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Posts posted by Flyingmonk9

  1. Hi hope someone can help

    I have been in the phone to utilita energy they have put me on a premium tariff for my gas ,for 4200 units I have been charged £1480.00 in the last 12 months.

    My electric is on a decent tariff so not an issue as I have a smart meter, I requested one for gas but they have not done This yet.

    The overcharge is because I have not got a direct debit set up, I worked out this is Charging me £780 a year more than if I had a direct debit.

    My overall energy bill for the last 12 months is £2470.00 only £30 less than the government cap and gas usage is less than half the average and my electricity is 2250 kWh below the national average as well.

    I am the only worker in a  low income family with 2 disabled people in my household my partner and daughter.

    This overcharge is way over the acceptable amount.

    My average cost for gas unit worked out at 34p a unit.

    Can anyone give me advice on dealing with this. I am currently in debt by £160 with utility because of the cost and have only just realised how much extra they are charging.

    They have also now added a £40 late payment charge so now £200 in debt. 

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