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Posts posted by Soks99

  1. Good evening all. 


    First of I apologies if I've posted in the wrong forum, I wasn't 100% sure on where to post. 

    I took out an EE contract around end of 2021 to the begining of 2022, unfortunately my dad passed away in may 2022 and I was struggling mentally and shut myself off to the world, including resigning from my job as things were getting to much for me, I also moved back to my mum's as she was also struggling, this has lead me to forget about a few bills I had and EE being one of them. 

    Not sure how but they have my mum's address and have sent a letter stating notice of action, advising they have been instructed for legal proceedings unless I pay the full amount. 

    I'm unsure what to do as I've never received such letter like this before and the amount they're asking seems to be a lot more then I remember. Like a lot more. At the moment I'm still unemployed but I have successful in a position within the financial sector starting 10th July and have nothing to give until my first pay day around end of July and I'm unsure what to do. 


    Apologies for the long post, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


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