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Posts posted by Tickboy

  1. Just before Covid 2.5+ years ago, experienced back pain...just happened. Made an appointment and was told would have to go for an MRI Scan. After that was a Frontline worker and working too many hours. The pain is constant and daily, and most of the time just power through. A short time afterwards, the pain increased and movement was severely limited to the point of need of assistance to tie shoelaces. Again, called Doctor and was given stronger medication - Did not alleviate the pain.

    Time passed, and the MRI was forgotten about, although the pain was still there and my capabilities were reduced, pride, or I don't know what, prevented me from telling my employer - Just needed the job. Part of the job involves sitting and getting up and walking upstairs, this aggravates the pain. The stress of dealing with the constant pain ...luckily the job ended and using the redundancy payment took 2 months off to rest and recover.

    Approx 3 weeks ago after signing on and the Universal Credit have been advised, "My back is injured" and were advised during last period of employment, "My back is injured"

    Made an appointment and told the doctor of the pain and was point-blank refused a Fit Note until she receives the results of the MRI Scan - What puzzles me is after being told about the physical and mental state, she is making an appointment and declining to write a fit note!

    Checked hospital records and the wards dealing with back pain received no request for an MRI Scan.

    To date I'm expected to accept any job, and although I can live my day-to-day life, have additional sports injury and that restricts my ability, my back pain restricts my ability to lift - back spasms, pain and becoming unbalanced, not sure DWP and Doctor understand pain does not have a timetable.

    Have made another appointment and earliest date available is September 15th. Have another job, Saturday evening and this can leave me in pain Sunday to Wednesday, though this time the pain after lifting a light item left me lying on the floor and the pain lasted for a week until returning to soul sapping after getting up off the seat and having to move.

    Am genuinely worried about the UC stance expecting me to fulfil commitment.....

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