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Posts posted by albouk

  1. To be honest it was very rushed, and I believed the points raised (deed of assignment & statutory notices) at best would have taken it to trial or had the case adjourned giving me more time to negotiate a settlement. I didn’t believe it would be discontinued. I can only assume a problem was lurking with the assignment because the statutory notices could have easily been resolved.

  2. I will be able to share that dependant on the outcome of Tuesdays hearing or if they walk away from the case before then. I don’t want to jeopardise anything just yet.


    After reviewing the letter again, it stated let us know if you don’t want to settle for £600 so we can take further instructions from our client. So, I called to give them every opportunity to walk away from the case before Tuesday’s hearing. Let’s see what happens between now and then. I will update this post as soon as I have anything more to share.

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  3. After reviewing my witness statement Mortimer Clarke have stated their client is willing to accept a settlement of £600 which was my last offer to them! Thats because they have absolutely no chance in winning their case. I have told them to proceed to Tuesday’s hearing, where they will either have their claim dismissed or have it sent to trial and have to pay my costs and their own expenses.

  4. I would be arguing that credit agreement is not legible for starters - Does it say anything about the Onbudsmen service?


    Default notice doesnt show the FCA sheet that should have been included. I would be questioning what date and method of post was used to serve it because the minimum required 14 days may have not been provided especially if it was sent 2nd class.


    No proof they have been sending you notice of sums in arrears notices. - Makes the agreement unenforcable until its completed. Should be done a minimum of every 12 months or as in the agreement.

  5. One thing I can pick up on straight away is the fact your debt was assigned to Cabot Credit Managment Group however its Cabot Fiancial (UK) Ltd whos taken you to court.

    They are not FCA authorised and cannot enforce a regulated agreement in court.

    The ownership title needs proven.

    Its likely that its Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd but they have to use a service provider to enforce the agreement, thats where the other arms of Cabot come into play.

    It gives so some wriggle room to force them to show the deed of assignment.

    Can you upload a better image of the terms of the agreement?

  6. I’m not sure who has added the MBNA to the text or title of this post, it wasn’t me. The card was a Newday Fluid.


    The IP address is ours I investigated that. I don’t remember taking out the card at all!


    After looking at the bundle of evidence they have submitted I can see 2 points to go back at them with which may be enough to stop the summary judgement.


    1. I don’t recall receiving a default notice, as this is a purchased debt they are relying on information from Newday. They have provided a default notice but have failed to show proof of service.


    2. In the credit agreement page 21 onto 22 of the exhibits “how can the agreement be ended”  it states they can cancel the agreement giving 2 months’ notice and then goes on to say in the same headed section about repeated missed payments etc. At the bottom it states “we will give you advance notice and the chance to fix the breach before taking these steps”. As a default notice is a termination of the agreement could I argue even if the default notice was served they didn’t give me 2 months as in the agreement. I know in other credit agreements I have they clearly differentiate between normal termination and default termination.


    What are your thoughts?

  7. Just let them!


    If I pay up Im doing it on the day of the hearing, the court told me I have until the hearing to pay without further costs.


    Its harsh we have to the £150 court and solicitor fee when there wasnt even a hearing.

    They told me thats payable as a claim was issued, if it went to the full hearing and I lose the fees would be £950.


    I tried to negotiate a lower amount but they wouldn't have any of it.

  8. This debt was originally for a Newday Fluid credit card which has since been sold to Cabot Financial and is now being pursued by Mortimer Clarke.


    When Mortimer Clarke began to chase the debt I asked for the credit agreement, default notice and deed of assignment, this was not produced at the time of asking, they claim it was sent out in their witness statement!


    They sent out a LBA 6 months later on the 25th March 2021 which we did ignore because of the lack of evidence, on the 28th March 2021 they issued a claim.


    I did defend the claim stating they had not shown the debt existed as they failed to provide the credit agreement, default notice and deed of assignment. The case was left stayed until late February 2023 and now they are applying for Summary Judgement.


    2 other things to note,

    in their witness statement they state they sent out the documents asked for in the defence on the 18th of February 2022,

    upon checking the document in the witness statement it was sent to an email address belonging to my partner which is a surprise since all previous contact was via post and he does not remember getting it.


    They did send a warning about applying for summary judgement back in September 2022 but again we ignored this because we didn’t have the documents.

    The first time we have seen the requested documents is upon receiving the bundle from the court last week.


    The hearing is on the 28th March 2023.


    This and all other debts defaulted back in summer 2019 ideally, I do not want a CCJ.

    The only anomaly I can see to argue my case is that we never did receive a default notice at the time even though one has been included as evidence.


    I have on a “without prejudice save as to costs” basis attempted to come to an arrangement with them.

    I offered £500 as a full and final settlement or £100 per month for the full debt.

    This was rejected as they have been advised to pursue for Summary Judgement even though in their witness statement, they would be happy to accept monthly payments if I lose.


    They then sent an email stating they would ask the court for costs totalling around £750.


    Any help would be appreciated.

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