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mary-anne devenport

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Posts posted by mary-anne devenport

  1. Thank for your time and guidence.


    Is there no pre warning before ccj?


    Knowing my current address can they not send bailiffs here?


    Or they'll contact a local debt collectors in Spain and they'll threaten me with the same bankruptcy?


    Is there any way out or will I end up paying them back either way?


    Will I get confirmation when they receive my updated address? I guess they'll send letters here?

  2. I worked in Dubai 5 years ago, like everyone else I had bank loan for my rental payments and credit card for the weekends. Somehow my debts ramped up pretty quickly then all of a sudden the company I worked for had financial issues and stopped paying. I was threatened by blacklisting and travel bans, with this possibility looming over me and no sign of my company becoming more financially stable, I jumped ship.


    Iv stuck to my original decision of not dealing with debt collectors, but now I'm a bit more nature and have more to risk, a visit to my spam email folder and a quick look at their last email has stirred up some unsettled feelings when I see the word 'bankrupt'.


    I don't work or live in the UK, the address they once had for me is where my grandmother lives. Very early on I told them they cannot contact me at that address as I will take them to court for harassment towards her. I never received another letter.


    As I don't like in the UK they won't be able to serve me and kind of demand although I see in the latest email that's their current threat. They've been instructed to issue legal demands and follow up with filing for my bankruptcy.


    Should I stand up again holding two pairs of rebellious fingers or take this serious?


    Thank you for reading,



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