I have £21,000 in debt at the moment and we are severely stressed funnily enough! He is on benefits as he has MS and is finding it hard to get any work. I work for an NHS Trust and don't get paid enough to keep us both. We have been burying our heads in the sand for too long but this group has been great, your info and advice as well as all the other contributors and knowing that we are not the only ones has been of great comfort to me.:)


    My next plan of action to raise cash, is to try and get a surrender value for two old pensions we have that are currently frozen, do a car boot and contact all my debtors and ask for my interest to be frozen. I also plan to contact Northern Rock about our mortgage and see if they can help by reducing our monthly payments. We are also going to try and see if Disability Action can give us any support as well as the MS Society. Any other advice that you or anybody else have would be appreciated.:oops:

  4. Hi Lickthewallfatboy

    There doesn't seem to be a template of the letter to ask for a signed credit agreement. Could I impose on your good nature for an outline of how you worded your letter to First Direct? I have a bone to pick with HSC who took advantage of me with a dastardly loan many years ago when I was even younger and more naive and I am still paying for it.:Cry:

  5. Just another thought has anyone any idea how things work working with these amounts of money, I'm not quite sure I understand properly.


    Will it be necessary to go to the High Court or not?


    There are 2 accounts a business account and a personal account.


    The business has accrued 17.7k in charges and interest on the charges.


    The personal account has accrued the rest.....not happy reading.


    Would I be better to treat the sum as one or to avoid High court is it better to apply separately.


    I have spoken to both an accountant and solicitor and a journalist(who is dying to write about the case), noone can believe just how obscene and blatent the charges are. So no you really did read it correctly....looking forward to getting it all back and suing them for defamation on my credit history also....Then I can start on The Ulster Bank who owe in and around 10k!


    Then gonna send some money to this site and go on a very nice holiday paid for by the bank think I'll send them a post card.....I really fancy Fiji!! Any suggestions! Answers on a postcard please(sorry)....email will do!


    PS I totally hate them!


    Hello Fellow Haters of the Northern Bank


    I am new to the site and am totally blown away by all this. I have been charged over £300 just in the last 2 months alone. I have been having money problems since my hubby has been out of work due to a incurable medical condition. As you all have been discussing the Northern just can't wait for you to fall on hard times before they stick the knife in with their charges. Every other day another £25 fee pops up on my account and I am having a nightmare. Went into the branch on the Monday and my account manager was too busy to see me. Was told she would get back to me by phone later that day - and I was gobsmacked when I didn't recieve that call, NOT! In fact I had to ring the bank back on Friday from work when I still hadn't heard from them. Sparing you all the bull I was told and cutting the story short I am going in tommorrow and will be bringing my SAR - (Subject Access Request) letter with me and asking for Nuala Walsh's address if help is not forthcoming. We can do this the easy way or the hard - let's see what happens...

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