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Posts posted by Steve48

  1. Quote

    You notice this defect? Do you or the installer?


    - The installer when they were fitting, so quite close to the carpet.


    It seems to me that I am within my rights to have the carpet replaced (which was their original offer), but it still leaves the question of re-fitting - which they say they won't pay and therefore would leave us out of pocket.


    Full refund doesn't really help as we'd have to buy it again and the price has gone up since January and would still have to pay for fitting (even if they refunded the original costs).

  2. T&C:

    Please note, in the event of any complaint, if a replacement is authorised by the manufacturer, we are not liable for any fitting, uplifting or removal charges of any kind.


    All inspections to your goods should be made prior to cutting and fitting the goods.


    Under no circumstances will any complaint be accepted after a carpet has been cut into or fitted.


    Once a replacement carpet has been authorised, the existing carpet should be uplifted and ready for collection at the point of re-delivery.


    If the original carpet is not ready and uplifted, we will not be able to deliver replacement goods and you may be liable for further delivery charges.



  3. Delivered 12th January 2022, Fitted 14th January, retailer notified 4th Feb.

    Supplier: Big Red Carpet Company, Manufacturer Penthouse Carpets



    The Big Red Carpet Company offers all the top carpet, hard flooring and rug brands, including underlay & accessories, at the best supply only prices in...


  4. We purchased a new stair carpet in January 2022 from an online supplier for £430. We used independent contractors to fit the new carpet.


    It wasn’t until the carpet had been cut and was being fitted that the fitters noticed that some of the tufts on the edge of the stairs had no dye and so were white rather than terracotta. We contacted the suppliers to see if they were able to supply any dye so we could just touch it up. They said they couldn’t and pointed out that in their terms and conditions it stated that the carpet should be fully checked before fitting for any defects.


    Several months passed during which we tried to get some response from the supplier and eventually in August an inspector was sent out to look at the defects and recommended that the manufacturer should replace the carpet. Finally in October we were offered either £75 compensation or a replacement carpet, but this would not include any refitting costs. We pointed out that we would be out of pocket if this did not include fitting. We contacted the manufacturer by phone who said they would go back to the supplier with a better offer.


    We have now just been informed by the supplier that the manufacturer has withdrawn their original offer due to “recent emails/telephone calls sent/made by yourselves to the manufacturer of which they have repeatedly politely requested for you to contact ourselves due to the Contract of Sale Agreement”. We have been contacting both to try and get some progress! The supplier has now offered £100 or return the carpet and given us 7 days otherwise they will assume we no longer wish to pursue the claim.


    We are wondering if we can get some fabric paint as near a colour as possible to touch it up ourselves but also wondered if they are being reasonable?


    We have also contacted the fitters to see if they would be willing to refit it for free as perhaps they should have checked it first, but they say they won’t as it was not their responsibility to check it first.

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