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Posts posted by daisybees

  1. I had to get rid of my sofa in the lounge so that I can have the wheelchair in to charge it and store it when I am not using it. I lost the will to fight the housing association as I couldn't see them backing down. I'm not happy about it but it was the only  way around it - maybe I should put tinsel all over it at Christmas and send the housing association a photo of it wishing them happy exmas :-)  

    Actually I am not surprised that the association refused planning now I think about it - it's a fight to get even a small job done. I had 14 leaks from my bathroom into my lounge, and 14 years for them to decide to change from water tank and boiler to a combi boiler.

  2. Hi thank for your advice.  I asked for two quotes from reputable firms and I have told my housing association that they are more than welcome to look at the plans.  Also I have put in writing asking for permission and received a big fat no. I  I have french windows so conservatory wouold be attached to the house.  I wish I knew a 'wee Davey' he could do a few jobs that I need doing around the house lol. I doubt there is anyway they will let  have one, I can put up a sunroom as long as its not attached to the house, its not ideal as if and when I need to use the wheelchair in the it house it will be differcult to go over the door steps. Nothing in life is easy, at least not for me :-)

  3.  I rang my housing association a month or so ago to ask about getting permission for a conservatory to be erected in my garden,  i was told I could as it was a disability issue.  
    All I had to do was get either my OT or my doctor to fill in the appropriate form, I forgot what the form was so rang them back this week, I was then told I was not allowed to have one and to just put up a shed.   
    Why would I put an expensive wheelchair in a shed (£17,000), I doubt an insurance company would insure it if it was in a shed -. it would need regular charging and being close to house it would be easily accessible. I cannot use a normal self-propelling wheelchair as my arms and hands are painful and not strong enough, I am therefore stuck indoor 99% of the time. An electric wheelchair (with a hoist for the car) would give me back my freedom as the wheelchair is hands free.
    The conservatory would be put up by a reputable company, so would not be some awful carbuncle. I would appreciate any help with what I can do.
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