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Posts posted by mizzdee1424

  1. I went into the shop & I was followed literally all the way round by a female member of staff, I then went to the checkout, she was again behind me the entire time.


    I made my purchase & got cashback & walked to the exit. (she was still behind me & following me)

    When I got out of the store she said to me " the shop next door does talk to us you know" (the shop next door was a home bargains which was actually closed at the time)


    I asked her what she meant she said they have warned her about me & that she knows I'm a shoplifter, she then said I need to leave & not come back. I asked for her name & told her I will be making a complaint. I don't visit these shops very often at all & after this incident I certainly don't feel comfortable returning.


    I am thinking of visiting home bargains to question the allegation she made about them warning her about me (obviously I know it's not true because I'm not a shoplifter & I haven't been in home bargains at all recently) but I'm not sure if I should or if there's any point.


    I made a complaint about her but I've not heard anything yet. It's not only offensive it's also humiliating, demeaning, very belittling & slanderous.


    What outcome should I expect from my complaint & is there anything I need to say or do ?


    Thank You

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